Live from ITER (video)

With several nuclear plants and a uranium enrichment installation in the Rhône Valley, as well as research centres in Grenoble, Marcoule and Cadarache, the southeast quarter of France is home to the largest concentration of nuclear installations in Europe.

In the context of the events in Japan, this situation prompted French Public TV Channel France 3 to air an 80-minute special program on nuclear safety, last Thursday 24 March.

A France 3 TV crew had filmed on the ITER site the day before. On Thursday, a live feed was organized between ITER Headquarters and the network's studio in Lyon.

We have extracted from this program the six and a half minutes of presentation on ITER, the segments that include interviews with physicists Akko Maas and Richard Pitts, and the live interview with Jean Jacquinot, former director of JET and Magnetic Fusion Research at CEA, presently an expert with the ITER Organization.

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