Image of the week

How quickly it goes!

There are many challenges in communicating ITER and one is to keep pace (from a visual point of view) with the progress of the Tokamak Building.
Like in a mechanical ballet, workers on elevated platforms are installing the elements of the north wall steel framework. Another four days and it will be completed.
Since this picture was taken, on Thursday 23 January, the lattice being constructed to close up the end of the crane hall structure has almost reached the top; it should be completed by 1 February. A first layer of cladding now covers one side of the structure, and 15 percent of insulation and final cladding is now affixed to the beams. Roofing is nearly half in place, and the rails for the overhead cranes are in position on both sides of the hall.
Next time we train the camera on the crane hall, the view will have changed again. And despite all our efforts, the photograph will probably be a few hours late...