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A long-awaited review

27 Nov 2009 - Bharat Doshi, Cryostat & VVPSS Section Leader
The ITER cryostat has now successfully passed the conceptual design review milestone.

The long awaited conceptual design review of the ITER cryostat was held last week at Cadarache, on Friday 20 November. This design review is an important step forward toward accomplishing the Procurement Arrangement next year.

The conceptual design of the cryostat was reviewed by an international review panel comprising members from CERN (Switzerland), IGCAR (India) and the ITER Organization. It was a long and busy day, and the design review was successfully completed with very few category-1 chits according to the Chairman of the design review panel.

"The Cryostat & Vacuum Vessel Pressure Suppression System Section has had a hectic time preparing for this milestone," commented review participants Bharat Doshi and Ioki Kimihiro, "and the Section is looking forward to the resolution of the chits and preparation for the next phase of the review process—the preliminary design review."