"Transport" Gallery

2d upending tool: barge transfer completed
2025-03-17 - After crossing the inland sea of Berre (photo), the two halves of the upending tool expected at ITER were unloaded for the last leg of the journey—road transport along the 104 km of the ITER itinerary.

2d upending tool soon at ITER
2025-03-16 - One half of an upending tool is brought on board a barge in France to cross the inland sea of Berre. This second upending tool, which will add capacity for the assembly of the vacuum vessel, will soon be at ITER.

Second upending tool on its way
2025-01-18 - In order to accelerate operations related to vacuum vessel sector repair and sector module assembly, the ITER Organization has ordered a second upending tool—a 200-tonne frame designed to lift huge components from horizontal to vertical. Manufactured by Yujin Mechatronics and destined for installation in the ITER Assembly Hall, the tool left the Korean port of Onsan on 18 January. The load was transferred two days later to the seafaring vessel that will reach Fos-sur-Mer harbour in mid-March. (Photo DAHER)

Last components for central solenoid structure
2025-01-15 - The last shipment of components of the support structure for the central solenoid delivery was prepared in Pennsylvania during January 2025. Credit: US ITER

First batch of shield blocks leave China
2024-12-17 - China, responsible for the procurement of 220 blanket shield blocks for the ITER machine, oversees the shipment of a first batch of 48 in December. The truck is seen here leaving Donfang Electric Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. in Guanzhou.

Sector #1 arrives from Korea
2024-11-08 - After nearly three months of travel, including four nights along the ITER itinerary to finally reach the worksite, vacuum vessel sector #1 is delivered by Korea. This concludes the procurement of the four sectors that were under Korean responsibility (#6, #7, #8 and #1).

Last Korean sector on its way
2024-10-28 - A barge carries 440-tonne ITER vacuum vessel #1, from Korea, through the narrow Canal de Caronte that leads from the Mediterranean Gulf of Fos into the inland sea Étang de Berre. The largest ITER components travel by ship, then barge, then road to reach the construction site in southern France. Photo: DAHER

Europe delivers sector #5
2024-10-25 - Early in the morning on 25 October, vacuum vessel sector #5 arrives on site. This is the first European sector to arrive out of five expected.

Travel by night
2024-10-23 - Large ITER convoys travel at night. Here, vacuum vessel sector #5 is photographed as it crosses the A51 motorway, which has been temporarily closed to all traffic.

Country roads
2024-10-21 - European vacuum vessel sector #5 starts along the ITER Itinerary, which connects the French village of Berre near the Mediterranean with the ITER site.

Korean sector unloaded at Fos
2024-10-15 - ITER vacuum vessel sector #1, shipped by the Korean Domestic Agency, has been unloaded at the French port of Fos-sur-Mer. It is expected at ITER in early November.

Barge crossing for sector 5
2024-10-11 - Arriving at the French port of Fos-sur-Mer from Monfalcone, Italy, was only the first stage of transport for vacuum vessel sector 5. Next, it had to be transported by barge across the inland sea Étang de Berre (155 km²). The European-made sector successfully made the crossing on 11 October.

The first European sector is on its way
2024-10-02 - ITER vacuum vessel sector #5 is loaded on a ship in Monfalcone, Italy, for transfer to ITER. This is the first of five vacuum vessel sectors expected from the European Domestic Agency; Korea has delivered four others (with the last one travelling now).

Test stand frame leaving Russia
2024-08-27 - A large 20-tonne frame has left its manufacturing facility in Bryansk, Russia, for shipment to ITER. The metal structure will be integrated as part of the first test stand that will test vacuum vessel port plugs before their installation on the ITER machine.

Korean sector #1 is travelling
2024-08-23 - ITER vacuum vessel sector #1 left Mipo Port, Korea, on 24 August for its journey to ITER. The Korean Domestic Agency has now shipped the four vacuum vessel sectors it was responsible for. Europe will deliver five others.

Japan ships divertor target prototype to ITER
2024-08-15 - Japan is shipping a full-scale prototype of a divertor target—the outer vertical target—to ITER for integration with the other components of a divertor cassette for assembly trials. The divertor is THE component that receives the highest heat flux of the ITER machine.

Europe delivers neutral beam power supply equipment
2024-05-14 - In May, the European Domestic Agency delivers acceleration grid power supply equipment for the ITER neutral beam system. This equipment, manufactured by NIDEC (Italy), will serve the five-stage acceleration of the ion beam, taking power from the grid at 22kV AC and converting it, together with five high-voltage DC generators produced by ITER Japan, to 1 MV DC power.

Transformer makes barge crossing
2024-01-10 - A large electrical transformer/converter is transported by barge across the inland sea of Berre. When it reaches the other side this component, manufactured in Korea, will travel 104 km by road to reach ITER.

US delivers 4th central solenoid module
2023-12-22 - The United States Domestic Agency delivers a 110-tonne central solenoid magnet—the fourth of its kind to reach ITER. Six modules are required to build the central solenoid tower; a seventh will be delivered as a spare.

Korean converter unit reaches France
2023-12-18 - This 11-metre, 109-tonne AC/DC transformer/converter unit is the last of 18 supplied by the Korean Domestic Agency since 2018. When it arrives on the ITER site in January, it will be integrated into a complex arrangement of equipment dedicated to converting the power supplied by the French grid to the voltage required for the operation of ITER's magnets.

Delivery of very last toroidal field coil
2023-12-15 - With the delivery of toroidal field coil #18 (TF18) on 15 December 2023, all nineteen toroidal field coils (18 plus one spare) are now at ITER. Since April 2020, the Domestic Agencies of Europe and Japan have shipped the components (10 and 9 coils respectively) at a regular pace.

Seen from the sky: travelling by barge
2023-11-30 - A barge leaves the port of Fos-sur-Mer with a 110-tonne central solenoid module (and its transport platform and transport truck) on board. It will take several hours to cross the inland sea of Berre—a trip that is only undertaken if the weather conditions are optimal.

110-tonne central solenoid module reaches France
2023-11-27 - The fourth central solenoid module shipped by the United States Domestic Agency has reached Fos-sur-Mer, France. Six of these 110-tonne modules will be stacked to form the tower-like central solenoid magnet.

2023-11-23 - Toroidal field coil #18, from Europe, crosses the inland sea of Berre on its way to the ITER Itinerary, where it will begin its travel by road to ITER.

Last magnet supports leave China
2023-11-16 - In November, the Chinese Domestic Agency celebrates the shipment (photo) of the last batch of magnet supports. Over the years, China has delivered 18 toroidal field coil gravity supports, 18 coil clamps each for poloidal field coils PF2, PF3, PF4 and PF5; 9 coil clamps each for PF1 and PF6; and supports for all 18 correction coils—in all, approximately 1,600 tonnes of material.

Last toroidal field coil loaded in Italy
2023-11-16 - Toroidal field coil #18 (TF18), produced in Europe, was loaded onto a vessel at Porto Marghera, Italy, on 16 November. This is the last D-shaped coil supplied by Europe to the ITER Project.

Japan delivers its last D-shaped coil
2023-11-10 - Since April 2020, Japan has delivered 9 toroidal field coils to the ITER Project—8 regular coils and 1 spare. With the arrival of toroidal field coil #19 on 10 November 2023, a ten-year industrial adventure concludes.

Central solenoid module leaving Houston
2023-11-06 - A fourth completed central solenoid module, manufactured by US contractor General Atomics, has left the port of Houston, Texas, for its long journey to ITER. It is expected to be delivered to the ITER site in late December.

Europe sends last toroidal field coil
2023-10-23 - Toroidal field coil #19 (TF19)—the last of ten toroidal field coils expected from the European Domestic Agency—is loaded at the SIMIC factory in Italy on 23 October.

On the way to ITER
2023-10-18 - Bringing an ITER component from the French port of Fos-sur-Mer to the ITER site is a stepwise process: road transport from the port to the loading dock at the inland sea of Berre (pictured), a several-hour crossing of the inland sea by barge, and finally transfer to the 104-kilometre road itinerary that leads to ITER.

Last D-shaped coil from Japan arrives in France
2023-10-12 - Toroidal field coil #19 has been unloaded at Fos-sur-Mer. This nineteenth coil, supplied by Japan, has been planned as a spare as the ITER machine only needs 18.

Feeder component from China
2023-10-12 - An "in-cryostat feeder" has reached France from China. This semi-circular component will fit inside the cylindrical cryostat to deliver power, cryogens and instrumentation to four of the top correction coils.

TF19: Toroidal field magnet loaded at Kobe Port
2023-09-03 - Carefully protected inside of a metal structure, toroidal field coil #19 (TF19) has been loaded at Kobe Port. The oceangoing vessel will be departing Japan on 4 September.

Japan ships last D-shaped coil
2023-08-24 - Toroidal field coil #19 (TF19) has been shipped from the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries facility in Futami, Japan. This is the ninth, and last, D-shaped coil to be supplied by the Japanese Domestic Agency to the ITER Organization.

Feeder components on their way from China
2023-08-19 - This in-cryostat feeder will connect directly to some of the top correction coils of the ITER machine, delivering electrical power, cryogens and instrumentation. Fabricated by ASIPP in China, it has been loaded on board a vessel in Shanghai and is expected to reach France in September.

2023-08-08 - A 350-tonne ring-shaped magnet, poloidal field coil #4, is delivered by the European Domestic Agency on 8 August 2023. Only one poloidal field coil (out of six) remains to be completed.

