"Manufacturing underway" Gallery

Vacuum sealing specialists @ ITER
2025-03-19 - Technetics, a company supplying vacuum seals to the ITER project, brings its production team to the ITER site on 19 March to see how its products are used. (The picture was taken during a lunch break in Gréoux-les-Bains.)

Manufacturing completed on central solenoid structure
2025-03-17 - US ITER has completed delivery of all components for the support structure of the central solenoid, including tie plates (one is pictured) and key blocks. The support structure can be described as an exoskeleton, or a cage, that surrounds the central solenoid magnets to hold them in place and withstand the extreme force that the central solenoid will generate. Credit: US ITER

Europe completes its second sector
2025-03-06 - Contractors to Fusion for Energy, the European Domestic Agency, have completed vacuum vessel sector #4. The 440-tonne component will leave the Walter Tosto factory in Italy this month for shipment to ITER where it will be the sixth sector received on site. ©Walter Tosto

Collaboration around a state-of-the-art neutron diagnostic
2024-12-06 - A CAD rendering of the HRNS diagnostic system being developed through a collaborative effort between the ITER Organization, Uppsala University and Fagerström (Sweden), the Institute of Nuclear Physics (IFJ-PAN, Poland), and the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). The HRNS diagnostic will play a critical role in ITER, providing high-precision measurements of neutron spectra to support plasma performance and fusion research.

China ships first blanket shield blocks
2024-11-29 - A ceremony is held on 29 November at Dongfang Electric Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. in Guanzhou, China, for the shipment of the first 48 blanket shield blocks. China is procuring 220 (out of 440) of these complex, actively cooled components, which will be attached to the inner surface of the vacuum vessel to protect the vessel and the toroidal field magnets from the neutron flux generated by the fusion reaction.

Developing bespoke assembly and alignment tools
2024-11-19 - Fusion for Energy (F4E), the European Domestic Agency for ITER, is working with IDOM (Spain) to developing two precision insert tools for the assembly and alignment of cable feedthroughs in upper and lower ports. F4E, ITER and IDOM representatives are shown here during tests at the factory. ©F4E

MITICA testbed advancing
2024-10-11 - Under contract with the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, TECHNALIA and AVS are collaborating to manufacture and deliver key components for the MITICA full-scale neutral beam injector prototype at the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility in Padua, Italy. Pictured is the neutralizer that will remove the electrical charge of the particles to create "neutrals" that can be injected into the plasma to increase its temperature. ©AVS

Major milestone: Europe completes first sector
2024-09-24 - The European Domestic Agency is ready to ship vacuum vessel sector #5—the first of five European sectors expected at ITER. Cleaning is underway (photo) to prepare the component for packaging. ©F4E (August 2024)

High powered amplifier developed in-house in India
2024-08-14 - The Institute for Plasma Research in Ahmedabad, India, has successfully developed a 120 kW high-power amplifier for heating fusion plasma in tokamaks using high-power radiofrequency waves. Following the completion of all tests, it will be delivered to ITER as part of the ion cyclotron heating system.

Russia is supplying electrotechnical equipment for the magnets
2024-08-14 - As part of in-kind contributions to the ITER Project, Russia is supplying switching equipment, busbars, energy-absorbing resistors and control racks for the power supply and protection of the ITER superconducting magnets. (Pictured, a multi-action disconnecting device for the switching system.) 15 trucks of equipment are expected before the end of the year.

Prototype first wall in development in Russia
2024-08-14 - This full-scale prototype of an enhanced heat flux first wall blanket panel (with beryllium armour tiles) was produced and tested as part of a qualification program at the Efremov Institute in Saint Petersburg. Specialists have now begun a qualification program to validate tungsten as the blanket first wall armour material.

Korea completes final sector
2024-08-11 - HD Hyundai Heavy Industries has completed a fourth and last ITER vacuum vessel sector on behalf of the Korean Domestic Agency. After sectors #6 (2020), #7 (2021) and #8 (2022), sector #1 is being packed for transport to ITER.

A ceremony to mark TF coil completion
2024-07-03 - All 19 D-shaped toroidal field coils have been manufactured and delivered. A ceremony is held on 3 July 2024 on site to celebrate the completion of this 10+ year procurement program.

In Japan: developing a robotic arm for the ITER blanket
2024-06-05 - The Japanese Domestic Agency is developing a remote-handling system for the replacement of blanket first wall panels or shield block modules. Pictured is the robotic manipulator arm during testing.

Cryopumps: first unit reaches ITER
2024-05-30 - Members of the ITER vacuum team, the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, and the German firm Research Instruments (RI) are all present on 30 May to welcome the delivery of the first (of eight) production cryopumps.

Cryopumps: first unit reaches ITER
2024-05-30 - Members of the ITER vacuum team, the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, and the German firm Research Instruments (RI) are all present on 30 May to welcome the delivery of the first (of eight) production cryopumps.

First cryopump passes all tests
2024-05-15 - The serial production of ITER's powerful torus and cryostat cryopumps is progressing at Research Instruments, Germany, on behalf of the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy. Last week, the first production unit was cleared for shipment to ITER.

Last European ring magnet
2024-04-30 - The final ring coil (PF3) manufactured by Europe in a facility at ITER has been completed and moved into storage. The milestone marks the end of a ten-year adventure—from building and equipping the facility, to qualifying the first double pancakes, and finally to the successful fabrication of coils PF2, PF3, PF4 and PF5.

Subjecting vacuum components to serious shaking
2024-04-22 - As part of qualification activities for vacuum components, the ITER Organization is working through a public-private partnership to certify that ITER's vacuum components can withstand major seismic events. The vacuum team is currently qualifying more than 70 different types of metal valves, including on a shaker table (photo).

Testing the divertor remote handling system in Europe
2024-04-03 - A prototype divertor cassette has just passed successfully through the tunnel representing the access corridor to the ITER vacuum vessel, where tolerances are very tight and the component must be moved by remote handling. Testing is underway through a partnership between the European Domestic Agency, the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Tampere University. ©VTT

Blanket shield block production passes 50%
2024-03-04 - Blanket shield blocks are complex components that must make room for inner cooling channels and interfaces for heating and diagnostics. In China and Korea, where the production of 440 shield blocks (220 each) is underway, fabrication has passed the 50% mark.

Europe's first sector passes leak tests
2024-02-05 - The European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy, has announced that the first of five vacuum vessel sectors under its responsibility has passed leak testing. The tests, which assess leak tightness using nitrogen and helium, are the first in a line of factory acceptance tests that must be completed successfully before the component can ship. ©F4E

Innovating with AI for the vacuum vessel in Europe
2024-01-03 - The vacuum vessel team in Europe charged with the procurement of five sectors of the ITER vacuum vessel has been working for two years to explore the benefits of using artificial intelligence (AI) to predict weld defects. Using data previously collected from vacuum vessel welds with defects to train an AI model to predict which welds in progress would present defects, helped the team create an AI tool with conclusive results.

Midway through shield block procurement
2023-12-08 - Members of the ITER blanket team visit the factory in China where shield block manufacturing is underway. China and Korea are splitting shield block procurement (220 blocks each), and series production has passed 50%.

Auxiliary cold boxes: five needed
2023-12-01 - Procured by India and designed and manufactured by Linde Kryotechnik AG in Switzerland, this 28-tonne auxiliary cold box acts like a cryogenic fluid dispatcher, receiving the different fluids from the cryogenic termination cold box located inside the cryoplant and redistributing them to clients in the ITER machine. Five auxiliary cold boxes (procured by India and designed and manufactured by Linde Kryotechnik AG in Switzerland) are needed in all.

Last magnet support elements in China
2023-11-16 - Over the past years China has fabricated magnet support elements for the toroidal, poloidal and correction coil magnet systems—in all, over 1,600 tonnes of equipment. The last elements (photo) left the factory in November.

Japanese gyrotrons on their way
2023-11-15 - Gyrotron sets 5 and 6 from Japan (out of eight) have left the factory for delivery to ITER. Gyrotrons are the powerful microwave heating devices that help to heat the plasma as part of electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH).

Last AC/DC converter unit to leave Korea
2023-11-09 - The last of 18 AC/DC converter units to be supplied by Korea for the ITER magnet system is ready for shipment. Comprising a transformer, a converter and a busbar section, the toroidal field coil unit manufactured by Hyosung will be integrated into a complex arrangement of equipment dedicated to converting the power supplied by the French grid to the voltage required for the operation of ITER's magnets. Photo: KFE

The first cryopump
2023-09-27 - Serial production of torus and cryostat cryopumps progresses at Research Instruments in Germany on behalf of the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy. The final welding of cryogenic panels is underway on the first pump, which is expected to be delivered to ITER before the end of the year.

8 cold valve boxes delivered by Europe
2023-07-11 - A close-up of a cold valve box, manufactured by Research Instruments (Germany) for the European Domestic Agency. Eight cold valve boxes will be situated at the junction of the liquid helium cooling system and the powerful cryopumps responsible for vacuum conditions in the vacuum vessel and cryostat. ©RI

Successful cold test for ring magnet #4
2023-07-07 - The cold test of poloidal field coil PF4 has ended, with positive results. The coil will be transferred into storage in August.

Vacuum vessel advancing in Europe
2023-06-30 - ENSA, a Spanish company working as a subcontractor to the European Domestic Agency's consortium for vacuum vessel manufacturing (AMW) is finishing up the last of five poloidal segments that it was tasked with completing. The segments will be shipped to Italy where the main sector assembly is taking place. ©ENSA

Ring coils progress
2023-06-05 - Two final ring-shaped poloidal field (PF) coils are taking shape in the European Domestic Agency's fabrication workshop on the ITER site. PF4 has completed cold testing and will soon reemerge from a tailor-made vacuum chamber (foreground). The resin-impregnated superconducting winding pack for PF3 (background) is ready for clamps, protection covers and helium inlet pipes.

In-vessel viewing probe: prototype tested in Europe
2023-05-15 - Experts in Europe are testing this prototype in-vessel viewing system probe on a real ITER plasma-facing component. The 2D images and 3D point clouds it generates by directing laser beams onto component surfaces and interpreting the light that is reflected back will help ITER operators detect any damage or erosion. ©F4E

Robotic precision welding for European sectors
2023-04-17 - Contained in every double-walled sector of the ITER vacuum vessel are approximately 1.5 kilometres of welds. The Spanish firm Equipos Nucleares SA (ENSA)—sub-contractor to Europe's vacuum vessel consortium AMW—is using robots for part of the task, finding that they offer substantial time savings and result in fewer distortions. © ENSA

Gyrotron test facility in India
2023-03-20 - The ITER India Gyrotron Test Facility has been used to successfully carry out the site acceptance of a test gyrotron to ITER power and pulse requirements. This significant achievement also confirms the successful commissioning of the megawatt-class, continuous wave test facility and validates the various auxiliary systems and their integrated performance.

Diagnostic windows: preserving the view and the vacuum
2023-03-13 - Approximately 100 windows placed in the walls of the vacuum vessel will be used by diagnostic systems to "observe" the plasma. In addition to providing transparency for the diagnostic signals, the windows must be leak proof and capable of maintaining nuclear confinement.

MITICA cryopump passes site acceptance tests
2023-03-12 - These huge panels coated with charcoal are part of the cryopump that will allow high vacuum to be created in the full-size ITER neutral beam injector MITICA (part of the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility in Padua, Italy.)

The technology for disruption mitigation advances
2023-03-06 - The ITER disruption mitigation system has reached a high level of maturity, thanks to collaboration within the ITER Disruption Mitigation System Task Force. This picture shows how the shattered pellet injectors at the heart of the system will be integrated into an ITER port plug.

Japan completes 8th toroidal field coil
2023-02-21 - Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions of Japan has announced the completion of a fourth toroidal field coil for the ITER Project, bringing the total number procured by the Japanese Domestic Agency to eight. This is the last coil expected from Japan for the machine. (Japan will also produce a ninth coil as a spare.)

European coil enters cold testing
2023-02-20 - In the European poloidal field coil winding facility, on site, this completed 24-metre-in-diameter ring coil, PF4, is about to be placed in a cryogenic chamber for cold testing. This is the final step in the production process.

D-shape sector in fabrication in Europe
2023-02-01 - Representatives of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy and of the organization managing Europe's contribution to ITER, Fusion for Energy, are photographed in front of an ITER vacuum vessel sector in fabrication at Walter Tosto (Italy).

First four "cold valve boxes" reach ITER
2022-12-22 - Sophisticated "cold valve boxes" will regulate the forced flow of supercritical helium to each of the eight cryopumps of the ITER vacuum system. After 16 years of design, validation and manufacturing, the first four have been delivered to ITER. The highest possible quality and integrity in design and manufacturing were achieved by Research Instruments (Germany) operating in consortium with Cryoworld (Netherlands) under a European Domestic Agency contract.

European firm to begin manufacturing divertor inner target
2022-12-16 - The German firm Research Instruments has signed two contracts with the European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy, for the manufacture of 26 (out of 58) inner vertical divertor targets. These plasma-facing components are armoured with tungsten monoblocks to withstand extremely high heat flux. ©RI

Neutral beam cryopump nears completion
2022-11-30 - The fabrication of the first neutral beam cryopump, which will be tested at the MITICA test facility in Italy (See this page), draws near to completion as a result of good collaboration between the ITER Organization, the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, and supplier SDMS (France).

Russia ships top ring magnet
2022-11-01 - A ten-year industrial effort comes to an end with the departure of poloidal field coil #1 from the Sredne Nevsky shipyard in Saint Petersburg on 1 November 2022.

Cryopump nearly ready for MITICA test bed
2022-10-22 - The MITICA testbed at the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility at Consorzio RFX in Italy is a 1:1-scale prototype of an ITER neutral beam heating injector, where components and concepts will be tested and challenged before ITER operation. In this photo, elements of the vacuum-producing cryopump are in final stages of preparation. © SDMS

Europe is procuring complex cold valve boxes for the cryopumps
2022-08-31 - European contractors Research Instruments (Germany) and Cryoworld (The Netherlands) are collaborating to produce the eight cold valve boxes (photo) that will manage the flow of cryogenic fluids at different temperatures to the powerful cryopumps that will ensure the correct vacuum conditions inside the vacuum vessel and the cryostat. Production just passed 50%

Russia to ship 4 gyrotron sets to ITER
2022-08-17 - One gyrotron set is prepared for shipment to ITER at the GYCOM manufacturing facility in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. The Russian Domestic Agency will ship four full sets in September 2022 as part of its First Plasma commitments. Four other sets will be supplied later as part of ITER's full electron cyclotron resonance heating apparatus (24 gyrotron sets).

Electron cyclotron heating system moving to manufacturing in Europe
2022-07-26 - The European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy, has signed a large contract with European suppliers IDOM and ALSYMEX for the design and manufacturing of four upper launchers and five ex-vessel waveguides for ITER's electron cyclotron heating system. The contract builds off of years of design work and prototyping under Fusion for Energy and ITER contracts.

Europe signs contract for six gyrotrons
2022-07-21 - The group Thales has been chosen by the European Domestic Agency to build the six gyrotrons Europe is contributing to ITER's electron cyclotron heating system. In this photo, operators check part of the gyrotron prototype at the Falcon test facility at the Swiss Plasma Center (EPFL) in July 2022. © EPFL

Russian Domestic Agency prepares magnet for shipment
2022-07-15 - At the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard in Saint Petersburg, specialists are preparing ITER's smallest poloidal field magnet, PF1, for shipment to ITER.

Final stage for first European sector
2022-07-14 - Final assembly underway at Mangiarotti (Italy) on vacuum vessel sector #5. @WECNuclear

A European diagnostic for counting fusion neutrons
2022-07-05 - The radial neutron camera will count fusion neutrons to assess plasma performance. This diagram shows the European design of port-plug components, including the collimators that will collect the neutrons (multicolour), the cassette assembly (blue) and the detectors inside. © RNC Consortium

First diagnostic components from Japan
2022-07-01 - Elements of the micro fission chamber (MFC) diagnostic are shipped from Japan in July.

MITICA beam source: 90% complete
2022-06-02 - The European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy (F4E) is procuring the beam source for MITICA. Composed of a radio frequency ion source and a seven-grid accelerator, the beam source is being assembled at ALSYMEX (Tarbes, France) from components produced at approximately 20 European companies. © F4E

Europe: toroidal field coil program passes 80% completion milestone
2022-05-27 - Representatives of the European Domestic Agency for ITER, Fusion for Energy, and industry gather in May to celebrate the completion of Europe's eighth toroidal field coil for ITER at SIMIC in Italy. Only two coils remain to be finalized.

A crane specially devised for remote maintenance
2022-05-15 - Inside of the neutral beam cell, deep in the Tokamak Building, a crane will be installed for the remote maintenance of ITER's neutral beam injectors. A prototype (photo) developed by REEL in collaboration with Jacobs, Fusion for Energy and the ITER Organization has been tested successfully. © F4E

At ENSA (Spain) robots are the welders
2022-04-12 - A 50-person team at ENSA (Spain) is working on the sub-segments for several vacuum vessel sectors. In this photo, automatic welding is underway on a segment for vacuum vessel sector #2. © F4E

On the road to ITER
2022-03-30 - This manufactured component—a 440-tonne vacuum vessel sector from Korea—is travelling along the ITER Itinerary to the project site. It takes approximately two months for a major component like this to be shipped from its manufacturing facility to ITER.

First European sector in final assembly stage
2022-03-24 - European Domestic Agency contractors are working on the final assembly of ITER vacuum vessel sector #5 on a dedicated assembly platform at Mangiarotti (Italy). © F4E

Poloidal field magnet #1 passes factory acceptance tests in Russia
2022-03-17 - Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard (SNSZ) specialists have successfully finished factory acceptance tests on poloidal field coil #1 (PF1) in Russia. Successful testing, confirmed by specialists of the ITER Organization, allows Russian enterprises to start preparing the magnet for shipment to the ITER construction site.

Cryostat : end of fabrication
2022-03-10 - The Indian Domestic Agency has completed the fabrication of the ITER cryostat. The last section, the 665-tonne top lid, was completed on site at ITER in March 2022. The four sections must be welded together over the next years in the Tokamak pit.

Third vacuum vessel sector to arrive soon
2022-03-09 - Vacuum vessel sector #8 has arrived in the port of Fos-sur-Mer, France, and willl soon reach the ITER site. This is the third Korean sector to be completed; a fourth is 95% finalized at Hyundai Heavy Industries.

Finalizing the last toroidal field coils in Europe
2022-02-10 - This curved component is part of the exterior case of a toroidal field coil winding pack. Europe is finalizing its last toroidal field coil assemblies at SIMIC in Italy, where European-made winding packs are inserted into Japanese-made coil cases.

Japan has designed this robotic manipulator for 4 t blanket shield modules
2022-01-31 - This full-scale prototype manipulator is capable of handling the 4-tonne blanket shield modules. During this test, it is approaching a mockup of the blanket first wall as guided by the engineers in the last photo.

Testing a robot controller in Japan
2022-01-31 - Engineers in Japan test a prototype of the control system for the ITER blanket remote handling system. On the left screen is a virtual reality model; on the right is the view from the camera. Look closely to see the manipulator on the other side of the window.

Japan's highest heat load component
2022-01-21 - Plasma-facing units of the ITER divertor outer vertical target prototype have been mounted on a test assembly for high heat flux heating in Japan. The conditions at the bottom of the machine, where waste gas and impurities are exhausted from the reactor, can be described as "extreme."

Korea complets third vacuum vessel sector
2022-01-14 - This 440-tonne component is the third sector of the ITER vacuum vessel (sector #8) to exit the production line at Hyundai Heavy Industries in Ulsan, Korea. It is expected to reach ITER in March 2022. Nine sectors in all will form the central torus of the ITER machine.

Europe completes ring coil PF2
2021-12-17 - In December 2021, the European Domestic Agency completes a second poloidal field coil in its on-site winding facility: PF2 which measures 17 metres in diameter and weighs 200 tonnes. PF2 will be installed near the top of the machine; for the moment, it has been moved into storage (photo).

A monoblock production line in Japan
2021-12-16 - This series line for tungsten monoblocks has improved production rates thanks to state-of-the-art automation and IoT (internet of things) technology. Japan is producing these monoblocs to be the front-facing elements of the divertor outer vertical target.

Specialized monoblocks for the divertor outer target in Japan
2021-12-15 - Tungsten monoblocks are produced to strict specification in Japan to meet the technical requirements of the divertor outer vertical target.

European contractor completes last winding pack
2021-12-08 - ASG Superconductors (Italy) was chosen by the European Domestic Agency for the supply of ten toroidal field coil winding packs (the superconducting "core" of the magnet). The last production winding pack leaves the factory on 8 December 2021 to be transported to SIMIC (Italy) for insertion into a structural case. More on toroidal field magnets here: See this page

Russia ships auxiliary heating equipment
2021-12-08 - The energy-generating devices of ITER's electron cyclotron heating system—gyrotrons—require a number of auxiliary systems such as water cooling equipment, cryocoolers and microwave-beam forming systems. A first batch of auxiliaries is on its way now from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

Europe's first vacuum vessel sector
2021-11-19 - Vacuum vessel sector #5—the first sector produced by Europe—has just completed radiographic testing. It will now return to the workshop for final activities before delivery in 2022. Europe is supplying five vacuum vessel sectors to ITER through its collaboration with the Italian consortium AMW (Ansaldo Nucleare, Mangiarotti, and Walter Tosto) and subcontractors.

Cryopump regeneration equipment manufactured in Europe
2021-11-15 - This warm regeneration box was recently delivered to the ITER Organization by European contractor Cryoworld (Netherlands). Part of the cryopumpumping system, this equipment will help "regenerate" the ITER cryopumps by freeing them of all trapped particles. © F4E

First vacuum vessel gravity support from Korea
2021-11-12 - Contractors to the Korean Domestic Agency have completed factory testing on the first of nine vacuum vessel gravity supports. These supports are designed to allow radial movement (to accommodate the thermal expansion of the vacuum vessel) while maintaining high rigidity in the toroidal and vertical directions (to withstand operational forces).

Europe's production line for ring coils
2021-11-09 - ITER's two largest ring coils—PF3 and PF4—are in various stages of fabrication in Europe's winding facility at ITER. These coils, at 24 metres in diameter, will fit around the girth of the vacuum vessel. (Pictured: one double pancake for PF3 is in resin impregnation moulding.)

Russia delivers a full-scale divertor dome prototype
2021-11-07 - A multiyear qualification program in Russia has concluded with the successful manufacturing and testing of a full-scale divertor dome prototype at the Efremov Institute in Saint Petersburg—one of the main suppliers of the Russian Domestic Agency. After shipment to ITER it will enter the first divertor integration trials, where prototypes of all divertor components produced by Europe, Japan and Russia will be assembled for the first time.

Three-barrel pellet injector for disruption mitigation studies
2021-10-14 - A state-of-the-art, three-barrel gun injector designed and built by PELIN LLC. of St. Petersburg, Russia has been installed on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak in Germany. Its purpose? To study the physics of disruption mitigation for ITER based on shattered pellet injection technology.

Special platform
2021-10-07 - This piece supplied by US ITER and manufactured by the French firm Robatel is the pedestal platform that will be used for the assembly of the central solenoid magnet at ITER.

Cryopump manufacturing progressing in Europe
2021-09-30 - Six torus cryopumps will create the high vacuum needed inside the vacuum vessel prior to operation by evacuating helium ash, unburnt fuel and all exhaust gases. Another two will be installed on the cryostat to provide the vacuum that thermally insulates the magnet system from the environment. The European Domestic Agency is procuring all eight from Research Instruments, Germany. © RI

Building a beam line in Europe
2021-09-29 - Following a conclusive manufacturing readiness review, European contractor AVS—Tecnalia (Spain) is proceeding with the manufacturing of the beam line components for MITICA—the full-size prototype of the 1 MV heating neutral beam injectors at ITER.

Diagnostic shielding material qualified in India
2021-09-27 - "Made in India" boron carbide (B4C) blocks are now qualified for use as radiation shielding material for India's plasma-facing diagnostic systems. B4C is an extremely hard, synthetically produced material whose chemical composition and vacuum and thermal properties make it an excellent choice for the neutron protection of equipment in the ITER diagnostic ports.

MeV test facility in Japan for the neutral beam system
2021-09-16 - This test stand in Japan is ready to demonstrate long-pulse H-beam acceleration (>100s) at 1 MeV for the neutral beam auxiliary heating system

Beams on the screen
2021-09-16 - At this Japanese test centre (see last photo), the parameters of each high-power-density beam during acceleration are followed closely on the monitors.

ITER instruments in development in Russia
2021-09-07 - At a spectroscopic laboratory in Moscow, Russian Domestic Agency specialists are working to support the development of optical diagnostic systems for ITER, such as the Charge eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) Edge diagnostic.

