Image of the week

First European coil in tooling

Delivered in April 2020, TF9 from Europe (right) was the first D-shaped magnet to reach the ITER site. Two years later on 25 April 2022, it was attached to the right wing of sector sub-assembly tool #1 (SSAT-1) to be part of the second sector module due for installation in the assembly pit.

The D-shaped coil that is presently attached to the right wing of sub-assembly tool #1 (SSAT-1) was the first to be delivered to ITER in April 2020. Manufactured by Europe in Italy, toroidal field coil #9 (TF9) inaugurated the regular series of arrivals from Europe and Japan that has brought to 12 the total number of toroidal field coils presently on site... with a 13th (TF17, also from Europe) expected at the end of the week.

On 25 April, the 337-tonne TF9 was lifted, upended and installed into SSAT-1. Together with vacuum vessel sector #1(7) from Korea, toroidal field coil #8 from Japan and the corresponding thermal shield segments (also from Korea), TF9 will be part of the second sector module to be installed in the assembly pit.