"Site milestones" Gallery

First command issued from main control room
2024-12-19 - The first CODAC command is issued from the ITER Control Building in December, activating one of the cooling loops of the reactive power compensation system. CODAC (for Control, Data Access and Communication) is the "orchestrator” of ITER operation, physically connecting all plant systems using computer networks and making sure they speak the same language. One million “process variables,” out of a total of 5 million, are already online.

Handover of the Radiofrequency Building
2024-11-08 - Fusion for Energy, the European Domestic Agency, has officially handed over the Radiofrequency Building to the ITER Organization. Construction began in 2016 and, today, equipment installation is well underway.

The Tokamak Complex is fully painted
2024-10-21 - The Diagnostics, Tokamak and Tritium Buildings—known together as the Tokamak Complex—are now fully painted. Some 200,000 m² of walls were coated over five years with several layers of a special radiation-resistant, non-flammable white paint by European Domestic Agency contractor GDES (Spain), with technical and administrative support by Engage and EnergHIA.

Vacuum vessel assembly restarts
2024-09-16 - Close to two years have passed since vacuum vessel assembly was halted when defects were identified in the ITER tokamak's vacuum vessel sectors and thermal shield. Following the definition of a repair strategy, and the execution of repairs, vacuum vessel assembly (pairing a sector with thermal shielding and toroidal field coils to create a sector module) has restarted on sector #7 in the Assembly Hall.

Reactive power compensation: first energization
2024-06-10 - In June, the reactive power compensation (RPC) system is energized for the first time with high voltage (66 kV). Tests will continue through mid-2025 as part of the progressive commissioning of the ITER plant. The RPC system is required to avoid the variable loads associated with ITER tokamak pulses from affecting the national electrical distribution grid.

Cryoplant milestone: first helium compressors on
2024-04-30 - The vapour plume coming from one of the ITER cooling cells indicates that the helium compressors inside the cryoplant are running and that the heat they generate is being properly evacuated by the interconnected cooling water and heat rejection systems.

Saving energy through heat recuperation
2024-01-29 - The 18 megawatt-class helium compressors of the ITER cryoplant generate a considerable amount of heat—so much so, that it can be used to keep the main facilities on the ITER platform at room temperature during the cold season. A project to recuperate this heat led to a EUR 5.5 million payback to the ITER Organization from French electricity supplier EDF and will create significant savings going forward.

Tritium Building: end of a 14-year adventure
2023-12-13 - On 13 December representatives of Fusion for Energy, the European Domestic Agency in charge of the construction of the Tritium Building, and the VFR consortium, which executed its realization, celebrate the end of a 14-year adventure. VFR Project Director Aurélien Gayrard-Bouzereau brought attention to the workers at the heart of the effort, "who did their job, rain or shine, by 5 degrees below zero as well as under the scorching sun..."

Tokamak Building: civil engineering complete
2023-09-21 - European contractors have finished the full scope of civil engineering works in the Tokamak Building under TB03—a contract signed between the European Domestic Agency and the VFR consortium (Vinci, Ferrovial, Razel-Bec). Ten years and millions of work hours were required.

Cryobridge: ready for equipment
2023-05-20 - A 440-tonne cryobridge (foreground) has been completed on the worksite. Running between the cryoplant and the Tokamak Complex, it will ferry the cryogenic fluids needed by components such as the superconducting magnets.

New activities for the coil winding facility
2023-04-03 - On Monday 3 April, the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy (F4E) hands over part of the Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility to the ITER Organization for assembly and installation activities. As ring coil manufacturing activities continue to wind down, the ITER Organization will progressively take over more and more of the building.

Ready for installation
2022-12-06 - A milestone has been reached on the ITER site: the Control Building has been declared "ready for ITER Organization" installation.

75% of Tokamak Building cryolines installed
2022-10-24 - A complex system of cryolines and cold boxes will distribute the cooling power generated by the ITER cryoplant to clients throughout the installation. In the Tokamak Building (photo), cryoline installation has passed the 75% mark.

Major lift operation is a success
2022-05-11 - In May 2022, the ITER assembly teams transfer the first sub-section of the ITER plasma chamber into the Tokamak assembly pit. The six-story high load, weighing 1,380 tonnes, is the most complex lift of ITER assembly to date.