Waveguide prototypes in the US for electron cyclotron heating
2021-09-01 - US ITER contractors have started to fabricate the first elements of the electron cyclotron transmission line system, including waveguide prototypes (photo). © GA

Advancing ITER diagnostics in the US
2021-08-17 - Prototypes for the low field side reflectometer diagnostic are in development at General Atomics. © GA

US sends second central solenoid module to ITER
2021-08-13 - On 10 August, General Atomics hosts a celebration for the completion of the first central solenoid module. Attending in Poway, California, or virtually are members of Congress and local governement, senior representatives of the US Department of Energy, Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the ITER Organization, US ITER, and subcontractors. "The central solenoid is one of the most complex and demanding pulsed magnet programs ever undertaken," said John Smith, Director of Engineering and Projects at General Atomics.

2nd completed vacuum vessel sector
2021-08-07 - The Korean Domestic Agency and its contractor Hyundai Heavy Industries have completed vacuum vessel sector #1(7). The sector was unloaded in France on 7 August 2021. © Emmanuel BONICI (Korean sector #1 will be installed in position #7 in the ITER Tokamak pit, hence the designation "#1(7)"...)

Central solenoid lift fixture, on site soon
2021-08-04 - The lifting fixture for assembling the central solenoid magnet has passed its factory acceptance test and will be headed to the ITER site in September. US ITER is responsible for the central solenoid procurement package, which includes design, R&D, and fabrication (seven modules wound from conductor supplied by from Japan, tie structures, and assembly tooling such as this lift device.)

Last cryolines leave India
2021-07-29 - A complex system of cryolines will distribute the cooling power generated by the ITER cryoplant to clients throughout the installation. Four years after manufacturing was initiated, the last batch leaves INOXCVA's Vadodara facility in July 2021.

Diamond discs in Europe
2021-07-26 - A technician stands in front of a machine used to grow diamond discs for the electron cyclotron system, getting ready to inspect an 80mm unpolished diamond disc. High-frequency electromagnetic waves will travel through windows sealed by these discs and into the plasma. © Diamond Materials (contractor to the European Domestic Agency)

Integrating diagnostics into port plugs
2021-07-22 - A massive port plug will fill every port opening of the ITER vacuum vessel. Its role is two-fold: to contribute to nuclear shielding and to host plant systems such as diagnostics, fuelling and heating leads, and instrumentation. In this diagram, we see how the wide angle viewing system diagnostic, provided by Europe, will be integrated into equatorial port #12.

Japan's MHI completes its toroidal field coil scope
2021-07-15 - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) completes the final toroidal field coil of its contract with ITER Japan. The coil (TF2) leaves the factory on 15 July 2021.

Cryopump manufacturing begins in Europe
2021-07-07 - Following all final manufacturing readiness reviews, European contractors can begin manufacturing the torus and cryostat cryopumps. Eight of these powerful pumping devices will ensure the correct level of vacuum in the ITER vacuum vessel and cryostat.

Manufacturing milestone: first central solenoid module ships from US
2021-07-07 - The completion of the first central solenoid module (CS1) at General Atomics means the US Domestic Agency is ready to ship the component to France. Six other modules are in preparation.

Vacuum vessel sector 5, in Europe
2021-07-01 - The four poloidal segments of vacuum vessel sector #5 are coming together in Europe. This one, poloidal segment 4, has been produced by Westinghouse/Mangiarotti in Italy. Four segments form a sector.

Electrical feedthrough prototypes tested in Europe
2021-06-17 - Electrical feedthrough prototypes are subjected to thermal cycling and helium leak tests in Europe. Feedthroughs provide leak-tight passageways into and out of the ITER vacuum vessel for diagnostic signals. © Tecnalia

Korea completes second vacuum vessel sector
2021-06-09 - After vacuum vessel sector #6 in 2020, Hyundai Heavy Industries and the Korean Domestic Agency have completed a second vacuum vessel sector #1(7). The 440-tonne component (seen packed for shipment here) is scheduled to reach France in July and the ITER site in August.

Toshiba completes ITER coil
2021-06-07 - Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions has produced the first of four ITER toroidal field coils on behalf of Japan's QST*, the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology. The coil will be shipped from Yokohama Port in July 2021.

Wave-generating devices
2021-05-31 - Electron cyclotron heating at ITER will require 24 gyrotrons, or wave-generating devices. The Japanese Domestic Agency (photo) is responsible for procuring 8.

Korean vacuum vessel sector gets packed for shipment
2021-05-28 - A 440-tonne vacuum vessel sector, still atop its assembly platform, is carefully wrapped for shipment. This is sector #1(7)*—the second sector produced by Hyundai Heavy Industries in Korea. (Korean sector #1 will be installed in position #7 in the ITER Tokamak pit, hence the designation "#1(7)"...)

Japan completes gyrotron manufacturing
2021-05-28 - Japan's QST Institute (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology) has manufactured eight high-power microwave sources, called gyrotrons, for ITER's electron cyclotron resonance heating system. Factory acceptance testing has concluded successfully on the four units that are required for ITER's First Plasma.

New European facility for in-vessel component testing
2021-05-25 - At the HELCZA experimental and testing facility in the Czech Republic, partially financed by the European Domestic Agency, Europe can test the performance of in-vessel component prototypes for ITER under high heat flux.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries completes fourth D-shaped coil
2021-05-21 - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has completed four D-shaped toroidal field coils out of the five that it is producing for ITER. Superconducting winding packs produced by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation are inserted into robust steel coil structures at MHI's Futami plant before shipment to ITER.

So many "eyes"
2021-05-05 - The bright points in the picture are photogrammetry targets (points to be measured) placed on a poloidal segment of vacuum vessel sector #5 before final machining. Mangiarotti, Italy.

9th superconducting winding pack, at ASG Superconductors (Europe)
2021-04-29 - Under contract with the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, the team at ASG Superconductors (Italy) completes its ninth toroidal field superconducting winding pack. One more will complete the contract. (Europe is providing 10 toroidal field magnets to ITER, while Japan is providing 9 including one spare.)

US delivers volume control tank
2021-04-09 - The US Domestic Agency delivers a volume control tank for the Tokamak cooling water system.

Feeders: series manufacturing in China
2021-04-08 - More than 100 components will be assembled into ITER's 31 magnet feeders. Series manufacturing is underway now in China. (Pictured at top, two "cold termination boxes" in cryogenic testing.)

Europe completes poloidal field coil #5
2021-04-05 - Three and a half years after fabrication begin on poloidal field coil #5 (PF5), the European Domestic Agency transfers the completed coil to the ITER Organization. PF5 is the first of four poloidal field coils to be produced by European contractors on site at ITER (to be followed by PF2, PF4 and PF3).

Europe completes 10th pre-compression ring
2021-04-04 - After delivering nine pre-compression rings to ITER last year, the European Domestic Agency procures a tenth as requested by the ITER team. Pre-compression rings are large, composite rings that will help the toroidal field coils resist electromagnetic forces during operation.

Another European coil coming off the production line
2021-03-23 - At the SIMIC facility in Italy, European winding packs are cold tested and inserted into structural steels cases provided by Japan. This coil, TF3, will be ready for shipment to ITER in April.

Poloidal field magnet #1: impregnation accomplished in Russia
2021-03-19 - The 200-tonne magnet has passed one of the final fabrication stages in Russia: vacuum pressure impregnation with resin, which hardens the coil winding pack into a rigid assembly and ensures its electrical insulation.

In Japan, assembling gyrotron #5
2021-03-11 - A gyrotron is carefully inserted into the narrow bore of a superconducting magnet by crane, in order to minimize vibrations. Japan is supplying 8 out of the 24 gyrotrons needed by ITER's electron cyclotron resonance heating system.

First European vacuum vessel sector enters final phase
2021-02-11 - The first European vacuum vessel sector is entering an important and critical phase: the assembly and welding of four segments into the D-shaped sector. The AMW consortium (Ansaldo Nucleare, Mangiarotti, Walter Tosto), supported by an extended network of sub-suppliers located in France, Germany and Spain, is ready for the moment.

In Japan, where toroidal field coil cases are produced
2021-02-03 - Here is what a toroidal field coil case looks like. This massive steel structure shelters the superconducting part of the magnet and stands strong against the electromagnetic forces of the ITER machine.

Second inner vertical target prototype completed in Europe
2021-02-01 - A second divertor inner vertical target prototype has been completed in Europe by Research Instruments Germany. The European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy, has contracted with three different firms for the prototype stage of the procurement process. The inner vertical target is one of three plasma-facing components of the ITER divertor.

Tungsten monoblocks produced in Japan
2021-01-27 - For the series production of diverter outer vertical targets in Japan, approximately 200,000 tungsten monoblocks must be manufactured. The first set has been delivered (photo).

First central solenoid module can ship from the US
2021-01-15 - After rounds of challenging testing, the first central solenoid module is ready to be shipped to the ITER site. This is the first of seven to be procured by US ITER from contractor General Atomics (California). Credit: GA

In Europe: another TF winding pack completed
2021-01-15 - At ASG Superconductors (Italy), niobium-tin superconductor is wound into a 110-tonne toroidal field magnet inner core, or winding pack (pictured) before being shipped to SIMIC S.p.A for insertion into a steel case.

Last assembly project for the ITER cryostat
2021-01-14 - The last segments of the 3,800-tonne ITER cryostat are arriving from India. The top lid (665 tonnes) is the last of four sections to be assembled on site.

Blanket first wall: manufacturing starts in Europe
2020-12-22 - A real-size prototype of the ITER blanket first wall panel produced by Atmostat-Alsyom for Fusion for Energy. Europe, which is responsible for 215 out of the 440 first wall panels required for the ITER device, just issued two fabrication contracts for 27 units + 3 each after a rigorous qualification program.

Two correction coils arrive from China
2020-12-18 - The first correction coils arrive from China. Bottom coils #1 and #5 are two of six bottom correction coils. A set of 18 correction coils will reduce magnetic error fields caused by imperfections in the position and geometry of the main coils.

First poloidal field coil completed
2020-12-15 - Poloidal field coil #6—the bottommost ring coil of the ITER machine and the first in line for installation—has completed all testing on site in the European winding facility. This 400-tonne coil was fabricated by the ASIPP Institute in China under agreement with the European Domestic Agency.

Testing hydraulic valves in Finland
2020-12-09 - This ITER divertor cassette mockup will be used on the Divertor Test Platform facility (DTP2) in Tampere, Finland (pictured), to test the performance of the hydraulic digital valves planned for use in transferring the 10-tonne component along its full installation trajectory. The European Domestic Agency has financed the mock-up and the hydraulic digital valve prototype.

Europe delivers power supplies for electron cyclotron heating
2020-12-01 - European contractor Ampegon (Switzerland) has delivered the second of eight power supplies it has contracted to produce for ITER's electron cyclotron heating system. These power supplies represent the state of the art in high voltage power supplies, with the ability to regulate the output voltage in small steps within less than a microsecond.

Inner vertical target prototype performs well in Europe
2020-12-01 - A prototype of the inner vertical target (a plasma-facing part of the ITER divertor) has been successfully completed by European contractor Ansaldo Nucleare/ENEA (Italy), passing all required tests. In the next stage of the development program, it will be sent to ITER for futher validation and testing. Photo: F4E

Electrical switchboard equipment from Russia
2020-11-26 - Just dispatched to ITER from NIIEFA in Russia: ten electrical switchboards and ten control units for the power supply of the superconducting magnet system.

European consortium ready to start on divertor cassettes
2020-11-23 - Europe has contracted with the Italian-French consortium SIMIC/CNIM for the fabrication of four divertor cassette bodies. A successful manufacturing review this month means that fabrication can begin. (In the photo, samples are machined as part of the validation process.)

Bimetal "pedestals" from Russia
2020-11-23 - The Dollezhal Institute (NIKIET) in Moscow has shipped a batch of bimetal "pedestals" to ITER. Attached to the inner wall of the vacuum vessel, they will support blanket electrical connectors and act as low-impedance electrical bridges between blanket modules and the vacuum vessel. Approximately 1,000 are required in all.

Divertor dome: full-scale prototype completed in Russia
2020-11-20 - The Russian Federation is responsible for manufacturing 58 high-tech elements for the ITER divertor—the divertor dome, which is one of three "divertor targets" that will sustain a heat flux estimated at 10 to 20 MWm². The first full-scale prototype has been completed by the industrial contractor.

Japanese manufacturing: Ready for high-power, long-pulse operation
2020-11-10 - A gyrotron is assembled with its superconducting magnet and matching optics unit in Japan. ITER Japan is providing 8 of ITER's 24 gyrotrons.

Toroidal field winding packs in series at Italy's ASG
2020-11-09 - The ASG Superconductor team in Italy has completed seven out of ten toroidal field winding packs. Under contract with the European Domestic Agency, ASG will now ship the 110-tonne pack to SIMIC (Italy) for insertion into a structural steel case.

Prototype feedthroughs in Europe
2020-11-09 - The design is advancing in Europe on a large set of components—electrical feedthroughs—that will be installed for diagnostics and instrumentation at the barrier between the atmosphere outside the vacuum vessel and the ultra-high vacuum environment on the inside. Photo: F4E

First delivery of In-vessel coil conductor
2020-10-20 - The first spools of mineral-insulated conductor for ITER's in-vessel coils have arrived. All conductor lengths for the vertical stability coils will be delivered to ITER, while those destined for the manufacture of ELM coils and feedthroughs will be delivered directly to the supplier.

Lift tool arrives from Korea
2020-10-16 - The latest assembly tool delivered by Korea—the sector lifting tool—has passed all functional tests at ITER. The sector lifting tool will intervene between the overhead cranes and some of ITER's heaviest components to help lift, and balance, the loads.

Underneath a module
2020-10-10 - A view of the helium piping and manifolds inside a central solenoid module. The modules will be cooled to 4 K (-193 °C) during ITER operation. Photo: General Atomics

Next stage for Korean thermal shield
2020-10-07 - The thermal shield elements for vacuum vessel #6 that were delivered by Korea last year have been unwrapped in the Assembly Hall. They will soon join vacuum vessel sector #6 and toroidal field coils #12 and #13 on a giant tool to become the first "vacuum vessel sub-assembly" of the ITER machine.

Poloidal field coil #1 nears completion in Russia
2020-09-23 - Final activities are underway on ITER's smallest poloidal field coil (9 metres in diameter)—PF1 in Russia. Shipment is expected before the end of the year 2021.

First bottom correction coils completed in China
2020-09-22 - Work is underway in China to produce the 18 correction coils that will be inserted between the toroidal and poloidal field coils to compensate for field errors. In September 2020, the team celebrates the completion of the first two coils—bottom correction coils #1 and #5.

First vacuum vessel sector in Assembly Hall
2020-09-03 - One-ninth of ITER's toroidal plasma chamber has reached ITER in the form of the first vacuum vessel sector shipped by Korea. The 440-tonne component has been unwrapped and successfully leak tested; soon, it will be mounted on one of the giant tools in the background for pre-assembly activities.

Port stubs: Russian deliveries continue
2020-08-28 - Each of the vacuum vessel's 44 openings will have custom-made "extensions" to create the junction to the surrounding cryostat. The first link in the two-part chain—the port stub extension—will be welded to the vacuum vessel sectors before they are shipped from their manufacturing locations; (the second, port extensions, will be added during assembly on site). On August 28, two upper port extensions procured by the Russian Domestic Agency arrived at the South Korean port of Busan.

Waveguide transmission lines in Japan
2020-08-15 - A 50-mm diameter waveguide transmission line is in development in Japan for the ITER electron cyclotron system.

The next vacuum vessel sector in line in Korea
2020-08-10 - The careful planning, documenting, manufacturing and testing of the first ITER vacuum vessel sector in Korea (VV#6) has paid off, as work on the next three sectors is advancing at pace due to the lessons learned. Sector #7, pictured here, is 94% complete at Hyundai Heavy Industries.

India completes 9,000 in-wall shielding blocks
2020-08-06 - Approximately 9,000 borated steel blocks, assembled into plates, will fill 55 percent of the space between the double walls of the vacuum vessel to shield components outside the vessel from neutrons. ITER India worked with M/s Avasarala Technologies, Bengaluru, and subcontractors to complete this important procurement package. All material has now shipped.

First-of-a-kind vacuum vessel sector reaches France from Korea
2020-07-22 - On Wednesday 22 July, the first vacuum vessel sector from Korea is unloaded at Marseille harbour—a long and delicate operation that lasts more than two hours. Photo: Emmanuel Bonici

Europe advances vacuum vessel fabrication, despite the coronavirus
2020-07-07 - Europe is manufacturing five out of the nine ITER vacuum vessel sectors; the first European sector—S#5 —is nearly 80% complete. Construction activities have been rearranged and prioritized in line with safety protocols in the context of the coronavirus. (Pictured: Max Febvre, F4E Manufacturing Project Manager for the vacuum vessel. © F4E)

Cryostat manufacturing comes to an end in India
2020-06-30 - The segments of the cryostat top lid have been completed at Larsen & Toubro's Hazira, India, factory and prepared for shipment. It is the end of an eight-year industrial adventure to produce the 54 segments of the 3,800-tonne ITER cryostat.

Korea completes first blanket shield block
2020-06-29 - On the inner surface of the ITER vacuum vessel, 440 blanket shield blocks will provide nuclear shielding for the vacuum vessel structure and coil systems, as well as support plasma-facing first wall panels. Korea, which is responsible for half of the shield blocks, has completed the first production unit after a lengthy qualification, manufacturing and testing phase. Production can now accelerate.

A 650-tonne top lid for the cryostat in India
2020-06-25 - This large top lid is the fourth cryostat section in order of assembly after the base, the lower cylinder and the upper cylinder. The constituent parts will be shipped to ITER for assembly in a dedicated workshop there.

US contractor advances the central solenoid
2020-06-15 - One of the seven central solenoid modules General Atomics is fabricating for the ITER Project emerges from the furnace after five weeks of heat treating to create the superconducting material in the core of its windings.

Gas manifolds from China
2020-06-15 - The Chinese Domestic Agency has delivered the first part of the gas injection system, a series of pipes that transports all gases into the Tokamak Building from the tritium plant. Eighteen crates of spools were received; 30 more are expected.

First vacuum vessel sector to travel
2020-06-10 - The team at Hyundai Heavy Industries in Korea is preparing vacuum vessel sector #6 for transport. First it will be covered in protective wrapping, and then inserted into a bespoke metal-frame container (foreground).

Ten winding packs to produce in Europe
2020-06-06 - Another toroidal field winding pack leaves the lines of European contractor ASG Superconductors in Italy. It will be packed and shipped to SIMIC in Marghera for cold testing and insertion into a steel winding pack. (Europe is manufacturing ten toroidal field winding packs and Japan nine.)

US diagnostics advancing
2020-06-04 - US ITER will contribute seven diagnostics to the ITER machine. The first of these—a low-field side reflectometer (LFSR) that will gather data from the outer layers of the ITER plasma—is under development by a team based out of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. (Pictured, an LFSR test stand a General Atomics.) Credit: GA

Ready to manufacture 4 km of electron cyclotron transmission lines in the US
2020-06-02 - US ITER is passing from design and prototyping to manufacturing, now that the final design review for the electron cyclotron system's transmission lines has been concluded successfully. Over four kilometres of lines will be fabricated in three-metre lengths.

Vacuum vessel sector #6: ready for shipment from Korea
2020-05-27 - The first completed vacuum vessel sector is ready for shipment from Hyundai Heavy Industries in Korea. The 440-tonne component has been cleaned and wrapped, and is ready for installation on its transport frame.

Russia completes four gyrotron sets
2020-05-26 - Factory acceptance testing on the fourth gyrotron manufactured in Russia took place successfully in late May, with ITER Russia and ITER Organization representatives attending virtually. Gyrotrons are the energy-generating devices of the electron cyclotron resonance heating system.

Pre-compression rings in Europe: six packed and stacked
2020-05-20 - Mighty composite rings will hold tightly to the toroidal field coils at top and bottom, pulling the coils into contact and reducing toroidal tension caused by electromagnetic forces. French company CNIM is working under contract with the European Domestic Agency to produce nine of these rings; two-thirds have been finalized.

Central interlock system functionality validated
2020-05-15 - The final validation of the central interlock operation screens and functionality is performed in Seoul by the ITER team and the Korean supplier. The central interlock system protects the ITER investment by ensuring that no failure of a key system can damage machine integrity or availability.

The start of divertor cassette body fabrication in Europe
2020-05-15 - Cutting activities begin at Walter Tosto (Italy) on ITER divertor cassette bodies. Walter Tosto has been awarded a contract by the European Domestic Agency for the production of 15 cassette bodies out of the 58 total required for ITER (54 plus 4 spare).

Korea completes the vacuum vessel thermal shield
2020-04-23 - Each of the nine vacuum vessel sectors will be fitted with silver-coated thermal shield panels, actively cooled to 80 K to minimize heat loads transferred by thermal radiation and conduction. The last panels have been finalized in Korea.

Europe's PF5 coil: only one step left
2020-04-11 - The 280-tonne impregnated winding pick for poloidal field coil #5 (PF5) is lifted by gantry crane and transported to the assembly station where clamps and other components will be attached. When the coil leaves the building, it will weigh 342 tonnes.

Major arrivals
2020-04-10 - In April, two 360-tonne D-shaped magnet coils were delivered by the ITER Domestic Agencies of Europe and Japan for the toroidal field coil system. Seventeen others will be shipped sequentially over the next three years.

Industrial milestone : Korea completes the first vacuum vessel sector
2020-04-06 - A five-year manufacturing program to create the first ITER vacuum vessel sector has been completed in Korea. Sector #6 has completed helium leak testing successfully and will be shipped next month to ITER. It is expected on site in July.

A line of central solenoid modules in the US
2020-03-20 - Four central solenoid modules, in various stages of fabrication, are pictured at General Atomics (California, USA) in March. The first-completed module is expected at ITER in September 2020. Photo: General Atomics

Europe completes D-shaped toroidal field coil
2020-03-09 - A major industrial milestone has been reached in Europe—the completion of a 320-tonne D-shaped toroidal field coil for the ITER Tokamak. This first-of-a-kind magnet, one of 10 that will be supplied by Europe, will leave the port of Marghera (Venice, Italy) on 11 March for a one-week sea voyage to France.

ITER magnet floating
2020-03-06 - The first ITER toroidal field magnet produced in Japan has been lowered into the hold of the "UHL Fusion" to travel from Kobe port to Fos-sur-Mer, France. This represents a major manufacturing milestone for the ITER Project.

Assembly of poloidal field coil #1 in Russia
2020-03-01 - In Russia, contractors have started to stack the eight double pancakes that make up poloidal field coil #1—the smallest of ITER's six poloidal field magnets.

India completes cryostat upper cylinder
2020-02-21 - In the Cryostat Workshop on site, the Indian Domestic Agency and contractors Larsen & Toubro and MAN Energy Solutions (welding) complete the 430-tonne upper cylinder. After scaffolding is removed the component will be cleaned, cocooned, and moved to exterior storage.

A "zero-gravity" tool to help assembly contractors in tight places
2020-02-07 - A specific tool has been developed at MIFI, the joint ITER/French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) workshop, for the assembly of the steel elements that interlink the massive toroidal field coil cases at top and bottom.

Gyrotron power supplies delivered by Japan
2020-02-07 - All eight sets of anode and body power supplies for the Japanese gyrotrons to the procuring institute, QST. The next step is shipment to the ITER Radio Frequency Building.

Europe is developing specialized cameras for ITER
2020-02-02 - ITER's remote handling systems require specialized cameras that can operate in confined spaces and withstand radiation. Through a contract financed by the European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy, ISAE SUPAERO (France) has collaborated with Veolia Nuclear Solutions (UK) to develop a unique image sensor that will be integrated, in the next phase, into a prototype camera.

Japan completes the first D-shaped coil of the ITER Tokamak
2020-01-30 - In a ceremony on 30 January 2020, a major industrial achievement is celebrated in Japan—the completion of the first 360-tonne D-shaped toroidal field coil for the ITER Tokamak. This first-of-a-kind magnet will leave the port of Kobe in early March for an eight-week sea voyage to France. (In the background, closure welding is underway on the case of a second coil.)

Testing ITER disruption mitigation on the KSTAR tokamak
2020-01-20 - A shattered pellet injector—a device which pre-empts plasma disruptions by releasing a spray of frozen deuterium-neon pellets into a plasma—is now in testing on the Korean tokamak KSTAR. These tests, which support the development of the ITER disruption mitigation system, are the result of collaboration between the ITER Organization, Korea's National Fusion Research Institute NFRI, and US ITER through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Pre-compression rings: six of nine completed
2020-01-02 - Large composite rings installed at the top and bottom of the machine will help the toroidal field coils resist electromagnetic forces during operation. Fusion for Energy, the European Domestic Agency, is procuring a set of nine (including three spare). Manufacturing is 67% complete.

Europe is producing four poloidal field coils on site
2019-12-12 - Two coils are currently in different phases of manufacturing in Europe's on-site Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility—PF5 (in the impregnation phase) and PF2 (stacking to begin soon).

