Financial agreement in support of ITER signed by French regional authorities

22 Nov 2006 - Sabina Griffith
The chart of contributions pledged to ITER from local instances, extracted from the public enquiry document "Le dossier du débat public."

On 9 October French local authorities (the PACA Regional Council,plus theCommunauté des Pays d'Aix and six Departmental Councils: Bouches-du—Rhone, Var, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Hautes-Alpes, Vaucluse and Alpes-Maritimes) put their signatures to the financial agreement that confirms their support for ITER to the tune of 467 M Euro. When the contributions of the French State and of the CEA, their partners in this financial agreement, are taken into account, the total reaches 735 M Euro. The financial package is for the actual experiment, schooling, land management, and transport (notably modifications in some parts of the 100km road to take the wide loads from the harbour to the ITER site), but also for a cash contribution to the financing of the Project through the EU.

The Regional Prefect Christian Fremont emphasised at the press conference "if there had not been total unanimity on the part of local government to commit to substantial financial involvement, ITER would not have been sited at Cadarache."