Archive and search function up and running

26 Feb 2010 - ITER Communication
Good news for _Io_Newsline_Ix_ subscribers ... all 120 issues are now available on, complete with search engine.

Do you need to know the exact date of the last ITER Council? Do you have a question about neutral beams or superconducting strands? Do you remember reading about an ITER engineer who used to pick roses as a student in Bulgaria?

The complete Newsline archive is now available, from the first issue in October 2006, to the 120th issue that you have—well, if not in your hands than at least on the screen before you. Newsline is a repository for ITER history-in-the-making, and an important resource for information about the project, its people, and its progress.

Also, try out our new search function to go straight to the information you need the most.