InFUSEd: opportunities for training

The 13th ITER International School will be held from 9 to 13 December 2024 in Nagoya hosted by National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), Japan. The theme this year is "Magnetic Fusion Diagnostics and Data Science."
Diagnostics are key to the achievement of ITER fusion power demonstration goals and they require the application of a wide range of techniques. But diagnostics are not enough to ensure ITER's success; only through advanced analysis of the data they provide will it be possible to guide the experiments towards their fusion power goals. It is timely to address these multidisciplinary areas in the ITER school.
See all information here.

On 21 November 2024, the European Fusion Education Network FuseNet will organize the FuseNet Student Event! All Bachelor and Master's students interested in fusion are welcome to join this online event.
During the day, in interactive lectures, you will learn about state-of-the-art fusion topics and the role of industry. During the casual social events you will meet fusion students from all over the world and create a network of future colleagues.
For more information or to sign up see this website. The registration deadline is 14 November.

The 5th European Fusion Teacher Day will be held on 11 October 2024. Organized for all science and physics teachers in Europe by the European Fusion Education Network, FuseNet, it aims to introduce nuclear fusion to secondary school teachers, to discuss how it can be taught, and to create enthusiasm for the field of fusion at the secondary education level.
See all information at this link.
Every year, the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics in Greifswald, Germany, organizes a one-week summer school in plasma physics for undergraduates. The 2024 school will take place from 9 to 16 September.
The course covers the main aspects of plasma physics with emphasis on nuclear fusion:
• basics of plasma physics and nuclear fusion
• kinetic and magneto-hydrodynamic description of a plasma
• concepts and experimental results of tokamak and stellarator configurations
• plasma heating and diagnostics
• plasma-wall interaction and materials research
• ITER and the next steps towards a reactor
• Overview on alternative fusion projects
The lectures—held in English—are designed for physics and engineering students of European universities who have passed their bachelor (undergraduate) courses not yet started or decided their PhD project.
See all information here.

The 45th CERN School of Computing (CSC 2024) will take place from 8 to 21 September 2024 in Hamburg, Germany. This year's School is organized in collaboration with the Deutches Elektronen-Synchroton (DESY) and the event will be hosted at the DESY campus in Hamburg.
The two-week programme will consist around 50 hours of lectures and hands-on exercises, covering three main themes: physics computing, software engineering, and data technologies. Students who pass the final optional exam will receive a diploma from the CSC, as well as ECTS credits.
The School is aimed at postgraduate (i.e., minimum Bachelor degree or equivalent) students, engineers and scientists with a few years' experience in particle physics, in computing, or in related fields. Applications are welcomed from all countries and nationalities. See all information here.

* Supplementing their training by lectures, group works and visits, taking advantage of the JT-60SA facility, environment, experiences and data for practical examples and applications.
* Establishing and consolidating connections between Japanese and European students and young professionals, who could ideally be involved together in the future JT-60SA and ITER operation, scientific exploitation and upgrades.

SUMTRAIC is an experimental SUMmer TRAIning Course in plasma physics in magnetic confinement fusion devices (tokamaks) organized annually at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague (IPP CAS), Czech Republic.
The centre of gravity of this summer school lays in the direct involvement of the participants in the processing and analysis of experimental data from the COMPASS tokamak, which operated from 2009 to 2021 as one of the leading devices among smaller tokamaks in the world, with an experimental program that focused on plasma-wall interaction, edge plasma physics, H-mode and runaway electrons. It will be followed by COMPASS Upgrade, which will enable cutting edge research with high power (10 MW) and magnetic field (5 T) plasma scenarios. Topics on studies and simulations related to this future device might be proposed to students.
Topics in the past have included:
- Characterization of ELM behavior on COMPASS
- Dynamics of edge localized modes and sawtooth instability on COMPASS
- Causality studies during plasma disruptions
- Effect of the plasma composition on the sheath heat transmission coefficient
- Effects of HFS error field on H-mode plasma and the means of how to correct them
- Post-processing of tomographic reconstructions at COMPASS
The next course will be held from 26 August to 6 September 2024. See this page for all information. (Deadline for application is 9 June.)

The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) Graduate Summer School (GSS) welcomes students from a broad range of fields: magnetic fusion energy sciences, high energy density plasmas, astrophysics, low temperature plasmas, materials science, etc. Advanced undergrads, grads and early career scientists/engineers are encouraged to apply.
The 2024 School will be a collaboration between PPPL and the Simons Foundation Hidden Symmetries & Fusion Energy project. The school will focus on the scientific and engineering challenges of designing and deploying stellarators for fusion. It will have a hybrid format, with ~25 in-person and ~25 virtual participants.
Applications close on 30 April. See all information here.
The mission of the PlasmaPy Project is to foster the creation of a fully open source software ecosystem for plasma research and education. The PlasmaPy core package intends to be for plasma science what Astropy is for astronomy—a collection of functionality commonly used and shared between plasma physicists and researchers globally, running within and leveraging the open source scientific Python ecosystem.
The PlasmaPy community is excited to announce its inaugural summer school, which will be held from 29 July to 1 August 2024 at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania (US). After introducing how to use PlasmaPy, this workshop will help participants learn how to contribute to an open source software project like PlasmaPy.
The due date for applications is Friday 24 May. For all information, please see this page.