Delivered: central solenoid magnet
2023-07-19 - This 110-tonne central solenoid magnet shipped by the US Domestic Agency in May travelled three nights along the ITER Itinerary to reach ITER during the final leg of its journey. It passed the ITER gates at 2:00 a.m. on 20 July 2023.

Coil from Japan reaches France
2023-07-13 - Toroidal field coil #7 (TF07) from Japan has reached France. It was unloaded at Fos-sur-Mer on 11 July and then ferried by barge to the start of the ITER road itinerary at Berre port. It will be transported to the ITER site later this month.

ITER magnet: ferried by barge
2023-07-07 - Large components on their way to ITER leave their oceangoing ship for another type of vessel—a specially built barge that can ferry them across the inland sea of Berre to the departure point of the ITER road itinerary. This central solenoid module procured by the US Domestic Agency had perfect wind and weather conditions for its crossing.

2023-07-04 - The third central solenoid module to be completed by US Domestic Agency contractor General Atomics and shipped to ITER has been unloaded at the port of Fos-sur-Mer, France. It will be scheduled for road transport to ITER later this summer.

Central solenoid module ready for ocean crossing
2023-06-16 - A central solenoid coil pack, or module, is loaded onto a vessel at Houston Port (Texas, USA) for shipment to ITER.

Last regular coil leaves Japan
2023-05-17 - Toroidal field coil #7 (TF07) has left Japan for ITER. This is the eighth (and last) regular vertical coil supplied by the Japanese Domestic Agency. One other will be supplied as a spare. Delivery is expected in June.

Third central solenoid module leaves US factory
2023-05-10 - This 110-tonne central solenoid module manufactured by General Atomics (San Diego, California) is on its way to the ITER site. Six modules will be stacked at ITER to form the complete central solenoid magnet.

Large magnet feeder segment arrives from China
2023-03-24 - This in-cryostat feeder will connect directly to some of the top correction coils of the ITER machine, delivering electrical power, cryogens and instrumentation. Fabricated by ASIPP in China, it reached the port of Fos-sur-Mer, France, on 23 March 2023.

Japan: Last regular vertical coil travelling
2023-03-22 - Toroidal field coil #07 (TF07) has been loaded on a barge at Yokohama Port for transport to ITER. Manufactured by Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions, this is the eighth and last regular vertical coil to be supplied by Japan.

32 sets of cryojumpers
2023-03-02 - Small but essential: the "cryojumpers" delivered recently to ITER are semi-flexible cryogenic pipes that distribute helium to the cryopumps responsible for creating the required level of vacuum in the vacuum vessel and cryostat.

Japan ships two more gyrotrons
2023-02-14 - Two 3-metre-tall, 800-kilo gyrotrons have left Japan for ITER. The Japanese Domestic Agency is responsible for supplying 8 of these high-powered microwave-generating systems for electron cyclotron heating at ITER. With this shipment, the four gyrotrons needed from Japan for First Plasma will be on site.

Russia delivers ring magnet PF1
2023-02-10 - On Friday 10 February, poloidal field coil PF1 from Russia is delivered to the ITER site. This 160-tonne, 9-metre-in-diameter magnet will be the top ring magnet of the ITER machine, installed after the completion of the vacuum vessel.

European D-shaped coil arrives
2023-01-20 - Early in the morning on Friday 20 January 2023, this 330-tonne toroidal field coil, TF1, passed through the ITER gates. It is the ninth D-shaped coil that has been delivered since 2020 by the European Domestic Agency and the sixteenth overall (out of 19). Only one more is expected from Europe.

Japan's TF15 coil arrives on site
2023-01-17 - Toroidal field coil #15 (TF15) reaches the ITER site on 13 January 2023. Only one more vertical coil is expected from Japan. © Jean-Marie Hosatte - REA

Japan's TF15 magnet coil reaches France
2022-12-15 - Toroidal field coil #15 (TF15), manufactured by Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions for ITER Japan, has been unloaded at the French port of Fos-sur-Mer. It will be transferred to ITER in January.

Europe's TF01 magnet coil reaches France
2022-12-15 - The same day as TF15 from Japan, Europe's TF01 toroidal field coil is unloaded at Fos-sur-Mer port. Manufactured in Italy by two consortiums—ASG (ASG Superconductors, Iberdrola, et Elytt Energy) and SIMIC/CNIM—the 330-tonne coil will travel to ITER in January.

Europe ships penultimate toroidal field coil
2022-12-07 - Toroidal field magnet TF01 is the ninth of ten toroidal field coils expected from Europe. It left Porto Marghera, Italy, on 7 December.

D-shaped coil leaves European facility
2022-11-24 - Toroidal field coil #1 (TF01) has left the SIMIC facility in Italy where the superconducting core was inserted into its structural steel case. The completed coil, the ninth procured by Europe, is on its way to ITER.

PF1 magnet coil on its way from Russia
2022-11-01 - The ring-shaped magnet that will sit at the top of the ITER machine, the 9-metre-in-diameter PF1 coil, has left the Sredne Nevsky Shipyard in St. Petersburg. The 200-tonne component left the factory on a barge and was reloaded onto a transport vessel in the port of Bronka on 1 November 2022.

Toroidal field coil leaves Yokohama Port
2022-10-14 - Toroidal field coil #15 (TF15) leaves Yokohama Port in Japan on 14 October 2022 for a six-week voyage to the French port of Fos-sur-Mer. It will be the 15th (of 19) toroidal field coils to reach ITER.

New D-shaped coil en route from Japan
2022-09-27 - Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions in Japan has finalized toroidal field coil #15 for the Japanese Domestic Agency, which is contributing nine D-shaped coils to ITER. TF15 took the first step of its voyage on 27 September when it was loaded onto a barge.

Already on a barge
2022-07-30 - PF1, ITER's smallest poloidal field coil, was manufactured in Russia directly atop a transport barge at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard near St Petersburg. The barge will be tugged backward out of the construction hall and into the Neva River; then, the coil and its platform will be transferred to a ship to begin the journey to ITER.

14th vertical coil arrives
2022-07-08 - Europe delivers TF14, which happens to be the 14th toroidal field coil to arrive on site, early in the morning of 7 July. Vertical coil deliveries will conclude next year with the arrival of number 19.

14th toroidal field coil en route to ITER
2022-07-05 - The European and Japanese Domestic Agencies are responsible for delivering a total of 19 toroidal field coils to ITER. The 14th coil (TF14 from Europe) is travelling now. Only 5 remain.

On the water
2022-04-27 - The European coil TF17 crosses through the Canal de Caronte (Martigues) to reach the inland sea of Berre. The ITER Itinerary begins on the other side...

Toroidal field coil #17 loaded in Marghera, Italy
2022-04-19 - TF17 is the seventh D-shaped superconducting coil to be finalized at SIMIC (Italy) for the account of the European Domestic Agency and shipped to ITER. It is seen here during loading at the port of Marghera.

2nd night of transport for 440-tonne vacuum vessel sector
2022-03-30 - Vacuum vessel sector #8, from Korea, is travelling this week at night along the ITER Itinerary. It will reach the ITER site early in the morning on Friday 1 April.

Japan delivers magnet coil
2022-03-18 - Toroidal field coil #16, from Japan, reaches the ITER site in the early hours of Friday 18 March.

Vacuum vessel sector reaches France
2022-03-09 - ITER vacuum vessel sector #8 has arrived from Korea. It was removed from the ship and placed directly on the barge that will bring the 440-tonne component across the inland sea of Berre to the start of the ITER road itinerary. This is the third sector procured by the Korean Domestic Agency. Photo: Emmanuel Bonici

Unloading a coil
2022-02-24 - Toroidal field coil #16, from Japan, is unloaded from the barge that carried it across the inland sea of Berre. The 360-tonne coil is expected at ITER in mid-March.

Japan delivers 10th coil case to Europe
2022-02-21 - Each of ITER's large D-shaped toroidal field magnets is formed from a superconducting winding pack protected by a massive steel case. Whereas the fabrication of 19 winding packs is split between Europe and Japan, the 19 coil case structures are procured entirely by Japan. In March, the tenth and final toroidal field coil case structure was delivered to SIMIC, in Italy, by the Japanese Domestic Agency.

Unloaded at Fos-sur-Mer: toroidal field coil #16
2022-02-14 - Toroidal field coil #16, from Japan, is unloaded from the vessel at Fos-sur-Mer, France, on 14 February 2022.

Next coil to reach ITER: TF16
2022-01-27 - Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation manufactured this ITER toroidal field coil (TF16) on behalf of the Japanese Domestic Agency. It will be the twelfth vertical coil (out of 19) to reach ITER.

Vacuum vessel sector ships from Korea
2022-01-26 - A 440-tonne ITER vacuum vessel sector—the third procured by ITER Korea—is loaded onto a ship at Ulsan Port. It is expected on site at ITER in March.

Toroidal field coil case, travelling from Japan
2022-01-20 - A 160-tonne package (the case for an ITER toroidal field coil) is loaded onto a ship in Japan. Once joined by a toroidal field coil manufactured by Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, the load will leave port.

360-tonne coil makes its way to ITER
2021-12-13 - From Berre l'Etang to Saint-Paul-lex-Durance, the road to ITER is 104 km long. Most components, like this toroidal field coil (TF4) procured by Europe, will travel over four nights.

