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Training the fusion generation

The first recipients! FuseNet students, certificates in hand, and organizers at the European tokamak JET on 27 September.
Twenty promising students with a high level of specialization in fusion were the recipients on 27 September of the first Fusion Master and Fusion Doctorate certificates awarded by FuseNet, the European Fusion Education Network that was established in response to the emerging need to educate the "ITER generation."
With fusion research transitioning from the laboratory to industrial scale, a broad range of highly skilled engineers, in addition to physicists, will be needed to operate ITER and to develop the science and technology required to build a fusion power plant.
It is this need that FuseNet seeks to address. The 40+ members of the FuseNet Association (universities, fusion research centres including ITER, and industry) have joined forces and resources to attract the brightest students to fusion and offer them the best possible education program.
The first round of certificates were presented to nominated students in recognition of excellence in fusion science and technology in a ceremony at JET by the EFDA leader Francesco Romanelli, FuseNet's Academic Council chair Ambrogio Fasoli, and FuseNet chairman Niek Lopes Cardozo. Applications for European Fusion Master or Doctorate certificates are evaluated twice per year. Full information can be found on the FuseNet website.