InFUSEd: opportunities for training

The UK Atomic Energy Authority is accepting applications now through 16 December 2022 for its Fusion Research Fellowships. These aim to appoint outstanding scientists or engineers who have recently completed (or will soon complete) a doctorate to a two-year research fellowship in any field of fusion research. Fellowships start in summer of 2023 and can be based at either UKAEA's Culham or Rotherham site.
For more details and to apply, see Any queries, please contact Chris Warrick at

The Fusion CDT (Centre for Doctoral Training) and the UK Atomic Energy Authority will be hosting the annual PhD and MSc Fusion Open Day at Culham Science Centre on Wednesday 7 December 2022. If you are interested in post graduate opportunities in fusion research and technology, come along to meet with academics and students at a range of universities, tour fusion facilities at Culham and attend talks about key fusion research areas.
For more information and to register, see If you have any questions about the event, please contact Chris Warrick (UKAEA Outreach and Student Placement Manager) at chris

The National Society of Black Physicists in partnership with TAE Technologies invites applications for a paid internship position to begin in June 2023. We are a diverse group of 400 of some of the most brilliant physicists, engineers, and other experts from 40 countries around the world — all committed to improving people's lives through clean technologies. TAE values individual passion and expertise within our culture of collaboration. The NSBP internship is designed for students who will complete a B.S. degree or are enrolled in an advanced degree in Physics or Applied Physics during the 2022-2023 academic year.
TAE offers engaging internship opportunities where students work closely with their advisors. Our interns will assist TAE scientists with their work in one or more of the following areas:
· Plasma Diagnostics
· Lasers and Optics
· Electronics and Magnetics
· Data Science and Analysis
· Particle Accelerators
· Experimental Operations
· Plasma Simulation and Computational Science
Apply by 1 December 2022 for a June 2023 start. See all information here.

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center's Department of Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (CASE) is holding a networking event, where interested students can learn about the Center and the research being done by the CASE team. Attendees will also have the opportunity to visit MareNostrum4, the most powerful supercomputer in Spain.
The event is open to Bachelor and Master's students. Space is limited. Please register at this address.

On 22 November, the second edition of the FuseNet Master Event will take place. The event will be held fully online on the Gathertown platform. All master's students in fusion-related fields are invited to join the event.
The day is filled with interesting talks by top scientists, introductions to fusion start-ups and ITER-related companies, and chances to meet your fellow students.
More information on the programme can be found on the registrations page. See you at the event!

Join Eric Loewen, chief consulting engineer for GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy and former American Nuclear Society president, for this professional development opportunity created specifically for K- 12 science educators. Learn the basics and the latest about nuclear energy using fission and fusion to guide your students through the world of nuclear energy and technology. This is an interactive event so bring questions. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of nuclear energy and classroom-resources you can use immediately.
See all information here.

On Tuesday 18 October 2022, the London Science Museum will host FUSION22: The World Needs Fusion Energy. This hybrid event, which can be attended on line or in person, will showcase the incredible developments taking place in fusion all over the world.
Why do we need fusion energy? How will fusion change the world? What is the path to commercial fusion? What innovations are needed? What benefits from fusion R&D and spinoff technologies for your business? What does investing in fusion look like? (See the full agenda here.)
"Whether you're coming to fusion energy for the first time or have been involved in its development since the beginning, you'll find engaging, thought provoking and insightful sessions to fit your needs," say the organizers of the event.
The event is free. See this website to register to attend on line.

The European Fusion Education Network, FuseNet, is organizing its third annual European Fusion Teacher Day on 7 October 2022. Open to all secondary school science and physics teachers in Europe, the virtual event aims to introduce educators to nuclear fusion and exchange about how the subject can be taught in school. The ultimate goal is to increase exposure of students to the subject at the secondary level in order to spark interest and enthusiasm in the field.
Because the event is open to educators across Europe, the half-day program begins with local sessions via Zoom. After the local sessions, participants will come together for a global livestream before returning to a local follow-up session.
All information will be posted on this page.

