First concrete poured
24 Sep 2010
Taiger Murphy, Civil Engineering Technician
The columns for the Poloidal Field Coil Winding Facility are rising out the ground in the foreground, while the Tokamak Pit is taking shape in the background.
This week, construction activities on the ITER site included work in five major areas:
- Tokamak Complex excavation and support structure:
There is ongoing rock blasting and excavation is continuing in the area of the future Tokamak Complex. - Poloidal field coil fabrication building:
The first major concrete slab pour has taken place at the east end of the building. In tandem, continuing activities are progressing westwards along the building, including work on the column footing installation, concrete column reinforcement and cast-in-place concrete placement is continuing for the above-ground structure of the Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility - Permanent ITER Headquarters ('Annex Buildings'):
Preparations for the beginning of foundation work are continuing for the future permanent ITER Headquarters. Ground preparation concrete is being poured. - Site infrastructure:
Permanent buried cable for communications installation continues between the Technical Building B07 and the Contractors Area No. 1.