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  • Image of the Week | Hard work deserves an outdoor buffet

    A start-of-summer event was held on Friday 21 June for the ITER community—an occasion to celebrate the everyday commitment of staff and contractors alike, acros [...]

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  • Poloidal field coils | Reflecting on a unique industrial achievement

    They had worked together for 10 years. And on Thursday 20 June, they gathered one last time to reflect on what they had accomplished. Director-General Pietro Ba [...]

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  • 34th ITER Council | Updated baseline presented

    Nearly 100 people met for two days last week for the 34th Meeting of the ITER Council. The meeting was an important one, as the ITER Organization and the D [...]

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  • Cryopumps | First unit reaches ITER

    The ITER vacuum team, the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, Research Instruments (RI), and the ITER Director-General were all excited to welcome the d [...]

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  • Tritium Plant Summit | A shared vision to prepare for delivery

    A summit organized at ITER Headquarters from 3 to 6 June brought together the international teams that will deliver the sub-systems of the ITER Tritium Plant. I [...]

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4.8 km of cryolines pass leak test

Originating in the cryoplant, kilometres of sophisticated cryolines deliver cooling fluids to some essential elements of the ITER machine—the superconducting magnets, the cryopumps and the different parts of the thermal shield.

Close to five kilometres of cryolines and ''warm lines'' run through the ITER cryoplant. After more than a full year of work, an important milestone was passed last week as the entire network was successfully leak tested. (Click to view larger version...)
Close to five kilometres of cryolines and ''warm lines'' run through the ITER cryoplant. After more than a full year of work, an important milestone was passed last week as the entire network was successfully leak tested.
The cryoline network is built out of individual spools that measure up to 10 metres in length and range from 25 to 1000 millimetres in diameter. A section of cryoline can host up to six or seven "process pipes," each devoted to a specific fluid, flow direction or function. The Indian Domestic Agency, responsible for 100 percent of cryoline procurement, is working with two companies—France's Air Liquide and India's INOXCVA. The Indian firm is providing the totality of the piping inside the cryoplant.

One of the first and most obvious requirements for the cryoline network is to be perfectly leak tight. After more than a full year of work, an important milestone was passed last week as all 4.8 kilometres of cryolines and "warm lines" inside the cryoplant were successfully leak tested by the INOXCVA team operating under the responsibility of ITER India.

Looking for potential microfissures, a member of the INOXCVA team checks one of the 1,000 welds of the cryoline network inside the cryoplant. (Click to view larger version...)
Looking for potential microfissures, a member of the INOXCVA team checks one of the 1,000 welds of the cryoline network inside the cryoplant.
The network inside the cryoplant comprises close to 1,000 spools connected by an equal number of welds. About half the welds were randomly helium-tested prior to the final pressure test at 30 bars, which demonstrated the leak tightness of the entire network.

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