ITPA Integrated Operation Scenarios Topical Group


The scope of the Integrated Operation Scenarios Topical Group is to contribute to establishing operational scenarios in burning plasma experiments, particularly candidate scenarios in ITER. These include standard inductive operation, hybrid operation and steady-state operation. Towards this end, the group shall encourage and coordinate international collaboration on experimental code development and modelling activities. The group shall identify and formulate research priorities for related physics R&D. Based on these activities, the group shall recommend physics guidelines and methodologies for physics and technical design of burning plasma experiments. The group will promote publications and presentations on its activities.


Through experimental, numerical and theoretical studies related to and organized by the Integrated Operation Scenarios Topical Group, the following tasks will be pursued:

  • Develop and establish operation scenarios, especially those foreseen in ITER, with emphasis on:
    • Safe and reliable plasma break-down, current ramp-up, current ramp-down and plasma termination
    • Safe and reliable sustainment of the current flat-top, with identification of operational boundaries and performance
  • Identify and evaluate the capabilities of actuators—heating and current drive, fuelling, particle exhaust, (seed) impurity control and angular momentum injection—for achieving identified scenarios
  • Assess development of integrated plasma control procedures, especially for achieving steady-state operation in ITER and future burning plasmas (e.g., demonstration of burn control) with emphasis on real-time control
  • Evaluate and propose suggestions for plasma development in ITER with emphasis on the consistency between plasma/scenario development program and hardware status for each phase of machine operation
  • Promote integrated modelling activities for ITER scenarios, with emphasis on validating the available scenario modelling codes and exploring the operational boundaries for the proposed scenarios for achieving ITER's goals


Chen Zipeng
Gong Xianzhu
Song Xianming
Xiao Bingjia
Alonso Arturo (Stell. Rep)
Baruzzo Matteo
Hobirk Joerg (Chair)
Kim Hyun-Tae
Mailloux Joelle
Meyer Hendrik
Tsironis Christos
van Berkel Matthijs
Chattopadhyay Asim
Daniel Raju
Sharma Promod
Fujita Takaaki
Hayashi Nobuhiko
Nagasaki Kazunobu
Suzuki Takahiro
Uchida Masaki
Wakatsuki Takuma
Yokoyama Masayuki
Bae Young-Soon
Kim Hyun-seok
Na Yong-Su
Park Byoung-Ho
Wang Sonjong
Khayrutdinov Rustam
Konovalov Sergey
Leonov Vladimir
Garofalo Andrea
Holcomb Christopher
Lin Yijun
Park Jin Myung
Schuster Eugenio (Dep. Chair)
Snipes Joseph
Turco Francesca
De Vries Peter (ITER Dep. Chair)


  • Ascasibar Enrique (EU)
  • Battaglia Devon (US)
  • Bora Dhiraj (IN)
  • Ding Bojiang (CN)
  • Felici Federico (EU)
  • Ferron John (US)
  • Ide Shunsuke (JA)
  • Keeling David (EU)
  • Luce Timothy (IO)
  • Miyata Yoshiaki (JA)
  • Polevoi Alexei (IO)
  • Rapson Chris (EU)
  • Shiraiwa Syunichi (US)
  • Stober Joerg (EU)
  • Bock Alexander (EU)
  • Bonoli Paul (US)
  • Colas Laurent (EU)
  • Garcia Jeronimo (EU)
  • Giruzzi Gerardo (EU)
  • Harting Derek (EU)
  • Joffrin Emmanuel (EU)
  • Mattei Massimiliano (EU)
  • Moreau Didier (EU)
  • Saibene Gabriella (EU)
  • Tuccillo Angelo (EU)
  • Wallace Greg (US)
  • Zabeo Luca (IO)
  • Bobkov Vladimir (EU)
  • Cavinato Mario (EU)
  • Goniche Marc (EU)
  • Hager Robert (US)
  • Jacquet Philippe (EU)
  • Kessel Charles (US)
  • Kim Sunhee (IO)
  • Koechl Florian (EU)
  • Mantsinen Mervi (EU)
  • Nunes Isabel (EU)
  • Sakamoto Yoshiteru (JA)
  • Schneider Mireille (IO)
  • Voitsekhovitch Irina (EU)
  • Challis Clive (EU)
  • Hanada Kazuaki (JA)
  • Henderson Mark (IO)
  • Lennholm Morten (EU)
  • Litaudon Xavier (EU)
  • Menghini Orso (US)
  • Oosterbeek Johan (EU)
  • Pinches Simon (IO)
  • Poli Francesca (US)
  • Putterich Thomas (EU)
  • Qian Jinping (CN)
  • Sinha Joyeeta (IO)
  • Sips George (EU)