Of Interest archive


29 Jan 2014

Biography of one of the 20th century's greatest physicists

One of the greatest and most versatile scientists of the twentieth century, Hans Bethe (1906-2005), is portrayed in a new biography…
28 Jan 2014

Fusion researcher wins Slovenian Zois Award

Dr. Saša Novak, a researcher at the Jožef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia) and an active member of the Slovenian Fusion Association,…
27 Jan 2014

What would happen if ocean water was replaced with deuterium oxide?

​Deuterium oxide has properties that are quite different from light water, the normal water we deal with every day. In general, it will be…
26 Jan 2014

Calm solar cycle prompts questions about impact on Earth

​The surface of the sun has been surprisingly calm of late, with fewer sunspots than anytime in the last century, prompting curious…
25 Jan 2014

New antenna spreads good vibrations in fusion plasma

​If you want to catch a firefly, any old glass jar will do. But when you're trying to bottle a star-the goal of fusion energy research-the…
24 Jan 2014

Extreme-scale plasma turbulence simulation

​As the global energy economy makes the transition from fossil fuels toward cleaner alternatives, fusion becomes an attractive potential…
23 Jan 2014

Reports from the 55th APS meeting in Denver

The 55th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) Division of Plasma Physics concluded on 15 November in Denver, Colorado…
22 Jan 2014

PPPL scientists present cutting-edge results at major physics meeting

​More than 1,500 researchers, including scientists from the US Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), …
21 Jan 2014

Our thermonuclear tomorrow

​Russian Public TV recently aired this 38-minute documentary on the history of fusion research and on the present state of collaboration…
20 Jan 2014

Uniform energy spread could prevent tokamak disruptions

​Researchers at the 55th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) Division of Plasma Physics this week have reported on…
19 Jan 2014

High-level visitor for MIT's Alcator C-Mod

​US Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi visited MIT's Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) and the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak, currently in "warm…
18 Jan 2014

Fusion, for a faster trip to Mars?

​Could fusion someday help power faster trips to Mars? New propulsion technologies may blast astronauts through space at breakneck speeds…
17 Jan 2014

Fun in fusion research

Fusion energy research is serious business. Generally, it is a lifelong commitment, involving long hours and weekends, along with optimism…
16 Jan 2014

Lovely laboratories

Most scientific breakthroughs have occurred in boring buildings. Can a new generation of architects change that? Today, expensive new…
15 Jan 2014

Celebrating Lyman Spitzer, the father of PPPL

Princeton astrophysicist Lyman Spitzer Jr. (1914-1997) was among the 20th century's most visionary scientists. His major influences…
14 Jan 2014

Canyon of fire on the Sun

A magnetic filament of solar material erupted on the sun in late September, breaking the quiet conditions in a spectacular fashion. The 200…
13 Jan 2014

What do bananas and fusion have in common?

Often the food analogies applied to tokamaks centre around doughnuts, due to the shape of magnetic field that confines the hot fusion…
12 Jan 2014

We must harness the power of the sun

Last Friday's report from the United Nations confirms the huge danger from our continued dependence on fossil fuel. But one simple thing…
11 Jan 2014

Last artificial star in tokamak MAST before major upgrade

  Scientists at the UK's Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE) have run final experiments on the MAST tokamak on Friday 27 September…
10 Jan 2014

Latest F4E video clip on critical site networks

The European Domestic Agency (Fusion for Energy) has produced a new clip on ITER site works. See the two-minute video on ITER's critical…