German Consulate General visits ITER
17 Dec 2010
Sabina Griffith
Despite the weather conditions, the German Consulate General, Irene Hinrichsen, did not decline the invitation to the construction site.
This Wednesday, Irene Hinrichsen, the new German Consulate General based in Marseille, came to visit ITER. With her, came a delegation from industry lead by Kurt-Dieter Grill and Kurt Ebbinghaus from the German ITER Industry Forum (DIIF). After an in-depth discussion with ITER Director-General Osamu Motojima, the Consulate casually exchanged with the 26 German members of the ITER staff.
Despite the freezing temperatures that day, Mrs. Hinrichsen did not decline the invitation to the construction site where Jean-Michel Bottereau from the Agence ITER France explained the latest developments.