Staff Stories

#key elements to succeed;
#joined in 2010;
#European Union;
#Heating and Current Drive Program;
#Division Head;
#international school in Aix-en-Provence;
Deirdre Boilson joined ITER as a neutral beam scientist in 2010, then became the Neutral Beam Section Leader, and then the Heating and Current Drive Division Head (now called a Program Manager). Her team is responsible for the heating and current drive systems at ITER, a critical component of the project. Their work involves designing, managing procurement, overseeing manufacturing, and preparing for the installation and commissioning of these systems—all essential to supplying the energy needed to generate and sustain a fusion reaction, which requires extremely high temperatures.
“The heating and current drive systems are highly complex and employ multiple methods to heat and control the fusion plasma,” Deirdre explains. "At ITER, these include electron cyclotron heating, ion cyclotron heating, and neutral beam heating. Each method targets specific aspects of plasma behaviour, delivering energy with precision—both in location and timing—often in real-time."
These systems' complexity is further heightened by the extensive interfacing services they require, such as power, water, gas, and cables. The heating system subsystems traverse multiple areas of the ITER complex before reaching the plasma. This intricate setup demands a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together expertise from various fields. “We are a diverse team,” she emphasizes, “and we rely on everyone’s specialized knowledge to make this work.”
"Communication and collaboration are key elements to succeed."
Harmonizing across various programs can be challenging, especially when striving to move in the right direction with the best solutions quickly, without turning every decision into an extensive R&D effort. “Sometimes, we have to make decisions without having all the information. In such cases, it’s crucial to assess the risks based on the available elements and understanding.” Effective communication and collaboration are essential, as is maintaining a holistic perspective. “It’s fundamental to think about the project as a whole rather than focusing solely on one specific program,” she emphasizes.
Being perceptive and culturally sensitive are crucial for success. As an Irish native, Deirdre reflects, “As Europeans, we can be quite vocal, while some other cultures may not express themselves as openly.” Working at ITER provides the unique opportunity to collaborate with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. This diversity enriches perspectives, broadens ways of thinking, and fosters mutual learning. However, it also presents challenges, particularly in ensuring effective communication. “A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work,” she explains. “The key is finding the most effective way for everyone to feel heard and to express their ideas.”

One of the advantages of moving to Provence for Deirdre and her family is the educational opportunity it provides for her son. “It’s fantastic because he gets to experience and understand different cultures by attending an international school. He’s learning to interact with students from various nationalities, and diversity is the norm from the very beginning.” Deirdre’s son attends an international school in Aix-en-Provence, which offers both primary and secondary education, with the option to pursue either the International Baccalaureate (IB) or the French Baccalaureate. The family chose this school for its international program, bilingual environment, and convenient location, making it easy for her son to access the school’s bus services for his daily commute.
Deirdre stresses the importance of the support of family and friends. “Working at ITER is fast-paced, challenging and highly engaging. The project requires a significant commitment, often occupying a substantial part of your daily life. Having a strong support system of friends and family is vital to manage these demands effectively. Additionally, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential to sustain productivity and personal wellbeing over the long term.”