In Korea, central column passes factory acceptance tests
2019-12-11 - When assembled at ITER, the central column of the in-pit assembly tool will stand 25 metres tall and provide access, through interior ladders, traps and staging, to activities at different levels of the Tokamak pit. Designed by Yujin Mechatronics and manufactured by subcontractor GST, the tool recently passed factory acceptance tests in Korea.

Vacuum vessel manufacturing in Europe
2019-11-26 - Each of the nine ITER vacuum vessel sectors is formed from four "poloidal segments." In this photo, the lower segment of Sector 5 (the first sector in production in Europe*) is brought in to a Mangiarotti workshop for testing. Assembled from over 300 pieces of stainless steel, the component weighs 125 tonnes. *Europe has entrusted the fabrication of its portion of the ITER vacuum vessel to the AMW consortium (Ansaldo Nucleare, Mangiarotti, and Walter Tosto).

Cryostat top lid in India
2019-11-25 - At the Larsen & Toubro factory in Hazira, India, the elements of the top lid of the cryostat lid are in fabrication. When completed they will be sent to ITER and assembled in the Indian Domestic Agency's on-site workshop.

In Russia, a prototype of the divertor dome
2019-11-20 - The dome is one of the three plasma-facing targets of the ITER divertor, which is situated on the floor of the ITER Tokamak. In Russia, contractors have created a full-scale prototype as part of a multiyear qualification phase.

New measurement tool developed in Europe
2019-11-18 - Working closely with the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, the Spanish firm Tekniker has developed a specialized metrology tool that is capable of measuring the diameter of cylindrical attachments to within an accuracy of 0.004 mm.

Bottom correction coils, ready to ship from China
2019-11-14 - The Chinese Domestic Agency is procuring a set of 18 correction coils for ITER. The first four bottom coils will ship in early 2020,

Magnet feeders in series production in China
2019-11-14 - Series production is underway at the Chinese Institute of Plasma Physics (ASIPP) in China on the components that make up a magnet feeder. In the photo are coil termination boxes—the segment that is farthest from the magnet.

European coil PF5: ready for impregnation
2019-11-13 - With all eight superconducting double pancakes now stacked and joined, poloidal field coil #5 (PF5) is ready for impregnation in Europe's on-site winding facility.

Four gyrotrons successfully manufactured in Japan
2019-11-13 - Japan is procuring 8 of the 24 energy-generating devices of the electron cyclotron resonance heating system, including 4 required by First Plasma. At the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST), all four have been manufactured and two have completed factory acceptance tests.

Russia is manufacturing 1,000 bimetal "pedestals"
2019-11-11 - Between the blanket modules and the vacuum vessel, low-impedance electrical bridges will be installed, formed from bimetal "pedestals" and electrical "straps." Russia is providing both components; the fabrication of 1,000 "pedestals" (photo) is already underway at the Dollezhal Institute in Moscow in cooperation with the Kompozit, JSC.

Final assembly of first Korean vacuum vessel sector
2019-11-05 - At Hyundai Heavy Industries in Korea, four completed segments are welded into the final sector. On the exterior of the sector, contractors are welding the upper and lower port stub extensions.

Laser templating tested by ITER and Europe
2019-11-02 - Laser templating is tested on a mockup of the ITER vacuum vessel at Walter Tosto in Chieti, Italy, by a team composed of ITER Organization and European Domestic Agency specialists. Not only will this innovative technique help assembly contractors place each of the vacuum vessel's 150,000 welded attachments precisely, but it will be key to producing unique identification numbers for quality control and inspection.

Machining central solenoid support elements in the US
2019-11-01 - A close-up view of a toroidal field support for the central solenoid support structure.

Gravity supports progressing well in China
2019-11-01 - The fabrication of gravity supports for the ITER magnets is progressing well in China: on the left, all 18 sets of coil clamps for poloidal coil #5 are ready for delivery to the coil manufacturer (Europe); on the right, 14 sets of supports have been manufactured for the toroidal field coils.

Korea is building another massive assembly tool
2019-10-28 - This tree-like assembly tool will support, align, and stabilize the vacuum vessel sub-assemblies as they are joined and welded in the Tokamak pit. Fabrication is progressing now at Yujin Mechatronics sub-contractor GST in Gimhae, Korea, for shipment before the end of the year.

High voltage power supplies in Europe
2019-10-25 - Under contract with the European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy, the Swiss company Ampegon is manufacturing 8 out of the 12 main high voltage power supplies (55 kV/110 A) for ITER's electron cyclotron heating system. The first unit was completed (photo) and delivered to ITER in October.

Crafting assembly tooling for the central solenoid (US)
2019-10-24 - Factory acceptance testing of the central solenoid module lifting fixture is underway in Bouc Bel Air, France, on behalf of the US Domestic Agency.

Testing ITER disruption mitigation on the JET tokamak
2019-10-07 - A shattered pellet injector—a device which pre-empts plasma disruptions by releasing a spray of frozen deuterium-neon pellets into a plasma—is now in testing on the world's largest operating tokamak, JET, at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy in the UK. These tests support the development of the ITER disruption mitigation system. The device is the result of international collaboration between the ITER Organization, EUROfusion, US Department of Energy Fusion Energy Sciences, US ITER, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

Blanket first wall: Qualification program concludes in Europe
2019-10-07 - A first wall panel full-scale prototype manufactured by the consortium Iberdrola/Woods/Leading under contract with the European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy, for the final phase of the qualification program. The panel measures 1.5 x 1 metre; 440 like this will be necessary to cover the inner surfaces of the ITER vacuum vessel.

Gas manifold development in China
2019-10-05 - Different gas species from the Tritium Plant will be delivered to the fuelling, neutral beam and disruption mitigation systems via a gas distribution manifold system, which is under fabrication in China.

400-tonne magnet ready to ship
2019-09-20 - A 400-tonne ITER magnet—poloidal field coil #6—has been completed in China through the collaboration of procuring party Fusion for Energy (the European Domestic Agency) and contractor ASIPP. The coil will reach ITER in December for cold testing.

Vacuum vessel: Korean sector #6 enters final assembly phase
2019-09-16 - Korean Domestic Agency contractors at Hyundai Heavy Industries have initiated the final fabrication activity for sector #6—assembling four completed segments into the final D-shaped component, and attaching upper and lower port stub extensions.

Vacuum vessel manufacturing progressing in Europe
2019-09-03 - Contractors at numerous European sites are participating in the fabrication of five steel vacuum vessel sectors, each weighing approximately 440 tonnes (with ports attached). Sequential welding of segments, installation of shielding blocks between the double walls, final machining, and non-destructive examination are some of the complex steps that are proceeding sequentially.

Testing a neutral beam for diagnostics in India
2019-08-07 - At the Indian Test Facility in Ahmedabad, three years of fine-tuning, performance optimization and demonstration are planned on the diagnostic neutral beam system. One of three specialized power sources for the system—the acceleration grid power supply (pictured)—is currently undergoing site acceptance tests.

The US is delivering the central solenoid plus its structural cage
2019-08-07 - Tie plates are part of the structural cage that surrounds the 13.1 Tesla central solenoid. Here, machining is completed at KIND GmbH in Lindlar, Germany.

First toroidal field coil in Europe: finalization underway
2019-08-01 - One of the final steps in producing a D-shaped ITER toroidal field coil is injecting resin to fill up any space between the winding pack and the steel cover case. At SIMIC (Italy), the gap-filling operation has been carried out on the first production unit.

Magnet power equipment progresses in Korea
2019-07-25 - In July, Korean contractors complete factory tests on the first central solenoid converter unit.

Cryostat base: completed by India
2019-07-04 - Following factory acceptance tests in the Cryostat Workshop, the completed base of the cryostat (1,250 tonnes) has been declared officially "receivable" by the ITER Organization. It will remain in the Cryostat Workshop until it is installed in the machine pit.

Korea is manufacturing the lower ports of the ITER vacuum vessel
2019-06-28 - After successful factory acceptance tests, a lower port stub extension is packed for delivery to the vacuum vessel manufacturer. Stainless steel port stub extensions are welded on the sectors before delivery to ITER.

Large-bore nuclear-grade pipes in the US and Germany
2019-06-15 - Nearly 40 km of piping will be required by the ITER Tokamak's cooling water system. Fabrication is underway in the US and Germany, and deliveries have been arriving since 2017. Photo: Schulz/PCC (US)

Japan delivers commitments to the Neutral Beam Test Facility
2019-06-10 - Delivered by Japan to the site of the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility (Padua, Italy), this high voltage bushing is being installed atop the beam source vessel.

Poloidal field coil #6: the home stretch
2019-06-06 - In Hefei, China, a 400-tonne ring magnet procured by the European Domestic Agency is entering the final phase of production—resin impregnation. In just over one month, the component will be ready for packing and shipment to the ITER site.

Progress on upper ports procured by Russia
2019-06-01 - Each of the 18 upper openings in the ITER vacuum vessel will be "extended" by port stub extensions and port extensions, which are basically corridors of access to the machine for maintenance, diagnostics, or heating, fuelling, and vacuum pumping systems. As the units come off of the production line at MAN Energy Solutions in Deggendorf, Germany, they are shipped either to Korea or Europe to be directly welded onto the vacuum vessel sectors.

Testing tritium breeding in Europe
2019-05-24 - The European Domestic Agency, in collaboration with EUROfusion, is developing two different tritium breeding blanket concepts for testing on ITER. Key components for the systems are currently undergoing testing in European fusion laboratories.

European contractors advance the production of pre-compression rings
2019-05-21 - A technician at the pre-compression ring production facility at CNIM, in Toulon, France. These large composite rings are designed to "push back" against the forces exerted on the toroidal field coils during operation. The European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy, is financing the production of nine rings.

US tests first central solenoid module
2019-05-15 - The first production central solenoid module is currently being tested in the United States by contractor General Atomics. Photo: GA

First thermal shield panels in Korea
2019-05-13 - The thermal shield panels for vacuum vessel sector #6 have been finalized in Korea and are ready for shipment. Silver plating on every surface makes the components glimmer and shine.

First central solenoid module manufactured in the US
2019-05-06 - US contractor General Atomics has completed the fabrication of the first of seven central solenoid modules (six plus one spare). The 110-tonne module must now complete intensive testing.

Toroidal field coil insertion in Italy
2019-05-02 - These operators sitting inside an ITER toroidal field coil are monitoring the progression of the welding robots and the quality of the welds. The winding pack has been inserted into its steel case and the lid is being welded shut. The work is being carried out by European contractor SIMIC (near Venice, Italy).

Central solenoid lifting fixture (US procurement)
2019-05-01 - The lifting fixture for the ITER central solenoid is in full mechanical assembly at Robatel (France). The device is expected on site in Q3 2019.

Disruption mitigation: validating design choices
2019-04-29 - Tubes and tanks and elbows: this shattered pellet injector installed on the JET tokamak (UK) is capable of shooting frozen pellets of deuterium, neon, argon into the plasma at speeds of 500-1800 km per hour when a disruption is detected. Testing the equipment on JET will help the ITER Disruption Mitigation Task Force validate design choices for the ITER system.

Another toroidal field coil case finalized in Japan
2019-04-20 - The complete toroidal field coil case structure (TFCS) is about to be shipped to the European contractor SIMIC (Italy) for assembly with the superconducting winding pack. This is the third TFCS assembly to be sent to Europe by Japan.

ITER's steel vacuum vessel: an industrial adventure
2019-04-12 - Subassemblies into segments ... segments into sectors ... to create vacuum vessel sector #5, European contractors have carried out 520 metres of welds on a total of 398 joints. © Manuela Schiara and Fabrizio Giraldi

D-shaped coil fabrication progresses in Europe
2019-04-11 - At SIMIC (Italy), a D-shaped superconducting winding pack produced in Europe is inserted into a structural steel case delivered by Japan. Closure welding is one of the most delicate operations of the coil fabrication process. © Manuela Schiara and Fabrizio Giraldi

Magnet clamps in China
2019-04-04 - Eighteen poloidal field magnet clamps—3.5 tonnes each—stand in orderly rows at Guizhou Aerospace Xinli Casting & Forging Co., Ltd. (HTXL) in Zunyi, Guizhou Province, China. They have since been packed for shipment to the European poloidal field winding facility at ITER for assembly on the first production coil (PF5).

Fabrication begins on nine composite rings in Europe
2019-04-01 - Six large composite rings will "push back" against the forces exerted on the toroidal field coils during operation. After years of development, prototyping and testing, fabrication has started on the production units at CNIM (France) on behalf of the European Domestic Agency. © CNIM

Central solenoid modules in fabrication in the US
2019-03-29 - At General Atomics in the United States, a central solenoid module nears completion of fabrication. Next, it will enter final testing. Photo: GA

Good progress on poloidal field coil #1 in Russia
2019-03-19 - Specialists of the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard and the Efremov Institute in Saint Petersburg have completed the vacuum pressure impregnation on the eight double pancakes that will make up PF1—ITER's smallest poloidal field coil (nine metres in diameter). The resin-hardened pancakes will now be stacked.

Toroidal field coils: first vertical insertion in Japan
2019-03-15 - Each of ITER's toroidal field coil windings must be inserted into a structural steel case weighing more than 190 tonnes. In Japan, contractors to the Japanese Domestic Agency have chosen a "vertical" technique. The first vertical insertion was carried out in March. The coil in the photo will be the first (of 18) to reach ITER.

Cryostat lower cylinder: completed by India
2019-03-15 - Following factory acceptance tests in the Cryostat Workshop, the completed lower cylinder of the cryostat (490 tonnes) has been declared officially "receivable" by the ITER Organization. It will be stored outside of the workshop until it is installed in the machine pit.

Europe launches manufacturing of divertor cassettes
2019-03-11 - Divertor cassette bodies are the "chassis" of the divertor assemblies—eight-tonne structures that will support plasma-facing targets, diagnostics, operational instrumentation and cooling. After a lengthy prototyping and testing phase, Europe has issued a first order for 19 cassette bodies to the firms Walter Tosto (15) and CNIM-SIMIC (4).

First support clamps produced in China for PF6
2019-03-11 - More than 1,600 tonnes of forged steel supports will be required by the superconducting magnets to resist thermal and electromagnet loads during operation. China has finalized the first of a set of nine clamps for poloidal field coil #6.

India is procuring the diagnostic neutral beam
2019-02-26 - All of the components of ITER's diagnostic neutral beam system (including these plasma grid segments) will be tested in advance of shipment at a dedicated facility in Ahmedabad, India.

Electrical feedthroughs for ultra-high vacuum in Europe
2019-02-19 - The design is advancing in Europe on a large set of components—electrical feedthroughs—that will be installed at the barrier between the air atmosphere outside the vacuum vessel and the ultra-high vacuum environment on the inside. Approximately 70 units will be needed to serve diagnostics or instrumentation on the vessel wall or in the divertor region. Picture: work underway at IDOM (Spain).

Central solenoid support structure in the US
2019-02-15 - A ''caging'' structure formed by upper and lower key blocks and 18-metre-tall tie plates will ensure that the central solenoid withstands the tremendous forces of the ITER machine and remains aligned and secure. The first six-tonne lower key block reached ITER in February.

HTS current leads in China
2019-02-15 - High temperature current leads are part of every feeder supplying large amount of currents to the ITER magnets. In China, an extensive qualification program resulted in prototype pairs of every type (toroidal field type pictured) and series manufacturing is underway.

"Flipping" modules in the US
2019-02-01 - At different stages of fabrication, the top or bottom of a central solenoid module must be accessible. This turnover tool makes easy work of flipping the 110-tonne module. Photo: GA

High-tech power cables in Russia
2019-01-16 - A DC busbar is to ITER what a power cable is to an ordinary appliance: a device that connects the electrical components to the power source. Russia is procuring 5.4 km (500 tonnes) of high-current, water-cooled busbars for the superconducting magnets; the largest will carry close to 70 kiloamps of current.

Temporary assembly supports in Korea
2019-01-15 - These column-like components will support the vacuum vessel sectors and toroidal field coils as they are pre-assembled on specialized tooling at ITER. Korea is procuring a wide array of bespoke tooling for the machine assembly phase.

Successful insertion in Europe
2018-12-12 - Seamlessly: toroidal field coil case halves procured by Japan from Hyundai Heavy Industries (Korea) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Japan) closed without incident over the winding pack manufactured in Europe by the ASG consortium, within accuracies of 0.2 mm. The next step is welding the cover plates along the inside surfaces of the "D." © SIMIC

High heat flux tests on inner vertical target prototype (Russia/Europe)
2018-12-11 - At the ITER Divertor Test Facility at the Efremov Institute in Russia (St Petersburg), prototype plasma-facing units for the divertor inner target were recently tested successfully. The plasma-facing units were produced by Italian firms Ansaldo Nucleare and ENEA as part of a European Domestic Agency multiyear qualification program for the inner vertical target.

Magnet feeder component from China installed in Pit
2018-12-06 - On 6 December, a magnet feeder component procured by the Chinese Domestic Agency becomes the first machine component to settle into the Tokamak Pit. Although machine assembly officially starts with the first heavy lift—the installation of the cryostat base in March 2020—many components like this one will find their way into the lowest galleries around the machine before then.

En route for the MITICA beam source
2018-12-03 - The European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy, has awarded a EUR 20 million contract to ALSYOM-SEIV (ALCEN group, France) for the fabrication of the MITICA beam source—a prototype of the ITER neutral beam heating beam source that will generate 40 A of negative hydrogen or deuterium ions. The equipment is expected in four years.

Insertion operations in Europe
2018-12-01 - This segment of toroidal field coil case, procured by Japan, is at SIMIC in Italy for the final insertion operation, during which the case halves close over the winding pack manufactured in Europe by the ASG consortium. © SIMIC

First central solenoid module nears completion in the US
2018-12-01 - US contractor General Atomics has completed vacuum pressure impregnation (VPI) on the first production module. Six modules will be stacked and encased in a supportive structure to form the 1,000-tonne central magnet, the central solenoid.

Designing the disruption mitigation system in the US
2018-11-26 - US ITER engineers based at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) are developing the design of the disruption mitigation system. Pictured is the preliminary port layout for shattered pellet injectors, which shoot massive amounts of neon and argon into the plasma in the form of solid ice particles (shattered into small particles) to disperse the energy of a disruption.

Testing remote handling sequences for diagnostic port plugs
2018-11-26 - At UK Atomic Energy Authority's RACE facility a mockup stand reproduces a small part of ITER—the Hot Cell Complex assembly/disassembly zone where remote maintenance will be carried out on ITER's diagnostic port plugs. Remote handling tests were concluded successfully on this mockup in October within the framework of a multi-task collaboration agreement signed with the ITER Organization.

Europe completes all toroidal field coil "double pancakes"
2018-11-22 - Each one of ITER's giant, D-shaped toroidal field coils is built from seven "double pancakes"—layers of spiralled conductor that carry electrical current. Contractors to the European Domestic Agency have now realized 70 of these 16-metre-tall components, completing the scope required for the fabrication of ten toroidal field coils.

Pre-compression ring facility: ready to exert serious pressure
2018-11-21 - The tool is ready; the first prototypes are on their way. Soon, a specialized test bench at CNIM (France) will enter into service to verify the resistance of the large composite rings that are designed to "push back" against the forces exerted on the toroidal field coils during operation. The test facility and tooling have been procured by the ITER Organization through a contract with CNIM/Douce Hydro; the European Domestic Agency developed the conceptual design of the facility and is procuring the nine ITER pre-compression rings (two sets of three plus one spare set).

Europe to manufacture 450 diagnostic sensor platforms
2018-11-19 - An intricate protective platform, designed by the ITER Organization, is under fabrication now in Europe. Fusion for Energy has chosen Sgenia (Spain) to manufacture 450 of these delicate, tungsten-coated platforms that will host a magnetic diagnostic inside of the vacuum vessel.

Steering the waves
2018-11-19 - The ITER Organization is collaborating with the European Domestic Agency (Fusion for Energy), the Swiss Plasma Center, and the Japanese Domestic Agency, and Japanese industry to develop the steering mirrors (in orange) that will direct the microwaves of the electron cyclotron heating system into the plasma.

Port stub extensions procured by Russia
2018-11-16 - These contractors are manufacturing port stub extensions for each of the vacuum vessel's upper ports. These extensions must be welded to the vacuum vessel sectors before the assembly of the main vessel in the pit.

Vacuum vessel assembly tasks: step right up
2018-11-15 - ITER Organization contractor CNIM is procuring a modular staging kit that will allow assembly tasks to be carried out at four levels on the inside of the vacuum chamber. This 40-degree prototype was realized to test functionality, fit and ease-of-handling.

Practicing vacuum vessel welding at ENSA
2018-11-08 - Standing as high as a six-storey building at ENSA (Santander, Spain), this mockup reproduces the joint between two sectors of the ITER vacuum vessel. ENSA is using the mockup to put its specialized tooling, developed under contract with the ITER Organization, to the test. In-pit welding at ITER is scheduled to start in the autumn of 2020 and last four years.

ITER manufacturing in Russia
2018-11-05 - This map provided by the Russian Domestic Agency shows the locations of all the institutes currently involved in ITER R&D and fabrication in Russia.

Cryodistribution components in fabrication for India
2018-10-31 - This cryoplant termination coldbox—part of the ITER cryodistribution system—has been manufactured by Linde (Switzerland) on behalf of the Indian Domestic Agency.

Destined for the cryostat (India)
2018-10-24 - Doric or ionic? Neither. What looks like broken columns from a Greek temple are in fact steel ingots, cooling on a bed of black sand inside the Larsen & Toubro foundry in Hazira, India. Weighing 6 to 200 metric tonnes, they are the raw material for the fabrication of cryostat segments.

Manufacturing cryolines in India
2018-10-24 - INOXCVA, an Indian company with a half-century's worth of experience in cryogenics, is manufacturing half of the 5 kilometres of cryogenic lines ("cryolines") required for transporting cooling fluids between the cryoplant and the "clients" (superconducting magnets, thermal shield, cryopumps ...).

Cryostat fabrication in India: drawing to a close
2018-10-23 - A formidable industrial venture that began in 2015 is nearing its end. At the Larsen & Tourbo Hazira manufacturing complex, work is underway on the two last orders the company is filling for the ITER cryostat: segments of the 490-tonne upper cylinder and 665-tonne top lid.

Assembly tooling frame in Korea
2018-10-19 - This outboard frame will be used for conveying a thermal shield outboard sector to the large handling tool in the Assembly Hall that will associate a vacuum vessel sector with a pair of toroidal field coils and thermal shielding. It will be on its way to ITER soon.

Poloidal field winding activities end in Russia
2018-10-16 - Specialists of the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard and the Efremov Institute in Saint Petersburg have completed the eight double pancake windings required for poloidal field coil #1. After the vacuum pressure impregnation of each double pancake (as pictured), the team will start assembling the coil.

Probing the plasma
2018-10-16 - In green, small Langmuir probes installed in the gaps between divertor where temperature is "coolest" (does not exceed 2,500 °C). These probes, which will measure the temperature and density of the plasma, are under development now.

Digital water hydraulics for ITER? Europe is investigating
2018-10-15 - This digital water hydraulic valve is the result of collaboration between the Tampere University of Technology, Fluiconnecto and Tamlink, with financial support from the European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy. It may be a good fit for ITER's challenging remote maintenance environment.

First toroidal field winding pack cold tested in Japan
2018-10-15 - The first Japanese toroidal field coil winding pack is cold tested in October in this purpose-built cryogenic chamber at Mitsubishi. In a final step before shipment to ITER, the winding pack will be inserted in its structural case.

First batch of vacuum vessel flux loops arrives on site
2018-09-15 - Thin and light, but ever so important. Nearly two and a half kilometres of vacuum vessel flux loops (formed from slim coaxial cable shaped into closed loops) will help ITER operators determine magnetic equilibrium and shape. The first batch arrived on site in September.

Korea designs "upending tool"
2018-09-15 - This ITER-specific assembly tool is about to enter manufacturing in Korea. It will be needed next year in the Assembly Hall to "upend" some of ITER's largest components from their horizontal delivery position, to vertical.

The 1,280 aperatures of the SPIDER acceleration grid
2018-09-13 - At the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility in Padua, Italy, the components of ITER's most powerful heating system (neutral beam heating) will be tested in advance of operation on ITER. Pictured, is the acceleration grid of SPIDER, the experiment that will test the full-scale radio-frequency negative ion source.

The "ITER Makers" to the rescue
2018-08-31 - The Maker Club at ITER recently used open-source hardware to design and produce a system—complete with a gyroscope, compass and accelerometer—capable of showing users the live position of an endoscope during an inspection of a magnet feeder component.

Thermal shielding in Korea
2018-08-20 - The first 12-metre-tall sector of vacuum vessel thermal shielding is successfully assembled in August from 23 stainless steel panels. Nine of these sectors will be installed between the vacuum vessel and the magnets.