The European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy, EUROfusion, is calling for applications to its 2023 early career grant programs in fusion science and engineering.
EUROfusion Engineering Grants (EEG) are open to early career engineers within three years after their Master or PhD (or six years if relevant professional (industry) experience can be demonstrated). They enable selected candidates to specialize in a EUROfusion-relevant engineering topic.
EUROfusion research grants (ERG)--now renamed the EUROfusion Bernard Bigot Researcher Grants in honour of the former ITER Director-General--are attributed at postdoctoral level or equivalent to candidates who have defended their doctoral thesis in the two years preceding the submission deadline. Ten grants, for missions of up to two years, are foreseen for award every year.
Both calls are open until 13 September 2022. Applications should be submitted via one of the EUROfusion consortium members (acting as employing institute). See all details here.
The course covers the main aspects of plasma physics with emphasis on nuclear fusion:
• basics of plasma physics and nuclear fusion
• kinetic and magneto-hydrodynamic description of a plasma
• concepts and experimental results of tokamak and stellarator configurations
• plasma heating and diagnostics
• plasma-wall interaction and materials research
• ITER and the next steps towards a reactor
• astrophysical plasmas

SUMTRAIC is a 2-weeks experimental SUMmer TRAIning Course in plasma physics and, in particular, in magnetic confinement fusion devices (tokamaks). It is organised annually at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Republic (IPP CAS) in Prague.
The centre of gravity of this school lays in the direct involvement of the participants in the processing and analysis of experimental data from the COMPASS tokamak or even in the participation in the experiments, when compatible with the experimental program. Due to the decommissioning of COMPASS, there will be no experiments this year.
Only one day will be devoted to lectures (how to access data, introduction to the COMPASS tokamak, python lecture...). The rest of the time, you will be paired in a group and supervised by one scientist. You will work on a real and relevant scientific topic. You will have to present your two weeks of work on the last day of the event in a 10 min presentation.
This year, SUMTRAIC will be organised from August 29th to September 9th and will be focused on data analysis related to the latest research topics investigated at the IPP Prague.
Deadline for application is 1 June and applicants can expect an answer around mid-June.
See all information here.

The 11th ITER International School will be held from 25 to 29 July 2022, hosted by the U.S. Burning Plasma Organization, University of California at San Diego, and General Atomics.
The subject of this year's school is "ITER plasma scenarios and control" with a scientific program coordinated by Peter de Vries (ITER Organization), David Humphreys (General Atomics) and Christopher Holcomb (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory). As the start of ITER operation approaches, it is timely to address this challenging multidisciplinary topic: the development of integrated operating scenarios and required plasma control to facilitate the ITER goals, particularly for plasmas self-heated by fusion-born alpha particles.
The ITER International School aims to prepare young scientists and engineers for working in the field of nuclear fusion and in research applications associated with the ITER Project. The adoption of a "school" format was a consequence of the need to prepare future scientists and engineers on a range of different subjects and to provide them with a wide overview of the interdisciplinary skills required by ITER.
Further information on the 2022 school is available at

The 59th Culham Plasma Physics Summer School will take place from 18 to 28 July 2022 at the Culham Science Centre in Oxfordshire (UK).
The aim of the Summer School is to provide an introduction to the fundamental principles of plasma physics, together with a broad understanding of its fields of application. It assumes no previous knowledge of the subject, but familiarity with electromagnetism and applied mathematics at first degree level would be helpful.
The 2022 school will cover fundamental plasma physics, as well as important topics in fusion, astrophysical, laser and low temperature plasmas. Lecturers are drawn from the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE), the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) together with leading European universities. All are renowned experts in their fields.
Special arrangements are being made this year to allow for COVID. For more details and to apply visit the dedicated website.

Microwaves have applications in tokamak physics from diagnostics to heating and current drive. These applications are particularly relevant for reactor scenarios since microwave antennas are relatively robust to reactor conditions and the power sources or diagnostics can often be removed some distance from the vessel itself. However, training in microwave science for tokamak applications often occupies only the periphery of graduate plasma courses. This summer school aims to provide a broad coverage of current topics in microwaves in beams and plasmas for both graduate students and experienced professionals, in industry, academia and national labs.
For more information, see this page.

PlasmaSurf is an annual summer school on plasma physics, intense lasers and nuclear fusion hosted by the Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN), a research unit of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon.
Taylored for BSc/MSc engineering and physics students, it is a good opportunity to gain insight in view of a future career or to complement current training by broadening knowledge in physics. A visit to the ISTTOK tokamak and the Laboratory for Intense Lasers is foreseen as part of the main activities. Outdoor activities—including surfing—are also offered.
PlasmaSurf 2022 will take place from 10 to 15 July 2022. The deadline for applications is 18 May. See all information here.

The way towards the European Fusion Roadmap is paved by the young fusion researchers addressing the challenges of making fusion electricity a reality.
The FuseNet PhD Event is the place where European fusion PhD students meet and interact with affirmed international fusion researchers, aiming to strengthen and expand the fusion research network.
This year's event is planned in person from 4 to 6 July 2022 in Padua, Italy.
See all information here.