Coil after coil
2021-11-24 - This D-shaped toroidal field coil shipped by Japan, TF2, will be the tenth vertical coil received at ITER when it arrives later this week. Two others are travelling.

Sixth European coil travelling
2021-11-22 - Europe is about to deliver its sixth toroidal field coil to ITER. TF4 has just been off-boarded at Fos-sur-Mer.

Toroidal field coils: a dozen now completed
2021-11-17 - Another toroidal field coil (TF16) produced by Toshiba, sub-contractor to ITER Japan, is brought to port. When it arrives, it will be the 12th D-shaped coil (out of 19 expected).

ITER magnet crosses Provence
2021-11-15 - Toroidal field coil #10, from Japan, is travelling along the ITER Itinerary to Saint-Paul-lez-Durance and the project site.

European coil loaded at Marghera, Italy
2021-11-12 - A toroidal field coil produced in Europe, TF4, is loaded onto a vesel at Marghera port (Italy) for shipment to ITER.

Back to back coils
2021-10-29 - Back to back, two toroidal field coils shipped by Japan are unloaded at the port of Fos-sur-Mer from the same vessel. (Pictured: TF10)

Back to back coils
2021-10-28 - Back to back, two toroidal field coils shipped by Japan are unloaded at the port of Fos-sur-Mer from the same vessel. (Pictured: TF2)

A second central solenoid module in transit to ITER
2021-10-07 - A 110-tonne central solenoid module—the second out of seven modules expected from the United States—is in transit to ITER. (It arrived on site on 14 October.) Six modules will be stacked to form the central solenoid magnet.

US ITER delivers first central solenoid module
2021-09-09 - The backbone of the ITER magnet system, the central solenoid, will be assembled from six independent coil packs (modules) stacked in an 18-metre-tall structure. The first central solenoid module is delivered by the United States on 9 September 2021.

Unusual: two magnet coils in same ship hold
2021-09-09 - Early September, two D-shaped toroidal field coils leave Japan on the same boat: TF2 manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (top) and TF10 manufactured by Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions (bottom).

Last night of travel for central solenoid module
2021-09-08 - It takes three nights for the first central solenoid module shipped by the United States to travel the 104 km between Berre l'Etang and the ITER site.

Europe delivers another vertical coil
2021-09-03 - A D-shaped toroidal field coil is delivered to ITER before dawn on 3 September 2021. The coil—TF6 from Europe—is the eighth vertical coil to reach the project site in Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France.

Second vacuum vessel sector received from Korea
2021-08-27 - The 440-tonne component arrived in the early hours of 27 August 2021. Korea is responsible for delivering two other sectors to the ITER Project; these are currently 96% and 89% completed on the factory floor at Hyundai Heavy Industries in Ulsan.

2021-08-26 - At 600 tonnes, including housing and the transport frame, vacuum vessel sectors are among the heaviest loads to travel the ITER Itinerary. They are also among the largest.

European coil completes barge crossing
2021-08-25 - Toroidal field coil #6, which left Marghera, Italy, on 14 August, has safely crossed the inland sea of Berre. It will now travel by convoy along the ITER Itinerary to the project site.

Major machine component travels across Provence
2021-08-24 - Vacuum vessel #1(7) has spent its first night travelling along the ITER Itinerary from the Berre landing zone to the village of Lançon de Provence. The huge component is expected on Friday 27 August. (Korean sector #1 will be installed in position #7 in the ITER Tokamak pit, hence the designation "#1(7)"...)

This D-shaped coil leaving Japan is ITER's ninth
2021-08-22 - ITER Members Japan and Europe are supplying the 18 D-shaped toroidal field coils required in the machine, plus an additional spare. With the loading of TF2 in Kobe, Japan, on 22 August—which is the ninth finalized coil—we are approaching the half-way mark.

Japanese coil loaded at Yokohama
2021-08-20 - Toroidal field coil #10 (TF10) is loaded at Yokohama Port on 20 August 2021. This is the fourth D-shaped coil supplied by the Japanese Domestic Agency to the ITER Project (out of 9 expected).

Europe sends 5th toroidal field coil
2021-08-18 - A fifth toroidal field coil completed by European contractors ASG Superconductors and SIMIC (TF6) crosses the inland sea of Berre by barge. It is now only 100 km from the ITER site.

Another vacuum vessel sector about to reach ITER
2021-08-16 - Protected in a cabin-like case, vacuum vessel sector #1(7) makes the short trip across the inland sea between Fos-sur-Mer and Berre l'Etang. It has been travelling since late June from Korea.

D-shaped coil leaving Marghera, Italy
2021-08-14 - Europe is supplying 10 toroidal field coils to the ITER project. Pictured being loaded at the Italian port of Marghera, Italy, is toroidal field coil #6 (TF6).

Second central solenoid module travelling
2021-08-13 - At the same time as a first 110-tonne central solenoid module is just kilometres from the ITER site, a second is leaving the General Atomics workshop in Poway, California. Module #2 was loaded on 13 August for truck transport to the port of Houston, Texas.

Vacuum vessel sector unloaded at French port
2021-08-07 - ITER vacuum vessel sector #1(7) is unloaded at the port of Fos-sur-Mer in France after a five-week voyage from Korea. © Emmanuel BONICI

First central solenoid module closes in on destination
2021-08-03 - This 110-tonne component is one of six independent magnets that will be assembled as a tower to form the ITER central solenoid. It will be delivered to ITER on 9 September; a second module is already "en route" from the United States.

First central solenoid module reaches France
2021-07-27 - A 110-tonne ITER central solenoid magnet module is unloaded in Fos-sur-Mer, France, on 27 July 2021, after a one-month voyage from Houston, Texas. Six modules will be stacked in a supporting structure at ITER to form the tall central magnet of the ITER machine.

Vessel segment transferred between production sites
2021-07-19 - In July, one segment of vacuum vessel sector #5 travels between two European workshops: Walter Tosto and Westinghouse/Mangiarotti. At Mangiarotti, the four segments of sector #5 will be brought together and welded into the D-shaped whole.

Central solenoid: first module on boat
2021-07-07 - Safely secured in the hold of the OCEAN GRAND, the 110-tonne central solenoid magnet coil will reach Fos-sur-Mer, France, later this month, and the ITER site in early September. A second module will leave the premises of General Atomics, contractor to US ITER, in August.

First central solenoid module travelling
2021-06-24 - The first central solenoid module produced by General Atomics on behalf of US ITER is travelling now between Poway, California, and the port of Houston, Texas. It is seen here crossing Arizona...

A hidden jewel
2021-06-23 - Inside of nondescript housing, a jewel travels. The 440-tonne all-metal sector #1(7) of the ITER vacuum vessel is a marvel of engineering, its realization testimony to the world's most advanced manufacturing processes.

2000+ km to travel by road
2021-06-21 - The first central solenoid module is travelling 2,400 kilometres between southern California and Houston, Texas. The long trailer offers the module the lowest height profile possible (under 4.5 metres) to avoid obstacles such as bridges, wires and poles.

Special housing for vacuum vessel sector #1
2021-06-09 - The casing for vacuum vessel sector #1(7) resembles a small cabin. As it is the second time round for Hyundai Heavy Industries (after the shipment of sector #6 in 2020) lessons learned have resulted in a more spacious cabin (to avoid clashes as the component is removed) and an easier-to-remove cover.

Ready to travel: vacuum vessel sector from Korea
2021-06-09 - Four hundred and forty tonnes of steel are packed into a specialized crate for shipment to France. Vacuum vessel sector #1(7) is ready to leave Hyundai Heavy Industries in Ulsan, Korea.

Korea prepares to ship vacuum vessel sector #7
2021-05-28 - At Hyundai Heavy Industries in Korea, a 440-tonne vacuum vessel sector #1(7) is being prepared for shipment. This is the second sector of four to be procured by the Korean Domestic Agency (the first arrived on site in 2020). Korean sector #1 will be installed in position #7 in the ITER Tokamak pit, hence the designation "#1(7)".

2021-05-07 - A 360-tonne magnet coil, TF3 from the European Domestic Agency, is seen early in the morning on 7 May 2021, still on its double transport trailer. It has just travelled the 104 kilometres of the ITER Itinerary, from Berre l'Etang, and has yet to be moved into storage.

New magnet from Europe
2021-05-07 - Europe delivers toroidal field coil #3 on 7 May 2021. This 360-tonne component is the fourth in the series from Europe; (three others have been delivered by Japan).

Toroidal field winding packs in Europe: only one more to go
2021-04-27 - This D-shaped toroidal field winding pack is the ninth to leave the ASG factory in Italy and to be shipped to SIMIC (Italy) for insertion into a structural case. Now just one remains to meet Europe's commitment of providing 10 toroidal field coils to the ITER Project.

Europe's TF3 coil is travelling
2021-04-21 - Toroidal field coil #3, procured by Europe, is travelling now to ITER. In this photo, the 360-tonne vertical coil is being loaded in Fos-sur-Mer on the barge that will take it across the inland sea of Berre to the start of the ITER Itinerary.

Third Japanese magnet coil arrives
2021-03-12 - In the early hours of 12 March 2021, toroidal field coil #8 (TF8) from Japan reaches the ITER site.