Six-year site infrastructure contract concludes
2022-04-25 - Between April 2016 and April 2022, the European Domestic Agency and its Architect Engineer ENGAGE oversaw site infrastructure works under the TB16 contract. The contract covered rainwater drainage pipes (6 to 11 metres underground), technical/service galleries (5 km of galleries, 5 metres underground), network trenches (1-2 metres underground), and all site roads, fences, outdoor lighting, and surfacing. At its peak, the contract employed 250 workers on site. (Pictured, one of the last roads to be realized.)

ITER teams now in charge of site coordination
2022-01-31 - The overall coordination of the common areas of the ITER platform passes from the European Domestic Agency (Fusion for Energy) to ITER's Construction Management Office (CMO). Everything from road works to signage, emergency assembly points to parking spaces is now managed centrally.

Start of liquid helium plant commissioning
2021-11-30 - System commissioning is beginning on the liquid helium cryogenic plant after the installation of all equipment and auxiliaries (5,000 tonnes).

China completes AC/DC converter deliveries
2021-11-15 - All AC/DC converters and associated components under China's scope have been delivered and/or installed. China is responsible for the procurement of the 14 poloidal field converters that will provide controllable current/voltage to ITER's six poloidal field coils.

Tokamak Building: painting completed
2021-11-08 - Painting has been completed on all seven levels of the Tokamak Building. European Domestic Agency contractors used approximately 150 tonnes of resin, primer and paint, transforming raw concrete surfaces into a pristine white. Painting continues in the nearby Tritium Building.

ITER cooling plant fully constructed
2021-10-18 - Upwards of 6,000 tonnes of material supplied by India have been installed by ITER Organization contractors in the heat rejection zone. Pipes, pumps, heat exchangers, valves, chemistry stations ... the equipment will manage up to 7,700 cubic metres of cooling water per second. The next phase is plant commissioning.

Major components installed
2021-09-15 - On 15 September 2021, a 350-tonne magnet coil (poloidal field coil #5) is lowered into the Tokamak pit. Piece by extraordinary piece, the ITER Tokamak is taking shape.

Milestone in the cryoplant
2021-08-10 - A group photo marks the end of Group Y cryoline and warmline installation in the cryoplant. All material was supplied by ITER India.

Vacuum vessel: first sector safely docked
2021-04-06 - On 6 April 2021, vacuum vessel sector #6 (supplied by Korea) is safely docked in one of the sector sub-assembly tools of the Assembly Hall.

Cryostat base and lower cylinder are now one
2021-03-30 - India's contractor MAN Energy Solutions (sub-contractor of cryostat segment manufacturer Larsen & Toubro) finishes welding the lower cylinder of the cryostat to the base (plus all testing) in late March 2021. At least 1.5 tonnes of filler material were used in the process.

66 kV cable network: 60% complete
2021-02-01 - Some 53 kilometres of 66 kV cables (which transport 300 times the voltage of a standard household cord) are being installed between the electrical switchyard and the Magnet Power Conversion buildings. The teams have completed 60% of the work and are progressing on schedule.

First thermal shield installed in pit
2021-01-14 - On 14 January 2021, the ITER assembly and construction teams successfully insert the cylindrical lower cryostat thermal shield into the Tokamak pit.

First mecanical system handed over to ITER
2020-12-16 - On Wednesday 16 December 2020, the first complete mechanical system is handed over to the ITER Organization, ready for operation. The liquid and gas, demineralized water, and compressed air plant, located in the Site Services Building, was completed by the European Domestic Agency (F4E) under the supervision of the joint F4E/ITER Buildings Infrastructure and Power Supplies (BIPS) Project Team.

Cooling basins pass fill test
2020-10-14 - The huge water basins situated under the cooling towers and heat rejection area were recently filled (in fact overfilled) in order to be tested for leak tightness and solidity. This was the last test before turning over the heat rejection system to the ITER commissioning team.

ITER fully connected
2020-09-30 - Three 400 kV transformers for the pulsed power electrical network (PPEN) have been energized. Going forward, the French operator RTE considers ITER as fully connected and operational, with all seven ITER connections at the 400kV level in operation. (There are three transformers for the pulsed power network and four for the steady state electrical network.)