From 13 to 25 June, the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) will virtually host an intensive course on plasma physics and fusion energy sciences, taught by world renowned scientists from various national and international institutions. The course is targeted at undergraduate students interested in plasma physics and fusion energy science and is open to the public at large.
Registration is free and participants that attend the full course will receive a certificate of completion.
The introductory course will be fully conducted via Zoom, and in half-day sessions (12.00-17.00 EST) in order to accomodate various time zones.
The content will reflect the broad research under the Fusion Energy Sciences and Plasma Physics umbrella, including discovery plasma sciences, magnetic fusion energy, fusion materias and technology and high energy density plasmas.
Please visit this page for all information.

Kudowa Summer School is a biennial event which mission is to provide high quality scientific lectures to students willing to start their careers in fusion and plasma physics research. It is traditionally organized by the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (IPPLM, Poland) and attracts participants from many countries.
In 2022, the School will be held in Kudowa-Zdrój, Poland, from 6 to 10th June and will cover a variety of topics interesting for all students involved in plasma physics research:
- Basic plasma and fusion energy
- Tokamaks and Stellarators
- Plasma focus and Z-pinches
- Plasma-diagnostics and technology
- Space plasma and electric propulsion
- Laser plasma
The total fee, which includes full board, a lecture notes, social programme and lodging is PLN 2 500. European students attending the Kudowa Summer School might be able to apply for funding through FuseNet ( Detailed information and the programme of the School including the timetable of lectures will be sent to applicants in due time.
For all information, see the summer school webpage.

The EPS Forum is a three-day international meeting of interest for all European researchers, PhD students and Post Docs who wish to be introduced to exciting research opportunities in large companies and start-ups, and encourage a dialogue with representatives of the industry sector.
Day 1: Physics Meets Industry
Day 2: Scientific Colloquium & Societal Challenges
• Energy and sustainability
• Accelerators, high-energy particle physics, nuclear physics
• Quantum technologies and photonics
• Machine learning and artificial intelligence
• Biophysics, technological sequencing of biomolecules and human health
• Condensed matter physics: from quantum materials to additive manufacturing
For all information, see this page.
- Basic concepts/tools for computational nuclear science and engineering
- Fundamentals of nuclear observable challenges (computational methods for nuclear data; nuclear data for high fidelity, high performance reactor modelling and simulation)
- Advanced modelling and simulation methodologies (integrated multi-physics modelling for nuclear fusion plasma science; nuclear physic analysis in support of reactor design; reactor multi-physics modelling combined with digital measurement data)
- Open source data and codes for plasma/fusion/fission science and engineering
- Advanced computational methods (ML; algorithm development for data analysis in nuclear research; HPC; high performance humans in computing; data sciences for reactor systems)
The deadline to register is 11 March 2022. See all information on this page.

The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is organizing the Young Women's Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics on 6 May 2022. The virtual conference introduces middle-school and high-school-aged girls (in 7th through 10th grades) from US educational establishments to women scientists and engineers and the wide breadth of careers available to them in these fields. Prominent female scientists and engineers from around the region spend the day with the girls in a variety of formats that includes small-group presentations, hands-on activities, a keynote address, and a chemistry demo. Typically, schools select students to attend based on interest and performance in science classes.
For all information or to register students see this page.

The American Nuclear Society (ANS) 2022 Student Conference will be hosted by the Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign from 14 to 16 April 2022. The theme is: "Saving the World One Atom at a Time."
For all information visit the ANS website here.

On Wednesday April 13, 2022 from 15:00-17:00 Eindhoven University of Technology's FUSION group is organizing their yearly Fusion Experience Day. This is an online session via Gather town.
On Thursday April 14, 2022 from 14:00-17:00 Eindhoven University of Technology's FUSION group is organizing their yearly Fusion Experience Day. This is a live session on TU/e Campus.
During these sessions you'll find out what the Master's degree in the Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion at Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) is all about. The curriculum will be discussed, internships and graduation projects are touched upon, and you will get acquainted with lecturers and students. Join in, and perhaps you will become part of the "Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion" group in Eindhoven too!
See all information here.

The U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) will once again give science fans of all ages a way to escape the winter doldrums with a series of scientific adventures exploring new frontiers in cutting-edge science during the Laboratory's popular lecture series beginning 29 January 2022.
The Science on Saturday series attracts hundreds of science enthusiasts each year ranging from elementary school students to those who have attended the lectures for decades. It is hosted by Andrew Zwicker, head of Communications and Public Outreach at PPPL.
"Feeling the Heat: Fusion Plasmas Used to Study Spacecraft Heat Shields" will be presented by Evdokiya Kostadinova of Auburn University on 12 March 2022.
See this page for more information or to sign up.