Crossing through Provence
2021-03-09 - A 360-tonne toroidal field coil—TF8 from Japan—crosses Provence along the ITER Itinerary on its way to the ITER campus. It is expected on site on 12 March.

Toroidal field coil #8 arriving
2021-02-15 - Toroidal field coil #8 is offloaded at Fos-sur-Mer after a long sea voyage from Japan. This is the third Japanese coil to travel to ITER.

Travelling by night
2021-02-04 - ITER component convoys travel by night in order to minimize the disturbance to the local communities. Fifty convoys out of an expected 250 have travelled the Itinerary to date. (Pictured: a magnet feeder component from China.)

Feeder components travel by barge
2021-02-01 - Magnet feeder components shipped by China and destined for ITER transit by barge across the inland sea of Berre to the starting point of the ITER Itinerary.

Each transport operation is unique
2021-01-28 - A convoy along the ITER Itinerary is never routine... Moments before this convoy departs with segments of the ITER cryostat top lid, a final team meeting brings together the drivers, the technical operators and the security forces to review the specifics of the operation.

Japan prepares to ship toroidal field coil #8
2021-01-12 - ITER toroidal field coil #8 has arrived at Kobe port from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and is being prepared for ocean transport. This is the third toroidal field coil completed by Japan out of nine that it has procurement responsibility for.

Cryostat lid segments arriving
2021-01-11 - Several segments of the cryostat lid, including the central disk, are travelling now along the ITER Itinerary. These components left India late last year.

An early morning arrival
2020-12-18 - A 360-tonne toroidal field coil (TF5, from Europe) arrives in the early hours of 18 December.

European coil travelling
2020-12-14 - European magnet coil TF5 leaves the staging area at Berre l'Etang to start on the ITER Itinerary. The 360-tonne component, tightly wrapped in protective material, is supported by a sturdy 80-tonne transport frame.

Not a light load
2020-12-04 - A 360-tonne ITER magnet (toroidal field coil #5) is loaded on board a ship in Italy for transport to Marseille's port of Fos. This will be the third toroidal field magnet delivered by Europe and the fifth (out of 19) received by ITER overall.

Feeder component leaving China
2020-12-02 - Transporters find a way to pack another unwieldly ITER component for international travel by sea. This correction coil feeder component, leaving China, will be installed at the bottom of the ITER machine as part of the feeder system that carries cooling fluid and electricity into the magnets.

Third European toroidal field coil travelling
2020-11-19 - The third toroidal field coil to be finalized by European contractor SIMIC (TF05) leaves the factory in Marghera, Italy, on 20 November and is expected on site at ITER in mid-December.

New thermal shield sectors
2020-11-18 - Each vacuum vessel sector requires it own thermal shield. Mid-November, thermal shield panels for vacuum vessel sector #1 (VV#1) successfully crossed the inland sea Berre in the south of France and started on the ITER Itinerary to reach the site.

Clamping plates leave China
2020-11-05 - Clamping plates for ITER's sixth poloidal field coil (PF6) are leaving Chinese manufacturer HTXL. These actively cooled plates will hold the coil in position on the broader toroidal field coil structure.

Cryostat top lid segments reach France
2020-09-21 - Five cryostat lid segments (out of 12) have reached France from India. The will be assembled into the final 665-tonne section of the ITER cryostat in the on-site Cryostat Workshop.

Feeder elements arrive from China
2020-09-10 - On 10 September, two large high-tech components are delivered for the magnet feeder system—one in-cryostat feeder for a bottom correction coil and one feeder ring for a side correction coil.

Top lid segments reach France
2020-09-09 - A portion of the cryostat top lid elements have arrived in Fos-sur-Mer from India.

Thermal shield sections from Korea
2020-09-03 - Thermal shield panels for vacuum vessel sector #5 are transported by barge on their way to ITER. All vacuum vessel thermal shielding has been completed by Korea and is arriving by batch.

First night along the Itinerary for European coil TF11
2020-08-31 - A 360-tonne superconducting coil—toroidal field coil #11, from Europe—starts on one leg of the ITER Itinerary on 31 August. Large ITER convoys like this one travel by night to minimize disturbance along local roadways.

ITER D-shaped magnet on the road
2020-08-29 - After crossing the inland sea Berre by barge, European coil TF11 was transferred to the modular transporter and tied down. It will begin its slow ride to ITER this week.

Top lid leaves India
2020-08-19 - On 19 August 2020, the 13 segments of the cryostat top lid were loaded onto a vessel at Hazira port (one segment is pictured). ITER machine assembly begins and ends with the cryostat—the base is inserted first; the top lid is inserted last.

First vacuum vessel sector to travel along the Itinerary
2020-08-06 - The transport of an ITER vacuum vessel sector (a load of 800 tonnes including housing and vehicle) is at the upper limit of what is possible in terms of weight and dimensions along the ITER Itinerary. In this picture, vacuum vessel sector #6 (manufactured in Korea) is shown moving through a narrow passage just a few kilometres from ITER.

Fourth D-shaped coil on its way
2020-08-03 - The European Domestic Agency is ready to deliver another toroidal field coil to the ITER Organization. In this picture, the 360-tonne, D-shaped coil (TF11) is being loaded onto a ship in the port of Marghera, near Venice, Italy.

First vacuum vessel sector reaches France
2020-07-22 - Vacuum vessel sector #6, shipped by Korea, reaches Fos-sur-Mer, France, on 21 July and is unloaded the following day. This 440-tonne component, which was more than 10 years in the making, will now travel along a special road itinerary to reach the ITER site.

More feeder elements from China
2020-07-09 - Magnet feeder elements continue to arrive from China. Two in-cryostat feeders for the side and bottom correction coils, which arrived in France on 7 July, need to be installed in the Tokamak pit early in the machine assembly process.

Third toroidal field coil arrives at ITER
2020-07-01 - Three 360-tonne, D-shaped toroidal field coils have been received since April 2020--TF9 from Europe, TF12 from Japan, and now TF 13, also from Japan. The two Japanese coils will enter into the first sub-assembly of the vacuum vessel, in association with vacuum vessel sector #6 from Korea, expected later this month in France. Nineteen toroidal field coils in all are under construction.

First sector leaving Korea
2020-06-26 - Wrapped tightly and protected in casing, vacuum vessel sector #6 is loaded on board an oceangoing vessel on 26 June 2020.

Arrival on site of poloidal field coil #6
2020-06-26 - After four nights on the ITER Itinerary, poloidal field coil #6 (PF6) is delivered to the ITER site. Procured by Europe and manufactured in China, PF6 will be the first ITER magnet lowered into the machine assembly pit.

The widest ITER load
2020-06-22 - Poloidal field coil #6 (PF6) is the widest load planned for travel along the ITER Itinerary—11.5 metres (with its transport frame). Special modifications were necessary.

Vacuum vessel sector #6: ready to ship
2020-06-19 - At Hyundai Heavy Industries' plant in Ulsan, ITER's first completed vacuum vessel sector, #6, is packed for international shipment.

2020-06-18 - Two ITER magnets are stored in Berre l'Etang, waiting for transport along the ITER Itinerary to the site in Saint-Paul-lez-Durance: poloidal field coil #6 (left) which has travelled from China, and toroidal field coil #13 (right), which has travelled from Japan. The components weigh 400 and 360 tonnes respectively.

Second Japanese coil reaches France
2020-06-13 - Carefully ensconced in its transport frame, toroidal field coil #13 (TF13) is unloaded at Fos-sur-Mer, France. A few days more, and it will be at ITER.

PF6 coil: on the way
2020-06-12 - Poloidal field coil #6 (PF6), transport frame and trailer make a load weighing close to 800 tonnes. Photo: DAHER

First, by barge
2020-06-10 - Poloidal field coil #6 (PF6), procured by Europe and manufactured in China, is loaded onto a specially conceived barge at Fos-sur-Mer to cross the inland sea of Berre. The package that contains PF6 is 12 metres long, 11 metres wide and a little more than 4 metres high.

Heaviest ITER coil: at ITER soon
2020-06-08 - At 400 tonnes, poloidal field coil #6 (PF6) is the heaviest ITER magnet. After a one month sea voyage from China, it arrived at Fos-sur-Mer on 8 June.

Magnet inner core leaves ASG Superconductors (Italy)
2020-06-06 - The 110-tonne inner core of an ITER toroidal field coil leaves ASG Superconductors' La Spezia facility for transport to Marghera (Venice), where European contractor SIMIC will carry out the next steps of magnet assembly.

Second D-shaped coil leaves Japan
2020-05-15 - Toroidal field coil #13 (TF13) sails from Kobe harbour in Japan on 15 May 2020 and is expected reach France in mid-June. It will be associated with vacuum vessel #6 (from Korea) and another toroidal field coil (#12) in the first "sector sub assembly" of the ITER machine.

Part of the trip by barge
2020-05-13 - Part of a major assembly tool (the lower column of the in-pit column tool) has arrived in France and will travel next week along the ITER Itinerary. First, though, the component is delivered by barge to Berre-l'Etang.

Curved feeder segments ready to travel
2020-04-29 - Two giant feeder elements--which will be installed under the machine to relay electrical power and cryogens to the correction coils--leave the factory in China. Thirty-one feeders, each made up of three constitutive parts, will service the four superconducting magnet systems of the ITER machine.

Second magnet coil reaches ITER
2020-04-25 - The first toroidal field coil manufactured in Japan arrives at the ITER site in the early hours of 25 April 2020. Two D-shaped toroidal field coils are now on site; the others will arrive according to machine assembly needs over the next three years.

