"Open Day"at International School in Manosque a great success

When the International School unlocked its doors for its "Open Day" on Saturday morning 29 March at 9 a.m., people were already queuing up to go in and find a seat in the "salle polyvalente" of the Lycée des Iscles.

More than 200 people had come to listen to Jean-Pierre Hardy's presentation on the unique features which make the International School so different from other French public schools. A single school for children between 3 and 18 years old with bilingual teaching and sufficiently small classes for every pupil to get the best possible individual attention and support is indeed something that deserves some explaining.

This was followed by a tour of the school and the opportunity to see the mock-up and plans of the future buildings of the school, part of which will be inaugurated in September 2009.

A vibrant show in the gymnasium of the school, which had been redecorated with flags and banners for the occasion, then awaited the more than 300 parents and possible future parents, as children from all age groups sung, danced and performed together. There was an introduction to the Chinese martial art of tai-chi but also a very skilful American "square-dance" demonstration whereas the school entrance had been decorated with some magnificent examples of Chinese calligraphy, prepared by the children.

"We are delighted that our Open Day attracted so many visitors", said Jean-Pierre Hardy, "both the children and the teachers have put in a tremendous amount of energy and enthusiasm and this success certainly is a wonderful reward for their hard work".