Of Interest archive


1 Apr 2016

Highly realistic ITER in Lego form

For Lego enthusiasts the ITER Tokamak is an endless source of inspiration.  In June 2012, Newsline reported on Japanese…
28 Mar 2016

Physicist models lithium erosion in tokamaks

By Raphael Rosen The world of fusion energy is a world of extremes. For instance, the center of the ultrahot plasma contained within the…
28 Mar 2016

Predicting the behaviour of each bolt

The European Domestic Agency has developed a new numerical model that represents ITER's 18 toroidal field magnets with remarkable …
20 Mar 2016

MAST tokamak on schedule for 2017

Progress on the MAST Upgrade project at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE) took another step forward from the "page" to completion,…
20 Mar 2016

Seven-layered winding pack produced in Europe

European Domestic Agency contractors have made significant progress in the fabrication of the first toroidal field winding pack—the…
20 Mar 2016

Tritium to give cue on Big Bang neutrinos

By John Greenwald Big Bang neutrinos are believed to be everywhere in the universe but have never been seen. The expansion of the universe…
15 Mar 2016

SOFT innovation prize

The deadline is fast approaching to submit a proposal to the 2016 SOFT Innovation Prize, launched by the European Commission late last year…
11 Mar 2016

Cryoplant: inner tank passes leak test

ITER will use extensive cryogenic technology to create and maintain low-temperature conditions for the magnet, thermal shielding and…
11 Mar 2016

On key discoveries in the quest for fusion

The path to creating sustainable fusion energy as a clean, abundant and affordable source of electric energy has been filled with "aha…
7 Mar 2016

In the realm of ultra-hot temperatures

How to sustain and measure temperature in a fusion plasma? This challenging task requires different heating systems and diagnostic tools…
7 Mar 2016

JT-60SA's coil gets a first taste of superconductivity

At the CEA Saclay's Cold Test Facility, near Paris, JT-60SA's first toroidal field coil has completed its round of tests at cryogenic…
29 Feb 2016

53rd edition of the Culham Summer School

The 53rd edition of the Culham Summer School will take place from 18 to 29 July 2016. The school provides an introduction to the…
22 Feb 2016

JT-60 SA torus complete (for a moment)

Assembly operations are progressing on JT-60 SA. In December 2015, the final 20° Vacuum Vessel sector was inserted into the opening of the…
22 Feb 2016

First experiments in Culham's new Materials Research Facility

Construction of the Materials Research Facility (MRF) at Culham is complete and the building has already hosted its first…
22 Feb 2016

Towards a global network of Industrial Liaison Officers

Interaction with industry is essential to ITER success. In 2008, the European Domestic Agency established a network of Industrial Liaison…
12 Feb 2016

A heart in fusion

This heart-shaped dust particle was captured by ion microbam scan on a divertor tile in the JET tokamak.   A team of researchers…
12 Feb 2016

International collaboration on cryoplant manufacturing

As work on the foundations of the ITER cryoplant advances on site, industrial partners around the world are making progress on the…
12 Feb 2016

European Commission reaffirms importance of JET tokamak

The European Commission had established a panel of independent high-level experts to evaluate the Euratom research program comprising…
8 Feb 2016

Downloadable ITER posters

A new series of five downloadable posters is available in the ITER on-line Publication Centre (/posters). Designed for A1 printing,…
8 Feb 2016

Expert in fusion honoured by China

China has conferred its annual International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award on a figure closely associated with the ITER…