First magnet coil reaches ITER
2020-04-17 - The first toroidal field coil manufactured in Europe travels the last leg of the ITER Itinerary, reaching the ITER site in the early hours of 17 April. The specialized transport vehicle will now be sent back to Port de la Pointe (Berre l'Etang) to pick up a second toroidal field coil—this one recently arrived from Japan.

2020-04-10 - Two D-shaped toroidal field coils—one procured for the ITER Project by Japan, the other by Europe—have been unloaded on the northeastern shore of the inland sea Etang de Berre, at Port de la Pointe. One after the other, they will soon commence their 104-kilometre, four-night journey to the ITER site.

Clear sailing
2020-04-10 - An ITER magnet—toroidal field coil #12 produced in Japan—is seen on a barge as it crosses the inland sea Etang de Berre.

Japan's first toroidal field coil reaches France
2020-04-07 - One month to the day after it left the port of Kobe, the first toroidal field coil sent by Japan arrives in Fos-sur-Mer on the "UHL Fusion" on 7 April.

Electrotechnical equipment leaves Russia
2020-04-07 - The Russian Domestic Agency is sending the latest batch of electrotechnical equipment to ITER in ten tractor trailers. Six will leave first for the 3,000-kilometre journey to France; four others will leave later this month.

Another large assembly tool from Korea
2020-03-28 - A massive, tree-like assembly tool—formed of a trunk and branch-like beams—will support the vacuum vessel sectors at ITER while they are welded. One part of the central column (the lower cylinder) has arrived in France from Korea.

Getting closer: Europe's first toroidal field coil
2020-03-23 - Procured by Europe and finalized in Italy, toroidal field coil #9 (TF9) is seen here as it approaches the narrow Caronte Canal in Martigues. France. The massive load (600 tonnes) will reach the ITER site in the early morning of 17 April. Photo DAHER

ITER magnet leaves China
2020-03-22 - A 400-tonne poloidal field magnet leaves Hefei, China, on 22 March for transport to port and a sea voyage to France. Poloidal field coil #6 (PF6) was manufactured at the Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP) on behalf of contributing party Fusion for Energy, the European Domestic Agency.

Europe ships its first D-shaped coil
2020-03-19 - The European Domestic Agency has shipped the first toroidal field coil of an industrial procurement program that has involved 700 people (40 companies) over 10 years. This first D-shaped coil—of 10 that are in production in Europe—was unloaded at the port of Fos-sur-Mer, France, on 19 March.

First D-shaped coil: floating
2020-02-28 - ITER's first toroidal field coil is about to embark on a month-long voyage from the port of Kobe, Japan, to Fos-sur-Mer, France. Component and packaging together weigh nearly 500 tonnes.

Second set of thermal shielding
2020-02-03 - Thermal shielding around the vacuum vessel will minimize heat loads transferred by thermal radiation and conduction from warm components to the components and structures that operate at 4.5K. The thermal shield elements for ITER's second vacuum vessel sector (sector #7) arrived in Fos-sur-Mer, France, in early February.

Night transport
2019-12-10 - A D-shaped toroidal field winding pack leaves the ASG Superconductors factory in La Spezia, Italy, to be transported to SIMIC S.p.a for insertion into the steel casing. European contractors are producing 10 toroidal field winding packs (out of 19) for ITER.

Arriving next at ITER
2019-12-02 - Shipped by China, these large in-cryostat feeders will be installed under the machine as the last link of 30- to 50-metre long magnet feeders that relay cryogens and electrical power into the ITER magnets.

Assembly support frames arriving
2019-11-27 - These frames will support panels of thermal shielding as they are aligned and installed on the vacuum vessel sectors. The transport vehicles have been backed onto a barge in order to cross the inland sea Etang de Berre; they will arrive by road at ITER next week.

Vacuum vessel thermal shield loaded in Korea
2019-09-14 - The thermal shield for ITER's first vacuum vessel sector (sector #6) is loaded onto an ocean going vessel in Busan, Korea, on 14 September. (One load hangs suspended by the crane; another waits on the quay.) The loads are expected at ITER in October.

First thermal shield segments on their way from Korea
2019-09-01 - Elements of the ITER thermal shield—steel panels coated with low-emissivity silver to protect "cold" components such as the superconducting magnets from thermal radiation—are on their way from Korea. The cylindrical-shaped lower cryostat thermal shield (50 tonnes) and one sector of vacuum vessel thermal shield (43) are expected in September at ITER.

Korea ships "upending" tool
2019-08-29 - The main frames of a specialized assembly tool weighing 220 tonnes are loaded on board a vessel departing the port of Ulsan in Korea. Tool is designed to raise components weighing up to 450 tonnes from horizontal to upright and will be needed for some of ITER's first major machine assembly activities next year.

Coming from China: magnet feeder components
2019-08-02 - These large semi-circular components leaving China are part of magnet feeders that will transport cryogens and electrical power to the bottom correction coil magnets. Designed by ASIPP for the Chinese Domestic Agency and manufactured by the Hefei KEYE Electro Physical Equipment Company, these feeder sections are destined for installation inside the cryostat, connecting directly to the magnets. They are expected at ITER in September.

Feeder segment leaves factory in China
2019-07-22 - This feeder segment (an in-cryostat feeder) will sit under the machine to connect a bottom correction coil to its supply of electricity, cryogens and instrumentation. It is one of 100 large feeder components that will make their way from China to ITER in the coming years.

"Control house" ships from India
2019-06-21 - This 23-metre-long E-house contains the variable frequency drives, HVAC units and electric panels needed to control ITER cooling water equipment like pumps and valves. It shipped from Hazira Port on 8 June.

Testing the transport frame for poloidal magnet #6
2019-06-20 - This massive frame has been designed to support a 400-tonne component—ITER poloidal field coil #6, which is a European contribution that is being manufactured in China. Load testing is underway, before the component travels later this year from Hefei, China, to the ITER site in France.

Indian cryostat segments have reached Fos-sur-Mer port
2019-05-10 - Sixty degree segments of the ITER cryostat (upper cylinder) are being offloaded in Fos-sur-Mer, France, after a long sea voyage from India.

Thermal shield segments packed for delivery in Korea
2019-05-07 - The first finalized sector of the vacuum vessel thermal shield has been packed for shipment at SFA Engineering Corp in Changwon, Korea. The thermal shield panels will be mounted on vacuum vessel sector #6 during pre-assembly activities at ITER.

Upper cryostat cylinder on the move
2019-04-18 - A segment of the cryostat upper cylinder leaves the Larsen & Toubro factory in Hazira, India, for the port. In one month the component and five others like it will have reached ITER.

Elements of central solenoid support structure arriving
2019-03-04 - Elements of the central solenoid support structure—lower key blocks—are loaded at Petersen Inc. in Ogden, Utah (US) for delivery to ITER.

2,000 km: through eight canals, four tunnels and 250 locks
2019-02-15 - For this cryogenic termination cold box to reach ITER from Switzerland, it must travel 2,000 km through the waterways of Europe under the guidance of ITER's logistics transporter DAHER and its contractor Compagnie Fluviale de Transport.

At home in the cold
2019-01-24 - A 63-tonne component (a cryogenic termination cold box) procured by the Indian Domestic Agency is on its way to Basel harbour, from the Linde Kryotechnik factory near Zürich. This "cold" component is part of ITER's cryodistribution system.

Heading for the ITER Itinerary
2018-11-19 - Four transformers travel by barge along the Canal de Caronte, a waterway that connects the Mediterranean Sea to an inland sea called Berre l'Etang. The four transformers—one shipped by China and three by Korea—will reach ITER on 23 November.

Global Logistics Provider: DAHER
2018-08-15 - ITER's global logistics provider DAHER plans and manages the transport of ITER components from a industrial and logistics management center - the DAHER control room - that uses sophisticated tools to bring each convoy safely to ITER. © DAHER

First coil case structure for integration in Japan
2018-07-05 - The first toroidal field coil case structure procured by Japan leaves Korea in early July for transport to the Japanese contractor for coil insertion. Each of ITER's 18 toroidal field coils is composed of a 110-tonne superconducting winding pack and a surrounding coil structure in steel. Japan is procuring all toroidal field coil cases from contractors in Japan and Korea. Half of them will be integrated with superconducting winding packs in Japan, and the other half in Europe

Magnet power supply equipment reaches ITER
2018-06-04 - A few hours before dawn on 30 May, a convoy of three converter-transformers reaches the ITER site after three nights of travel along the 104-kilometre ITER Itinerary. The 90-tonne units were procured by Korea for ITER's magnet power conversion system.

Europe delivers a new batch of specialized tanks
2018-05-31 - Late May, two small holding tanks and two larger feed tanks are delivered by the European Domestic Agency for the ITER water detritation system.

Toroidal field coil case
2018-05-24 - Segments of a 190-tonne steel toroidal field coil case leave Ulsan, Korea, for Venice, Italy. Japan is procuring 19 coil cases through Japanese and Korean contractors; Europe is receiving ten of these for assembly with superconducting toroidal field winding packs produced by contractors in Italy.

