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On Friday 3 November, ITER Director-General Pietro Barabaschi took part in a panel discussion on nuclear fusion organized as part of the Berlin Science Week.
Moderated by Sakura Pascarelli (Scientific Director, European XFEL), "Nuclear fusion for a decarbonized future" featured:
— Pietro Barabaschi, Director-General, ITER Organization (keynote) — Masaya Hanada, Director General, Naka Fusion Institute Japan — Steven Cowley, Director, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA — Piergiorgio Sonato, President, RFX Consortium, Italy — Hartmut Zohm, Head of Tokamak Division, MPI-IPP, Germany
After describing project status, Director-General Barabaschi commented on how ITER is contributing to the world fusion research program. "Fusion is an innovation program ... it's not just one project. [...] We see now a renaissance of fusion around the world. A lot of private investment interest, a lot of companies, a lot of opportunities for young people. [...] A lot of new ideas will come up and I believe that ITER can provide some support. [...] Others may learn from what we are doing; it's part of our job I believe."
You can watch a replay of the public event at this address.