Cryostat lower cylinder installed
2020-08-31 - On 31 August 2020, the lower cylinder of the cryostat (375 tonnes) is successfully inserted into the Tokamak pit. This is the second large machine element to be installed.

All nuclear doors installed
2020-06-19 - European contractors have finished the installation of 46 nuclear doors in the Tokamak Building. Situated at the end of every port cell around the tokamak at three levels, the doors act as a confinement barrier preventing neutrons and potential contamination from passing through. © Les Nouveaux Médias/SNC ENGAGE

A large banner for a large achievement
2020-06-15 - A new banner adorns the front of the Tokamak Building, celebrating eight years of work and collaboration by the European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy (F4E), and the joint ITER Organization/F4E Buildings Infrastructure and Power Supplies (BIPS) team. An estimated 1,000 men and women took part in the construction of the Tokamak Building, an effort led by the Vinci Ferrovial Razel-Bec (VFR) consortium.

First major component installed
2020-05-26 - Nearly five years after contractors to the European Domestic Agency poured the first concrete of the ITER bioshield, the first major component is installed at the bottom of the 30-metre-deep "machine well."

Assembly Building handed over
2020-04-27 - In April 2020, the Assembly Hall is officially handed over from the European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy, to the ITER Organization. The building's extensive HVAC system is ready to maintain the specific temperature and humidity levels required during machine assembly. Photo: ITER Organization/EJF Riche

Lid removed
2020-04-02 - The lid has been removed and the Tokamak pit is nearly ready for its first machine component: 18 cryostat bearings are in place on the cryostat crown, contractors are finalizing painting and cleaning, and captive components have been installed in areas that will be blocked once the cryostat base has been lowered.

First crane access to Tokamak Building
2020-03-28 - Crane access over the Tokamak pit becomes possible on 28 March 2020, as the ITER Organization, the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, and contractors validate the full crane path—from the Assembly Hall through the entire length of the Tokamak Building—under load. Machine assembly can begin.

Crane hall: inner cladding finalized
2020-02-26 - The crane hall structure has been fully covered over by metal cladding; only the mirror-like final layer remains. The crane hall brings the Tokamak Building flush with the Assembly Hall and creates a 170-metre-long continuous work space for assembly and installation.

Crane hall structure, finalized
2019-12-11 - Approximately 2,000 tonnes of metal beams have been erected for the walls and roof of the crane hall structure. A series of spectacular lifts for the roof modules was completed on 11 December.

"Energization" begins for second electrical distribution network
2019-11-26 - The first of three transformers for the pulsed power electrical network (PPEN) was successfully "energized" on 26 November. Procured by China and installed by Europe, weighing close to 500 tonnes and towering 15 metres above ground, the PPEN transformers are the largest electrical components of the project.

Last concrete pour of the Tokamak Building
2019-11-07 - On 7 November 2019, the last concrete plot of the Tokamak Building is poured by the VFR consortium, contractor to the European Domestic Agency for construction of the Tokamak Complex. This completes work on the seven-level concrete structure that began back in 2014.

First pillars for the crane hall
2019-09-11 - On 11 September, the first pillar is lifted into place by crawler crane and anchored to the corbel on the south side of the Tokamak Building. This is the first act of a building activity that will end with a completed roof over the Tokamak assembly pit, and a 170-metre-long crane hall for the overhead cranes to travel during machine assembly.

Tokamak Building: painting completed at B2 level
2019-06-13 - In the lowest basement level of the Tokamak Building, the floors, walls and ceilings have been entirely covered in nuclear paint. Approximately 30 tonnes were required; five floors remain to be painted.

Site services building: all equipment installed
2019-05-27 - Demineralized water, chilled air, cooling water, compressed air—these industrial services will be distributed throughout the plant from the Site Services Building. All equipment has been installed and will be maintained in a state of readiness for the first commissioning activities.

Three buildings handed over
2019-03-29 - The European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy hands over three completed buildings to the ITER Organization in March: the twin Magnet Power Conversion buildings and a smaller facility for reactive power compensation. Equipment installation can now begin.

