Foreign workers in France


Any company doing business with the ITER Organization and relocating to the Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur region can receive support from the Welcome Around ITER network.

A strong regional network has been deployed that offers a wide range of services including assistance with immigration formalities, accommodation and relocation. The Welcome Around ITER network can also assist with identifying industrial partnerships and in setting up your business.

Click here for our informational brochure. You can find out more about the Welcome Around ITER network at:



In the framework of the ITER Project, foreign companies based outside France may need to temporarily second their employees to France to work on the ITER site as prime contractors of the ITER Organization or of the ITER Members' Domestic Agencies, or as sub-contractors of these prime contractors.

In French labour law, the notion of transnational secondment of workers refers to all situations in which an employer normally based outside France is required to operate in France with its own employees in order to fulfil a service.

Such employers must comply with European and French laws and regulations, in particular labour, immigration and social security law. It is their obligation as an employer of the workers sent to France.

The administrative steps to be followed to second employees to France have to be anticipated well in advance, considering the deadlines for the administration to grant the necessary administrative authorizations.

Depending on the nationality of the company and of the employees, different administrative steps shall be followed.

Visa/residence and work permits

All employees seconded to France shall be authorized to stay and work in France during the period they are fulfilling the service.

Exemption: Depending on the nationality and the work scope, some employees might be exempted from getting the visa/resident and work permit (please check the presentations below).

Secondment declaration

Any employer located outside France planning to provide a service on French soil must submit, before the start of the service in France, a preliminary declaration concerning the posting of its employees to the Labour Inspectorate of the place where the service is performed.

For more information on this declarations, please refer to the following website (SIPSI platform).

Social security coverage

Under certain conditions, the employee may be covered by the social security system of the county in wich they usually work. In such cases, social security contributions are paid in the individual's county of origin and employers shall then request a specific certificate attesting to that coverage.

For information on the steps to be complied with, please see the following ITER Organization presentations:

Presentation for Chinese and Russian companies

Presentation for Indian companies

Presentation for American, Japanese and Korean companies


In order to support companies in this process of seconding employees to France, help is provided by the ITER Organization to companies which have a contract either with the ITER Organization or one of the ITER Member Domestic Agencies.

Any request on this subject should be sent to the Legal Affairs Team.


Please see the following list of companies that can assist you with relocation, work and immigration issues.


Any foreign companies planning to work on the ITER site or to set up an activity in the region nearby can ask for their support.