Ready to welcome visitor number 30,000
17 Dec 2010
Sylvie André, Agence ITER France
Members of the Joint Visit Team. Véronique, Sylvie, Anaïs and Marina are ready to welcome ITER's 30,000th visitor.
Visits to the ITER site have now reached cruising speed. Precisely 11,460 people were welcomed this year at the Visitors Centre, a quasi-stable figure compared to the previous year total of 11,560.
Private individuals, especially members of engineers' societies, professionals (engineers, scientists, technicians, members of the industry) and students account for more than 90 percent of the total visitors. Politicians, foreign delegations and media account for the remaining 10 percent.
Student visits, particularly those in relation with the school projects that are organized on site, registered a 25 percent increase in 2010.
Based on the present figures, it is likely that visitor number 30,000 will be welcomed on site in the early months of 2011.
Interested people or groups can send an email to @email.