Institute of Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

All seven Domestic Agencies are now in place and their heads appointed:

China has established the ITER China Office affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). The Office will soon be transformed into the Chinese ITER Domestic Agency, which will have legal responsibility for the implementation of Chinese ITER fusion activities.

The European Domestic Agency "Fusion for Energy" situated in Barcelona, Spain, was formally established in March 2007. In July, Dr. Didier Gambier was appointed as Director. See Fusion for Energy.

The Indian ITER Office has been established at the Institute for Plasma Research in Bhat, Gandhinagar with Predhiman Kaw as Director. See ITER India.

On 24 October 2007 the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) was designated by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as the Japanese Domestic Agency. Toshihide Tsunematsu was appointed as Head of the ITER Domestic Agency. See JAEA.

ITER Korea was established on 31 August 2007 within the National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI). Dr. Guyung-Su Lee was appointed Director-General on 27 September 2007. See ITER Korea.

The US ITER office was the first one to be established in July 2004 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratories with Ned Sauthoff as Director. See US ITER.

In Russia, a special department was established on 31 August 2007 within the Kurchatov Institute. Anatoly Krasilnikov was appointed as Head of the Russian DA. See ITER RF.