Fusion enters Europe's energy roadmap

The European Commission this month presented its proposals for a new energy strategy for the next decade. In "Brussels jargon" this is known as the Energy Action Plan. Its key message is easy to remember: 20-20-20. The Energy Action Plan states that by 2020, renewable sources must contribute 20 percent to our energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 20 percent, and energy efficiency gains must deliver a 20 percent reduction in energy consumption.
For the first time ever, fusion energy is mentioned in the European energy roadmap: "Given the renewed interest in this form of (nuclear energy) generation in Europe and worldwide, research must be pursued on radioactive waste management technologies and their safe implementation, as well as preparing the longer term future through development of next generation fission systems, for increased sustainability and cogeneration of heat and electricity, and nuclear fusion (ITER)," it says in the report. "The Commission will ensure effective governance (including cost containment) and industrial value creation from ITER and the European fusion program. The Commission will develop an EU research program for energy materials, allowing the EU energy sector to stay competitive despite dwindling rare-earth resources."