ITER's electrical distribution system enters operation
2019-01-23 - After several months of tests and commissioning, the first ITER system—electrical distribution—enters into operation on 23 January. The ITER site is now independently powered by an electrical substation that draws power directly from the 400 kV French national grid.

Crown mockup: thanks for everything
2019-01-17 - It was built to demonstrate the constructability of the crown; it has served well and honourably. The 40-degree crown mockup on the ITER site is celebrated in a short ceremony in January.

Construction completed on the cooling tower zone
2018-12-21 - The handover of the cooling tower zone from the European Domestic Agency to the ITER Organization takes place on 21 December 2018. The infrastructure is ready; now the ITER team will supervise the installation of equipment sent by the Indian Domestic Agency.

First metal component
2018-11-26 - The first metal piece of the Tokamak (a 10-metre, 6.6-tonne feeder component delivered by China) is introduced into the bioshield on the night of 26 November. ITER's logistics provider DAHER, European contractor VFR, and ITER engineers from the In-Cryostat Assembly Section were all involved in the operation. A new chapter opens for ITER ...

First transformer is powered up
2018-09-18 - ''Electricians'' and command-control specialists from the ITER Organization and the European Domestic Agency (Fusion for Energy) succeed on 18 September in powering up the four transformers of the steady state electrical network. This "energization" means that ITER is now officially connected to the French grid.

A fully formed "crown"
2018-08-29 - In respect of a 2018 ITER Council milestone, European contractors finalize the civil works of the concrete crown on the night of 28-29 August. This solid base ring and its 18 radial walls will support 23,000 tonnes of machine from below.

First segment of crown poured
2018-05-22 - At the base of the machine, a circular concrete wall will support the base of the cryostat and, with it, the entire weight of the machine. The first of four plots to form the crown was poured on 22-23 May 2018. (This photo was taken at 11.00 p.m.)

Bioshield lid lifted
2018-03-13 - In March, the lid that had divided the Tokamak assembly arena in two since last summer was lifted to the very top of the bioshield, to prepare for construction activities on the cryostat crown. It will stay in place until the first large components need to be installed by overhead crane.

Last pour for circular "nest"
2018-01-05 - After two and a half years of work, European contractors realized the final pour of the bioshield—the 30-metre wall that completely surrounds the machine.

Magnet Power Conversion buildings, ready for equipment
2017-12-20 - The two buildings to the left of this image—the twin Magnet Power Conversion buildings—are now ready for equipment. Electrical components shipped from China, Korea and Russia will be progressively installed inside of the building as well as in the exterior bays.

First assembly activities
2017-09-08 - The very first activities of the ITER assembly and installation phase kick off in early September with the start of work on the first large tool in the Assembly Hall. The components of the vacuum vessel sector sub-assembly tool (SSAT #1) were delivered in batches by the Korean Domestic Agency over the summer; now they will be progressively installed from bottom up. Pictured: metrologists take the first floor-level measurements.

Temporary lid installed
2017-08-21 - To allow work to continue in the basement area of the bioshield, while other teams are evolving at L3 and L4 level, a temporary lid has been put in place for security. A small circular crane has been installed below to transport heavy materials during the construction of the cryostat crown. Photo: ITER Organization/EJF Riche

Assembly Hall: ready for equipment
2017-06-30 - A "ready for equipment" milestone is achieved in the ITER Assembly Hall in late June 2017. Early access is now available for the reception of the first tooling equipment; the Cleaning Facility is available for shared use, and temporary enclosures are in place to allow work to continue in other areas of the building.

Cryoplant: first equipment installed
2017-06-22 - In an important milestone on site, the first equipment is installed in the 5,400 m² ITER cryoplant in late June 2017. Three helium cold boxes (large refrigerators designed to cool gaseous helium to the ultra-low temperature of 4.5 K) have now been installed on their permanent footings.

Energetization of 400 kV switchyard
2017-03-30 - In close coordination with the French transmission system operator RTE, the 400 kV switchyard is successfully powered up and tested in March. The power will supply the 22 kV network on site and--later--the 66 kV network.

Work starts on L3 bioshield
2017-03-23 - Work is progressing rapidly on the ITER bioshield: late March, workers get started on the third above-ground level (L3). In the picture, the L1 level is fully poured, the L2 level is half poured and work is beginning on the L3 level.

