Image of the week

Family day at ITER

Whether partners, children, parents or close relatives, they probably hear about ITER every day. But few of them, until last Sunday, ever had the opportunity to see ITER with their own eyes, experience the expanse of the construction site, the size of the components, the "pulse" (even on a Sunday) of one the largest and most enthralling science projects in the world.

On Sunday 30 June the "Family Day" that ITER Communication organized provided just that opportunity to 650 ITER personnel and their relatives. The program included "self guided'' visits, presentations in the amphitheatre, plasma, magnet and vacuum experiments, and a spectacular immersion in virtual reality.

Partners, children, parents and close relatives of ITER personnel will continue to hear about ITER every day. Having experienced the reality behind the words and the stories, one can safely bet they will ask for more...