Gyung-Su Lee appointed new president of NFRI Korea

15 Sep 2008 - Sabina Griffith
GS Lee (centre)

GS LeeCongratulations to ITER Korea's Director General Gyung-Su Lee on his recent appointment as President of the National Fusion Research Institute of Korea.

GS Lee studied physics at the Seoul National University, Korea before majoring in plasma physics and fusion at the University of Texas at Austin in the USA. He went on to work as a member of the research staff. at Oak Ridge and then at MIT, before returning to Korea to take up the post of Division Director of the Joint Research Division of the Korea Basic Science Institute. From 1996- 2005 he was the Principal Investigator of the prestigious KSTAR project and became the Director General of ITER Korea in 2007. He is also the current Chairman of the International fusion Research Council of the IAEA.