Central solenoid mockup in the US
2018-08-15 - A cross-section view of the central solenoid mockup coil. General Atomics, under contract to US ITER, completed testing of the mockup coil in August 2018 to confirm the readiness of all module manufacturing processes. Five of the seven central solenoid modules are now in fabrication. Photo: General Atomics

In-vessel coil conductor qualified for manufacturing
2018-08-15 - ITER will rely on mineral-insulated conductor for its magnet coils operating inside of the vacuum vessel. After a decade of development and intensive collaboration with industry and research institutes, the first manufacturing phase—qualification—was recently concluded.

Closing the case in China
2018-07-22 - A high-power laser weld system has been specially developed by ASIPP contractors in China to seal the structural case of each correction coil. Here it is showing what it can do during qualification activities.

Cryogenic instrumentation delivered for the magnets
2018-07-15 - They're small, but ITER will need 2,200 of these cryogenic temperature chains to convey accurate measurements of magnet temperature from inside the magnet structures. They were delivered this summer to ITER by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA Grenoble) as part of an order of over 3,000 magnet instrumentation devices.

Pre-compression ring test facility in Europe
2018-07-11 - This curious-looking unit is capable of exerting a force of 36,000 tonnes for several hours in order to test the fabrication quality of ITER's pre-compression rings—fibreglass composite components that will be installed at the top and base of the toroidal field magnet system to resist expansion. The first tests will take place late 2018 under the supervision of the European Domestic Agency. Photo: F4E

Europe and manufacturer celebrate end-of-winding on poloidal field coil #6 (PF6)
2018-06-27 - More than 12 kilometres of niobium-titanium superconductor have been successfully wound into the nine double pancake windings for PF#6, the first poloidal field coil expected on site for assembly into the ITER machine. The European Domestic Agency has entrusted ASIPP in China (photo) with the fabrication of this magnet. F4E

Toroidal field coils in production in Europe
2018-06-26 - Ground insulation is being carried out on a toroidal field coil winding pack at ASG Superconductors in La Spezia, Italy. This is the inner core of the magnet, formed from seven stacked double pancakes. © Andrea Botto

Russia completes its share of poloidal field conductor
2018-06-25 - A view of the manufacturing workshop at the Chepetsky Mechanical Plant in Glazov, Russia, where more than 120 tonnes of niobium-titanium superconducting strands have been produced for ITER. In the insert, the braided strands have been compacted around a cooling channel and pulled into a structural jacket.

Last correction coil qualification steps in China
2018-06-24 - At ASIPP in Hefei, China, contractor teams are inserting a ''dummy'' superconducting winding pack into a prototype steel case. This is one of the last qualification steps for the bottom/top correction coils.

Serial production in Europe for the toroidal field coils
2018-06-22 - At ASG Superconductors in La Spezia, Italy, the ASG consortium is manufacturing ten of the 18 superconducting winding packs required for ITER's toroidal field magnet system. Pictures, a coil layer (called a double pancake) is transferred from one station to another. © Andrea Botto

Russia ships coaxial cables
2018-06-15 - Thirty-eight reels of cable have arrived on 13 specially equipped trailers. This electrotechnical equipment, sent by Russia, is part of the safety-important fast discharge system that will protect the superconducting coils in the case of a quench (or loss of superconductivity).

Vacuum vessel progresses in Europe
2018-06-14 - This sector segment manufactured by Walter Tosto (Italy) is ready for electron beam welding at Probeam in Germany. The European consortium responsible for manufacturing five sectors of the ITER vacuum vessel is formed from Ansaldo Nucleare, Mangiarotti and Walter Tosto (AMW).

First shipment of magnet supports from China
2018-06-09 - More than 1,600 tonnes of forged steel supports will be required by the superconducting magnets to resist thermal and electromagnet loads during operation. China has finalized a first lot of 18 clamps (some pictured) for poloidal field coil #5.

Precision manufacturing in Italy
2018-06-07 - Italian manufacturer Mangiarotti (part of the AMW consortium) has prepared this poloidal segment of vacuum vessel sector #5—the first sector expected from Europe at ITER. Each sector is made from four poloidal segments.

Tests underway on pre-production cryopump built in Europe
2018-06-04 - Cryopumps, like the one pictured here, have extremely cold surfaces that trap particles. In additional to mechanical pumps, six cryopumps will be used on the ITER vacuum vessel to create the high quality of vacuum needed to create a plasma. The first pre-production cryopump manufactured in Europe is being tested now not far from the ITER site.

Europe: 1,104 tungsten monoblocks on first full-scale divertor target prototype
2018-06-04 - Europe is responsible for manufacturing the steel chassis of the ITER divertor (the cassette body) and one of the upper-level targets in tungsten (the inner vertical target). Four pre-qualified European manufacturers are producing full-scale prototypes of this technical component. Pictured is the prototype manufactured by Ansaldo Nucleare (Italy).

Second gyrotron passes tests in Russia
2018-05-15 - In mid-May, factory acceptance tests are successfully carried out on the second gyrotron of the Russian procurement program by specialists at the Institute of Applied Physics and GYCOM Ltd. The installation of this equipment on ITER is planned to start in 2020.

Another winding pack leaves La Spezia, Italy
2018-05-08 - A toroidal field winding pack is packaged for transport from the European winding facility in La Spezia, Italy (ASG Consortium) to the coil insertion contractor SIMIC. Photo: F4E

Second Japan-procured coil case ready
2018-05-04 - This steel case, weighing nearly 200 tonnes, will fit over a toroidal field superconducting winding pack and provide structural support. Two halves—one manufactured in Japan at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and the other in Korea at Hyundai Heavy Industries—matched together perfectly in the latest set of fitting tests. Japan is procuring 19 of these cases for ITER.

Central solenoid: Japan completes conductor deliveries
2018-05-03 - An event is held in May at General Atomics (GA) to celebrate the arrival of the last crate of central solenoid conductor from Japan. GA is US Domestic Agency contractor in charge of manufacturing and assembling the ITER central solenoid.

European divertor cassette prototypes completed
2018-05-02 - Two European firms have produced real-size prototypes of ITER's divertor cassette bodies to test all manufacturing processes and ensure compliance with ITER specifications. The European Domestic Agency will now launch a call for tender for the production of the first 20 cassettes (of 54). Pictured: the real-size prototype produced by Walter Tosto. (© Walter Tosto)

One half of a coil case manufactured in Korea
2018-04-30 - Hyundai Heavy Industries is manufacturing part of the toroidal field coil cases under contract with the Japanese Domestic Agency. This large steel piece will now be paired with another, manufactured in Japan. Photo: HHI

3,000 tonnes of raw material procured for Europe's vacuum vessel sectors
2018-04-23 - All remaining steel material needed for the fabrication of five vacuum vessel sectors has now been received by the European consortium. Five sub-contractors participated in this latest procurement of plates and forgings.

Cooling water valves in India
2018-04-12 - This large valve (DN 1600) has been manufactured by contractors to the Indian Domestic Agency for the ITER cooling water system.

Series production of busbars in Russia
2018-04-05 - Russia is supplying all of the busbars that connect the main ITER coils to their power supplies. Busbars can be compared to cables, only they are more massive and rigid.

110-tonne winding pack ready for next step in Japan
2018-03-31 - At Mitsubishi, this completed toroidal field winding pack is ready for the next step: cold testing.

India advances cryostat upper cylinder
2018-03-26 - While work is proceeding in the on-site Cryostat Workshop to assembly the cryostat base and lower cylinder, in India contractor Larsen & Toubro is manufacturing the segments of the upper cylinder.

Europe procures two-thirds of gyrotron power supplies
2018-03-26 - The first gyrotron power supplies have passed factory acceptance tests at Ampegon in Switzerland. Europe is procuring 8 of the 12 high voltage power supplies for the electron cyclotron heating system; India is procuring one-third.

Blanket remote handling in Japan
2018-03-23 - Although not as powerful as the Infinity Gauntlet of comic book fame, the bolting tool (pictured) that will be used to install ITER's in-vessel blanket modules robotically is impressive. It will provide 10 kilonewton metres (kNm) of torque to tighten the massive bolts of the blanket first wall panels remotely.

Final design review in Europe for the ITER cryopump
2018-03-15 - ITER will rely on six torus and two cryostat cryopumps to maintain ultra-high vacuum inside the ITER vacuum vessel during operation and to create low density—about one million times lower than the density of air. A pre-preproduction cryopump developed through a strong ITER Organization/European Domestic Agency collaboration successfully passes its final design review in March.

First coil case arrives from Japan
2018-03-15 - The first toroidal field coil case structure is delivered in March to the SIMIC insertion facility (Italy) from Japan. Of the 19 coil cases to be manufactured and assembled in Japan, ten will be shipped across the ocean for the insertion of European-made toroidal field coil winding packs. Photo: F4E

Follow the laser projections
2018-03-14 - Laser templating is tested on a mockup of the ITER vacuum vessel at Walter Tosto in Chieti, Italy, by a team composed of ITER Organization and European Domestic Agency specialists. Not only will this innovative technique help assembly contractors place each of the vacuum vessel's 150,000 welded attachments precisely, but it will be key to producing unique identification numbers for quality control and inspection.

Five tonnes of high technology at ITER test facility
2018-03-09 - At the Neutral Beam Test Facility in Padua, Italy, the critical technologies of neutral beam injection—the workhorse of ITER plasma heating—will be demonstrated in advance of ITER. Integrated commissioning of the facility's first test bed (SPIDER)officially starts on 9 March, after the installation of the high-tech beam source procured by Europe (photo).

Blanket shield block prototype passes key test in China
2018-02-14 - A full-scale prototype of a blanket shield block manufactured in China successfully passes acceptance tests, including the challenging hot helium leak testing in February. China will be procuring 50 percent of the blanket shield blocks required by ITER (220 units).

First gyrotron units in Japan
2018-02-13 - The Japanese Domestic Agency will supply a total of eight gyrotron units to ITER. Contractor Toshiba has manufactured the two first production units, which are undergoing testing now at The National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST). (Gyrotrons are the energy-generating devices of the electron cyclotron resonance heating system.)

First toriodal field magnet support manufactured in China
2018-02-12 - One of 18 supports needed for the ITER toroidal field coils, this first production unit is undergoing testing in China. The toroidal field magnet supports will support 10,000 tonnes of dead weight and yet have the flexibility to withstand the displacement of the coils during cooldown and operation.

The sixth poloidal field coil, in China
2018-02-10 - Europe has contracted with the Chinese ASIPP institute for the fabrication of ITER's sixth poloidal field coil (PF6). Pictured is one of the coil's nine superconducting layers (double pancakes) after resin impregnation.

Final tests underway on two Russian gyrotrons
2018-02-01 - This first Russian gyrotron unit is one of two undergoing factory acceptance testing at GYCOM, in Nizhny Novgorod. After the tests conclude in 2018, the units will be stored until the Radio Frequency Building is ready to receive them.

Second vacuum vessel assembly tool in Korea
2018-02-01 - Korean manufacturer Taekyung Heavy Industries in Changwon has manufactured and assembled the second sector sub-assembly tool (SSAT #2) and installed all actuators.

First two Korean transformers
2018-01-31 - Hyosung, Korea is manufacturing a set of 18 transformers for the Korean Domestic Agency. These are the first two to be delivered for installation outside the Magnet Power Conversion buildings.

First toroidal field coil winding pack cold tested in Europe
2018-01-23 - Cryogenic tests on the first 110-tonne toroidal field winding pack manufactured in Europe will allow the robustness of insulation to be verified before the winding pack is inserted into its steel outer case. Photo: F4E

Advancing the first vacuum vessel sector expected at ITER
2018-01-11 - On this sector #6 segment (poloidal segment 2) the team in Korea has installed flexible support housings and completed the welding of in-wall shielding support ribs. One of four segments for sector #6 is finished and work proceeds on the three others at Hyundai Heavy Industries.

High-voltage components manufactured in Europe
2018-01-04 - This high-voltage bushing first passed electrical tests at HSP Gmbh, Germany, before being delivered to the ITER's neutral beam test facility in Italy. All required site tests have been completed. ©SIEMENS

A 430-tonne component in India
2018-01-03 - Work has been underway since last year on the third section (out of four) of the ITER cryostat—the upper cylinder. This ten-metre-tall cylindrical component weighs 430 tonnes.

Central solenoid: Ground insulation completed on first module in the US
2017-12-21 - The team at General Atomics in Poway, California (US), achieved an important milestone for the ITER central solenoid: completion of ground insulation for the first of seven production modules (six plus one spare) in December.

First toroidal field case structure under Japanese procurement passes fitting tests
2017-12-18 - In major news for the ITER superconducting magnet program, the first toroidal field coil case has passed all fitting tests. The two sides of the huge component—as tall as a four-storey building and machined from 20-centimetre-thick steel—were matched within gap tolerances of 0.25 mm to 0.75 mm, an accuracy of more than one order of magnitude in relation to conventional high-precision welded structures of comparable size.

First vacuum vessel segment completed in Korea
2017-12-11 - The technically challenging fabrication of the ITER vacuum vessel is progressing in Korea, where Hyundai Heavy Industries has completed the first poloidal segment for sector #6. All inspection and test results demonstrated that safety requirements are fully satisfied and that the tolerances of the completed segment, measured at ± 4.0 millimetres, are well within the ITER requirement of ± 10.0 millimetres.

Vacuum vessel manufacturing in Europe
2017-11-21 - Assembly work is underway on one of the sub-segments of vacuum vessel sector #5 in Europe. Due to the sheer volume of sub-elements, their unconventional shapes, and their size, vacuum vessel manufacturing is both time-consuming and labour intensive.

Europe ships first toroidal field winding pack
2017-11-21 - The first D-shaped toroidal field magnet winding pack produced in Europe has left the ASG manufacturing facility in La Spezia, Italy. It is en route to SIMIC S.p.A. (Italy) where it will be cold tested then inserted into a steel case produced in Japan. These are the last industrial steps before delivery to ITER.

Cryostat manufacturing progresses in India
2017-11-21 - ITER's large cryostat (nearly 30 m x 30 m) will completely surround the vacuum vessel and superconducting magnets and provide a vacuum environment. Indian contractor Larsen & Toubro is manufacturing the 54 segments of the structure and sending them for on-site assembly at ITER. In November, representatives of the ITER Organization were in India to witness manufacturing progress.

Testing of pre-compression rings in Europe
2017-11-20 - Work on the pre-compression rings of the ITER magnet system progresses in Europe, where work on a full-scale prototype is underway. These technically challenging components—made of composite materials—are designed to push back against the electromagnetic forces of the ITER machine and reduce the fatigue on the structures of the toroidal field magnets.

Japan completes in-kind deliveries to PRIMA
2017-11-15 - The Japanese Domestic Agency has delivered its final contribution to the PRIMA neutral beam test facility in Padua, Italy, where the high-energy ion source and injection system of ITER's most powerful heating system will be tested in advance of ITER operation.

Poloidal field coil #1 advancing in Russia
2017-11-15 - At the Srednenevsky Shipbuilding Plant in Saint Petersburg, Russia, specialists are winding the double pancakes for ITER's smallest poloidal field coil, PF1. Pictured is the first-completed double pancake after vacuum pressure impregnation with epoxy resin.

European beam source reaches Neutral Beam Test Facility
2017-10-30 - The European-manufactured beam source for the SPIDER negative ion source test bed has been delivered to the Neutral Beam Test Facility in Padua, Italy, and awaits commissioning. SPIDER is set to begin operating in April 2018.

One after the other: Korean contractors manufacture thermal shield elements
2017-10-23 - In this factory in Korea, the ITER thermal shield is being manufactured. The thermal shield consists of stainless steel panels with a low emissivity surface (<0.05) that are actively cooled by helium gas flowing inside of a cooling tube welded on the panel surface.

India supplies high voltage rack to the Neutral Beam Test Facility
2017-10-18 - The SPIDER test bed at the Neutral Beam Test Facility in Padua, Italy, will help to finalize the development of the ion sources required for the ITER neutral beam injectors and to test all essential aspects of the diagnostic neutral beam accelerator. The acceleration grid power supply for SPIDER is supplied by India. (Pictured, the high voltage rack of the acceleration power supply.)

The challenge of central solenoid fabrication in the US
2017-10-17 - Part of the challenge of central solenoid module fabrication is handling the 110 tonne modules. This flip-over tool has demonstrated that it is up to the job. Photo: General Atomics

Russian contractors complete first port stub extension
2017-10-15 - Part of Russian procurement responsibilities, this first-completed port stub extension passed pressure and helium leak tests at MAN Diesel & Turbo, in Deggendorf, Germany (sub-contractor to the Efremov Institute and manufacturer of the component) and is now on its way to Korea, where it will be welded to the upper port of vacuum vessel sector #6.

Vacuum vessel fabrication in Korea
2017-10-12 - Work is underway at Hyundai Heavy Industries on four vacuum vessel sectors. Pictured: a sub-element of sector #6 with ribs and in-wall shielding elements.

Negative ion source built in Europe
2017-10-11 - The beam source for the SPIDER negative ion source testbed has been completed by European contractors. It is on its way to the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility in Padua, Italy, now.

China delivers four high-tech transformers
2017-10-11 - Four converter-transformers are delivered by China late September; two weeks later, three of them are already installed in their bays outside of the Magnet Power Conversion buildings.

US completes electrical deliveries
2017-10-09 - With the delivery of 63 crates of electrical equipment this month, the US has completed its contribution to the steady state electrical network (SSEN) which will power the lights, pumps, computers, heating and ventilation of the ITER facility. (The US is supplying 75 % of SSEN components while Europe is supplying the other 25 %.)

Reactive power compensation in China
2017-10-07 - One of the largest reactive power compensation and harmonic filtering systems in the world is being manufactured and tested at the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP).

Waveguide prototypes under development in the US
2017-10-02 - The role of the electron cyclotron transmission lines is to route microwave beams from the Radio Frequency Building to the Tokamak. Pictured a "mitre bend" waveguide prototype is under development in the US.

US supplies central solenoid assembly structure
2017-10-01 - In addition to manufacturing the six superconducting modules and support structure of the central solenoid, the US is providing a specially designed platform for on-site assembly. The assembly support structure consists of a flat steel platform (not shown) resting on a central support weldment (shown here, upside down) and nine legs on seismic isolators. The platform will be set up in the ITER Assembly Hall.

India has already shipped half of the cryostat
2017-09-30 - Seven segments of the cryostat lower cylinder have arrived at the Fos-sur-Mer port in France. This completes lower cylinder fabrication and shipment; in India, the Larsen & Toubro manufacturing teams have already turned to the upper cylinder segments.

Japan completes central solenoid conductor
2017-09-22 - Japan is manufacturing the niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) superconductor required for the central solenoid and shipping the material to the US, where winding and manufacturing are underway. In September 2017, the Japanese Domestic Agency and suppliers celebrated the completion of conductor fabrication; in all, 43 km (745 tonnes) of conductor were produced.

Double pancakes in China for poloidal field coil #6
2017-09-15 - This is one of nine double pancakes (double layers of spiralled superconductor) that will be needed to complete poloidal field coil #6. The work is underway at ASIPP in China on behalf of the European Domestic Agency.

A three-tonne work of art
2017-09-15 - A full-scale prototype of a blanket shield block has been manufactured in China and will soon be tested as part of pre-industrial qualification activities. Because the shield blocks interface with many other systems, there are 28 major design variants and 150 minor design variants. China is providing half of the 440 blanket shield blocks needed in the machine.

Impregnation of first winding pack completed in Japan
2017-09-11 - The first toroidal field coil winding pack to be produced in Japan has now finished the resin impregnation phase. The Japanese Domestic Agency has responsibility for the procurement of nine toroidal field winding packs and all (19) toroidal field coil cases. Photo: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Coil power supply components tested in Korea
2017-09-10 - The factory testing of a vertical stability coil converter is underway at the Korean test lab KERI.

Cryostat manufacturing underway on site
2017-08-30 - In the Cryostat Workshop on site, contractors of the Indian Domestic Agency will assemble the four main sections of the ITER cryostat (see labels at right). Currently, work is underway on the two lower sections—the base and the lower cylinder. For complete information, see the dedicated page on our website (BUILDING ITER/ON-SITE FABRICATION).

SPIDER test bed: installation progressing
2017-08-30 - Installation of the SPIDER ion source test bed is progressing well at the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility (PRIMA) in Padua, Italy. This picture of the vacuum vessel lid shows a number of openings (ports) reserved for auxiliary system access.

Large seal test rig, manufactured in India
2017-08-30 - With its 54 large openings (or ports) the ITER vacuum vessel is a challenge to seal completely, and yet ultra-high vacuum is needed for the success of the plasma pulses. This full-size test rig built in India (a replica of an equatorial port) will allow ITER engineers to test vacuum sealing.

Port plug test stands advance in Russia
2017-08-29 - ITER's vacuum vessel port plugs are critical components that seal the plasma chamber and allow experiments to take place in a high vacuum environment. In Russia, contractors are designing a test stand for the vacuum, heat and functional testing of the port plugs before their installation on the machine.

Europe delivers first cryopump to ITER
2017-08-28 - The European Domestic Agency delivers a fully useable pre-production cryopump to the ITER Organization in August 2017, where it will be fitted out with further instrumentation and tested mechanically. This milestone represents the successful conclusion of a lengthy R&D program carried out to solve all technical challenges. Pictured: the pump's internal components. © F4E

Final machining in Japan on inboard coil case leg
2017-08-16 - Part of the first toroidal field coil case, this 71-tonne inboard leg was completed, within tolerances, in August 2017. It will now be shipped to contractors in Korea for trial assembly with the outboard leg.

Advancing the central solenoid at General Atomics (US)
2017-08-15 - Two conductor pancakes are prepped before joining at General Atomics (California, US). General Atomics is manufacturing 7 superconducting modules for the ITER central solenoid—six plus one spare. Photo: GA

Qualifying critical elements of the ITER divertor in Europe
2017-08-08 - In Europe, pre-qualification activities are underway for the inner vertical targets of the ITER divertor that, along with the divertor dome and outer targets, will have to withstand the highest heat fluxes of the machine. Three European suppliers have successfully produced small-scale prototypes (pictured) which were successfully tested at the Efremov Institute in Russia.

Electrical conversion components tested in Korea
2017-08-05 - At the Hyosung Factory in Changwon, Korea, a 130-tonne transformer (right) and the 4-metre-long busbar that connects it to the AC/DC converter have been tested successfully. These elements are part of the equipment that will be installed in the Magnet Power Conversion buildings on the ITER site.

First toroidal field coil case segment in Japan
2017-08-03 - Japan will be supplying 19 toroidal field coil cases to the ITER Project—each one formed from seven sub-segments. A milestone was reached in August 2017 as the first (71-tonne) sub-assembly (3 segments) was shipped to Korea, where it will be matched with a sub-assembly under construction by subcontractors there.

Vacuum vessel fabrication in Korea
2017-07-31 - Machining in underway on one segment (PSE 2) of sector 6. Korea is manufacturing two full sectors as part of its in-kind contributions to ITER, plus two others under contract with the ITER Organization. The first completed vacuum vessel sector is expected on site at ITER at the end of 2018.

First magnet feeder component completed in China
2017-07-26 - In a major milestone for the ITER magnet procurement program, China has successfully completed the first manufactured component of the feeder package: the cryostat feedthrough for poloidal field coil #4. The 10-metre, 6.6-tonne component is on its way now to the ITER Organization.

Prototype diagnostic installed at ITER India lab
2017-07-11 - A prototype Fourier Transform Spectrometer—used in particular to measure the power loss from the ITER plasma due to electron cyclotron emission (ECE) radiation—has been installed at a lab in ITER India and experiments are set to begin.

Tests underway in Europe on critical neutral beam components
2017-07-03 - A research and development program is underway to test critical heating neutral beam components before the manufacturing phase is launched. Three suppliers have been in competition in Europe to finalize the MITICA beam source build-to-print design and to initiate manufacturing documentation.

Gravity supports in China
2017-06-29 - This first-of-series gravity support is ready for acceptance testing in China. The Chinese Domestic Agency is building the full set of magnet supports for ITER, representing more than 350 tonnes of equipment.

Vacuum vessel fabrication in Europe
2017-06-07 - This six-metre-long stainless steel inner plate has been manufactured by ENSA (part of the European consortium AMV) for ITER's vacuum vessel sector #6. Nice sectors in all—produced in Europe (5) and Korea (4) will be welded to form ITER's plasma chamber.

Tiny—but important—coils to be manufactured in Europe
2017-06-06 - More than 400 diagnostic coils will be positioned around the vacuum vessel to measure magnetic field strength around the machine core. The European Domestic Agency concluded a contract with a manufacturer for their supply in June.

Japan manufactures high voltage bushing for PRIMA
2017-05-26 - After successfully sustaining a 1 MV voltage at the factory, the high voltage bushing produced in Japan for ITER's Neutral Beam Test Facility (PRIMA) was disassembled and shipped to Padua, Italy, where it was reassembled for site acceptance testing. It passed with flying colours.