First Tokamak Complex building visible
2017-01-15 - Since 2010, the Tokamak Complex construction project has been evolving below the level of the platform—excavation works first, followed by the creation of the building's seismic foundations and the realization of basement levels B2 and B1. But that was then. Now, with the Diagnostics Building (pictured) and the bioshield (hidden) completely framed out at L1 level, the view is changing considerably.

Work begins on the L2 level of the bioshield
2016-10-26 - Work gets off to a start on the L2 level of the ITER bioshield in October 2016 (see the scaffolding and formwork on the top of the L1 ring).

First PPEN transformer installed
2016-10-04 - On 4 October 2016, the first transformer for ITER's pulsed power electrical network (PPEN) is installed in its permanent home on the platform. The PPEN network will provide power to the installation's "pulsed" systems such as magnet power supplies and heating systems. © EJF Riche

Mega contract to manage assembly and installation
2016-06-28 - In June 2016, the ITER Organization awards a ten-year EUR 174 million contract for the management and coordination of assembly/installation works for the ITER Tokamak and associated plant systems. The MOMENTUM joint venture (led by Amec Foster Wheeler, UK, in partnership with Assystem, France, and KEPCO Engineering and Construction, Korea) moves a 25-person team on site immediately for the kick-off phase of the contract. © MatthieuColin.com

Overhead cranes installed
2016-06-27 - Meeting an ITER Project Milestone on time, European contractors install the main cranes of the Assembly Hall in June 2016. These two travelling cranes will, together, carry loads of up to 1,500 tonnes from the Assembly Hall to the Tokamak installation area.

Cladding complete on Assembly Hall
2016-06-24 - In June, workers complete the multi-level cladding of the ITER Assembly Hall. The outermost layer of polished steel is an advanced taste of how the principal buildings of the ITER facility will look, when completed. (On the front of the building, the black wall is temporary.)

First mechanical equipment in Tokamak Building
2016-06-07 - This 18m³ tank is the first mechanical equipment to be lowered into the Tokamak Building. Procured by Europe, it is part of the nuclear effluent drainage system.

Tokamak Building milestone
2016-04-26 - Pouring begins on Tuesday 26 April for the B1-level basemat of the Tokamak Building, in respect of the 2016-2017 project schedule approved by the ITER Council.

First plant component installed in Tokamak Complex
2016-03-29 - On Tuesday 29 March, a water detritiation tank supplied by Europe becomes the first plant component to be installed in the Tokamak Complex. Five other tanks will be installed in the coming weeks in the lowest level (B2) of the Tritium Plant, in accordance with schedule milestones.

Pouring begins on B1 level
2016-02-04 - Pouring begins on 6 January 2016 for the first basement level of the Tokamak Complex (B1). In the area of the Diagnostic Building (pictured) it will take only four months to complete the interior and exterior B1 walls and to start on Level L1 (ground level).

First pour for the bioshield
2015-10-21 - In the early hours of Wednesday, 21 October, workers poured the first 200° segment of the bioshield, in an all-day operation that took some 15 hours to complete.

Steel structure of the Assembly Hall completed
2015-09-11 - The roof structure of the Assembly Hall (730 metric tons) is successfully lifted into place in a 14-hour operation on 10-11 September 2015. Next to come will be cladding activities and the installation of rails for the heavy-lift cranes.

Largest warehouse completed
2015-09-01 - The largest ITER warehouse is completed on time and within budget in September 2015. This 10,000 m² facility behind the ITER platform (160 metres long, 60 metres wide, 12 metres high) will be used to store components arriving from the ITER Domestic Agencies.

First formwork for B1 level
2015-07-07 - In July 2015, the first formwork for the next basement level (B1) was set into place for the Diagnostics Building.

First plant component installed
2015-05-21 - The ITER Project celebrates a construction milestone on 21 May 2015 as the first plant component—an electrical transformer—is installed in its permanent position on site. Procured by the US and manufactured in Korea by Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), this transformer—and three others like it—will connect the 400 kV grid to the AC electrical distribution system.

First walls poured
2014-11-20 - The first section of the basement-level wall of the Tokamak Complex (16 metres long, 5.5 metres high and 60 centimetre thick) was poured on 20 November 2014 for the Diagnostic Building. Some 50 m3 of concrete were poured in successive 50-centimetre layers to allow for vibrating operations.

