Let's communicate
31 May 2011
The Fusion Communicators United Team: Gieljan de Vries, Lili Liu, Lynn Degitz, Samina Shamsie, Robert Arnoux, Michel Claessens, Krista Dulon, Petra Nieckchen, Sabina Griffith, Veronique Marfaing, (Chris-)Topher White and Tomaz Skobe.
The communication staff from the ITER Organization and the Domestic Agencies meets twice per year in order to define ITER's communication strategy. Last week, the international team once more got together in the ITER Headquarters in Cadarache to swap ideas and to define new strategies. Exchanging information about manufacturing going in the Member states is becoming an ever-greater part of our world-spanning communication efforts, as well as the production of high quality photo and video material in order to document the project's progress.
In addition to reports given by the representatives from the Domestic Agencies on ITER-relevant matters, the head of communication at EFDA, Petra Nieckchen, joined the meeting in order to present new communication strategies within the European Fusion Associations. On the subject of EFDA's outreach activities, Tomaž Skobe from the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, gave a very colorful run-through of the Fusion Expo, a travelling fusion exhibition. Another means of increasing public awareness is the Fusion Roadshow, a stage performance featuring the fascinating science of fusion. Gieljan de Vries from the FOM Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen, Netherlands, travelled to Cadarache to present this entertaining way of communicating fusion.