Poloidal field magnet #6 is underway in China, on behalf of Europe
2017-05-23 - The Chinese institute ASIPP is manufacturing poloidal field magnet #6 on behalf of Europe. Here, a technician is working on the joint terminations of one of the coil's double pancakes. (Nine double pancakes will be needed to complete the full coil.)

Last radial plate completed in France
2017-05-23 - The French firm CNIM has completed the fabrication of 35 radial plates for European-assembled toroidal field coils. The last plate left the company's premises for the European winding facility in La Spezia, Italy, on 23 May. The Italian firm SIMIC, part of a consortium with CNIM, has also completed its share of 35 radial plates.

Europe celebrates industrial milestone
2017-05-22 - The first 110-tonne winding pack produced in Europe for the toroidal field magnet system is ready to be transferred for the final assembly operations, including insertion into a massive steel case. The first of ten, this milestone was celebrated at the manufacturing facility on 18 May.

Electrical converters in Korea
2017-05-20 - These electrical converters manufactured in Korea will be installed in the Magnet Power Conversion buildings on the ITER site.

Shield block prototype underway in China
2017-05-18 - In China, a full-scale prototype of a blanket shield block is in the final stages of machining. Already passed are the steps of forging, machining, deep drilling, welding, finishing, non-destructive examination testing, hydraulic pressure testing and hot helium leak testing.

First batch of cryolines from India
2017-05-16 - 5.5 kilometres of cryolines will be necessary in ITER to deliver liquid helium to the actively cooled magnets, thermal shield and cryopumps. The first batch shipped from India in May.

ITER's largest tool can ship from Korea
2017-05-15 - Following factory tests in Korea, the first fully assembled, 800-tonne vacuum vessel sector sub-assembly tool (SSAT) will now be taken apart for transport to ITER, where the first batch of elements (of three) will arrive before the end of June.

First full-size pre-production cryopump in Europe
2017-05-15 - The first full-size pre-production cryopump (3.4 metres, 8 tonnes) has been assembled by European contractors. Six torus cryopumps like this one, procured in Europe, will be situated around the vacuum vessel to guarantee continued gas evacuation during plasma discharges. Photos: Christian Luenig/Arbeitsblende

Series production starts for poloidal field coil #5 on site
2017-05-01 - Following a series of qualification activities, real production winding has started for poloidal field coil #5. In this on-site facility at ITER, Europe will produce the four largest poloidal field coils.

First production milestone in China for poloidal field coil #6
2017-04-22 - The winding of the first "double pancake" for poloidal field coil #6 has been completed at ASIPP in Hefei. Nine double layers of conductor like this will be stacked to build the full coil, which is being built in China under contract with the European Domestic Agency.

"Bearing" the weight of the Tokamak and cryostat in Europe
2017-04-20 - Eighteen perfectly polished, chrome-plated spherical bearings will be positioned along the concrete crown in the lower levels of the Tokamak Pit. Weighing 5 tonnes each, they will bear the weight of the Tokamak and cryostat (23,000 tonnes). They are under fabrication now in Europe.

Central solenoid feels the heat in the US
2017-04-20 - The first of six independent magnets for ITER's central solenoid has successfully passed the heat treatment phase, which ultimately creates the solenoid's superconducting material. This milestone was reached in April at General Atomics (US).

Work starts on cryostat upper cylinder in India
2017-03-29 - After the cryostat base (completed), the cryostat lower cylinder (tier one shipped, tier two in production) work has now started at Larsen & Toubro on the cryostat upper cylinder.

Japanese and European components reach neutral beam testing facility
2017-03-27 - Two large units have reached the PRIMA neutral beam test facility, both destined for the MITICA test bed (for Megavolt ITER Injector and Concept Advancement). Left: the bushing for the insulator transformer, supplied by Japan. Right: the high voltage bushing, supplied by Europe.

Last radial plate completed in Italy
2017-03-27 - The Italian firm SIMIC has completed the fabrication of 35 radial plates for European-assembled toroidal field coils. The last plate left the company's premises for the European winding facility in La Spezia, Italy, in March. The French firm CNIM, part of a consortium with SIMIC, is also manufacturing 35 radial plates.

Cooling water components in India
2017-03-24 - In India, work is underway to procure the components of ITER's component cooling water, chilled water and heat rejection systems. This large-capacity chiller (one of eight required for the chilled water system) has successfully passed pre-shipment inspection at Kirloskar Chillers in Pune.

Coil case fabrication is starting in China
2017-03-23 - Manufacturing can begin in China on the first of the heavy steel cases of the correction coils. Following a successful manufacturing readiness review in March fabrication is about to start on the casing for the bottom correction coils.

Feeder joint samples
2017-03-20 - Working from the superconducting joint configuration produced in China, a feeder joint sample was reproduced at the MIFI (Magnet Infrastructure Facility for ITER, Cadarache, France) workshop by trained and certified CEA technicians. Over 300 joints like this will have to be created directly in the Tokamak Pit during feeder installation.

Needed for the US to assemble the central solenoid
2017-03-16 - The assembly platform for the central solenoid, shown during factory inspection at Robatel, has been delivered to the ITER site. Photo: US ITER

Giant stop log gates manufactured in India
2017-03-15 - Twenty large stop log gates like the one pictured will allow operators to close off the cold basin of ITER's heat rejection system for maintenance. The design and fabrication of the heat rejection system is part of India's procurement contributions to the ITER Project.

Type tests underway on electrical components in Russia
2017-03-15 - Key elements of the procurement package for switching networks, fast discharge units, DC busbars and instrumentation are tested at the Efremov Institute in Saint Petersburg. Pictured: the bypass open switch at a test stand for peak withstand current.

Electrical components shipped by the US
2017-03-14 - Reactive power compensators, shown here during factory testing, were among the many components procured and delivered by the US for the steady state electrical network. The US completed delivery of all components for the network in 2017. Photo: US ITER

China completes its superconducting strand program
2017-03-13 - Chinese industry has produced approximately 65 percent of the niobium-titanium (NbTi) strand needed for ITER's poloidal field coils and 7.5 percent of the niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) strand needed for its toroidal field coils. A ceremony on 13 March was held to mark this important accomplishment.

Vacuum vessel fabrication in Europe
2017-03-13 - A poloidal segment of one vacuum vessel sector is coming together in Italy (four segments are required to form the full sector). This sub-component, which weighs over 6 tonnes, required a special welding technique that can only be carried out in Germany (electron beam welding). Photo: Walter Tosto (AMW consortium)

First European diagnostic components delivered to ITER
2017-03-07 - Five Continuous External Rogowshi (CER) coils—diagnostic instruments that will measure the total electric current flowing in the ITER plasma from inside the toroidal field coils cases—are delivered by Europe to ITER in March.

European gyrotron prototype performs well in tests
2017-03-01 - The 1 MW gyrotron prototype manufactured in Europe by the French company Thales Electron Devices (TED) has performed well in recent tests, based on an assessment of power, quality and stability of the electromagnetic waves.

Radial plate production in Europe
2017-02-28 - At CNIM, in Toulon (France), 35 radial plates have been produced under contract with Europe for ITER's toroidal field coils (a second European contractor, SIMIC Italy, is producing another 35). Activities on the last plates at CNIM are underway now.

Largest tool for ITER assembly, 70% complete in Korea
2017-02-15 - The 22-metre tall sector sub-assembly tool will be installed in the ITER Assembly Hall—in duplicate—to support vacuum vessel sectors while thermal shielding and a pair of toroidal field coils are attached. The first tool should reach ITER in June. (Photo: assembly is 70% at the Korean factory.)

US completes toroidal field conductor for ITER
2017-02-11 - In February, the US completes its 8% share of toroidal field coil conductor for the ITER Project, delivering the last lengths of conductor to the European winding facility in La Spezia, Italy, where they will be wound into the coil's characteristic D-shape.

Safety control electronics tested in Spain
2017-02-08 - In February, ITER safety control electronics were tested in a specialized lab in Spain. The objective of the tests was to demonstrate that the nuclear safety I&C systems will execute their functions properly during and after an earthquake (postulated at SL-2 level).

Steel that doesn't fear neutrons, in Europe
2017-02-07 - European contractors have begun testing a candidate material for fusion reactors—a low-activation steel known as EUROFER97 that offers good resistance to high heat flux and neutron irradiation.

Ion source power supply transferred for use
2017-02-06 - The power required for the operation of SPIDER, the ion source test bed at the PRIMA neutral beam test facility, was transferred for use to PRIMA host Consorzio RFX in February 2017. The room-size component (pictured) was supplied by Europe.

Pre-production cryopump: last stages of assembly in Europe
2017-02-02 - Europe is responsible for the six torus cryopumps that will create high vacuum inside the vacuum vessel. In this picture, the casing for the pre-production torus cryopump is inspected in France (Alsyom) before transfer to Germany (Research Instruments), where inner components will be installed.

Pipe fabrication in the US for the tokamak cooling water system
2017-01-27 - At Schulz Xtruded Products facility in Robinsonville, Mississippi (US) nuclear-grade stainless steel piping is in fabrication for ITER's tokamak cooling water system.

Prototype correction coil realized in China
2017-01-19 - This prototype side correction coil (SCC), seen at ASIPP in China, is made of eight layers of niobium-titanium superconductor. Six non-planar side coils like this one will be distributed around the mid-plane of the vacuum vessel—part of a set of 18 correction coils in all.

Europe advances the qualification activities for poloidal field magnet #5 (PF5)
2017-01-15 - In the on-site Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility, European contractors have completed a full-size dummy double pancake winding for magnet #5 (PF5). A Manufacturing Readiness Review held in January validated this qualification activity.

First toroidal field winding pack completed in Japan
2017-01-07 - The D-shaped inner core of an ITER toroidal field coil (or "winding pack") is produced in a multi-stage process that includes winding, insertion into radial plates, vacuum-pressure insulation, stacking, and testing. Japan, which is producing 9 of ITER's 19 toroidal field coils (18 plus one spare) completed its first toroidal field winding pack in January 2017.

Manufacturing the smallest poloidal field magnet in China
2017-01-04 - At ASIPP in Hefei, China, qualification activities for ITER's smallest poloidal field magnet (PF6) are underway. A dummy double pancake winding was completed in January 2017 and successfully passed a manufacturing readiness review. China is manufacturing PF6 under contract from Europe.

First ITER gyrotron completed in Japan
2016-12-26 - The first ITER gyrotron was manufactured and delivered to QST-Naka for factory acceptance testing. The teams in Japan are seen here celebrating "#1."

Toroidal field conductor completed
2016-12-21 - The jacketing of the 133rd —and last—unit length of toroidal field conductor was completed in December 2016. Six ITER Members (China, Europe, Japan, Korea, Russia and the US) have contributed to the procurement of 88 km of niobium-tin superconductor that is now being wound into ITER's toroidal field coils. (Pictured: European contractor ICAS)

Central solenoid qualification coil passes milestone in the US
2016-12-12 - The qualification coil serves to validate each step in the central solenoid module manufacturing process. At General Atomics, US contractor for the manufacture of the central solenoid, after full insulation (pictured) the qualification coil will be impregnated with epoxy resin.

Central solenoid fabrication progresses in the US
2016-12-12 - The turn insulation workstation at the US manufacturing facility for the central solenoid (General Atomics: Poway, California).

US-fabricated drain tanks in on-site storage
2016-12-12 - Five large drain tanks for the tokamak cooling water system were delivered by the US in 2015. Until their installation in the Tokamak Building, they are in temporary storage on the ITER site.

The US and ITER collaborate on a new kind of valve
2016-12-07 - A special type of valve is under development with industry to improve confinement around waveguides—part of transmission lines for the electron cyclotron resonance heating system—at each "point of entry" into the Tokamak Building or vacuum vessel port cells. (Picture: US and ITER team member visit a contractor in Switzerland, VAT.)

Pressure equipment tests passes successfully for Russian port component
2016-12-05 - This "port stub extension" will extend out from upper port #12 of the vacuum vessel. Manufactured in Russia, it has successfully passed pressure and helium leak tests in accordance with French regulations on pressure equipment (ESPN).

Busbars in production in Russia
2016-12-01 - At the Efremov Institute in Saint Petersburg, equipment for ITER's switching network and fast discharge units is prepared for shipment. Over 70 tonnes of material, including aluminium busbars (one batch is seen loaded on the truck) and busbar components, was shipped in December.

First wall panel qualification program in China
2016-11-14 - As part of the semi-prototype qualification program in China for its share of the enhanced heat flux first wall panels, pairs of "fingers" have undergone testing at the dedicated high heat flux test facility at the Efremov Institute in Saint Petersburg, Russia. One "pair" is pictured here.

US tests electron cyclotron waveguide performance in Japan
2016-11-12 - The US Domestic Agency is testing electron cyclotron waveguide performance at QST, the National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology in Japan. The electron cyclotron heating system is one of three auxiliary heating systems at ITER.

High temperature superconducting current leads in China
2016-11-09 - High temperature superconductor (HTS) current leads will transfer large amounts of current from room-temperature power supplies to very low-temperature superconducting magnets. The 52 kA current lead prototype pictured (poloidal field and central solenoid type) has been successfully tested at ASIPP.

Cryostat welding on site
2016-11-05 - In the on-site Cryostat Workshop, India is assembling the cryostat base. Following the first welding activities on tier 1 (pictured, from below) technicians are now verifying the leak tightness of the welds.

Cryostat fabrication in India
2016-10-27 - A segment of the lower cylinder (tier 1) undergoes final factory operations in India.

First European D-shaped winding pack: last activities before transfer
2016-10-24 - European contractors have completed the fabrication of the first ITER toroidal field winding pack. A series of mechanical and electrical tests now remain before the 110-tonne component is transferred to another facility for cold testing and final insertion into a stainless steel case.

High-resistance steel bearings tested for cryostat
2016-10-17 - Two full-size spherical bearings are undergoing qualification testing before fabrication is launched next month at ITER contractor Nuvia (Italy). Eighteen semi-spherical bearings like this one will be situated under the cryostat to accommodate the movement of the ITER machine during operation.

Coil case manufacturing in Japan
2016-10-16 - The Japanese Domestic Agency is responsible for procuring 19 toroidal field coil cases—the large stainless steel structures that will enclose the toroidal field winding packs. Fabrication is underway at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Kobe, one of two contractors selected.

Vacuum component tested in the US
2016-10-12 - This roots pump prototype is being tested in the US for ITER's vacuum system.

Futuristic high voltage testing in Europe
2016-10-05 - Six metres above floor level, a mockup of the high voltage deck for MITICA (a testbed of ITER's neutral beam injector currently under construction in Padua, Italy) is tested successfully. The cube is 1/15th of the size of the actual high voltage deck. Photo: the High Voltage Laboratory at HSP GmbH © Siemens AG

Vacuum vessel progressing in Europe
2016-10-05 - At Walter Tosto SpA in Italy, the fabrication of the ITER vacuum vessel is progressing. The complexity of the vacuum vessel, its size, the amount of welding required and the degree of precision demanded makes it one of the most challenging ITER components to build.

Prototype electrical feedthroughs designed in Russia
2016-09-30 - These prototype electrical feedthroughs are under development in Russia for use in several diagnostic systems.

Indian components reach PRIMA neutral beam test facility.
2016-09-27 - At PRIMA (Padua, Italy), an ITER-scale radio-frequency negative ion source (SPIDER) and a full-scale neutral beam injector (MITICA) will help resolve challenging physics and technology issues and validate concepts before the neutral beam system is built at ITER. In this picture, transformers procured by India are installed for the acceleration grid power supplies of SPIDER.

AC/DC converters in China
2016-09-27 - China is responsible for the procurement of the 14 poloidal field AC/DC converter units that will provide reliable, controlled DC power to the ITER poloidal field magnetic coils. Series production is now underway in China and the first units (and auxiliary components) are expected on site in 2017. (Pictured: rows of high-power DC reactors for the poloidal field converters are ready for transport.)

One small step in poloidal field coil manufacturing practiced
2016-09-16 - In the on-site winding facility for the poloidal field coils, a European contractor practices one important stage of the manufacturing process: creating the inlets in the conductors for helium. An average of eight helium inlets will be needed per coil.

Final coldbox verification for ITER's LHe plant
2016-09-15 - Three cold boxes like this one (4.2 x 21 metres, 137 tonnes) will house key components of ITER's liquid helium (LHe) plant. Final verifications are underway before all three are shipped to ITER before the end of the year.

Coil case sub-segments in Japan
2016-09-14 - At Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Japan, the series production of toroidal field coil case segments is underway. Japan is responsible for procuring all of the toroidal field coil cases (19).

Indian Domestic Agency begins welding operations on the cryostat
2016-09-08 - In a facility on the ITER site (the Cryostat Workshop) the Indian Domestic Agency will assemble the four main sections of the cryostat from 54 smaller segments manufactured in India. Work begins in September 2016 on the cryostat base, the first large component to be installed during Tokamak assembly.

First double pancake produced in Russia for PF1
2016-09-02 - The first poloidal field double pancake—one of eight double pancakes that will be stacked to form poloidal field coil 1—has been completed in Russia and will pass on to the next stage of manufacturing, impregnation with epoxy resin, in October 2016.

Silver baths in Korea
2016-09-01 - A real-size mockup of a vacuum vessel thermal shield section undergoes the step-by-step process of silver coating in Korea (11 baths in all). Silver is a low-emissivity material that helps the thermal shield do its job of protecting the magnet coils from thermal radiation.

Electrical transformers ready for shipment in China
2016-09-01 - China has manufactured three massive transformers (15 metres tall, 460 tonnes when completely fitted out) for ITER's pulsed power electrical network. One was shipped in the spring of 2016, reaching ITER in June; two others are now ready for shipment after having completed factory acceptance tests.

Correction coil series fabrication in China
2016-09-01 - Three sets of six correction coils will be distributed symmetrically around the tokamak to correct error fields. At the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), the first-of-series, multiple-pancake bottom correction coil winding is prepped for the wrapping of ground insulation.

Lower key block final machining in the US
2016-08-30 - The central solenoid will be supported by nine lower key blocks, each weighing about six tonnes.

Toroidal field coil winding, impregnation in Japan
2016-08-26 - Toroidal field coil windings are insulated by glass and polyimide tapes and impregnated with cyanate-ester and epoxy resins to harden the assembly. Thirty-five double-pancakes—the building blocks of the toroidal field coils—have been insulated and impregnated at Mitsubishi Heavy Industry's Futami factory.

India successfully tests power supplies for heating system
2016-08-26 - As part of efforts to qualify power supplies for ITER's ion cyclotron resonance heating system, India has successfully tested a 3 MW radio frequency high voltage power supply at a dedicated laboratory in Gandinagar.

In-wall shielding blocks in India
2016-08-23 - Approximately 55 percent of the space between the double walls of the vacuum vessel will be occupied by in-wall shielding blocks that protect ex-vessel components from neutron radiation. India is manufacturing close to 9,000 of these blocks and sending them in batches to vacuum vessel manufacturers in Europe and Korea.

Toroidal field winding packs in Japan
2016-08-15 - Japan is producing nine of ITER's toroidal field winding packs (out of 19). Work is underway now at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries on the different steps of the complex process.

Plasma-facing divertor units progress in Russia
2016-08-13 - At the JSC NIIEFA (Efremov Institute) in St. Petersburg, a prototype ITER divertor plasma-facing unit undergoes non-destructive (X-ray) examination.

Blanket first wall prototype is tested in Russia
2016-08-13 - The beryllium armour of the blanket first wall is tested at the high heat flux facility (THEFEY-M) of the JSC NIIEFA (Efremov Institute)in Saint Petersburg.

Mirror equipment for the infrared viewing system in the US
2016-08-12 - Part of the visible/infrared wide-angle viewing system, mirrors like this one will provide operators with visible/infrared images of the divertor.

First toroidal field winding pack passes impregnation phase in Europe
2016-08-12 - The D-shaped toroidal field coils are among the largest components of the ITER machine. When the winding pack pictured is inserted into its stainless steel case, it will measure 9 x 17 metres.

Testing the central solenoid in the US
2016-07-27 - The 110-tonne central solenoid modules will be manufactured and tested in the US before shipment to ITER. Pictured: the power supply for the 4 K test station. Photo: General Atomics

Qualification steps at the on-site Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility
2016-07-27 - This dummy conductor (made of copper filaments instead of superconducting filaments) is being used to qualify the different manufacturing stations of the Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility, where four of ITER's ring-shaped magnets will be produced by Europe. Photo: F4E

Specialized tooling fabrication in Korea
2016-07-20 - Korea is designing and building more than 120 specialized tools for ITER assembly. One of the most impressive is the 22-metre-tall, 800 tonne sub-sector assembly tool, that will hold vacuum vessel sectors upright while thermal shielding and toroidal field coils are installed. (An outboard column is pictured.)

Vacuum vessel fabrication advances in Korea
2016-07-13 - At Hyundai Heavy Industries in Korea, fabrication of the ITER vacuum vessel is advancing solidly. Each vacuum vessel sector is formed from four segments (pictured, a segment of sector 6).

Central solenoid assembly platform in fabrication in the US
2016-07-12 - The top plate for the four-metre-in-diameter central solenoid assembly platform is shown here after final machining.

Poloidal field conductor manufacturing completed in Europe
2016-07-02 - European contractors produce the last conductor length for ITER's poloidal field coils in July 2016. The conductor—produced from niobium-titanium strand manufactured and cabled in Russia—will be used for ITER's sixth poloidal field coil (PF6), which will be fabricated in China under the terms of an agreement concluded with Europe.

Cryoplant turbines ready in Europe
2016-06-27 - Four turbines produced for ITER's liquid nitrogen (LN2) cryogenic plant have successfully passed factory acceptance testing and will be delivered to ITER this autumn. In spite of the small diameter of the turbines—not exceeding 15 cm—these tiny pieces of equipment will generate enough cooling power to keep the ITER thermal shields extremely cold. It took Air Liquide contractor Cryostar (France) eight months to complete fabrication.

Progress on the PRIMA testbeds
2016-06-23 - The realization of the PRIMA neutral beam test facility in Padua, Italy, is progressing steadily. Installation of the different components of the SPIDER testbed (the full-size ITER ion source prototype) has begun and the first components for MITICA (full-scale neutral beam injector prototype) have arrived on site.

Piping produced for the cooling water systems by India
2016-06-21 - The piping is destined for the buried networks of the heat rejection, chilled water and component cooling water networks of the ITER installation. Regular shipments are expected at ITER to cover the full scope of buried piping.

Testing the resistance of Tokamak bearings in Europe
2016-06-06 - Eighteen spherical bearings will be positioned between the Tokamak and its concrete foundations, offering the machine a bit of "breathing space." European contractor Nuvia is designing and testing the prototype bearings.

Russian ingenuity shows in the fabrication of poloidal field coil #1
2016-05-30 - By manufacturing poloidal field coil #1 (PF1) in a facility by the river—and by concluding the last fabrication steps directly on a barge—Russian contractors have thought ahead in a pragmatic way to the transport and delivery of this 200-tonne component.

Vacuum components received on site for testing
2016-05-30 - The first batch of all-metal ultra-high vacuum valves was received at ITER Headquarters for testing in May 2016. Manufactured by valve supplier VAT, they fall under a strategic agreement signed to ensure the standardization of bulk components (approximately 250 all-metal high-vacuum valves will be employed on the machine).

Pre-manufacturing testing in China for ring magnet
2016-05-26 - Activities to qualify the tooling and materials for the fabrication of ITER's poloidal field magnet #6 (PF6) are underway in China, at the Institute of Plasma Physics (ASIPP). This second-smallest ring magnet for ITER will be fabricated in China on the basis of an agreement concluded with the European Domestic Agency.

Qualification winding in the Poloidal Field facility on site
2016-05-23 - In the Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility, the European Domestic Agency will wind and assemble four ITER poloidal field coils (#2-5). The winding tooling that will serve for coils #2 and #5 is now in place and, in May 2016, the first 60 metres of dummy coil was wound to test the winding table (pictured).

Cryostat segments inspected in India
2016-05-15 - In the cryostat manufacturing facility, a segment of the pedestal ring (part of tier 2 of the base) is inspected before delivery to ITER. Responsible for the manufacturing design, fabrication and assembly of the 3,850-tonne ITER cryostat, India is shipping the cryostat to ITER in 54 segments for on-site assembly.

Pellet injection nozzle in the US
2016-05-12 - Pellet injection provides efficient core and edge fuelling of the plasma and also delivers deuterium pellets to the plasma edge to mitigate edge localized mode instabilities (ELMs). A new dual nozzle designed by the US ITER pellet injection team will support both types of pellets. Testing will take place in 2016.

35-metre quench tanks produced by Europe for the cryoplant
2016-05-12 - These quench tanks will store helium in the case of a magnet quench, an exceptional event where magnets lose their superconductivity, temperatures rise and the helium circulating in the magnets must be extracted. They were produced for Air Liquide by its subcontractor Chart Ferox (Czech Republic).

Three mega transformers manufactured in China
2016-05-05 - China has manufactured three mega transformers for ITER's pulsed power electrical network. When fully accessorized and filled with oil, they will weigh 460 tonnes and stand 15 metres tall.

