ITER Events
The ITER Organization plans several outreach events every year. Click on the links below for more information on upcoming events.

The European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy, EUROfusion, has created a travelling exhibition on fusion energy that debutes on 8 October 2021 in Marseille, France.
Free and open to all the interactive exhibition, titled Fusion: Power to the People, combines science, art and technology to make a complex topic accessible to everyone.

The ITER Organization is organizing a virtual Open Doors Day on Wednesday, 27 October 2021, from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. CEST.
The three-hour event will be offered in English (afternoon) and French (morning). "Visitors" who sign up through an on-line portal will have a chance to attend a general presentation on the ITER Project, take self-guided virtual visits through the main buildings on site, and browse through a virtual exhibition centre featuring some of ITER's manufacturing and construction partners.
A number of surprises are also planned. (Event recommended for age seven and up.)
Registration is required.

Every year, the Fusion Energy Conference brings together world actors in fusion around the latest scientific and technical results in nuclear fusion research and development. Through its regularity and the breadth of participation, it promotes continuous and effective international collaboration toward the realization of fusion electricity.
Originally scheduled for 12 to 17 October 2020, the conference will now take place from 10 to 15 May 2021 as an entirely virtual event. The 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference is organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and hosted by the Government of France through the French Atomic and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA) and the ITER Organization.
In the place of the in-person 2021 ITER Business Forum (which has been postponed to 2022 due to Covid-19), the ITER Organization will be holding an on-line Remote ITER Business Meeting from 7 to 8 April 2021.
This is the occasion for business representatives to find out more about ITER business opportunities, as well as specific information about contracts and procurement needs for the coming years.
The conference is free of charge, but registration is required. Follow the link below for more information.

The 2021 ITER Business Forum (IBF/21), originally planned in Marseille, France, from 6 to 8 April 2021, has been postponed to April 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The ITER Organization will be organizing a smaller-scale remote event called the "Remote ITER Business Meeting" in April 2021. See all details in the next Events entry.