Current and recently graduated undergraduate students from US universities are invited to apply to the inaugural Plasma and Fusion Undergraduate Research Opportunities (PFURO) program, hosted by the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory(PPPL) in summer 2022. Participants will conduct remote research at undergraduate institutions throughout the US (universities, colleges, and other educational research institutions). Specifically, participants will:
- Conduct 10 weeks of remote summer research under the guidance of faculty and staff at US undergraduate institutions (universities, colleges, and other educational research institutions).
- Participate in the 2-week Intro to Plasma and Fusion course hosted by PPPL (June 13th-June 24).
- Be invited to join all of the workforce development seminars and workshops available for PPPL summer undergraduate interns
- Receive a $600 weekly stipend for the duration of the 10 week, 40hr/week research experience.
- Be sponsored to present their research at a national topical conference. Most students would present at APS-DPP, but it may also be GEC, ICOPS, SOFE, or another relevant topical conference.
Research will be conducted in one of four main areas: magnetic fusion energy; fusion materials and technology; general plasma science; and high energy density plasmas.
Applications are open through 11 March 2022. See all information here.

The ITER Organization begins recruiting on 17 January 2022 for the Monaco/ITER Postdoctoral Fellowship program. If you are a national of one of the ITER Members (China, the European Union, India, Japan, Korea, Russia and the US) or of the Principality of Monaco—and your PhD was awarded after 1 January 2019 (or you will have received your PhD by the deadline for taking up an award)—you may be eligible for a two-year postdoctoral position in the ITER Organization.
All application information can be found on this dedicated webpage. Applications close on 1 March 2022.

Thesis supervisors are invited to nominate a student for the 2021 FuseNet Master Thesis Prize by 10 February 2022.
FuseNet will award the prizes to students who write outstanding Master's theses that were (at least partially) carried out and completed across Europe. The prizes serve to highlight the important research that is carried out by dedicated and talented fusion students.
As a prize, the winners will be invited to present their work as a poster at the 48th European Physical Society Conference of Plasma Physics held in Maastricht, the Netherlands, from 27 June to 1 July 2022. Travel, subsistence, and fees will all be covered by FuseNet.
Learn more about the prize on the FuseNet website.

The U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) will once again give science fans of all ages a way to escape the winter doldrums with a series of scientific adventures exploring new frontiers in cutting-edge science during the Laboratory's popular lecture series beginning 29 January 2022.
The Science on Saturday series attracts hundreds of science enthusiasts each year ranging from elementary school students to those who have attended the lectures for decades. It is hosted by Andrew Zwicker, head of Communications and Public Outreach at PPPL.
"Diagnosing Fusion Plasmas: How to Perform Measurements in a 100 Million Degree Environment" will be presented by PPPL physicist Florian Laggner on 5 February 2022.
See this page for more information or to sign up.

Students from around the world are welcome to apply!
This Master's degree is a unique opportunity for the selected students to study in two different European countries and to discover and work at major fusion research facilities during the two-year program.
The very international curriculum, the high quality and completeness of the curriculum and the high selectivity of FUSION-EP allowed it to be selected as an EMJMD by the Executive Agency for Culture, Education and Audiovisual. The EACEA provides a number of full scholarships for the best-ranked applicants.
For more information see the Fusion-EP webpage.
To apply, see this page.

「MISSION NET ZERO」をキャッチフレーズに、カーボンニュートラル社会の実現に向けた取り組みを進める当社グループの活動の一環として、本イベントでは未来のエネルギーといわれる核融合エネルギーにフォーカス。非連続で挑戦的かつリアリティのある未来を描くための手法として注目されている"SF思考"の視点から、「核融合エネルギーが実現する未来社会とはどのようなものか」「私たちの生活にどのような変化が起こるのか」といった切り口で未来社会を想像していきます。

Webinar organized by the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center:
"Fusion energy is complicated. It involves ionized gases, superconducting magnets, tritium breeding, and more. Although the science behind all of this is indeed complex, it's also exciting. With some creativity and enthusiasm, you can explain fusion energy in a way that anybody can understand. That's exactly what Kathryn Hulick did in her new book for kids and teens, Welcome to the Future: Robot Friends, Fusion Energy, Pet Dinosaurs, and More."
For more information and to register see this webpage.

The American Physical Society (APS) Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) are three-day regional conferences for undergraduate physics majors. The purpose of APS CUWiP is to help undergraduate women continue in physics by providing them with the opportunity to experience a professional conference, information about graduate school and professions in physics, and access to other women in physics of all ages with whom they can share experiences, advice, and ideas.
The 2022 conferences will take place virtually on 21, 22 and 23 January 2022.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has partnered with APS CUWiP and will host webinars featuring both IAEA and CUWiP talks on careers for women in nuclear, plasma and accelerator physics, including highlights from the IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme.
For more information and to register see this page.