Room-size power supply for SPIDER test bed
2016-04-15 - At the PRIMA neutral beam test facility in Italy, a full size ion source—equivalent to the one that will be used on the heating neutral beams at ITER—will be developed for the first time in the SPIDER test bed. Above, Europe has delivered the ion source and extraction grid power supply. (Photo: OCEM ET)

Cryostat base segments in India
2016-04-15 - Tier 2 of the cryostat base is assembled on the shop floor in India before shipment to ITER. Note the cryostat model in the centre of the assembly!

First toroidal field winding pack in Europe
2016-04-08 - A major ITER procurement milestone was recorded in April by the European Domestic Agency, as contractors completed the manufacturing of the first 110-tonne toroidal field winding pack. This "inner core" will be inserted (following testing activities) into a stainless steel coil case to form the final coil assembly.

Vacuum vessel fabrication in Korea
2016-04-07 - During a meeting of the Vacuum Vessel Project Team in Korea in April, the four ITER Domestic Agencies involved with vacuum vessel fabrication—Europe, Korea, India and Russia—met with ITER Organization colleagues and industrial suppliers to discuss the manufacturing challenges and developments.

Winding the first central solenoid module in the US
2016-04-05 - The US Domestic Agency and vendor General Atomics completed a major milestone on 6 April 2016 by winding the first module for the ITER central solenoid. Six modules—each one made from approximately 6,000 metres of niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) superconductor supplied by Japan—will be stacked to form the 13-metre-tall central magnet.

Specialized tooling manufactured in Korea
2016-03-15 - Welding has begun in Korea on parts of the first 800-tonne Sector Sub-Assembly Tool, which will stand in the ITER Assembly Hall to equip the nine sectors of the vacuum vessel before their transfer to the Tokamak Pit. Korea is in charge of designing and manufacturing 128 different purpose-built tools for ITER assembly.

In-wall shielding plates in India
2016-03-10 - Thousands of in-wall shielding plates (8,800 to be precise) will be fitted between the inner and outer walls of the vacuum vessel to provide radiation protection for the magnets. Manufacturing is progressing well in India.

Planning and fabricating 3.5 km of cryolines in India
2016-03-05 - The ITER cryolines are a system of complex, multi-process, vacuum-insulated pipes that connect cryogenic components in the Cryoplant and Tokamak buildings—some 3.5 kilometres of piping in all. Their function is to provide helium at 4.5 K and 80 K to the machine's superconducting magnet system, the thermal shields and the cryo-vacuum pumps. (Pictured: a full-size prototype of the cryoline sections that will feed the torus cryopumps.)

Crane trolleys manufactured in France
2016-03-03 - At the REEL factory in Villefranche-sur-Saône, close to Lyon, France, four 375-tonne trolleys are undergoing their final acceptance tests. Five metres high, 10 metres long and 5 metres wide, they are among the largest and most powerful ever built in Europe for application in the nuclear industry. They will be delivered in April to be installed as part of the heavy-lift cranes of the Assembly Building.

Fabrication of a crane beam in France
2016-03-03 - On behalf of the European Domestic Agency REEL, in Villefranche-sur-Saône, France, is designing and fabricating the crane and trolley system that will handle and pre-assemble components before they are integrated into the ITER Tokamak. Pictured, a worker welds part of the 50-tonne assembly crane.

Europe completes toroidal field conductors
2016-02-29 - In February 2016, Europe celebrates the completion of its first work package (Procurement Arrangement) signed with the ITER Organization in December 2007, for the procurement of 20.18% of the superconductors needed to assemble ITER's giant D-shaped toroidal field coils.

First toroidal field winding pack in Europe
2016-02-26 - Following sophisticated, multi-stage winding operations, seven layers of coiled superconducting cable (double pancakes) have now been successfully stacked and electrically insulated to form the first European toroidal field coil winding pack. After vacuum-pressure insulation and testing, the seven-layer pack will be inserted into a massive stainless steel case. The final coil will weigh 310 metric tons.

Assembly tooling in Korea
2016-02-22 - The first metal cutting activities are underway in Korea for the 800-tonne Sector Sub-Assembly tools—required in the Assembly Hall to pre-assembly vacuum vessel sectors with a certain number of components before installation in the Tokamak Pit.

Micro fission chambers in Japan
2016-02-21 - Pencil-sized micro fission chambers will be located close to the plasma to "count" neutrons during ITER operation—by measuring the neutron flux from the plasma, these highly precise devices procured by Japan will help diagnosticians calculate fusion power output.

Cryogenic valves in India
2016-02-08 - This valve is one of six that will control the helium flow from the 80K loop boxes to the thermal shields and cryopumps of the ITER machine. Measuring 2.5 metres in height and weighing more than 1.5 metric tons, the valves are more than five times bigger than the average cryogenic valve. (The valve was manufactured by the Indian company Flowserve under contract with the European cryoplant contractor Air Liquide.)

Winding trials of poloidal field coil #6 in China
2016-01-24 - Tooling and testing activities are underway to prepare for the fabrication of ITER poloidal field coil number 6 (PF6) at the ASIPP facility in China, which is under contract with the European Domestic Agency to produce and deliver this second-smallest ring-shaped ITER magnet (350 tonnes, 10 m in diameter).

Cryoplant: inner tank passes leak test in Europe
2016-01-20 - A 23-metre-long storage tank for liquid helium, part of Europe's contribution to ITER's liquid nitrogen plant and auxiliary systems, successfully passes leak tests in February 2016. The 190 m³ stainless-steel tank will store liquid helium at -269 °C.

China completes toroidal field conductors
2015-12-18 - In December 2015, China celebrates the completion of its first work package (Procurement Arrangement) signed with the ITER Organization, for the procurement of 7.5% of the superconductors needed to assemble ITER's giant D-shaped toroidal field coils (pictured).

Blanket manifold prototype on site
2015-12-10 - The blanket manifold system feeds cooling water to the different blanket modules through pipes arranged in bundles and routed through the vacuum vessel. During the final design review of the manifold system in December, participants were able to view mockups of the blanket manifold design.

European labs collaborate on gyrotron prototype
2015-12-05 - The European continuous-wave gyrotron prototype has successfully passed final factory acceptance tests. Two European prototypes—a short-pulse gyrotron, capable of producing radio frequency of 1 MW for a few milliseconds; and a longer-pulse continuous-wave prototype, capable of producing a radiofrequency wave for several minutes—are contributing to the validation of the European gyrotron for ITER.

Prototype tools for vacuum vessel welding in Spain
2015-11-30 - Welding operations for the vacuum vessel will last four years and involve 200 people. The welding tools will have to manoeuvre the complex geometry of the sectors and ports and perform one-sided welding, as thermal shielding installed on the vacuum vessel will make access to the exterior surfaces impossible. The Spanish company Equipos Nucleares SA (ENSA) is currently developing specialized welding and testing tools and qualifying processes and operators.

Dimensional inspections for the vacuum vessel in Italy
2015-11-24 - A dimensional survey is carried out at Walter Tosto (Italy) on an in-wall shielding support for the ITER vacuum vessel.

Magnet instrumentation contract underway
2015-11-23 - The instruments that will supply cryogenic temperature and helium flow measurements to control and protect the cryogenic cooling of the magnet coils are under development at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, CEA, based on a contract with the ITER Organization.

Welding toroidal field radial plates in Italy and France
2015-11-19 - At the SIMIC facility in Camerana, Italy, 8.5 m x 15 m radial plates are welded in vertical position. SIMIC is manufacturing 35 radial plates for ITER's toroidal field coils; CNIM (in France) is manufacturing 35 others.

Central solenoid conductors in Japan
2015-11-19 - This cable-in-conduit conductor (rope-type cable inserted into a stainless steel conduit) has been prepared in Japan for the ITER central solenoid. Since 2012, conductors have been manufactured for the central solenoid at Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering's Wakamatsu factory under contract with the Japanese Domestic Agency. Nine have already left for the United States, where coil manufacturing will take place.

Machining parts for the vacuum vessel in Italy
2015-11-18 - At the Mangiarotti facility in Italy, machining is underway on steel components for the European sectors of the vacuum vessel (pictured, a T-rib).

Toroidal field coil structures in Japan
2015-11-17 - The fabrication of toroidal field coil structures is underway at Futami Works (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries). Pictured, an inboard structure.

Cryostat segments afloat
2015-11-05 - The "Industrial Hedland" is on its way to France with 460 tonnes of ITER cryostat segments on board. The ship left Hazira Port in India on Friday 6 November carrying tier 1 of the cryostat base, including six sandwich segments (each weighing about 50 tonnes) and six main shell segments (each weighing about 19 tonnes). The entire cryostat base (tier 1 plus tier 2) will be the heaviest component of ITER machine assembly (1,250 tonnes in all). The cryostat segments are expected to reach the Mediterranean port of Fos-Sur-Mer by the end of November.

First magnet feeder component cleared for manufacturing in China
2015-11-05 - The 31 feeders of the ITER magnet system are vital components that are made up of some 600 smaller elements. In November 2015, a manufacturing readiness assessment for the cryostat feed-through (poloidal field coil #4) opened the way to component manufacturing.

Progress in Europe on liquid nitrogen plant
2015-11-04 - Contractor Air Liquide is responsible for procuring ITER's liquid nitrogen (LN2) for the European Domestic Agency. At Heatric, in the UK, heat exchangers for the 80 K loop boxes successfully passed a global helium leak test. These components will now be integrated, with other heat exchangers, into a cold box assembled by a manufacturer in China.

Blocks, ribs and studs leave Indian factory
2015-11-02 - As part of procurement for ITER, India is responsible for manufacturing the in-wall shielding block assemblies that will be integrated into the vacuum vessel by suppliers in Europe and Korea. This includes the shield blocks themselves as well as support ribs, brackets and fasteners—some 8,000 individual components in all. Factory acceptance tests have been completed for 320 shield blocks, 144 machined support rib lower bracket assemblies, 102 welded support rib lower bracket assemblies, 106 studs, and 16 platforms; the first container of 48 support rib lower bracket assemblies has already been shipped to Korea for vacuum vessel Sector 6.

Demonstrating prototype remote handling tooling in Europe
2015-10-26 - The European Domestic Agency for ITER and the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE) in the UK have collaborated to demonstrate fully remote deployment of prototype remote pipe cutting and welding tooling. These tools are intended for use maintaining the neutral beam heating systems at ITER.

In production: the smallest ring magnet in Russia
2015-10-22 - The first of eight winding packs for poloidal field coil #1 (PF1) undergoes epoxy impregnation at the Srednenevsky Shipbuilding Plant in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The resin—acting inside of a sealed mould and under the effect of heat—hardens the tape to bond each double pancake into a rigid assembly.

Manufacturing the first poloidal field double pancake in Russia
2015-10-22 - Work is underway now on the first double pancake winding for poloidal field coil #1—ITER's smallest poloidal field coil.

First cryostat segments leave Indian factory
2015-10-19 - On 19 October 2015, following a "flag-off" ceremony at the Larsen & Toubro factory in Hazira, India, the first segments of the cryostat base leave the factory on flatbed trucks. Part of the cryostat base, the segments are expected at ITER before the end of the year.

Tooling manufactured for poloidal field coils in Europe
2015-10-19 - At the SEA ALP workshop in Turin, Italy, a poloidal field winding table has been assembled for testing. When testing is completed, the winding equipment will be disassembled and shipped to the ITER Poloidal Field Coils winding facility.

Japan sends first components to PRIMA neutral beam facility
2015-10-05 - In October 2015, Japan ships its first batch of components for the neutral beam test facility, PRIMA, in Italy. These elements of the power supply system for the MITICA test bed—part of a 100-metre transmission line and three 200 kV step-up transformers—will arrive in December.

Nuclear safety electronics weather rough tests for ITER
2015-10-05 - Electronic components destined for ITER's control logic systems are tested under aggravated environmental conditions (fast temperature variations, vibration tests) in order to demonstrate that they will continue to perform flawlessly in case of a seismic event.

The challenge of superconducting joints
2015-10-02 - Approximately 300 magnet feeder joints will have to be created in the Tokamak Pit—one of the most critical and risky operations of assembly. This main busbar joint sample, successfully manufactured and tested at ASIPP (China) will serve as a model for work done on site.

Russia ships last batch of toroidal field conductor
2015-09-28 - The last lengths of Russian-procured conductor for ITER's toroidal field magnets are loaded onto trailers at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow for shipment to the European winding facility in La Spezia, Italy on 28 September 2015. This completes Russia's procurement of 20 percent of ITER's toroidal field conductor lengths.

China completes niobium-tin strand production
2015-09-21 - In September 2015, China completes the fabrication of 35 tonnes of niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) strand for ITER's toroidal field magnet system. The strands will now be delivered to the cable supplier in China that will produce the rope-type cable at the heart of the ITER cable-in-conduit conductors.

ITER superconductor production nears completion
2015-09-17 - An eight-year campaign to produce the superconductors for ITER's powerful magnet systems is in its final stages, with nearly 70 percent of the conductor unit lengths accepted by the ITER Organization. Six ITER Members—China, Europe, Japan, Korea, Russia and the United States—have been responsible for the production of 200 kilometres (2,800 metric tons) of cable-in-conduit conductors, worth an estimated EUR 610 million. Photo: FSU

Manufacturing poloidal field coil #6 in China
2015-09-16 - In the PF6 coil workshop at ASIPP in China, work is progressing on the tooling and testing phase of the sixth ITER poloidal field coil. Pictured: a vacuum chamber for leak tests.

Systems to fuel and control the plasma under development in the US
2015-09-14 - In ITER, pellets of frozen gas will be shot at speeds over a thousand km an hour (670 miles/hr) into the plasma to keep it fuelled, to manage plasma activity, and to extinguish the plasma as necessary. Researchers with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Fusion Materials and Nuclear Systems Division in the US are currently testing three types of pellet in prototype systems (pictured).

Performance of the ITER central solenoid conductor verified in Japan
2015-09-07 - Using a US-designed "insert coil" (a test coil inserted in a large, high-field magnet), a US-Japan team tested the Japanese-manufactured central solenoid conductor at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency test facility in Naka and evaluated the findings. Results show that the conductor performed as predicted, without degradation.

ITER Director-General visits French manufacturing facility
2015-08-20 - ITER Director-General Bernard Bigot (fourth from left) visits the Air Liquide factory in Sassenage, France, where three large cylindrical vessels called "cold boxes" (21 metres long, 4.2 metres in diameter) are currently being equipped with internal components for ITER's liquid helium plant.

Preparing to capture hydrogen-species gases in the US
2015-08-17 - At the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Spallation Neutron Source (Tennessee, US), a cryogenic test facility is used to put the prototype cryoviscous compressor pump (pictured, middle) for ITER through its paces. Photo: US ITER/ORNL

Liquid nitrogen plant: Europe reports on first heat exchangers
2015-07-22 - As part of its in-kind procurement to ITER, Europe will provide the liquid nitrogen (LN2) plant and auxiliary systems that will cool down, process, store, transfer and recover the cryogenic fluids of the machine. In July 2015, the first manufactured equipment—two heat exchangers for the 80 K loop boxes—successfully passed factory acceptance tests at the Sumitomo Precision Products factory in Japan. Six additional heat exchangers are in production.

Cryostat base manufactured in India and ready for shipment
2015-07-20 - In the Larsen & Toubro factory in India, six 60° sections of the cryostat base (tier 1) are temporarily assembled on the shop floor to verify tolerances in July 2015. All segments will leave the factory in September for shipment to the ITER site.

Vacuum vessel qualification activities in Europe
2015-07-14 - Each of the nine ITER vacuum vessel sectors will be constructed from four segments (PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4) welded together. Pictured: a European mockup of segment PS2.

Second qualification milestone for high-temp superconductor leads in China
2015-07-07 - Second-round qualification tests were successfully completed on High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) current leads for the ITER magnet system at the Institute of Plasma Physics (ASIPP) in Hefei, China. The final qualifications tests, scheduled end 2015, will open the way to series manufacturing.

Russian industry jackets final toroidal field conductor
2015-06-24 - On 19 June 2015 specialists of the Cable Institute (JSC VNIIKP) jacketed and compacted the last production length of Russian toroidal field conductor at Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) jacketing line in Protvino. After a series of tests, the conductor will be delivered to Italy for fabrication of ITER's toroidal field magnet coils. By year end, all toroidal field conductor production lengths currently stored at Russian facilities will have been shipped to Europe.

Hot forming activities on the vacuum vessel in Europe
2015-06-22 - The European consortium responsible for manufacturing five of the nine ITER vacuum vessel sectors has begun hot forming activities on sector #5.

Positive results for Russian gyrotron tests
2015-05-29 - Successful factory acceptance tests in May 2015 on the Russian gyrotron prototype open the road for the start of series production. Twenty-four gyrotrons supplied by Russia, Europe, Japan and India will help to heat the ITER plasma to 150,000,000 million °C.

Prototype divertor target in Europe
2015-05-21 - The vertical target sustains the particle flux and absorbs the high thermal power conveyed to the divertor region of the ITER machine. This full-tungsten scale-1 prototype was produced by Ansaldo Nucleare as part of a contract for the European Domestic Agency.

Drain tank manufacturing in the US
2015-05-18 - The Joseph Oat Corporation in Camden, New Jersey (US) has manufactured five drain tanks for ITER's tokamak cooling water system. The first two were delivered to ITER in May 2015. Photo: US ITER

Heat treatment oven in Japan
2015-04-24 - Toroidal field coil windings must be heat treated at 650 °C for 100 hours to react tin and niobium to form the superconducting compound Nb3Sn. Japan's share of toroidal field windings will be treated in this furnace at Mitsubishi Heavy Industry's Futami factory.

Advancing the design of the gyrotron in Europe
2015-04-15 - In collaboration with industry, Europe is producing prototypes of key gyrotron components to validate the design of the gyrotron, an energy delivery device that will contribute to heating the plasma. Four ITER partners will share the procurement of 24 gyrotrons: Europe (6), Japan (8), Russia (8) and India (2). Pictured: the 1 MW short-pulse prototype at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany.

Full-tungsten, full-scale prototypes in Japan
2015-04-15 - A full-tungsten/full-scale prototype plasma-facing unit for the ITER divertor is completed in March 2015. Eight months later, a test assembly passes successful high heat flux testing at a dedicated Russian facility.

Central solenoid mockup winding begins in US
2015-04-10 - The central solenoid winding line in the US was inaugurated on 10 April 2015 at General Atomics (California). It will take two full years to complete winding operations for the six modules of the central solenoid.

First full-size, superconducting pancake prototype in Europe
2015-03-26 - European contractors have successfully completed cryogenic, high voltage and leak tests on the first full-size, superconducting prototype of a toroidal field coil "double pancake." Each of ITER's giant, D-shaped toroidal field coils will contain seven double pancakes.

US tooling stations installed for the central solenoid
2015-03-19 - At the General Atomics Magnet Technologies Center in Poway, California (US), installation is underway on the tooling stations for the central solenoid. Photo: General Atomics

Successful test of current lead prototypes in China
2015-03-15 - At the Institute of Plasma Physics (ASIPP) in Hefei, China, high temperature superconductor (HTS) current leads are successfully tested for ITER's correction coils in February 2015. HTS current leads are key magnet components, which transfer current from room-temperature power supplies to very low-temperature superconducting coils at minimal heat load to the cryogenic system.

Last remote handling tests for divertor in Europe
2015-03-03 - The remote handling insertion, and removal, of ITER's 54 ten-tonne divertor cassettes requires careful planning, dexterity and millimetric precision. Years of European financed R&D (design, mockup fabrication and demonstrations) are brought to a close in February 2015, as the final demonstration was successfully performed.

First prototypes of high-voltage feedthroughs from the US
2015-02-19 - The ITER Organization contracted with Ceramtec North America (US) to manufacture the first prototypes of magnet instrumentation feedthroughs. These challenging components (part of instrumentation cables) must operate in an environment involving high voltage, high vacuum, high magnetic field and radiation.

Advanced gyrotron design completed in Japan
2015-02-18 - Each of ITER's 24 gyrotrons will generate a microwave beam over a thousand times more powerful than a traditional microwave oven. In early 2015, Japan presented an advanced gyrotron design to an international team of experts and representatives from the ITER Organization.

Long-duration tests on the poloidal field AC/DC converter unit prototype in China
2015-02-15 - At the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), the long-duration, steady-state operation testing of the poloidal field AC/DC converter unit prototype is successfully carried out in February 2015. The next step is the manufacturing readiness review.

Ultra-compact testing power supply from Japan
2015-02-10 - To meet ITER requirements for the testing of neutral beam injection power supplies, Japanese engineers designed an ultra-compact unit. It is the first Japanese component to pass the rigorous European Pressure Equipment Directive.

Green light in India for the remainder of cryostat manufacturing
2015-01-30 - Two Manufacturing Readiness Reviews (April 2013 and January 2015) have been held for cryostat components and manufacturing continues at Larsen & Toubro. The first completed items are expected to be shipped to ITER in mid-2015.

Blanket module key pad coatings tested in The Netherlands
2015-01-22 - As part of an experimental program to test the robustness of various ceramic coatings, impact tests were carried out at TNO Structural Dynamics Laboratory in Delft, The Netherlands. Each pad was subjected 500 times to impacts of 2.5 MN, or the equivalent of 250 tonnes. Photo: TNO

Progress on diagnostic instruments in the US
2015-01-05 - As a contribution to ITER diagnostics, the US is designing seven instruments plus four port plugs (which will provide shielded housing). These include x-ray, laser, microwave and optical systems. Contracts have been launched and one instrument is already in the final design phase.

India delivers first component to neutral beam test facility
2014-12-22 - On 22 December 2014, the Indian Domestic Agency delivered its first component—a beam dump— to the PRIMA facility where it will be integrated into the full-scale ITER ion source test bed called SPIDER. The delivery was the first in-kind delivery carried out by ITER India for the ITER Project.

Developing techniques to clean inaccessible diagnostic mirrors in Europe
2014-12-11 - In ITER metallic first mirrors, part of optical diagnostic systems, will guide the light coming from the plasma or from probing light sources through the neutron shielding towards detectors. To avoid reflectivity losses due to charge exchange neutral fluxes and ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma radiation, a cleaning technique known as "plasma sputtering" is foreseen to remove deposits from the mirror surfaces. In 2014, a strong collaboration between the Physics Department of the University of Basel (UniBasel), Denmark's Technical University (DTU) and the ITER Diagnostics team led to important experimental results in evaluating the efficiency and performance of the cleaning process.

Russia tests fast discharge resistor prototype
2014-12-07 - In December 2014, Russian specialists at the Efremov Institute successfully test a prototype of the fast discharge resistor module, designed to rapidly discharge energy stored in the coils of the ITER magnetic system. Tests results demonstrated full conformance with ITER Organization technical requirements.

Electrical network equipment completed in China
2014-12-04 - The pulsed power electrical network (PPEN) will provide power to the "pulsed" systems of ITER, including the magnet power supplies and plasma heating systems. This first batch of PPEN equipment (surge arrestors, current transformers, earthing switches, etc) has passed all testing and is ready for shipment to ITER.

Vacuum vessel manufacturing in Korea
2014-12-03 - Manufacturing is proceeding on ITER vacuum vessel sector 1 at Hyundai Heavy Industries in Korea.

Russia completes superconducting strand production
2014-12-03 - The last batch of Russian-produced superconducting strands for the ITER magnet system was shipped for cabling on 3 December. In six years, the Chepetsk Mechanical Plant manufactured approximately 100 tonnes of niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) strand for the toroidal field conductor and 125 tonnes of niobium-titanium (NbTi) strand for the poloidal field conductor.

Central solenoid modules in the US
2014-11-24 - When opened, the heat treatment furnace at the General Atomics plant in Poway, California (US) is 12 metres tall and can hold one central solenoid module at a time. Heat treatment at 650 degrees Celsius makes the niobium-tin and copper conductor superconducting. Photo: US ITER

ITER steel manufactured in France
2014-11-17 - The Industeel-Le Creusot plant in central France is under contract with different ITER Domestic Agencies for "top of the line" grades of steel. It already has orders of over 10,000 tonnes on its books from Korea, India, Russia and Europe.

Magnet feeder prototypes in China
2014-11-12 - The components that will feed electrical power and cryogens to the ITER magnets—called magnet feeders—will be produced in China. Prototyping is underway.

Europe completes niobium-tin strand production
2014-10-24 - In October 2014, Europe completes its 20.2 % share of niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) strand production for ITER's toroidal field coils—some 97 tonnes of material produced by two European suppliers.

Disruption mitigation system advances in the US
2014-10-15 - This novel three-barrel pellet injector, under development in the US as part of development work on a disruption mitigation system for ITER, uses a gas propellant to fire pellets into the plasma at 300 metres per second, or about 670 miles per hour.

