Deep down into the heart of ITER

23 Oct 2009 - Sabina Griffith
STAC in full swing: Principal Deputy Director-General Norbert Holtkamp, Alberto Loarte, STAC Chairman Predhiman Kaw and ITER Director-General Kaname Ikeda.

This week, from Wednesday until Friday, the ITER Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) convened in Cadarache for the seventh time—and there was much at stake. No less than seven major items amongst them the heating systems, the in-vessel coils and the Tritium Plant were reviewed in great detail with special focus on their technical integration. Much time was also spent on discussion on the overall ITER research plan and risk mitigation.

"STAC is highly impressed by the quality and quantity of work completed by the ITER Organization, the Domestic Agencies and their contractors in preparing for the approval of the technical baseline of ITER," said the chairman of the STAC, Predhiman Kaw. "STAC is also pleased to recommend the acceptance of the technical elements of scope of ITER into the technical baseline."