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  • Safety Day 2024 | "We are all accountable"

    In 2023, 1,000 workdays were lost to accidents and injuries on the ITER site. This is considerably less than the average in European countries but approxim [...]

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  • Fusion world | Ride 4 Fusion arrives at ITER

    It was a photo finish last Thursday 19 September. After 900 km and 10,000 metres of climbing, the Ride 4 Fusion team that had started in Padua ten days earlier [...]

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  • Thermal shields panels | All that glitters is not silver

    The ITER superconducting magnets, which operate at the ultra-cold temperature of 4 K (minus 269 °C), must be protected from any type of heat transfer. Several c [...]

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  • Divertor manufacturing | Japan qualifies outer vertical target

    A four-year program to manufacture and test a full-scale prototype of the divertor outer vertical target has successfully come to an end in Japan, as manufactur [...]

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  • SOFT 2024 conference | "100,000 welcomes" for participants

    The 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024) opened on Monday 23 September in Gaelic. Dublin City University Vice President for Academic Affairs, Lisa Lo [...]

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Images of the Week

Strengthening cooperation with China

ITER Director-General Pietro Barabaschi made a diplomatic trip to China last week to represent the ITER Project at multiple high-level meetings.

ITER Director-General Pietro Barabaschi, during a meeting with China's Minister of Science and Technology YIN Hejun. Photo: MOST (Click to view larger version...)
ITER Director-General Pietro Barabaschi, during a meeting with China's Minister of Science and Technology YIN Hejun. Photo: MOST
On Thursday 5 September, Director-General Barabaschi met with the Chinese Minister of Science and Technology YIN Hejun at the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in Beijing. In addition to updates on the ITER Project and proposed Baseline, they evoked the importance of ITER to the goal of developing nuclear fusion, the long-term collaboration with China within the framework of ITER, and the ways bilateral scientific and technological exchanges might be deepened. 

A visit to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), a long-time collaborator to the ITER Project. Photo: CAS (Click to view larger version...)
A visit to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), a long-time collaborator to the ITER Project. Photo: CAS
Director-General Barabaschi's trip also took him to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) where, accompanied by ITER Deputy Director-General (Corporate) LUO Delong, he met with Vice President CHANG Jin and staff members. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has been highly implicated in research, development and procurement for ITER. Its Institute of Plasma Physics is home to the EAST tokamak; it is also building the Comprehensive Research Facility for Fusion Technology (CRAFT) a platform for developing and testing fusion reactor key components. Discussions centred on current and future collaboration in the fields of cutting-edge physics and new technology, and on the development of fusion talent.

A large delegation welcomed Director-General Barabaschi and Deputy Director-General LUO Delong (sixth from right) at the China National Nuclear Corporation. Photo: CNNC (Click to view larger version...)
A large delegation welcomed Director-General Barabaschi and Deputy Director-General LUO Delong (sixth from right) at the China National Nuclear Corporation. Photo: CNNC
Discussions on expanding collaboration continued at the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), where Pietro Barabaschi and LUO Delong met with General Manager SHEN Yanfeng, ITER China Director WANG Min, staff and industrial contractors.

See related press releases (in Chinese) from MOST , CAS, and CNNC.

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