Acceleration grid power supplies in India
2014-10-14 - Manufacturing is underway in India for the acceleration grid power supplies that will be supplied to the SPIDER test bed in Italy as well as to ITER's diagnostic neutral beam. Major components such as the 60 kW water-cooled switched power supply modules (pictured) are presently being inspected at intermediate stages and the factory acceptance test for the first batch is scheduled for the end of November 2014.

Cryostat feedthrough prototype in China
2014-10-06 - Cryostat feedthroughs cross through the bioshield and the cryostat to provide a passageway to the ITER magnets for cooling pipes, power cables and instrumentation cables. This 10-metre prototype was manufactured, integrated and commissioned in November 2014 at ASIPP in China.

Prototype toroidal field busbar in Russia
2014-09-10 - In Russia, a prototype of the toroidal field busbars that will feed power to ITER's 18 D-shaped toroidal field superconducting magnet coils has been successfully manufactured.

Progress on the PF1 poloidal field magnet in Russia and Italy
2014-08-07 - The first two 414-metre production lengths of conductor for poloidal field magnet #1 (PF1) have been successfully manufactured. Cable manufactured in Russia has undergone all of the phases of jacketing and compaction at Criotec (Italy) and—in a cross-border collaboration that is not uncommon at ITER—will now will now be returned after testing to Russia for coil fabrication.

Winding begins on central solenoid mockup in the US
2014-08-07 - US supplier General Atomics begins winding a mockup central solenoid coil from non-superconducting material in August 2014; the mockup will be used to confirm the readiness of the tooling stations required to fabricate a superconducting central solenoid module.

Toroidal field conductor in Japan
2014-07-16 - The last unit length of toroidal field conductor is manufactured at a specialized factory in Kitakyushu, Japan. ITER Japan is responsible for procuring 25% of ITER toroidal field conductor.

Russian toroidal field conductor deliveries reach half-way point
2014-07-04 - Three toroidal field conductor lengths leave the Kurchatov Institute near Moscow, Russia for the ASG Superconductor plant in La Spezia, Italy on Friday 4 July 2014, marking the half-way point in the delivery of Russian toroidal field conductor production lengths to the European winding facility.

Manufacturing can begin on correction coils in China
2014-07-03 - Following the successful completion of a correcton coil mockup (pictured) work can begin in China on the 18 correction coils required for the ITER machine.

The first lengths of central solenoid conductor are shipped from Japan to the US
2014-06-25 - On 25 June 2014 five lengths of central solenoid conductor are shipped from Japan to a factory near San Diego, California where the central solenoid components will be manufactured by a US Domestic Agency contractor.

Radial plate fabrication in France
2014-06-18 - A consortium of two European companies is producing 70 radial plates for the toroidal field coils (CNIM, France and SIMIC, Italy). Here, at CNIM, a 5.5 x 16 metre radial plate is in the final stage of fabrication.

Full-scale prototype of a feeder system component built in China
2014-06-18 - The Chinese Institute of Plasma Physics (ASIPP) has successfully accomplished a full-scale qualification prototype for one of the key components of ITER's magnet feeder system—the vacuum vessel that will provide thermal insulation to the components at the very end of the feeders inside of the Tokamak gallery--the CTB/SBB vacuum vessel. (CTB = coil terminal box; STB = S-bend box)

US ships 14,000 kilos of magnet hardware to Europe
2014-06-12 - In June 2014, 800 metres of sample toroidal field magnet conductor are shipped from the US to the European winding facility in La Spezia, Italy in order to qualify the conductor fabrication processes.

Prototype bellow developed in Switzerland
2014-05-26 - Eighty-five large, rectangular bellows (in blue in the picture) will be used between the ITER vacuum vessel, the cryostat and the walls of the Tokamak Building to isolate the ultra-high vacuum inside the cryostat. Under contract with the Indian Domestic Agency, the Swiss expansion joint specialist Kompaflex AG has produced a full-scale prototype.

Testing high voltage power supplies in India
2014-05-23 - At ITER-India, the high voltage power supply for ion cyclotron radio frequency heating (ICRH) is readied for testing.

Niobium-tin superconducting strands in Japan
2014-05-15 - At JASTEC's Moji factory, workers prepare 40- to 100-kg "billets" of niobium-tin alloy that will be transformed into millimetre-thin superconducting strands for ITER's toroidal field or central solenoid coils.

Ion source power supplies successfully tested in Italy
2014-05-14 - In May 2014, the last components of the ion source and extraction grid power supply for the ion-source test bed SPIDER successfully pass factory acceptance tests at the supplier facility in San Giorgio di Piano, Italy (OCEM Energy Technology).

Prototype thermal shield under fabrication in Korea
2014-05-13 - Inserted between the toroidal field magnets and the vacuum vessel, the ITER thermal shield minimizes the thermal radiation to the superconducting magnets. In Korea, prototype fabrication has begun at SFA Engineering Corp.

Radial plate fabrication begins in Europe
2014-05-13 - The toroidal field radial plates are the skeleton of ITER's giant toroidal field coils. Seventy of these giant structures (nearly 9 x 14 metres) will be necessary for coil fabrication. From the CNIM manufacturing facility in Toulon, France (pictured), the first radial plate will leave the production line in July 2014.

AC/DC converter unit prototype tested in China
2014-05-09 - Technical staff from the Chinese institute ASIPP, the ITER Organization, the Chinese Domestic Agency and manufacturers are present on 9 May 2014 to witness the successful testing of the AC/DC converter unit prototype for ITER's poloidal field converters.

Progress on radio-frequency transmission lines in the US
2014-05-06 - The US ITER ion cyclotron team (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) has achieved high radio frequency (RF) power levels in the laboratory and is working to finalize the design of the transmission lines and matching systems. The next test campaign will assess the performance of hybrid power splitters (prototype pictured), which are used to protect RF transmitters from reflected power.

Welding robots in action in La Spezia, Italy
2014-04-15 - At the European winding facility in La Spezia, Italy, the factory floor has been equipped with the winding, insulation and heat treatment stations needed to produce toroidal field coil double pancakes for ITER. Pictured, a robotic arm performs laser welding.

Qualifying tooling in La Spezia, Italy
2014-04-15 - Special tooling is required to flip the toroidal field double pancakes (here, a prototype at the European winding facility in La Spezia, Italy). Each completed toroidal field coil will measure 9 x 14 metres.

Japan manufactures largest ceramic bushing ring in the world
2014-04-08 - Ceramic bushing rings serve as insulators on ITER's neutral beam heating system, connecting the high pressure transmission lines for the 1 MW power supply with the vacuum chamber inside the system. This one, assembled at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency with an outer tube in fibre-reinforced plastic, has a diameter of 1.56 metres, making it the largest in the world.

Qualifying toroidal field conductor winding in Japan
2014-03-25 - At Mitsubishi Heavy Industry's Futami factory, winding is completed on a toroidal field dummy double pancake—the last qualification step before series fabrication can begin.

Transformer reliability demonstrated in China
2014-03-20 - Qualification activities for the ITER poloidal field converter package pass a milestone in China in February 2014 with the successful testing of the prototype poloidal field rectifier transformer. The tests demonstrate high reliability and strong short circuit withstand capability.

Completed toroidal field conductor shipped by Russia
2014-03-17 - In March 2014, the Russian Domestic Agency ships two spooled toroidal field conductors (760 m each) to ASG Superconductor in La Spezia, Italy to be wound into regular double pancakes. At the end of the coil manufacturing process, the completed coils will be transported to ITER.

Cryostat welding underway in India
2014-02-28 - Welding of the first longitudinal seam of the cryostat base section is performed at the Larsen & Toubro factory in Hazira, India.

Another milestone for power converters in China
2014-02-18 - The short circuit tests on the ITER poloidal field converter bridges and external bypass are accomplished successfully in January 2014, demonstrating the soundness of the design and manufacture of these key components. Series production can now begin.

Radial plate fabrication launched in Europe
2014-02-04 - Manufacturing has begun in Europe for the 70 large D-shaped radial plates that will hold the conductor in place within ITER's toroidal field coils. Following the prototype and machining trial stages, manufacturing has been launched at CNIM Industrial Systems (France) and SIMIC Spa (Italy.

A one-third size prototype of the vacuum vessel in Europe
2014-01-29 - Bend-testing is currently being carried out on a one-third-size prototype vacuum vessel sector at the manufacturer Walter Tosto in Italy.

Test facility up and running in China for ITER power converters
2014-01-26 - A three-bed test platform at ASIPP in China has demonstrated its capability to host the demanding short circuit test for ITER poloidal field power converters. The test facility, which set a new performance record in December 2013, has already begun accompanying the development of the ITER poloidal field converter prototype components.

Qualification conductors arrive from China
2014-01-17 - Two types of conductor were delivered in January 2014 from China for the commissioning of the Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility: copper dummy conductor to test tooling and niobium-titanium (NbTi) conductor for winding and joint qualification tests.

Europe manufactures its first cryopump components
2014-01-17 - Europe has successfully completed the manufacturing of the cryopanels and thermal shields for the pre-production cryopump (thermal shields pictured).

Conductor transfer tooling commissioned in Japan
2014-01-09 - Unit lengths of conductor are wound into a D-shaped double spiral called a "double pancake" before being heat treated, electrically insulated, and finally inserted into the grooves of radial plates. At Mitsubishi Heavy Industry's Futami factory, transfer tooling has been successfully commissioned.

Mockup fabrication underway in India for the ITER cryostat
2013-12-18 - At Larsen & Toubro Ltd in Hazira, on the northwestern coast of India, fabrication of a real-scale cryostat mockup has begun. Mockup fabrication aims at demonstrating and validating welding and manufacturing techniques. Pictured is part of the cryostat base (for an idea of the scale, see the man working at left).

Correction coil first-of-series production to begin in China
2013-12-17 - In December 2013, the correction coil conductor winding in China successfully passes all qualification examinations, opening the way for the winding of the first-of-series ITER correction coil with real superconductor in 2014.

Commissioning of the central solenoid winding tool in the US
2013-12-04 - At the General Atomics facility in Poway, California, three central solenoid dummy conductor lengths (shipped by Japan) will be used to commission the winding tool. The manufacture of a mockup central solenoid module should begin by June 2014.

Korea completes toroidal field niobium-tin strand production
2013-11-25 - The Korean contractor KAT produced 93 tonnes of niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) superconducting wire for ITER's toroidal field coils between 2009 and November 2013, effectively fulfilling Korea's contribution to toroidal field strand production (20 % of ITER needs). The Korean Domestic Agency is the first Domestic Agency to reach this milestone. Pictured: a photomicrograph of the Nb3Sn wire produced by Kiswire Advanced Technology.

Spools of toroidal field conductor in Russia
2013-11-25 - These spools of production length niobium-tin superconductor await shipment to Europe, where they will be incorporated into ITER's toroidal field coils.

Magnet power systems in China
2013-11-13 - Fourteen poloidal field converters will provide controllable current/voltage to ITER's six poloidal field coils. Quite unlike the traditional converters used in industrial applications, these systems will provide an unprecedented level of power and short circuit current in a highly specific operation mode. This prototype external bypass will be tested at the Chinese Institute of Plasma Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP).

Vacuum vessel sectors in Korea
2013-10-29 - Manufacturing of the ITER vaccum vessel sectors is underway in Korea (two sectors out of nine). Pictured is part of Sector #6, made of special ITER-grade steel, at Hyundai Heavy Industries in Ulsan, South Korea.

Mockups for High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) current leads in China
2013-10-15 - As part of R&D underway since 2008 to develop ITER HTS current leads, suppliers prepared five different types of mockups to develop the most critical technologies (insulation, electron beam welding, heat exchanger manufacturing, low temperature superconductor end assembly, and instrumentation). Pictured: the electron beam welding mockup.

Dedicated production machines and spooled conductor at Criotec, in Italy
2013-10-01 - At Criotec, in Italy, a spool of toroidal field conductor awaits inspection. With its 800-metre-long jacketing line commissioned specifically for ITER conductors, Criotec (part of the ICAS Consortium: Italian Consortium for Applied Superconductivity) is responsible for jacketing and compacting ITER conductor.

Pellet injection advances to next stage in the US
2013-09-24 - This pellet injector installed on the DIII-D Tokamak in San Diego was developed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in the US to run fuelling and plasma edge control experiments. The US is responsible for procuring the pellet injection system that will provide continuous plasma fuelling and also lessen the impact of plasma instabilities due to large transient heat loads. Photo: US ITER/ORNL

Milestone for toroidal field coil manufacturing in Italy
2013-09-02 - The jacketed cable for ITER's toroidal field coil double pancake prototype has two openings for helium access. At ASG (La Spezia, Italy) the first manufacturing step for the prototype, winding, is completed in August 2013.

Drain tank manufacturing progresses in the US
2013-08-26 - Drain tank heads, shown in fabrication at ODOM Industries in Milford Ohio, will be assembled at Joseph Oat Corporation in Camden, New Jersey. The drain tanks will be among the first major hardware items shipped to the ITER site in France. Photo: US ITER/ORNL

Port Plug Test Facility milestone in Russia
2013-08-23 - Gasket tests are carried out in early April at Cryogenmash (near Moscow) for the ITER Port Plug Test Facility. The vacuum vessel port plugs are critical components for preventing leaks and maintaining high vacuum within the ITER vacuum vessel.

Superconductor cabling in China
2013-07-21 - Superconductor cabling is underway at the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP).

Correction coil mockups produced in China
2013-07-21 - A completed side correction coil double pancake coil rests above the vacuum pressure impregnation (VPI) mould platform at ASIPP in China. Clamps have been attached to the coil to maintain its shape while insulation tape is wrapped around the coil in preparation for VPI.

Toroidal field coils: strand production passes 400 tonnes
2013-07-15 - Production of superconduction niobium-tin superconducting strand, the key component in ITER's toroidal field coils, tops 400 tonnes in 2013. Six ITER Domestic Agencies have produced more than 80,000 kilometres of strand—enough to go around the world twice at the Equator.

Russia ships Nb3Sn conductor to Europe
2013-07-01 - Two 415-metre production lengths of niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) conductor for the toroidal field coils are readied at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow for delivery to the European winding facility in La Spezia, Italy (June 2013).

Russia: tiny diamond detectors for giant ITER
2013-06-17 - At the TRINITI facility in Moscow, where approximately 100 diamond detectors will be manufactured for the vertical neutron camera (part of diagnostics) work is underway currently on dummies and test samples. Pictured: laser equipment for cutting and shaping.

Korea: Testing the AC/DC power converter for the correction coils
2013-06-04 - Korea is responsible for the detailed design of the AC/DC power converter units for the ITER correction coils (prototype pictured here) and for the vertical stabilization coils.

Testing the pre-compression load of the ITER central solenoid in the US
2013-06-01 - A worker at Major Tool & Machine, Inc. in Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) installs a Supernut® into the test fixture used to measure pre-compression load for the ITER central solenoid. Photo: Major Tool & Machine, Inc.

Central solenoid conductor shipped by Japan
2013-05-21 - Japan is manufacturing 100% of the niobium-tin superconductor required by the central solenoid. A spool has just arrived at the General Atomics ITER magnet facility in Poway, California. Photo: GA

Progress on magnet supports in China
2013-05-20 - In May, representatives of the ITER Organization and the Chinese Domestic Agency were present to witness a step forward in the preparation of a gravity support mockup test frame, which is part of the qualification phase of the Magnet Supports Procurement Arrangement. The gravity and poloidal field magnet supports represent more than 350 tonnes of equipment.

Components en route from China to ITER
2013-04-30 - Some 737 metres of dummy conductor for ITER's Poloidal Field Coil number five (PF5) were loaded on board an ocean-going liner on 30 April 2013 for a one-month sea voyage and subsequent transport to the ITER site.¶Dummy conductors are fabricated for cabling and coil manufacturing process qualification. Following these stages, the massive production of toroidal field conductor can begin.

ITER blanket ready for manufacturing stage
2013-04-15 - The design of the ITER blanket—with its 440 individual modules and over 180 design variants—was approved during the Final Design Review of the ITER blanket in April 2013.¶The ITER blanket and first wall are ready to proceed to the manufacturing stage. The procurement of the 440 shield blocks will be equally shared by China and Korea. The first wall panels will be manufactured by Europe (50%), Russia (40%) and China (10%). Russia will, in addition, provide the flexible supports, the key pads and the electrical straps.

From Russia to Italy and back
2013-02-06 - Early in February 2013, the Italian company Criotec completes the manufacturing of the first copper dummy conductor for the PF1 poloidal field coil. The cable—composed of superconducting niobium-titanium (NbTi) strands produced by the Chepetsky Mechanical Plant in Glazov, Udmurtia (Russia)—passed the jacketing and compaction stages in Italy. The copper dummy, after spooling, will return to Russia to be integrated into the PF1 double pancake dummy.

Jacketing line completed in the US
2013-01-21 - As part of its contributions to the ITER project, the US is producing over 4 miles of cable-in-conduit, niobium-tin superconductor. Cabling and conductor operations are underway: in Florida, the 800-metre-long jacketing bench at High Performance Magnetics has successfully demonstrated compaction and spooling of a 100-metre sample length.

Drain tank manufacturing has started in the US
2012-12-15 - Manufacturing has begun on the five large-scale drain tanks that are planned for ITER's tokamak cooling water system. The stainless steel plates used for the fabrication of these tanks are polished prior to manufacturing in order to achieve a minimum surface finish of 1.6 micrometres (pictured: representatives from ITER, US-ITER, AREVA FS and the Joseph Oats Corporation at Stainless Steel Services in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA).

Vacuum vessel forgings in Germany
2012-12-10 - No fewer than 633 of these massive, stainless steel forgings will be necessary for the construction of the ITER vacuum vessel sectors. In December 2012, the last of the forgings are shipped from KIND (Gummersbach, Germany) to Hyundai Heavy Industries (Ulsan, South Korea).

Toroidal field manufacturing facility ready in La Spezia, Italy
2012-11-27 - Each toroidal field coil is made up of a winding pack (seven double pancakes plus radial plate) and a protective shell of stainless steel. At the La Spezia winding line, 750-metre lengths of toroidal field conductor will be bent into a D-shaped double spiral trajectory, and their length controlled to an accuracy of 500th of a mm per metre.

First tests underway at the Divertor Test Facility in Russia
2012-10-28 - The first testing of plasma-facing components for ITER begins at the Efremov Institute (St Petersburg) in late October 2012 on a full-scale prototype for ITER's outer divertor target. Within the ITER Divertor Test Facility, an 800 kW electron injector exposes the divertor components to the same heat loads they will face inside the ITER vacuum vessel in standard operational mode.

Russia ships its first toroidal field conductor
2012-10-09 - Two qualified unit lengths of toroidal field conductor (the copper dummy and the 100-metre qualification conductor) are shipped from Kurchatov Institute in Moscow to the Russian customs office for subsequent transportation to Europe. This is the first delivery of toroidal field coil conductor for the Russian Domestic Agency.

Successful tests for Russian toroidal field conductor
2012-09-28 - Samples of Russian toroidal field conductor with bronze route strands are successfully tested in the SULTAN facility (Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) in late September 2012. This is the fourth batch of samples tested in SULTAN, but the first sample containing two sections of conductor made of real (and not qualifying) production lengths.

US Domestic Agency delivers its first components to ITER
2012-09-20 - Five pressure relief valves are received by the ITER Vacuum team for vacuum testing of ITER components: in the space of ten years, these valves will be used in over 1,000 tests. These small components are the first completed components delivered by the US Domestic Agency to ITER.

A model electron cyclotron port plug in Japan
2012-09-17 - This electron cyclotron port plug model, manufactured at the Hitachi plant in Tsukuba, Japan, is the subject of discussion during a visit of the ITER Organization auditing team. Auditing is carried out by the ITER Organization at all Domestic Agencies to verify conformity with the quality requirements included in all Procurement Arrangements and Task Agreements.

Conductor production full steam ahead in Russia
2012-09-13 - Members of the ITER Magnet Division visit conductor production facilities in Moscow. Russia is responsible for the procurement of 22 kilometres of conductor destined for toroidal field coils, and 11 kilometres of conductor destined for the poloidal field coils.

Radial plate prototype takes to the sea in France
2012-09-10 - A radial plate prototype produced by Constructions Industrielles de la Méditerranée (CNIM) in Toulon, France, is loaded onto a freight cargo for delivery to the ASG Superconductor plant at La Spezia, Italy where 450 metres of toroidal field conductor will be inserted into its grooves. The prototype was produced under a contract awarded by the European Domestic Agency; another European company, the Italian SIMIC S.P.A, has also produced a radial plate prototype using different technology. ITER will require the manufacturing of 134 radial plates—70 to be procured by Europe and 64 by Japan.

Correction coil winding operations tested in China
2012-08-23 - At the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), commissioning of the winding line for ITER's correction coils is underway. Part of the commissioning process includes the winding of two 2x2 turn coils, one bottom-type correction coil and one side-type correction coil (pictured, the 2x2 turn bottom correction coil).

Authorization to Proceed for Korean jacket sections
2012-07-20 - ITER Korea, which is responsible for 20.18 % of ITER toroidal field conductor, completes the procurement of the necessary quantity (approximately 20 km) of jacket sections from POSCO Specialty Steel. The ITER Organization granted the Authorization To Proceed Point (ATPP) on the last batch of jacket sections on 14 July 2012.

Ready to produce toroidal field double pancakes in Italy
2012-07-20 - This large inert atmosphere oven (48 x 20 x 5 metres) located on the premises of ASG Superconductors SpA in La Spezia, Italy will be used to carry out the heat treatment of toroidal field double pancakes for ITER.

Inauguration of the correction coil manufacturing line in China
2012-05-21 - The manufacturing line for the ITER correction coils is inaugurated in Hefei, China on 28 April 2012. Pictured: the laser welding equipment for the correction coils.

Europe concludes fabrication of the first conductor to be inserted into the machine
2012-05-15 - On May 15 2012, the first European production toroidal field conductor length is completed in Italy: this length is the first conductor which will be inserted into the ITER machine. In the coming two years, 26 additional toroidal field lengths will be fabricated and supplied by the ICAS consortium in Italy (ENEA, Criotec, Tratos Cavi).

Dummy conductor delivered in Italy for winding line commissioning
2012-05-10 - In May 2012, a 760 m long copper conductor fabricated by the Italian consortium ICAS is delivered to the European toroidal field coil winding line in La Spezia, Italy. This dummy length will serve to commission the European winding line.

Ion cyclotron resonance ring in the US
2012-05-09 - This test stand at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US will demonstrate that large-scale 12 inch coaxial transmission lines can perform at ITER specifications for the ion cyclotron heating system. The ion cyclotron resonance ring test stand will also test specific high power components such as gas barriers, phase shifters, coaxial switches, tuning stubs, capacitors and directional couplers.

Creating superconductor industry jobs in the US
2012-04-26 - At Oxford Superconducting Technology in Carteret, New Jersey (USA), two contracts for ITER have the company creating jobs, investing in new equipment, expanding its production capacity, and operating three shifts a day. Oxford Superconducting will produce nearly 10,000 miles of niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) superconducting wire for the ITER project as part of contracts signed with the European and the US ITER Domestic Agencies. Photo: Elle Starkman, PPPL Office Of Communications

A unique test facility for ITER conductors in Switzerland
2012-04-09 - Located in Villingen, Switzerland, SULTAN is the only facility worldwide capable of testing the niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) and niobium-titanium (NbTi) conductors that will be used in ITER.

A dedicated remote handling control room in the UK to practice ITER maintenance
2012-03-29 - ITER maintenance campaigns will involve carrying out a set of tasks within a fixed period by the remote handling operations team. To promote standardization across a wide range of maintenance tasks, a contract was placed with Jacobs Engineering UK Limited for the implementation of a standard remote handling control room work cell. The effort brought together specialists in remote handling (Oxford Technologies), robotics (Intermodalics), and human factors engineering (CCD, UK). Pictured: the dedicated room at Oxford Technologies.

Italian consortium collaborates to produce ITER toroidal field conductor
2012-03-15 - Using a 760 metre-long toroidal field copper dummy provided by Tratos Cavi, Criotec completes the jacketing, compaction and spooling operations. The conductor will now travel to a facility in La Spezia, Italy for testing. The Italian Consortium for Applied Superconductivity (ENEA, Tratos Cavi, Criotec) is responsible for delivering 27 production lengths for the ITER toroidal field coils.

Brand-new jacketing line in Russia begins operations
2012-03-09 - The successful jacketing of a 760-metre length of toroidal field cable at the brand-new jacketing line at the High Energy Physics Institute in Protvino, Russia. Pictured, the lead wire pulls the cable into the stainless steel jacket assembly.

Four miles of superconducting strand will be produced in the US
2012-02-23 - The US is producing four miles worth of niobium-tin superconducting wire for ITER's toroidal field conductors. This represents 8% of the total toroidal field wire required (some 100,000 km in all). Photo courtesy of Luvata Waterbury, Inc.

