In Liège, a royal visit to the ITER stand

24 Sep 2012 - Sabina Griffith
His Royal Highness Prince Philippe of Belgium expressed a strong interest in the project that was presented to him by Director-General Motojima and the Director of the Energy Directorate at the European Commission, Hervé Pero.
On Monday, 24 September, the 27th "Symposium on Fusion Technology" opened its doors in Liège, in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Philippe of Belgium.
The "SOFT" conference is an important gauge for measuring the progress being made in the development of fusion energy. In its last edition in 2010 it attracted more than 1,200 participants, beating its own record and demonstrating the increasing interest in the field.
As he visited the ITER stand, Prince Philippe expressed a strong interest in the project which was presented to him by ITER Director-General Osamu Motojima and Director of the Energy Directorate at the European Commission Hervé Pero.
ITER, as the spearhead approach to fusion energy, will be once more in the centre of the discussion in Liège. The ITER Director-General will be among the key-note speakers summarizing the status of the project, followed by representatives from various departments reporting on the latest developments in key design issues.
In two special satellite meetings, the ITER vacuum team will present the ITER approach to vacuum quality and standards.
And last but not least, don't miss a visit to us at the ITER stand to watch the latest videos showing the manufacturing progress around the world and, of course, to get your free tokamak doughnut! 
Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT)
24 — 28 September 2012
Palais des Congrès
Esplanade de l'Europe 2
4020 Liège