European winding pack takes to the road
2018-05-08 - The 110-tonne inner core of a toroidal field magnet coil has left the manufacturing facility in Europe where series production is underway (ASG) to be inserted into its outer case by another contractor, SIMIC. Photo: F4E

Quench tank moved into place
2018-04-23 - On 23 April, a 35-metre-long tank is moved from storage to be installed near the cryoplant. It is one of two designed to hold helium from the Tokamak's magnetic system in case of a sudden loss of superconductivity (a quench).

Four large tanks
2018-03-23 - Large vapour suppression tanks reach France in March, shipped by an ITER Organization supplier in China. The five-metre-tall tanks are shown here crossing the Canal de Caronte on their way to the start of the 104-km road itinerary to the ITER site. © DAHER

Transformers from Korea
2018-01-31 - Two transformers for the magnet power conversion system arrive from Korea in January and are immediately installed on site.

Cryostat segments, repeat
2017-12-08 - The last of the tier two segments for the lower cylinder of the cryostat arrive at the ITER site.

Heading for cold testing
2017-11-20 - The first European winding pack for ITER's toroidal field coils leaves the ASG facility in La Spezia, Italy on 20 November. The 110-tonne component is en route to SIMIC SpA for cold testing and insertion into a steel case.

Cryostat segments delivered
2017-11-14 - Second-tier segments for the lower cylinder of the cryostat make their way along the heavy haul road that leads to the platform.

Magnet feeder component arrives next door
2017-10-25 - The first segment of one of ITER's 31 magnet feeders has arrived from China and been delivered to the MIFI facility (Magnet Infrastructure Facilities for ITER)—a workshop operated by a joint team from ITER and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) to develop and qualify the ITER magnet elements and their assembly procedures. Testing is underway.

Last cryogenic tanks delivered by Europe
2017-10-23 - With Europe's delivery of the last two tanks in October (of eleven), all of the storage tanks for liquid and gaseous helium and nitrogen are now at ITER. They will be installed near the cryoplant in the coming months.

SPIDER beam source leaves for Italy
2017-10-13 - In this wooden case, an important realization for the SPIDER testbed in Padua, Italy (Consorzio RFX): the negative ion beam source, manufactured in Europe.

Segments of the cryostat leave India
2017-10-09 - On 1 October, seven large segments of the ITER cryostat left the port of Hazira, India, for their ocean crossing to France. These segments, weighing approximately 190 tonnes, form the second tier of the cryostat lower cylinder. Manufactured by Larsen & Toubro in India, they will be assembled and welded in the on-site Cryostat Workshop at ITER.

Assembly platform for the central solenoid arrives
2017-10-05 - The crate arriving in this ITER storage facility contains part of the central solenoid assembly platform. Designed to support the 1,000-tonne final central solenoid with a security margin of 300 tonnes, the platform (procured by the US) will be installed in the ITER Assembly Hall.

Transformers from China
2017-09-27 - Four converter-transformers from China were delivered on Wednesday, 27 September. They will soon take their place outside of the Magnet Power Conversion buildings.

Roll on/Roll off
2017-09-26 - A new roll on/roll off ramp has been built at the Mediterranean port of Fos-sur-Mer. It has been designed to facilitate the transhipment of ITER components, but is also available to other users.

Busbars on their way from Russia
2017-09-07 - These DC aluminium busbars, fabricated by the Efremov Institute in Saint Petersburg, Russia, are part of the most recent shipment of electrotechnical equipment that has been dispatched by the Russian Domestic Agency. Eighty-five tonnes of busbars, plus other components, are on their way.

Arrival of pre-production cryopump
2017-08-22 - Part of Europe's contributions to ITER, six cryopumps will be installed around the ITER vacuum vessel and two others in the cryostat to maintain ultra-high vacuum conditions. A first pre-production cryopump reaches ITER on 22 August to undergo operational mechanical testing. © F4E

Cryoline stored
2017-08-11 - This insulated cryoline from India has been unloaded and stored temporarily on site.

Crane beams arrive
2017-07-25 - Europe is equipping the Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility with a new heavy-lift gantry crane. Three of four crane beams arrive on site on 25 July.

First case segment for toroidal field coils leaves Japan
2017-07-21 - The toroidal field coil cases are massive structures in steel that will house the D-shaped 110-tonne superconducting winding packs. Japan is responsible for 19 complete coil case sets (including one spare). The first completed case segment left Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Japan late July (photo) for shipment to Korea, where part of the coil case fabrication is taking place.

First cryolines reach ITER
2017-07-03 - After a one-month sea voyage from India and a brief trip along the roads of Provence, the first cryolines have been unloaded on site. Five kilometres of these complex multi-process vacuum-insulated lines will deliver cooling power from the cryoplant to systems that need it such as the ITER magnets and cryopumps.

On site storage for tool
2017-06-22 - Not far from the Assembly Hall where the tool will be installed, segments of the first SSAT tool (for vacuum vessel Sector Sub-Assembly Tool) are stored under protective tarpaulin.

Tool segments arrive on site
2017-06-22 - At ITER, two massive sector sub-assembly tools will suspend and equip the vacuum vessel sectors in the Assembly Hall before their installation in the Tokamak Pit. Following fabrication, assembly and testing in Korea, the first of the giant tools (22 m tall, 800 tonnes) is on its way to ITER in batches. The first crates reached the site on 22 June.

Transformer from China
2017-06-20 - An AC/DC transformer travels at night on 20 June to reach the ITER site. It was shipped by China for ITER's poloidal field coil electrical transformation system.

2017-06-01 - Delivered to temporary storage on 1 June, these three tanks for gaseous helium will be installed at a later date near the cryoplant in a large exterior zone reserved for the storage of helium and nitrogen in liquid and gaseous forms.

Gas storage tanks on their way
2017-05-31 - Three storage tanks for gaseous helium are on their way to ITER, shipped by the European Member as part of its contributions to the ITER cryoplant.

Tanks arriving
2017-05-20 - Two (out of six) gaseous helium tanks supplied by Europe arrive at the industrial port of Marseille in May. © DAHER

First batch of cryolines has left India
2017-05-17 - The distribution of cryogenic power at ITER will require approximately five kilometres of cryolines. The first batch has just left India, which is responsible for procuring the cryolines, the warm lines and cryodistribution components.

Largest tool to ship in batches
2017-05-11 - Following successful factory acceptance tests, ITER's largest assembly tool has been dismantled and packed for shipment. The first batch of components is already travelling between Ulsan, Korea and Fos-sur-Mer, France and is expected on site late June.

2017-04-13 - Electrical transformers weighing a combined 550 tonnes have arrived on site from China. They will be installed in their permanent positions in May.

April arrivals
2017-04-13 - A three-trailer convoy arrives at the ITER site early on 13 April carrying two electrical transformers from China and a helium storage tank delivered by Europe. The combined weight of the three components is 700 tonnes.

Japan delivers high voltage power supply components to PRIMA
2017-03-15 - Japan is supplying all the high voltage power supplies for MITICA, the full-scale ITER heating neutral beam under installation at the PRIMA neutral beam test facility in Italy. The DC filters delivered in March 2017 are the output sections of the five high voltage generators from -200 kV to -1MV, feeding the accelerator. They are contained in a big tank that will be assembled during the installation phase; later the tank will be filled with SF6 insulating gas at 6Bar.

Curved cryostat segments
2017-03-13 - Four segments of the ITER cryostat await transport on the pier in Fos-sur Mer, after arriving from India. They will be deliver one at a time to the ITER site.

"E-houses" reach ITER
2017-02-09 - Shipped from China, two components for the electrical switchyard reached ITER in early February: 8-metre-wide "E-houses."

Transformers from China reach French port
2017-02-03 - Two 300-tonne electrical transformers procured by China have reached France are in storage until their transfer to the ITER site along the 104-kilometre ITER Itinerary in March.

Ozonators from India
2017-01-26 - Four containers—part of the "ozonator package" and containing ozone generators—left Hazira, India for ITER on 27 January 2017. Ozone will be used in the heat rejection system at ITER to limit the growth of bacteria.

Lower cylinder cryostat segments shipped
2017-01-26 - Late January, six large steel elements of the ITER cryostat left the port of Hazira, India for their voyage to ITER. They represent the first tier of the cryostat lower cylinder. On site at ITER, assembly activities (welding, testing) for the base of the cryostat have been underway since September 2016.

Fully furnished E-house
2017-01-18 - Procured by China, two E-houses for the pulsed power electrical network (PPEN) were unloaded last week in Fos-sur-Mer and are scheduled for delivery to the ITER site on 9 February. © DAHER

Coldboxes reach site
2016-12-15 - Three "coldboxes" arrive at the ITER site in the early hours of 15 December. These large vessels contain key "cold" components for ITER's liquid helium plant. Photo: Francois Xavier Gros-Rosanvallon - Acapella Bleu

Maritime leg for the cold boxes
2016-12-08 - Seen from the air, two of the three cold boxes shipped by Air Liquide for ITER's cryoplant travel through the Canal du Galliffet in Martigues, France. A convoy of three 45-metre-long trailers is expected on site on 15 December. Photo: Francois Xavier Gros-Rosanvallon - Acapella Bleu

E-houses shipped from China
2016-11-29 - Accompanying the PPEN transformers on the boat from China are two E-houses, which are packed with I&C cubicles to relay orders from ITER's control room to the high voltage components of the 400 kV and 66 kV switchyards.