Vacuum vessel sector fabrication begins in Korea
2012-02-13 - Following the selection of Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) by the Korean Domestic Agency as manufacturer for the Korean section of the ITER vacuum vessel and ports, and the completion of manufacturing design late 2011, cutting begins on the ITER-grade stainless steel plate for the vacuum vessel. On 13 February 2012 the first cutting operation for vacuum vessel sector #6 is performed by HHI subcontractor Busan Waterjet.

Cabling milestone in Russia
2012-01-17 - In Podolsk, Russia (near Moscow). cabling operations begin on a 760-metre length of niobium-three-tin conductor for ITER's toroidal field coils. The cable will then be transported for further jacketing and compaction at Protvino, and shipped to Italy to become part of a toroidal field magnet coil.

A test bed for the diagnostic neutral beam in India
2011-12-08 - At the Indian Test Facility in Ahmedabad, India the full characterization of ITER's diagnostic neutral beam should begin in January 2015. Image: ITER India

Manufacturing underway in Korea on ITER's port stub extensions
2011-10-20 - In order to verify design and manufacturing feasibility, Korea fabricated the Port Stub Extension (PSE) of the nine lower ports. Currently the upper (photo) and lower parts of the inner shell are under fabrication.

Vacuum vessel mockups completed in Korea
2011-10-20 - Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea fabricates three types of full-scale mockups of the ITER vacuum vessel (inboard segment, upper segment, and triangular support for the lower segment) in order to verify the design and manufacturing feasibility of the vacuum vessel sectors.

Successful production of the first toroidal field dummy conductor in China
2011-10-14 - ASIPP, China completes the assembly and testing of the first 760-metre toroidal field dummy conductor for ITER. One hundred metres of the 760 metre-long conductor will be delivered to the European Domestic Agency and the remaining 660 metres will be delivered to the Japanese Domestic Agency for further testing before coil manufacturing.

An engineering mockup of ITER's central solenoid produced in the US
2011-09-30 - In this wooden engineering mockup, one central solenoid module (CS 3L) is seen in crosssection. The upper part of the toroidal field coils is represented at the back with the precompression ring fixture in orange, and the vertical tie-plates (part of the central solenoid precompression structure) are represented in light blue.

Side radial plate prototype produced in France
2011-09-15 - This mockup side radial plate was manufactured by CNIM in Toulon, France.

Regular radial plate prototype produced in Italy
2011-09-15 - The radial plates that hold the conductor of the toroidal field coils are very complex D-shaped stainless steel structures with grooves machined on both sides along a spiral trajectory. Each coil contains five regular radial plates (with 12 grooves per side) and two side radial plates (with respectively 9 and 3 groves on the two sides). This mockup regular radial plate was manufactured by SIMIC in Camerana, Italy.

Mockup AC/DC converter manufactured in Korea
2011-09-02 - A mockup of the AC/DC converter that will be manufactured by the Korean firm Dawonsys.

Testing the strength of model pre-compression rings in Italy
2011-09-02 - At ENEA (Italy), a purpose-designed machine is used to stress model pre-compression rings to test their strength. A rupture point is observed at approximately four times the expected operational stresses of ITER.

Copper dummy produced for the toroidal field conductor in Russia
2011-08-15 - The Russian Scientific Research and Development Cable Institute JSC VNIIKP completes 760 metres of toroidal field copper dummy conductor. In the picture, the conductor is spooled on a temporary solenoid for transport.

Mockup manufacturing for the toroidal field coil case in Japan
2011-07-29 - A mockup section of a toroidal field coil case has been completed in Japan (Toshiba, Keihin Product Operations, Yokohama).

Bronze route strand tested in Japan
2011-07-22 - Verification measurements are performed on 12 billets of Nb3Sn bronze route strand produced in Japan for the ITER toroidal field magnets. Tests performed at CERN verified the critical current, hysteresis loss and residual resistivity ratio measurements of samples coming from each billet.

Preparing to manufacture in-wall shielding blocks in India
2011-06-24 - Assembly of three in-wall shielding blocks of poloidal segment 1 on a partial mockup of an ITER vacuum vessel sector. The Indian Domestic Agency is responsible for manufacturing and delivering approximately 9,000 in-wall shielding blocks. Made of borated steel and ferromagnetic steel and weighing between 160 and 820 kg, these shielding blocks will protect ITER cryostat components from the intense neutron radiation and help optimize the plasma performance by reducing toroidal field ripple.

Laser welding for lip seals in Finland
2011-05-31 - Pictured, the laser welding technique developed by VTT Finland for the ITER vacuum vessel port lip seals.

First Nb3Sn strand shipped by the US
2011-05-31 - Two of the six ITER Domestic Agencies involved in procuring Nb3Sn superconducting strands (Europe and the US) choose a common supplier: Oxford Superconducting Technology (OST), located in Carteret, New Jersey. Pictured, representatives of ITER, the Domestic Agencies and the manufacturer stand in front of wooden crates containing the first Nb3Sn strand to be shipped to Europe.

Welded "lips" to seal vacuum vessel ports in Finland
2011-05-31 - In the vacuum vessel's 44 ports, welded "lips" made out of 2-millimetre-thick stainless steel will seal the port plugs and confine the ultra-high vacuum inside the vessel. In order to develop the appropriate cutting and welding techniques for the lip, the ITER Organization launched the "lip seal" R&D project together with the Finnish company VTT (first lip seal mockup pictured).

A new cabling machine in Italy
2011-05-20 - The new cabling machine for the fabrication of the toroidal field cables at Tratos Cavi S.p.A. (Pieve Santo Stefano, Italy).

A prototype DMS gun cartridge is tested in France
2011-05-13 - A new concept for runaway electron suppression has been developed collaboratively between the ITER Organization and scientists at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. R&D is in progress to test the scheme in Tore Supra, ASDEX Upgrade and the T-10 Tokamak. The disruption mitigation system (DMS) gun would deliver high-pressure gas jets repetitively into the ITER plasma to trigger secondary perturbations in nascent runaway electron currents in order to disperse them before the avalanche multiplies relativistic electrons.

New conductor for ITER's in-vessel coils designed in the US
2011-05-09 - Stainless sheath mineral-insulated conductor (SSMICC) has been developed for ITER's in-vessel coils, for which conductors with conventional insulation schemes were not an option due to the in-vessel coils' high proximity to the plasma. The in-vessel coil design team led by the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) worked with two suppliers from Canada and China. The SSMICC conductor—made of a stainless steel jacket, magnesium oxide insulation, copper alloy to conduct current and a water-cooling channel in the centre—is the largest of its kind ever developed.

Copper, pre-dummy conductor tested in Russia
2011-04-29 - A 350-metre-long trial length of copper pre-dummy conductor for ITER's toroidal field conductor is subjected to tests in Russia. The conductor, produced by JSC VNIIKPA successfully passes a global leak test, a hydrostatic pressure test and pressure drop measurements at JSC VNIIKP.

Developing high-temperature superconductor (HTS) current leads in China
2011-03-25 - The development of the HTS current leads for ITER has been underway since 2008. Sixty of these three-metre-long objects weighing half a ton and carrying 68 kA will transmit the large currents from room-temperature power supplies to very low-temperature toroidal field superconducting coils. The first prototypes were fabricated and tested in China at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Plasma Physics (ASIPP).

Proposing a design for high-temperature superconductor current leads in Germany
2011-03-25 - One of the original proposals for a high temperature superconductor (HTS) 70 kA current lead for ITER, produced at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. ITER's current leads will transmit the large currents from room-temperature power supplies to very low-temperature superconducting coils. (Photo courtesy:EFDA)

One-sixth scale converter unit manufactured in Korea
2011-03-17 - Korea and China will supply ITER with the AC/DC converters to feed ITER's magnetic coils. Pictured, is the 1/6 scale converter unit, manufactured and tested at the Korean Domestic Agency.

Building the ELISE half-size negative ion source in Germany
2011-03-11 - The ELISE test bed, under construction at the Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Garching, Germany, will test a radio-frequency-driven negative ion source half the size of the one needed for ITER. ELISE stands for "Extraction from a Large Ion Size Experiment."

Trial hardware fabrication in China for the ITER feeders
2011-02-18 - Since mid-2010, trial hardware fabrication for the ITER feeders has been underway at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP). Pictured: the in-cryostat feeder ducts (two straight half sections and a curved half section).

Central solenoid jacket trials in the US
2011-02-18 - Conductor jacket winding trials for the central solenoid are carried out in the US on empty central solenoid conductor jacket sections.

8,000 in-wall shielding components in India
2011-02-16 - This in-wall shielding block assembly (600 mm in length) will be installed in the vacuum vessel. India will produce approximately 8,000 of these components of different types and sizes and send them to Europe and Korea for further assembly into the vacuum vessel sectors.

A vacuum laboratory in France
2011-02-11 - In order to assure vacuum quality in the ITER vacuum vessel, a 600 m2 ITER vacuum laboratory will be the centre of leak-testing activity and vacuum qualification during the main assembly phase of the ITER device. Until the facility becomes available, the ITER Vacuum Group will use temporary accomodations on CEA premises—equipped with an outgassing rig (outgassing is the process by which materials release the gas particles that are trapped on their surface and within their bulk), a leak detector and a laminar flow bench—to meet urgent vacuum qualification needs.

Mocking up the 10° inboard section of the thermal shield in Korea
2011-02-07 - The Korean Domestic Agency, in cooperation with Daebong Acrotec, completes a full-scale, 12-metre mockup of a 10° inboard section of the ITER thermal shield, and tests the main procedures of fabrication including cutting, bending, forming, buffing, welding, and machining. Inserted between toroidal field magnets and the vacuum vessel, the ITER thermal shield system minimizes the thermal radiation to the superconducting magnets. Made of stainless steel panels coated with low-emissivity silver, connecting joints (flanges) and cooling pipes welded to the panels, the thermal shield is operated within the range of 80-100 K during plasma operation.

Gyrotron prototypes are produced in India, Russia, Japan and Europe
2011-02-02 - Gyrotron prototypes like this one are under development for ITER in India, Russia, Japan and Europe (pictured: a device at JAERI in Japan). In a gyrotron, beams of electrons are accelerated toward a cavity where a strong magnetic field is applied. The interaction between the rotating (cyclotron) motion of the electrons and the magnetic field generate high-frequency radio waves that "travel" in a straight line, almost like an optical beam. In ITER, the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) system will be composed of more than 20 gyrotrons that will deliver a combined heating power of 24 MW.

Designing specialized assembly tooling in Korea
2011-01-17 - Korea is responsible for procuring 128 different types of purpose-built tools for the assembly of the ITER Tokamak. Pictured, the mockup of the vacuum vessel sector assembly tool which, at four metres high, is one-fifth of the true size.

Central solenoid cable testing in the US
2011-01-14 - The VULCAN Engineering Diffractometer at the Spallation Neutron Source (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) is being used to examine superconducting cables for ITER's central solenoid magnet. Pictured, sections of superconducting cable under examination in VULCAN. The red dot on the bar on the left shows where the neutron beam is penetrating the sample. Photos: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Side correction coil winding trial carried out in China
2010-11-19 - Part of a series of development tasks for the ITER correction coils carried out within the framework R&D contract with ASIPP China: the side correction coil winding trial.

Developing the ITER correction coils in China
2010-11-19 - Part of a series of development tasks for the ITER correction coils carried out within the framework R&D contract with ASIPP China: extruded correction coil case parts after tack welding and bending.

First conductor archival sample shipped from Japan
2010-10-25 - A representative of the ITER Organization checks the first five-metre archival sample of toroidal field conductor being shipped from Japan to Cadarache. With each unit length produced, a sample is cut out and sent to Cadarche for storage.

Producing superconducting strand in Russia
2010-10-18 - Superconductors destined for ITER are a unique cable product containing more than ten thousand very thin filaments, or strands, usually not more than 2 to 6 microns thick. The human hair, in comparison, is about 40 to 110 microns. Pictured: Workshop #87 in the Chepetsky Mechanical Plant (Glasnov) where the superconducting strand for ITER will be manufactured.

R&D for the divertor outer vertical target underway in Japan
2010-10-15 - R&D for the procurement of the divertor outer vertical target—the component subject to the highest heat load among all the in-vessel components—begins in Japan. Japan has recently qualified a new copper interlayer, placed between the carbon plasma-facing material and the copper alloy cooling tube, with an intermediate thermal expansion. As a consequence, carbon and copper bond more efficiently and develop a very reliable joint. Three mockups with this optimized interlayer have been produced and none of them show any evidence of defect or cracking.

Prototype HTS current leads produced in China
2010-07-23 - Two prototype 10 kA high temperature superconductor (HTS) current leads developed by ASIPP China are sucessfully operated for several hours at the peak 10 kA current, which is 20% above the average current during a typical correction coil powering cycle.

Italian and French labs collaborate on a polodial field conductor prototype
2010-07-15 - A poloidal field conductor prototype is produced for the ITER Organization by ENEA (Italy) in collaboration with CEA/IRFM (France) to test conductor design. The ITER Organization provides the raw conductor, while the ENEA takes care of the "jacketing" operations and manufactures the lower box. IRFM is entrusted with the realization of the terminals and the instrumentation.

Development underway on the diagnostic neutral beam in India
2010-07-09 - India will provide the diagnostic neutral beam (DNB) to ITER. Strong support for the development of the DNB system is provided by the ongoing activities in the domestic neutral beam program, such as the positive ion-based injector that is mandated to deliver about 1.7 MW of NB power to the SST-1 Tokamak under steady state conditions (1000s). Pictured: Technicians finalize the installation of 50 kV electrical isolators for the assembly housing the gas feed system. (Photo: Peter Ginter)

Japan completes first ITER hardware
2010-06-20 - On 20 June 2010, the ITER Organization approves a Credit Request submitted by the Japanese Domestic Agency for a total amount of 7.82 kIUA, corresponding to EUR 12.14 million. The Credit Request encompasses the order of 17 tons of Nb3Sn-based strands, 2.4 km of superconducting cables and one 760 m long copper dummy conductor. This material, produced by Japanese suppliers selected by JAEA, has successfully undergone all required quality control tests. This Credit Request is the first for actual hardware being produced within the framework of industrial contracts for ITER and that will be used for components installed in the Tokamak.

Demonstrating a delicate operation in Japan
2010-06-11 - Cable insertion, one of the most delicate operations of conductor fabrication, is demonstrated at at Nippon Steel Engineering.

Cabling is completed in Japan
2010-06-01 - Final stage cabling is completed at Hitachi Cable in Japan for a full 760-metre unit length of toroidal field conductor. Pictured: The cabling line with the final silver cable in the middle.

Central solenoid jacket sections produced in China
2010-06-01 - Prototype conductor jacket sections are produced by Baosteel, Shanghai for ITER's central solenoid. As part of the CERN-ITER collaboration, two CERN members carry out an ultrasonic inspection for cracks of 30 prototype 316LN (low carbon) central solenoid jacket sections produced by Baosteel under an ITER contract. The sections will be shipped to Japan for a compaction operation at the jacketing line in Kyushu before being sent to the US for preliminary winding trials.

Bending and insulation trials for the magnet feeders in China
2010-06-01 - China carries out the first bending and insulation trials on the conductor dummy lengths that will be used within the "S-bend boxes" that form part of the electrical connections to the magnets from the galleries around the tokamak, and which provide flexibility for thermal contraction as the magnets are cooled to liquid helium temperatures. (ASIPP Hefei, China)

Developing the spectrometer in Korea
2010-05-11 - Inspecting the prototype vaccum vessel spectrometer in May 2010. ITER Korea/Photo: Peter Ginter

A full-size heating neutral beam injector in Italy
2010-04-01 - MITICA, part of the planned PRIMA Neutral Beam Test Facility in Padua, will be the testbed for the ITER's Megavolt Injector.

Developing the ion sources in Italy
2010-04-01 - SPIDER, part of the planned PRIMA Neutral Beam Testing Facility in Padua, Italy, is designed to develop the ion sources required for the ITER neutral beam injectors and to test all essential aspects of the diagnostic neutral beam accelerator.

Developing prototype cryopumps in Germany
2010-01-29 - Prototypes of the ITER cryopumps are developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. Photo: Peter Ginter

Successful completion of dummy copper conductor in Japan
2010-01-15 - The Japanese Domestic Agency and Nippon Steel Engineering (NSE) complete the compaction and spooling of the first 760-metre dummy copper conductor unit for ITER's toroidal field coils at the Wakamatsu plant. The NSE team successfully completes the various fabrication steps: assembling the 316LN tubes produced by Kobe Special Tube Co., Ltd.; inserting the dummy cable fabricated by Hitachi Cable at 2m/min; and eventually applying the compaction and the final spooling.

Borated stainless steel plates successfully manufactured in Austria
2010-01-08 - In the ITER vacuum vessel, 40-millimetre-thick shielding plates made out of borated stainless steel (type 304B7) with about two percent boron content will be used for neutron shielding. Manufacturing plates of this thickness is an industrial challenge, as steel with high boron content easily becomes hard and brittle. In recent tests performed under an ITER R&D contract, the Austrian company BÖHLER Bleche GmbH & Co KG, has proved it possible. Pictured: ultra-sonic inspection for volumetric defect detection.

Toroidal field coil cases in Japan
2009-12-11 - ITER's D-shaped toroidal field coils will be encased in large stainless steel structures that will form the main support structure of the magnet system against gravity and electromagnetic loads during operation. A segment of toroidal field case is seen here in Japan (Kawasaki Heavy Industry), who has responsibility for nine toroidal field coils.

Kita-Kyushu jacketing facility completed in Japan
2009-12-04 - Nippon Steel Engineering (NSE) has completed the civil works, equipment installation, and commissioning at the 950-metre-long jacketing facility for ITER's toroidal field and central solenoid conductors in Kita-Kyushu on the island of Kyushu. The first jacketing activities will begin in January 2010.

Test Blanket Module material tested in the US
2009-12-04 - Tests for ITER's Test Blanket Module (TBM) program are run on the DIII-D Tokamak (General Atomics). The experiments test a candidate structural material for TBMs called EUROFER 97. TBM mock-up retracted from its enclosure outside a horiztontal port of DIII-D. Two racetrack-shaped electromagnets are shown that produce mainly toroidal field. They surround a solenoidal shaped coil that produces mainly vertical field.

The ITER gyrotron in the subject of worldwide R&D
2009-10-30 - Gyrotron prototypes like this one are under development for ITER in India, Russia, Japan and Europe (pictured: a 2MW gyrotron developed by Europe). In a gyrotron, beams of electrons are accelerated toward a cavity where a strong magnetic field is applied. The interaction between the rotating (cyclotron) motion of the electrons and the magnetic field generate high-frequency radio waves that "travel" in a straight line, almost like an optical beam. In ITER, the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) system will be composed of more than 20 gyrotrons that will deliver a combined heating power of 24 MW.

Producing DC busbar prototypes in Russia
2009-10-02 - A real-scale prototype of DC busbars for ITER's poloidal field coil system is produced by the Russian Domestic Agency. Power in ITER will be fed to the different magnetic coils in the machine through water-cooled, eight-kilometre-long winding and bending aluminium busbars like this one. The prototype will be tested for current density, insulation, cooling requirements and temperature.

Fabricating superconducting cable in China
2009-09-22 - Superconducting cable is spooled after production at ASIPP, Institute for Plasma Physics, Hefei, China. Photo: Peter Ginter

Initial qualification activities for the blanket first wall in Europe
2009-08-21 - The European qualification mockups for ITER's blanket first wall successfully complete the initial phase of the qualification program: validating the joining technique for beryllium/copper joints. Pictured: the blanket first wall qualification mockup with beryllium tiles.

Toroidal field cable is successfully tested in China
2009-07-10 - China's first toroidal field conductor sample (TFCN1) is successfully tested at the SULTAN test facility in Switzerland. Pictured: toroidal field cable before final stainless steel wrapping (ASIPP).

Strand production begins in Korea
2009-06-06 - Kiswire Advanced Technology (KAT), a company located in Daejeon, Korea, begins the production of 28 tons of niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) wire for ITER's toroidal field magnets.

Bushing rings under study in Japan
2009-05-22 - A prototype of one of the five bushing rings used as insulators on ITER's neutral beam heating system (KYOCERA, Japan).

Completed jacketing line in China
2009-03-03 - At ASIPP China, equipment is in place and a 900-metre-long jacketing line completed for the production of ITER's poloidal and toroidal field conductors.

Mockup pre-compression rings are tested in Italy
2009-02-23 - Mockup pre-compression rings, one-fifth ITER size, are manufactured at ENEA in Frascati, Italy following vacuum pressure impregnation techniques. Mockup rings are stressed to rupture in a testing machine (pictured), which presents 18 hydraulic independent pulling holders providing a stress distribution in the rings similar to the one the 18 toroidal field coils will induce during operation.

HTS current lead passes tests in China
2008-12-22 - A prototype of the 68 kA high temperature superconductor (HTS) current lead for ITER's toroidal field coils is successfully tested in a cryogenic vacuum vessel at ASIPP, China.

Japanese "outer vertical target" qualification prototype takes the heat in Russia
2008-11-10 - Japanese qualification prototype of ITER's divertor vertical target successfully passes high heat flux performance tests in the electron beam facility "Tsefey-M" located at the Efremov Institute in St. Petersburg. The outer vertical target of the ITER divertor consists of a lower straight element covered with carbon monoblocks, an upper curved element with tungsten monoblocks, and a steel support structure.

Prototype ECRH vacuum transmission line assembled in the US
2008-10-06 - A prototype Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) vacuum transmission line at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US).

Practicing at the Divertor Test Facility in Finland
2008-09-29 - The pinpoint accuracy that will be required to install, or remove, the divertor cassettes is practiced at the Divertor Test Facility in Tampere, Finland.

Prototype NbTi superconductor for PF coils jointly tested by Europe and Japan
2008-09-08 - The European and Japanese Domestic Agencies jointly test a prototype niobium-titanium (NbTi) superconductor for ITER poloidal field coils.The test coil using the NbTi conductor achieved stable operation at 52 kA and 6.4 Tesla, emulating the operating conditions of the poloidal field coils in the ITER Tokamak.

Russian divertor dome qualification prototype successfully tested
2008-09-08 - The dome component of the ITER divertor consists of a plasma-facing element made of tungsten tiles joined onto copper alloy substrate, and a steel support structure. The Russian divertor dome qualification prototype is successfully high heat flux tested in August 2008, performing well above expectations.

Facility in Germany tests plasma-facing components
2008-08-11 - Plasma-facing component materials are developed and tested under realistic operating conditions at the high heat flux test facility JUDITH 2 installed in the Hot Materials Laboratory at Forschungszentrum Julich.

Austrian divertor qualification prototypes pass first tests
2008-07-28 - Two European divertor qualification prototypes manufactured by the Austrian firm Plansee successfully complete all the required non-destructive tests and qualification procedures of the manufacturing process. The next step: high heat flux performance tests at the Efremov Institute in St Petersburg.

Poloidal field insert coil manufactured in Japan
2008-06-30 - The poloidal field insert coil is made from a 40m length of conductor for the ITER poloidal field coils. The conductor is made of 1,400 NbTi strands in what is called a cable-in-conduit configuration. The conductor is successfully taken up to an operating point of 52kA at 6.5T and 4.6K. Pictured: the vacuum vessel and busbars connected to the current leads at the test facility.

Assessing plasma-facing components in Russia
2008-06-30 - The TSEFEY-M Electron Beam Test Facility at the Efremov Institute in Saint Petersburg, Russia will assess the heat flux load carrying capability of ITER's plasma-facing components.

Blanket mockup fabricated in the US
2008-06-16 - The US blanket mockup FWQ US-1 before heat flux testing.

Testing the ITER blanket in the Czech Republic
2008-06-16 - The test bed at the BESTH facility near Prague will perform fatigue tests on the European blanket mockup.

US produces deuterium ice
2008-03-11 - On 11 March 2008 a team from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL, US) successfully produces the first deuterium ice using a twin-screw extruder. This new prototype extruder is 1/5 the size of the device that will be required for ITER, which will be capable of injecting an infinite number of pellets into the ITER plasma. It is the first step towards a pellet injector feeding particles deep inside the plasma.

Divertor high heat flux units manufactured in Austria
2008-02-11 - One of five divertor high heat flux units manufactured for the European Domestic Agency by the Austrian firm Plansee.

Mock divertor cassette manipulated in Finland
2007-04-26 - This real-size divertor cassette is used on the Cassette Multifunctional Mover (CMM) at VTT's Divertor Test Platform in Finland. Because of the enormous loads involved, the need for a high degree of positional accuracy and the minimal operating space within the ITER tokamak, the CMM demonstrator takes advantage of water hydraulics technology and virtual reality techniques to practice the manoeuvring of ITER divertor cassettes.

The prototype cryopump will be built in the Netherlands
2007-03-07 - The Dutch company DeMaCo is awarded the contract to build a full-size prototype ITER cryogenic vacuum pump by the European Domestic Agency for ITER, F4E. The ITER machine will contain ten such cryopumps that will produce the vacuum necessary to operate the torus and the cryostat.