InFUSEd: opportunities for training

Shape the energy of the future: join scientists at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (Oxfordshire, UK) on 8 December to see how you can apply your knowledge to work towards sustainable energy from fusion.
The PhD and MSc Open Day will allow you to:
- Find out about postgraduate opportunities in fusion and related research
- Network with academics and students from a range of universities and from the Fusion Centre for Doctoral Training
- Tour the fusion facilities at Culham
- Attend talks about specific areas of fusion research
For more information or to register see this page.

JET, the Joint European Torus, is an incredible device that has pushed forward the scientific understanding of recreating fusion energy (the power of the Sun) here on Earth! Harnessing fusion offers the prospect of low carbon, safe and abundant electricity for future generations — and could prove vital in tackling climate change.
JET is also a very significant engineering feat requiring many different people to operate and maintain the experiment. In this session staff from EUROfusion will explain the achievements of JET, talk about the latest results, and showcase some of the operational areas required to bring this important project together.
We invite young learners aged 14 to 18 to attend the virtual event with their school classes or as individuals.
For information or to register see this page.

De Fusieshow is een wervelende wetenschappelijke show georganiseerd door de Faculteit Wetenschappen en de Faculteit Toegepaste Ingenieurswetenschappen, in samenwerking met het Centrum Nascholing Onderwijs, voor klassen uit het vijfde en zesde middelbaar (aso en tso). De leerlingen worden ondergedompeld in de wereld van kernfusie en de brede energieproblematiek. Vakkundige uitleg van experts wordt afgewisseld met experimenten, animaties en filmpjes. Er vinden tweejaarlijks een zestal sessies plaats, goed voor zo'n 3.500 gepassioneerde leerlingen.
De volgende editie vindt plaats op donderdag 18 november, vrijdag 19 november en maandag 22 november 2021.
Vragen over de Fusion Show? Zie deze website.

PhD candidates from all over Europe will meet on line from 22 to 23 November 2021 at the annual PhD Event organized by the European Fusion Education Network, FuseNet.
The event will feature high-profile keynote speakers, a top-notch scientific program and the much anticipate PechaKucha contest, where students present their research in 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide. There will also be moments to "gather" thanks to creative on-line offerings through the event platform
For more information or to register see this page.