The Tokamak Complex floor is in place
2014-08-27 - On 27 August 2014, the fifteenth and final segment of the Tokamak Complex basemat is poured. The finalization of the 9,300 m² slab (14,000 m³ of concrete, 3,600 tonnes of rebar. 2,500 embedded plates) is the last phase of Tokamak Complex foundation work. Work can now begin on the walls of the buildings.

Pouring begins for machine foundations
2014-07-10 - On 10 July 2014 pouring begins on the central part of the Tokamak Complex basemat slab—the most technically complex part of the slab that will directly support the 23,000-tonne machine. The central area, which will be poured in nine segments, should be completed in August.

Cryostat Workshop completed
2014-04-29 - For the time being it's the tallest building on the ITER Platform! Construction on the Cryostat Workshop (in grey) ends in April 2014 following the installation of the 18-metre-tall gantry crane for heavy loads.

Pouring begins!
2013-12-11 - On the morning of 11 December, concrete pouring begins for the basemat of the Tokamak Complex. Six months, and another 14 "pour days" will be necessary to complete the 1.5-metre-thick slab that will support the weight of the Tokamak, Diagnostic and Tritium buildings.

Record contract signed for building services
2013-10-29 - In October 2013, the European Domestic Agency for ITER concludes a EUR 530 million contract for Tokamak Complex building services with a Franco-German consortium comprising Cofely Axima, Cofely Ineo and Cofely Endel (part of the GDF Suez Group) and the M +W Group GmbH. The contract (called TB04) covers the design, supply, installation and commissioning of the mechanical and electrical equipment for the Tokamak Complex plus the surrounding buildings—a total volume of 97,200 m3.

Critical networks are now in place
2013-09-26 - Following more than 18 months of work, the deep-laid piping for ITER's precipitation drainage system and its cooling water release system are in place. Surface networks and galleries and drainage works around the Tokamak Building are still underway. Photo: F4E

Work begins to extend ITER Headquarters
2013-09-24 - Drilling begins to investigate the soil and rock of the land parcel near the west end of the ITER Headquarters in September, following the signature of the Headquarters extension construction contract in July 2013. The five-storey ITER Headquarters will be extended this year by 35 metres, providing an extra 350 desk spaces. © Ricciotti

That's it, the pads are hidden
2013-08-29 - The last area of the Seismic Pit is covered on 29 August 2013; the 493 seismic pads are now completely hidden from view. Concrete pouring begins in September.

Largest contract kicks off
2013-04-30 - The kick-off meeting for the TB03 contract was held on 30 April 2013—this EUR 300 million package covering the construction of the main Tokamak Complex and auxiliary buildings was signed in December 2012 by the European Domestic Agency with the Franco-Spanish consortium VFR. The VFR consortium brings together VINCI Construction Grands Projets, Razel-Bec, Dodin Campenon Bernard, Campenon Bernard Sud-Est, GTM Sud and Chantiers Modernes Sud as well as the Spanish company Ferrovial Agroman.

Segment of site now under Indian Domestic Agency responsibility
2013-04-19 - A small part of the ITER site—the approximate size of a football field (50 x 120 m)—has been made available to the Indian Domestic Agency for its temporary Cryostat Workshop, where the four main sections of the cryostat will be assembled from 54 smaller segments manufactured by India. Acting as building owner on this portion of the ITER worksite, the Indian Domestic Agency will observe French labour laws and regulations.

New phase begins in Tokamak Pit
2013-02-27 - Work on the basemat of the Tokamak Complex—the 1.5 metre-thick B2 slab—begins on 27 February 2013. In order to pour the concrete level with the top of the seismic pads, propping and formwork must be installed around every seismic column, a phase of work that will last for four months.

Tokamak Complex construction is about to begin
2012-12-21 - The contract for the construction of the Tokamak Complex and accessory buildings (called the TB03 contract) is signed by the European Domestic Agency with the French-Spanish consortium, VFR, in late December 2012. The EUR 300 million, 5.5-year contract covers the construction of the three Tokamak Complex buildings (Tokamak, Diagnostic and Tritium) plus the neighbouring Assembly Building and several site service and control buildings. This is the largest contract signed by the European Domestic Agency to date and signifies that the pace of construction on the ITER platform is going to intensify.

