Stepping into the power of the future
3 Dec 2012
Alexander Petrov, ITER Russia
Participants in the conference supported the idea of sending young scientists to leading foreign scientific centres for further training in order to prepare Russian specialists for work at the ITER Organization.
"ITER—Step into the power of future," was the subject of a conference held on 20 November at the Russian Domestic Agency within the framework of the 55th Scientific Conference of the Moscow Physical and Technical Institute (MPhTI).
In his introductory speech, Academician Evgeny Velikhov, president of the Kurchatov Institute and former Chair of the ITER Council, said, "ITER is the basic technological platform that can become the foundation for other projects." He shared the recent news of the signature of the official decree permitting the construction of thermonuclear facility—a major event for the project.
Young scientist and technicians were the focus of one session, whose discussions centred on the involvement of young people in the ITER project and the stimulation and the technological renewal of available training programs.
Answering the question about practical training of young specialists, Anatoly Krasilnikov, head of the Russian Domestic Agency, reported that "it is planned to pursue training in order to prepare Russian specialists for work at the ITER Organization."
Discussion participants noted the necessity of organizing targeted finance to support training of the qualified personnel in Russia and to stimulate their employment. They also supported the idea of sending young scientists to leading foreign scientific centres for further training. "Russia shall participate in the ITER project not only by investing equipment, but also by delegating qualified specialists," he noted.
The most important tasks ahead are to enhance the prestige of work done for the ITER Project, to sufficiently modernize the material basis necessary to perform thermonuclear research in Russia, and to develop a targeted program in order to train Russian personnel for ITER and for fusion.