Principality of monaco/iter postdoctoral fellowships 2024

Dans le puits d'assemblage, profond de plus de 30 mètres, la machine prend forme. Ici, un test de mise en place d'une des neuf « poutres radiales » qui soutiendront les sous assemblages (un secteur de chambre à vide associé à deux bobines verticales) pendant la phase soudage.
Under the terms of a Partnership Arrangement signed between the ITER Organization and the Principality of Monaco in 2008 (and renewed in 2018), a Postdoctoral Fellowship program has been established at ITER. The Arrangement allows for the appointment of five young scientists, every two years, from the seven ITER Member countries or from the Principality of Monaco. The Monaco Fellows, as they are called, are trained—over a period of two years—in research areas related to the ITER Project.
The principal motivation of the research fellowships is the development of excellence in research in fusion science and technology within the ITER framework. Brilliance and creativity, together with understanding of the relevance of the individual research interests to the ITER Project, are a key requirement.

Three of the four 2022-2024 Monaco-ITER Fellows—Guillaume Brochard, Guillermo Suárez López and Xue Bai—are photographed in the ITER lobby in December 2023. (A fourth Postdoctoral Fellow, Ekaterina Matveeva, could not be present.)
The Monaco/ITER Postdoctoral Fellowship Program allows young researchers to participate in one of the great scientific and technical challenges of the 21st century and to work closely with leading experts in fusion science and technology within a unique international framework. If you are interested in contributing to the development of fusion energy and would like to experience the ITER Project "up close," the Monaco/ITER Fellowships are a great opportunity.
--Three 2022-2024 Monaco Fellows are pictured; a fourth could not be present the day of the photo.
Your PhD was awarded after 1 January 2021 or you are about to obtain one.
You would like to carry out a research project and to participate in the publication of high-quality journal articles in fusion science and technology.
Topics of postdoctoral fellowships
Within the ITER Project research possibilities exist in many areas of fusion science and technology, including:
- Control Technology
- Plasma facing materials and components
- Burning plasma physics (confinement, stability, plasma-wall interactions, control, energetic particle physics)
- Heating and current drive physics and technology
- Fusion plasma diagnostics
- Superconducting magnet technology
- Electrical engineering
- Mechanical engineering/ structural analysis
- Remote handling technology
- Vacuum technology and plasma fuelling technology
- Cryogenics
- Tokamak Operations
- Tritium Breeding and tritium handling technology
- Thermohydraulics
Conditions for applicants
- You are a national of one of ITER Members or of the Principality of Monaco
- Your PhD was awarded after the 1 January 2021 or you will have received your PhD by the deadline for taking up an award.
Applicants are requested to apply through the ITER job site:
The e-Recruitment system will require you to:
- Fill-in an online application file
- Upload your Curriculum Vitae (including a selection of your most important publications and photocopies of your highest academic qualification)
- Upload a letter of motivation -- limited to 1 page
Important: Three letters of recommendation are also required. Please upload a letter of motivation (limited to 1 page) to be merged with three letters of recommendation (in pdf or docx format) when you submit your application.
Time schedule for the 2024 postdoctoral fellowship program:
- 15 January 2024: External launch of competition
- 29 February 2024: Deadline for application
- 4 and 5 April 2024: Candidate interviews
- 1 September 2024: Fellows normally on site
- 31 December 2024: Latest date for Fellows to take up award on site
Further Information: For questions related to all aspects of the Monaco/ITER Postdoctoral Fellowships or to associated research projects please contact @email.