First edition of ITER Newsline

18 Oct 2006 - Kaname Ikeda, ITER Director-General Nominee
ITER Director-General Nominee Kaname Ikeda

"This is the first edition of the ITER Newsline, a medium to inform the ITER community about the status of the ITER project. The Newsline will report on milestone achievements, personnel announcements, conferences, meetings and upcoming events, and will also be a platform for the Domestic Agencies.

As we all know, communication and public information play a vital role in a project like ITER. I am convinced, and I know that I do not only speak for myself, that throughout its construction and its operation the significance of this project needs to be well understood by the public, and all stakeholders need to be well informed. The ITER Newsline will be published on the web biweekly. In addition, an ITER Newsletter will be published bimonthly, which will provide background news and interviews."