Staff moves to Headquarters building
2012-10-05 - The six-story, 20,500-square-metre ITER Headquarters building is officially handed over to the ITER Organization on 5 October 2012 by Agence Iter France, under delegation from the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, signalling the end of 24 months of construction work.

Headquarters: completed
2012-10-01 - The new seat of the ITER Organization, designed by local architects Ricciotti and Bonhomme, is officially handed over by Agence Iter France (under delegation from the European Domestic Agency F4E) on 5 October 2012 after two years of construction.

Drainage networks installed
2012-07-09 - Work on the underground drainage networks begins in March 2012. Some 50,000 cubic metres of earth are displaced to create a network of concrete piping 8-11 metres under the surface of the platform that will evacuate rainwater.

ITER is connected to the grid
2012-06-27 - After three years of technical studies and consultation and one year of construction, the realization of the four-hectare ITER switchyard is completed on 27 June 2012. ITER is now connected to the double "Boutre-Tavel" 400 kV power lines that supply electrical current to a vast area of south-eastern France. Installing and financing (EUR 22 million) the ITER switchyard and power-line extension was part of France's commitment to ITER.

New construction project on site
2012-05-30 - Work begins in May 2012 on the groundwork for the future Assembly Building. In this vast hall adjacent to the Tokamak Building, pre-assembly operations on the ITER components will be carried out prior to their installation in the machine.

Seismic Isolation Pit inspected by nuclear regulators
2012-04-27 - On 24 April 2012, for the third time in ten months, the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) dispatches a group of inspectors to ITER. Regular inspections of ITER's nuclear installation are implemented within the framework of the ITER Headquarters Agreement, which was signed on 7 November 2007 by the ITER Organization and France.

First-phase works are completed in the Tokamak Pit
2012-04-20 - Seventeen metres below the surface of the platform, the concrete basemat, retaining walls, and seismic pads of the Seismic Isolation Pit are in place to protect the buildings and the equipment from ground motion in the case of a earthquake.

Last seismic pad installed
2012-04-18 - On Wednesday, 18 April 2012 the 493rd—and final—seismic pad is installed. The event marks an important milestone for ITER, the European Domestic Agency F4E responsible for all building construction, and NUVIA, the company in charge of installing the seismic pads on the basemat of the Seismic Pit.

PF Winding Facility completed
2012-02-14 - The handover of the completed Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility takes place on 14 February 2012 between the building consortium Spie Batignolles/ Omega Concept/Setec and the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, with representatives of the ITER Organization present.

Installation of seismic pads
2012-02-07 - On top of 1.7-metre columns (493 in all), seismic bearings made of alternate layers of metal and rubber and installed. The three buildings of the Tokamak Complex will rest on a single foundation on top of these seismic bearings.

Winding Facility completed
2012-01-15 - The Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility is completed in January 2012 after 18 months of work. Here, the European Domestic Agency will wind five of ITER's six poloidal field coils—giant, circular magnets that will control the shape and stability of the plasma.

The first concrete is poured for the Seismic Pit basemat
2011-08-09 - Concrete pouring begins before dawn on 9 August 2011.

Metal reinforcement is in place
2011-07-28 - One-and-a-half metres of rebar (3,400 tonnes) are positioned on the floor of the Seismic Pit. Atop this metal reinforcement workers will cast 493 concrete columns, or "plinths," that will support the seismic pads. Photo: F4E

Excavation completed
2011-03-17 - The excavation works begun in August 2010 for the Tokamak Complex Seismic Isolation Pit are now completed. Six months were necessary to excavate down to 17 metres, removing 210,000 m³ of rocky material in the process. The ITER Tokamak will be assembled here, nestled in among thick foundations and retaining walls—part of the anti-seismic measures planned for the protection of the machine. Photo: Altivue

Investigating the rock
2011-02-15 - Over 500 holes are drilled into the Seismic Isolation Pit to examine the rock substrata. Any voids, or karsts, are filled with concrete.