Organized at a leading site for research in plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion, the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE) in Oxfordshire, UK, the Culham Plasma Physics Summer School aims to provide an introduction to the fundamental principles of plasma physics, together with a broad understanding of its fields of application. No preceding knowledge of plasma physics is assumed but familiarity with electromagnetism and applied mathematics at first-degree level will be helpful. Previous schools have attracted students from more than 50 different countries.
Lecturers are drawn from the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE), the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) together with leading European universities. All are renowned experts in their fields.
Students must be over 18 to attend the summer school and generally will be in their final year of undergraduate or first year of post graduate study. All classes are in English.
The next Summer School will take place from 15 to 25 July 2024. See this page for all information.

PlasmaSurf is a summer school by the Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN) in Lisbon, Portugal, on plasma physics, intense lasers and nuclear fusion, tailored for BSc/MSc engineering and physics students. It is a great opportunity to get an insight into these topics with a view to a future career, or to complement your curricular training by broadening your knowledge in an exciting and forefront area of physics.
Complementary to PlasmaSurf, we offer a MOOC in plasma diagnostics included in a Blended Intensive Programme that can grant you 3 ECTS! Get to know more details in the program here.
The deadline for application is 31 May 2024. See all information on this webpage.

The 15th Carolus Magnus Summer School on Plasma and Fusion Energy Physics will be held from 24 June to 05 July 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.
The Carolus Magnus Summer School is devoted to theoretical, experimental and technological aspects of high temperature plasmas confined in toroidal magnetic fields. The Summer School has a focus on the physics of energy production using controlled nuclear fusion. Here, special emphasis is laid on tokamaks, but stellarators and other confinement concepts are also discussed. The Carolus Magnus Summer School does not only teach fusion basics, it also describes the latest developments on the way to the fusion power plant. The Summer School covers a broad area of Go-Symbol topics.
The Laboratory for Plasma Physics of the ERM/KMS Brussels and the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK•CEN at Mol, the Institute for Energy and Climate Research - Plasma Physics at Research Centre Jülich, and DIFFER - Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research in Eindhoven are associated in the "Trilateral Euregio Cluster" (TEC), which is responsible for the organisation of the Carolus Magnus Summer Schools.
Most lectures are given by senior scientists from the TEC Institutes and by academic staff from the nearby universities of North Rhine-Westphalia, Belgium and the Netherlands. Usually, some lectures are also delivered by experts from other laboratories associated in the European fusion research programme and from ITER. Moreover, the programme contains evening lectures on special subjects.
The Carolus Magnus Summer School is primarily intended for PhD students as well as for master students who intend to become PhD students after the present academic year. Experienced scientists or engineers who, coming from other disciplines, recently entered the fields of plasma physics or nuclear fusion will also benefit from the Summer School that will provide an overview of various interconnected research domains.
Registrations will be open from Monday, 4 March 2024 to Friday, 26 April 2024. See all information here.
The 11th International Workshop & Summer School on Plasma Physics and the 11th International Workshop on Microwave Discharges: Fundamentals and Applications will take place at Black Sea from 24 to 30 June 2024. The school brings together leading researchers in the field of plasma physics to give lectures on their specialties to advanced graduate students, postgraduate students and young scientists in the form of a one-week intensive course.
Scientists experienced in other disciplines who have recently entered the fields of plasma physics or nuclear fusion will also benefit from the school, which provides an overview of the various inter¬connected research domains and describes the latest developments. Graduates and teachers of science are welcome, as is anyone with an interest in the subject.
For all information, see this website.

The European Domestic Agency for ITER, Fusion for Energy (F4E), has opened a fusion Traineeship Scheme, with opportunities in Barcelona (Spain), at ITER (France), and in Garching (Germany).
Apply by Monday 10 June for positions beginning in October 2024. Fusion for Energy is looking for profiles to match its needs in fusion engineering and physics, project and contract management, market intelligence, and adminstration. It offers a supportive work environment, competitive benefits, and opportunities for professional development.
Traineeships are open to candidates with European or Ukrainian nationality who have a university degree (at least three years) and a good knowledge of English (minimum B2).
See a list of available opportunities here. See all information on how to apply here.
During the weeks of June 10th-21st 2024, PPPL will virtually host an intensive course on plasma and fusion energy sciences, taught by world renowned scientists from various national and international institutions. The course is targeted at undergraduate students interested in plasma physics and fusion energy science and is open to public at large.
Registration is free and participants that attend the full course will receive a certificate of completion.
The introductory course will be fully conducted via Zoom, and in half-day sessions (12PM-5PM ET) in order to accomodate various time zones.
The content will reflect the broad research under the Fusion Energy Sciences and Plasma Physics umbrella, including discovery plasma sciences, magnetic fusion energy, fusion materials and technology and high energy density plasmas.
See more information on this page.

