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  • Fusion supply chain | A glimpse into the future for commercial fusion reactors

    Most of the USD 7 billion in investment in private fusion initiatives has gone to companies that are building devices from the ground up. But recently, another [...]

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  • Outreach | ITER @ October science festivals

    Every October, before schools pause for two weeks of holiday, towns and cities in France open their municipal spaces to scientific experts of all stripes who ar [...]

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  • Image of the Week | Sector 5 is on its way

    The first vacuum vessel sector produced in Europe travelled last week between Monfalcone, Italy, and the French port of Fos-sur-Mer. The 440-tonne component had [...]

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  • Anniversary | ITER Document Management system turns 20

    Whatever its nature, every large project generates huge numbers of documents. And when project collaborators operate from different countries, as was the case f [...]

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  • Fusion world | Latvia mints a fusion-themed coin

    Last week, ITER Plant Installation Program Manager Bertrand Roques brought back a small but highly symbolic contribution to the ITER budget from a colloqui [...]

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Of Interest

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Image of the week

ITER Director-General visits Russia

The ITER Director-General was in Russia last week, meeting with stakeholders and holding technical meetings with colleagues in Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachev (second from right) received the ITER Director-General in Moscow on 8 October. (Click to view larger version...)
Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachev (second from right) received the ITER Director-General in Moscow on 8 October.
As Director-General of the ITER Organization, Pietro Barabaschi has the occasion to meet with representatives of the ITER Members on site, for example during biannual ITER Council meetings, but also travels abroad to make sure he is available to stakeholders to answer questions directly about the status of the project.

Last week he was in Russia, where he visited with Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom on 8 October, and his team. They discussed the progress of the international efforts to construct the ITER project, focusing specifically on Russia's commitments to manufacturing and delivering equipment. The press conference that followed the meeting was widely covered on Russian TV.

The Global Energy Association promotes research and innovation in the field of energy. On 10 October, Association president Sergey Brilev recorded a 15-minute interview with ITER Director-General Barabaschi. (Click to view larger version...)
The Global Energy Association promotes research and innovation in the field of energy. On 10 October, Association president Sergey Brilev recorded a 15-minute interview with ITER Director-General Barabaschi.
Mr Barabaschi also visited some of the institutes closely involved with procurement and manufacturing for ITER—the Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus (JSC "NIIEFA"), the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute (FTI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, and the Troitsk Laboratory Complex.

Finally, he sat down for an interview on the history and future of the ITER project with Sergey Brilev, president of The Global Energy Association—an association that supports research and innovation in the field of energy and promotes energy cooperation. You can watch the full interview here.

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