210,000 cubic metres of rock
2010-10-08 - The Seismic Isolation Pit must be 17 metres deep, 130 metres long, and 90 metres wide. Some 210,000 cubic metres of rock and soil are removed during excavation works between September 2010 and February 2011.

Site preparation for the ITER Headquarters building
2010-09-24 - Ground work advances for the five-storey, 180 metre-long ITER Headquarters building. Construction of the 20,500 square-metre facility will require two years.

First concrete for the PF Coils Winding Facility
2010-09-10 - The first concrete slab is poured for the Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility—the first scientific building to go up on the ITER platform. The facility will be needed to manufacture five of ITER's poloidal field coils that will be too large for transport once assembled.

Digging begins for Tokamak Complex
2010-08-20 - Digging begins in August 2010 for the future Tokamak Complex Seismic Isolation Pit.

Headquarters contract signed
2010-05-21 - Agence ITER France awards the contract for the construction of the permanent, five-storey ITER Headquarters to the French public works enterprise Léon Grosse and Axima, a specialist in heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems.Construction works on the 20,500 square-metre office building are carried out between August 2010 and August 2012. Photo: Ricciotti

PF Coils Winding Facility to be built by French consortium
2010-01-13 - The European Domestic Agency F4E chooses a French consortium (Spie Batignolles, Omega Concept, Setec) to design and build the Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility. Construction on the concrete and steel structure begins in August 2010.

Platform stands waiting
2009-05-22 - With preparatory work completed, the ITER platform now awaits construction.

First aerial shot of completed site preparations
2009-03-31 - In March 2009, 42 hectares of levelled ground await the construction of the ITER scientific facility. Photo: AIF-Altivue

Cooling basins tested
2009-03-23 - The ITER cooling basins will receive the cooling water from the Tokamak Complex for testing before its release into the Durance River. In March 2009, the completed basins undergo testing for leakage.

Temporary office building completed
2008-10-15 - On 17 November 2008, Agence Iter France officially hands over the temporary office building JWS2 to the ITER Organization. With a capacity for 300 people, JWS2 is the first office building within the ITER enclosure. AIF-MB

Visitors Centre opens
2008-09-22 - Offering an unbeatable view of the ITER platform, the new ITER Visitors Centre opens in September 2008. Information panels, mockups and a presentation room for 30 people are all geared toward informing the general public about the status and the stakes of the ITER Project.

Work on the ITER Itinerary begins
2008-06-10 - Work on the ITER Itinerary comes to an end in December 2010. Large-scale public works were carried out along the 104-kilometre Itinerary by France as Host state between 2008 and 2011 to widen roads, reinforce bridges and modify intersections in preparation for the exceptional size and weight of some of the Tokamak components. The cost for these road works (EUR 110 million) was shared by the Bouches-du-Rhône department Council (66 percent) and the French State (34 percent).

Removing tonnes—and tonnes—of earth
2008-02-27 - To create a level platform at 315 m, workers removed 2.5 million cubic metres of earth and rubble—an amount equivalent in volume to the Kheops Pyramid in Egypt.

Building permit submitted
2008-01-29 - Director-General Kaname Ikeda signs additional documentation for the ITER Organization's building permit request, which had initially been submitted at the end of September 2007. These documents, once submitted to the mayor of Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, will be thoroughly reviewed by the French administration.

Site clearing begins in 2007
2007-03-30 - About 90 hectares were cleared for the project, leaving half of the 180 hectare parcel set out for ITER in its original wooded state. This first phase of work took over one year to compete.

Looking out for the environment
2007-01-25 - Before the diggers move in, measures are taken on the ITER site for the protection of fauna and flora, in collaboration with the regional environment authorities.

Starting off with archaeological digs
2007-01-23 - An archaeological survey is required by the French law preliminary to any large construction project. At ITER, archaeologists from the French Institute INRAP revealed several traces of the past: a lime kiln, a charcoal oven and remnants of a glass factory from the 18th century, and several tombs dating from the 5th century A.D.

Site preparation begins
2007-01-21 - Site preparatory works are undertaken by Agence Iter France from 2007 to 2009 as part of commitments made by France and Europe as hosts to the project. Site work is divided into two main phases: the clearing of 90 hectares, and the levelling of a vast platform to house the buildings and facilities of the ITER scientific experiments.