The 17th Kudowa Summer School, organized by the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (IPPLM) in Poland, will take place from 3 to 7 June 2024.
The school caters to a broad audience (Bachelor's and Master's students in physics-related disciplines, engineering students focusing on energy and cutting-edge technologies, PhD students and young scientists involved in advancing nuclear fusion for energy production), offering a comprehensive exploration of plasma physics research, including:
- Basic plasma and fusion energy
- Tokamaks and stellarators
- Plasma focus and Z-pinches
- Plasma diagnostics and technology
- Space plasma and electric propulsion
- Laser plasma
For all information, see this page.

The Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) in Gandhinagar, Gujarat (India) organizes a summer school on plasma and its applications in nuclear fusion and industry.
The course comprises lectures on plasma science, nuclear fusion and industrial technologies, and gives participants the opportunity to work on a short project related to plasma science or technology in conjunction with IPR scientists.
The summer school is open to students who have completed their M.Sc. Physics and B.E/B.Tech (Mechanical and Electrical only).
The 2024 Summer School will be held from 27 May to 5 July 2024. See all information here.

The 8th EIROforum School on Instrumentation will take place in Garching, Germany, from 13 to 17 May 2024. Registrations will be open from 1 December 2023 to the end of February 2024.
The EIROforum School of Instrumentation (ESI) is jointly organized by the Instrumentation Working Group of the EIROforum organizations.
The objective of ESI is to teach the basic principles of instrumentation to young researchers (PhD students, postdocs) and engineers.
One day of the school is dedicated to our highlight topic:
Developing for the future - Benefits of science to society from creativity to innovation
EIROforum is an organization consisting of eight European intergovernmental scientific research organizations (CERN, EMBL, ESA, ESO. ESRF, EUROfusion, European XFEL, and ILL).
For more information, or to apply see this webpage.

Apply by 6 May for a 2025 EUROfusion Bernard Bigot Researcher Grant.
Researchers and engineers of all nationalities in possession of a doctoral degree (PhD) who have completed the PhD and defended their thesis in the two years preceding the application deadline. The candidate must be employed by a EUROfusion Consortium member or one of their Affiliated Entities during the grant period. Interested candidates should jointly prepare their application with an institute(s) affiliated with EUROfusion, who submits the application and offers to employ the candidate for the proposed duration of the project.
The grant will contribute to the salaries and research and training activities of up to 10 outstanding early career researchers sor two years starting in 2025. The application deadline is 6 May 2024. For details, or to join the information session planned on 11 April 2024 at 14:00 CET, see the EUROfusion website.
The APS-DPP Graduate School & Careers Day is an opportunity to learn about US graduate programs in plasma physics and the fusion sciences as well as about careers in private industry and national labs. Learn about the application process and about fellowship opportunities for graduate students, and network with other graduate students and early career scientists.
The 2024 edition will be held on 27 April, 12:00-6:00 p.m. ET.
Register for the webinar here.

The Karlsruhe International School on Fusion Technologies has been held since 2007 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, formerly Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe).
It started as the Fusion Summer School, with the aim of expanding the knowledge of young international scientists on the process of nuclear fusion. Leading scientists from KIT as well as international partners lead the program lectures.
The annual Karlsruhe International School on Fusion Technologies gives an overview on key fusion technologies, their current status, and on long term R&D—particularly in view of the next step beyond ITER, the demonstration power station DEMO.
The next School will take place from 10 to 18 April 2024 in Karlsruhe, Germany. For all information see this page.

The 15th ITER Neutronics Meeting and Fusion Neutronics Workshop 2024 will be held at ITER Headquarters from 8 to 10 April 2024.
The workshop will provide the opportunity for the fusion neutronics community to discuss recent advancements, issues and successes in the field.
Considering work underway in startups on alternative fusion concepts, progress on other technologies such as inertial fusion, and recent advancements (codes, shielding materials, etc.), the workshop seeks to broaden participation beyond ITER/DEMO scope. We encourage young researchers and fusion start-ups to participate in this event and present their work.
Planned topics include:
- Neutronics related to ITER
- Nuclear-radiation-related safety issues (safety margins/uncertainties, code qualification)
- Computational tools and nuclear data relevant for nuclear fusion (transport codes, activation codes, CAD/MCNP converting tools ...)
- Dose reduction methods and optimization, ALARA
- Shielding materials
- Material damage, nuclear heating, radioactive waste production and management
- Accelerator-driven neutron sources for fusion applications
- Activated corrosion products
- Nuclear licensing for fusion reactors
- Neutronics beyond ITER (DEMO, fusion power plants, alternate fusion schemes)
This meeting will be held primarily in-person but a few online presentations/participations are also possible. Subject to conditions, this workshop also includes ITER construction site visit.
See important dates and registration information on this page.