PPEN transformers loaded in Shanghai
2016-11-29 - On 29 November, two 300-tonne transformers for ITER's pulsed power electrical network (PPEN) were loaded aboard ship in Shanghai, China. They are expected to reach the Mediterranean port Fos-sur-Mer in January and the ITER site early February.

Quench tanks delivered
2016-11-24 - Two 35-metre quench tanks, part of Europe's contribution to the ITER cryoplant, arrive on site on 24 November.

Heads up!
2016-11-17 - Two "cold boxes" are en route for ITER. These vessels contain important cold components for ITER's liquid helium plant. ©AirLiquide_LaurentLelong

Auxiliary cranes for the Assembly Hall
2016-11-09 - Girders for the 50-tonne auxiliary cranes of the Assembly Hall are delivered on 8 November.

Pipes delivered
2016-11-07 - In November, cooling water pipes are delivered for storage to a 9,000 m² warehouse located on site. This is the first shipment of "centralized" piping—that is piping for different cooling water systems procured from the same supplier for cost efficiency.

Unloading 35-metre tanks
2016-11-07 - Two 35-metre quench tanks for ITER's cryoplant, procured by Europe, arrive at Fos-sur-Mer in November. Photo: DAHER

9,000 km ... and then an eyedropper
2016-10-21 - Salt water can corrode metal parts. In order to test whether salt water has accumulated on the protective covering of the cryostat segments recently delivered to ITER, technicians use an eyedropper and a few drops of diluted silver nitrate. If salinity is found, the tarpaulins are rinsed off before being removed.

Safely unloaded
2016-10-20 - After a 9,000-km sea voyage, transport by barge, and finally a 104-km road trip along the ITER Itinerary, the last pieces of the cryostat base are unloaded in the on-site Cryostat Workshop on 20 October.

2016-10-19 - A 120-tonne segment of the ITER cryostat is captured "en route" to the ITER site. © AIF

Two large tanks en route
2016-10-19 - Two 35-metre tanks have left their production site in the Czeck Republic and are currently en route for ITER. Produced for the European contractor Air Liquide, they are destined for ITER's cryoplant.

Last pieces of cryostat base arrive in France
2016-10-08 - Three 120-tonne tier-2 cryostat base segments have been unloaded in Fos-sur-Mer, France, for transport to the ITER site. Shipped from India, these segments are the last major components required for the on-site assembly of the 1,250-tonne cryostat base.

Cryoplant "cold boxes" packed for delivery
2016-09-23 - Two of three liquid helium "cold boxes" are packed for transport to ITER. These vacuum vessels are part of the ITER cryoplant, housing key components for the process of cooling helium.

Seamless piping received on site
2016-09-21 - The first batch of seamless stainless steel piping for ITER's vacuum system is received in September 2016 for testing. Ten kilometres of pipes like these will connect vacuum pumps to the cryostat, vacuum vessel and neutral beam injector.

Piping on way from India
2016-09-05 - On 7 September 2016, India ships a new batch of piping to the ITER site. The piping is destined for the buried networks of the heat rejection, chilled water and component cooling water networks of the ITER installation.

360 tonnes of cryostat segments leave India
2016-09-01 - The last shipment of cryostat base segments (three segments/120 tonnes each) leaves Hazira, India in early September. The voyage to the port of Fos-sur-Mer, in France, will take approximately one month.

360 tonnes of the ITER cryostat
2016-06-15 - Three large 60° segments of the ITER cryostat base (tier 2) reached Fos-sur-Mer in mid-June and are expected in a three-trailer convoy soon at ITER.

300-tonne transformer reaches ITER
2016-06-10 - A Highly Exceptional Load convoy carrying a 300-tonne electrical transformer procured by China reached the ITER site in the early hours of 6 June.

Piloting all transport activities
2016-06-04 - Near the Marseille-Provence airport, ITER's Global Logistics Provider DAHER operates a control room that tracks the movements of every component shipped by the Domestic Agencies to the ITER site.

The first of three Chinese transformers reaches France
2016-06-01 - China will be supplying three giant electrical transformers for ITER's pulsed power electrical network (PPEN). The first was unloaded in Fos, France on 1 June (picture) for delivery as a Highly Exceptional Load along the ITER Itinerary.

Another batch of cryostat segments
2016-05-26 - In late May, three segments of the ITER cryostat were loaded in India for travel to France. Also in the ship's hold—elements of the cryostat transportation frame. This frame—which will be re-assembled on site—will support the components, jigs and fixtures during the assembly process.

Destination: ITER
2016-04-21 - A double convoy on 21 April prepares to transport the second pair of Assembly Hall crane girders along the final leg of the ITER Itinerary to the ITER site. The 250-metre convoy is one of the longest to ever travel the roads of southern France.

13-metre transformer en route from China
2016-04-15 - This 278-tonne transformer for ITER's pulsed power electrical network (PPEN) left the Chinese port of Tianjin on 17 April and is expected to reach France in early June. This is the first "Highly Exceptional Load" (HEL) delivered by the Chinese Domestic Agency as part of its in-kind procurement for ITER.

PPEN transformers expected
2016-04-13 - The first of three electrical transformers is en route from China for ITER's pulsed power electrical network (PPEN). These giant components will be installed on the ITER platform to feed power to the heating and control systems during plasma pulses.

SPIDER testbed: 100 kV power supply components arrive from India
2016-04-12 - The SPIDER test bed is a 1:1-scale ion source that will be used to develop the technology for the production of negative ions. Located at the PRIMA neutral beam test facility in Padua, Italy, components are currently arriving from participating partners Europe, India and Japan. In April, 13 trucks carried transformers, switching modules, controllers, high-voltage racks, cables, and disconnector switches supplied by India for the acceleration grid power supply from their arrival port in Venice to PRIMA.

Special escort
2016-03-19 - A 47-metre-long steel girder and its transport vehicle are transported by barge across the inland sea Etang de Berre. When they dock, there will still be 104 km to travel by road to the ITER site. © ITER Organization - Emmanuel Bonici

First crane beam on site
2016-03-18 - This 47-metre girder beam is the first of four to arrive on site for the heavy-lift cranes of the Assembly Building (the mirror-clad building at right). 18 March 2016

Girders for the assembly cranes
2016-03-09 - Two 47-metre long girders—destined to cross the width of the ITER Assembly Building in support of the trolley cranes—reach the Mediterranean port of Fos on 8 March. Four girder beams are expected in the next week at ITER, procured by Europe for the heavy lift assembly cranes.

Busbars arrive from Russia
2015-12-16 - In December, the first lot of Russian-procured busbars reach the ITER site. Over 5 km (500 tonnes) of these components that connect magnet coils to their power sources are expected from Russia under the terms of a Procurement Arrangement signed in 2011.

First machine components arrive!
2015-12-10 - ITER's first machine components are delivered in the early hours of 10 December—three 50-tonne, 60° segments for the cryostat base that were transported by trailer along the ITER Itinerary.

Japan delivers its first contributions to PRIMA
2015-12-09 - In December 2015, Japan delivers its first in-kind contributions to PRIMA, the neutral beam test facility for ITER in Padua, Italy. The pressure vessel and the step-up transformer are part of the power supply for the test bed MITICA, which is a full-scale prototype of the 1 MV heating neutral beam for ITER.

From ship to barge
2015-12-02 - Three of the six 60-degree segments of the cryostat base are readied for the crossing of the inland sea Etang-de-Berre. © Emmanuel Bonici

First machine components dock
2015-11-24 - Three weeks after leaving India, 460 tonnes of cryostat components arrive at the French port of Fos-sur-Mer on 24 November. The first segments of the ITER cryostat—part of its base—will be the first machine components to reach the ITER site.

Last leg of the trip
2015-09-17 - As part of their three-night journey to ITER, the drain tank convoy crosses the A51 highway twice. Five drain tanks shipped from the United States (two in May and three in September 2015) are now stored on the ITER site.

Drain tanks en route
2015-09-10 - Three drain tanks for ITER's cooling water system will be transported along the ITER Itinerary this week for delivery to the project construction site. Part of the US contribution to ITER, the tanks completed the maritime segment of the trip on 9 September, crossing inland waterways by barge (photo: Ben Slee, F4E).

Successful ocean crossing for three US drain tanks
2015-09-06 - Large-scale components for ITER's tokamak cooling water system were unloaded in the French port of Fos-sur-Mer on 6 September. Procured and shipped by the US as part of its in-kind contributions to the project, the drain tanks will now travel along the ITER Itinerary to the site.

Pipes arrive
2015-09-02 - Less than one month after their shipment from India, 24 cooling water pipes are delivered to the ITER Organization in southern France on 2 September.

First load of cooling water piping shipped from India
2015-08-04 - In early August 2015, two containers worth of cooling water piping (24 units) for ITER's chilled water and heat rejection systems were shipped from India.

Last transformers reach site
2015-05-20 - Three US-procured electrical tranformers are delivered to the ITER site early on 21 May 2015.

Three transformers ready for transport to ITER
2015-05-13 - On 13 May, three US-procured transformers are loaded onto trailers to await transport to the ITER site. Two had just been unloaded from their ocean going vessel; a third had been in storage for one month. All three are expected at ITER on Thursday 21 May.

Drain tanks are delivered
2015-05-04 - The first two drain tanks manufactured for ITER in the US travelled for three nights along the ITER Itinerary to reach the project site in Saint Paul-lez-Durance, France on 7 May. Photo: AIF-AP 2015

First drain tanks from the US
2015-04-26 - The first of five US-procured drain tanks for ITER's Tokamak Cooling Water System were unloaded from the container ship "BBC Zarate" on 26 April 2015.