**Launching summer 2024**
In the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory's Operations Internship Program, undergraduate, and graduate students will join staff at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory for 10 weeks in the summer for a valuable, practical experience performing tasks critical to the successful operations of a National Laboratory.
Applicants must apply online, providing a transcript and two reference letters.
Participants are offered a competitive stipend, housing at the Princeton University dorms, and travel to/from Princeton. Participants will attend a week-long course in plasma physics at the start of the program and will deliver an oral and a poster presentation of their project at its conclusion.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- Must be enrolled in high school, in a four-year college or university, recent graduate (up to one year)
- Be eligible for work in the United States
See all information here.

The Third Edition of the Tritium School will take place in Marseille, France, from 18 to 22 March 2024. Organized by the TITANS Project (which strives to improve tritium management and knowledge to meet the growing nuclear energy demand), it is organized around four days of invited lectures and contributed talks, and a fifth day comprising a visit to the ITER site.
The young generation of researchers working in fusion and fission research and development is encouraged to participate.
Topics for discussion will include tritium management, inventory and control; waste; radiotoxicity/ecotoxicity; epidemiology of tritium; and tritium dosimetry.
For all information, and to register, see this webpage.

The 2024 US Quantum Information Science Summer School (USQIS) is the second joint summer school facilitated by the five US Department of Energy National Quantum Information Science Research Centers (NQISRCs): the Quantum Science Center (QSC), the Quantum Systems Accelerator (QSA), Q-NEXT, the Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage, and the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center.
Organized by the QSC headquartered at DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and QSA led by DOE's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, this year's school will be an immersive 12-day learning experience on ORNL's campus. Attendees will participate in hands-on quantum science and technology activities in a laboratory setting that is home to multiple world-leading facilities. The curriculum will be taught at a graduate level and is open to both members and non-members of the NQISRCs. Undergraduate students in their junior (third) or senior (fourth) year, graduate students, and postdocs and early-career researchers are invited to apply.
Applications close 15 March 2024. See all information here.
The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) is for undergraduates interested in performing plasma physics and fusion energy science and engineering research. Students perform research, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, on projects supporting PPPL's research.
Applications for the SULI program are solicited annually for three separate internship terms. Internship appointments are 10 weeks in duration for the summer term or 16 weeks in duration for the fall and spring terms.
2024 spring SULI term dates (16-weeks): On or around the second week of January through the end of April
2024 summer SULI dates (10-weeks): June 2-August 9
2024 fall SULI dates (10-weeks): On or around second week of September through the end of December
See all information about applying here.

If you are currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at an accredited US institution or just about to complete your undergraduate studies, you may be eligible to apply for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory's Plasma and Fusion Undergraduate Research Opportunities (PFURO) program.
Participants will conduct 10 weeks of research in the summer with plasma/fusion scientists from undergraduate institutions throughout the US (universities, colleges, and other educational research institutions). Past institutions have included: UCLA, University of Rochester, Bryn Mawr College, the US Coast Guard Academy and Columbia University.
Research will be in one of the following areas: magnetic fusion energy; fusion materials and technology; general plasma science; and high energy density plasmas.
See more information on this website. The application deadline for Summer 2024 is 29 February 2024.

The recruitment campaign for 2024-2026 Monaco-ITER Postdoctoral Fellowships has opened. We are looking for top candidates with an excellent track record of creativity and accomplishment. Research possibilities exist in many areas of fusion science and technology, including:
Control technology
Plasma-facing materials and components
Burning plasma physics (confinement, stability, plasma-wall interactions, control, energetic particle physics)
Heating and current drive physics and technology
Fusion plasma diagnostics
Superconducting magnet technology
Electrical engineering
Mechanical engineering/ structural analysis
Remote handling technology
Vacuum technology and plasma fuelling technology
Tokamak operations
Tritium breeding and tritium handling technology
If your PhD was awarded after 1 January 2021—or if you are about to obtain one—and you come from one of the seven ITER Members or the Principality of Monaco, you are eligible to apply.
See all information on this webpage. Applications close on 29 February 2024.

Are you a student or a young professional working in the nuclear field (medicine, industry, radiation protection...) in Europe? Join us in a social media competition to demystify the words "nuclear" and "radiation."
The deadline is 31 January 2024. See all details on the FuseNet website here.