Second of four transformers unloaded after sea journey
2015-04-20 - On Monday 20 April, an 87-tonne transformer was unloaded at the docks of Fos (Marseille). The second of four identical units, the transformer was procured by the US and manufactured in Korea.

First water detritiation tank delivered
2015-03-20 - On 20 March, a 20-tonne, 100 m³ tank destined for the ITER detritiation system is delivered. Manufactured by ENSA (Spain) and procured by the European Domestic Agency, it is one of two "emergency tanks" that will collect the tritiated water in case an abnormal situation develops during operations. A second was delivered on 2 April.

After a night on the road
2015-01-14 - Mission completed! By 5:00 a.m. the transformer is safely parked at the ITER site and all participants can enjoy a hot - and well deserved - cup of coffee.

Arrival home
2015-01-14 - After 60 days on high seas and on the road, the 87-tonne transformer has arrived at its final destination.

HEL #1
2015-01-14 - The sun rises on 14 January over the ITER site and over the first Highly Exceptional Load to be delivered to ITER.

As smooth as clockwork
2015-01-14 - Everything went according to plan for ITER's first Highly Exceptional Load.

It takes a village ...
2015-01-14 - To guarantee the safety of the convoy and ensure that all operations go smoothly, over 100 people participated: representatives of ITER; DAHER (the ITER Logistics Service Provider); Agence Iter France; and French authorities.

A warm welcome
2015-01-14 - All had risen early: ITER senior management, the directors of several ITER Domestic Agencies, members of the ITER Electrical Engineering Division, and representatives of Agence Iter France and DAHER.

The dimensions of the convoy
2015-01-13 - Together with the trailer, the first exceptional convoy for ITER weighed 126.8 tonnes and measured 20 m (length) x 3.35 m (width) x 5 m (height).

Ready to sail
2015-01-12 - Cast off! The barge "Scirocco" with its precious cargo is getting ready to sail.

Through the canal
2015-01-12 - It was a spectacular sight as the barge with its special cargo made its way through the Canal de Caronte.

Open, sesame!
2015-01-12 - Exceptional loads, exceptional measures! Traffic was stopped when the bridge in Martigues opened to allow for the crossing of the ITER convoy.

Transformer afloat
2015-01-12 - The transformer is loaded onto a specially adapted barge for the crossing of an inland sea.

A glorious sky
2015-01-12 - The weather conditions could not have been better when the barge "Scirocco" left the docks in Fos-sur-Mer.

The first exceptional load
2015-01-12 - The pictoresque town of Martigues was the setting for the first leg of the first Highly Exceptional Load transport convoy for ITER Project.

Crossing the inland sea Berre l'Etang
2015-01-12 - The crossing of the Berre d'Etang was the last leg of the transformer's sea voyage. From there, continued on wheels.

All large components will pass through Fos-sur-Mer
2014-12-19 - The docks in Fos-sur-Mer, the industrial port of Marseille. It is here where the large and heavy components for ITER will arrive and embark on their final journey to the ITER site.

First ITER heavyweight reaches Fos-sur-Mer
2014-12-19 - The first of four high voltage transformers for ITER's steady state electrical network arrives in Fos-sur-Mer (near Marseille, France) on 19 December 2014. The four transformers, part of the US contribution to ITER, are being supplied under contract with Hyundai Heavy Industries, LLC in Korea.

Sailing on the "Ivanhoe"
2014-12-19 - The "Ivanhoe", an oceangoing vessel capable of carrying more than 10,000 containers, delivered the transformer from the Korean shores to France.

87 metric tons
2014-12-19 - The 87-tonne transformer was lifted out of its "cabin" on the "CMA CGM IVANHOE" after a one-month voyage from Korea.

The first completed components
2014-09-04 - Four wooden crates containing the first completed components for the ITER installation arrive on site on 4 September 2014. Destined for the steady state electrical system, the 12 high voltage surge arrestors will be stored temporarily in the Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility.

Reward at the end of the line
2014-04-08 - After several technical incidents, the 800-tonne trailer and dummy load reach the ITER site a few hours ahead of schedule on 8 April 2014. Convoy actors share a well-deserved cup of coffee as the sun comes up.

You'll have to be a night owl to see the convoys
2014-04-03 - The ITER convoys progress only at night (at not on weekends or holidays) in order to limit the disturbance to the local communities.

Four hours across
2014-03-31 - The convoy—the barge, 800-tonne trailer and dummy load, and tugboats—will take four hours to cross the Étang de Berre.

Through the eyes of the captain
2014-03-31 - From the tug's elevated wheelhouse the captain navigates from the Gulf of Fos, through the narrow Canal de Caronte and across the inland Étang de Berre on 31 March 2014.

Taking the necessary time
2014-03-28 - Personnel from ITER logistics provider DAHER and the Compagnie Fluviale de Transport monitor every millimetre of progress as the trailer crossed onto the barge.

30 metres to go
2014-03-28 - The operation takes about eight hours due to long pauses marked after the transfer of each double pair of axle lines (22 in all).

Itinerary test #2
2014-03-28 - On 28 March 2014, the second ITER Itinerary test convoy gets underway. This time, the Itinerary test includes a maritime leg.

Just arrived ... dismantling begins
2013-09-20 - The convoy has accomplished its mission and dismantling operations begin shortly after arrival on site. The dismantling of the mock load (360 concrete blocks) and the 352-wheel trailer will last for two days.

September 2013: The ITER test convoy
2013-09-13 - The four-night measurement campaign of the ITER Itinerary got off to a start on Monday 16 September. The 800-tonne trailer, mimicking the weight and dimensions of the largest ITER loads, travelled for four consecutive nights to reach the ITER site.

800 metric tons, 10 m high
2013-09-13 - The 46-metre-long trailer and dummy load were conceived to test key points of the Itinerary. In four nights, measurements were taken at bridges, roundabouts and in 16 villages.

Just in time to see a rainbow!
2013-09-13 - The test convoy was accessible to the public before it began its four-night campaign. At an information stand, visitors had access to mockups, pamphlets and facts about the transport of ITER components. Image: F4E

Dummy load in September 2013
2013-09-02 - A dummy load made of 360 concrete blocks (800 tonnes), and mimicking the most exceptional dimensions of the ITER loads (10 metres tall, 33 long, 9 wide) was prepared by DAHER to test the ITER Itinerary. The first test convoy will travel during the nights of 16-20 September 2013. Image: DAHER

352 wheels
2012-09-25 - This is the type of remote-controlled vehicle that will be responsible for transporting ITER's "exceptional loads" along the ITER Itinerary. Photo: DAHER

A driver in front, a driver in back
2012-04-02 - For the most exceptional convoys, the vehicle will travel at an average speed of 5 km/hour, over 3-5 nights.

The ITER Itinerary begins here
2011-11-06 - This unloading platform was created at the Port de la Pointe in Berre-l'Etang for ITER's exceptionally-sized components. Photo: AIF

Expecting oversized convoys
2011-02-06 - Along the Durance River, the road is enlarged and a footpath created. Photo: DREAL

104 kilometres for the ITER convoys
2009-05-05 - The bridge over the Réal River in Peyrolles. Along the ITER Itinerary the convoys will bypass 16 villages, negotiate 16 roundabouts and cross 35 bridges.

Over the tracks
2009-05-05 - Between Berre and La Fare-les-Oliviers, ITER convoys will pass over the railway tracks.

Financed by local government and the State
2009-02-23 - The cost of the ITER Itinerary (EUR 110 million) was shared by the Bouches-du-Rhône department Council (66%) and the French State (34%). Photo: AIF

Keeping the public informed
2009-02-06 - Public information campaigns were carried out all along the ITER Itinerary to keep the local public informed about the large-scale works underway. Photo: DREAL

A bridge is replaced in Jouques
2009-02-06 - It took two cranes to lift the five 150-tonne concrete beams of the old bridge in Jouques, which was replaced during work along the ITER Itinerary. © Sophie SPITERI-La Provence

3 years and 25 projects
2009-02-06 - In all, 25 reconstruction or reinforcement projects were carried out along the 104 kilometres of the ITER Itinerary. Photo: DREAL

Three years to complete the ITER Itinerary
2009-02-06 - The road is widened and the retaining wall strengthened along a formerly narrow passage near Mirabeau. Photo: DREAL

Remote-controlled transport
2009-02-06 - This is the type of remote-controlled vehicle that will be responsible for transporting ITER's "exceptional" components along the ITER Itinerary, beginning 2013. Photo: AIF

The heaviest convoys, load included, will weigh around 900 tons
2009-02-06 - Parallel to an existing bridge, a reinforced structure is built over the EDF canal. Photo: DREAL

Remote-controlled transporter
2009-02-02 - A simulation of an exceptional convoy travelling along the ITER Itinerary by remote-controlled transporter. Image credit: AIF

Levelling roundabouts
2009-02-02 - In Berre, a roundabout is levelled in order to allow for the passage of ITER convoys.

By boat, by barge, by transporter
2009-02-02 - La Pointe harbour, where ITER components will be unloaded after crossing the Étang de Berre by barge.

Exceptional convoys
2008-09-22 - A model illustrating the transport of an "exceptionally sized" ITER component. Photo: AIF