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  • Image of the Week | Hard work deserves an outdoor buffet

    A start-of-summer event was held on Friday 21 June for the ITER community—an occasion to celebrate the everyday commitment of staff and contractors alike, acros [...]

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  • Poloidal field coils | Reflecting on a unique industrial achievement

    They had worked together for 10 years. And on Thursday 20 June, they gathered one last time to reflect on what they had accomplished. Director-General Pietro Ba [...]

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  • 34th ITER Council | Updated baseline presented

    Nearly 100 people met for two days last week for the 34th Meeting of the ITER Council. The meeting was an important one, as the ITER Organization and the D [...]

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  • Cryopumps | First unit reaches ITER

    The ITER vacuum team, the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, Research Instruments (RI), and the ITER Director-General were all excited to welcome the d [...]

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  • Tritium Plant Summit | A shared vision to prepare for delivery

    A summit organized at ITER Headquarters from 3 to 6 June brought together the international teams that will deliver the sub-systems of the ITER Tritium Plant. I [...]

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Of Interest

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Image of the week

ITER Robots goes international

Thinking outside the box, teamwork and ingenuity are the ingredients that make for a successful robotics engineer—all qualities that are cultivated by participating in the annual ITER Robots competition.

The competition brought together 620 attendees, including children from four primary schools and remote participants from the Lycée Français of Los Angeles. (Click to view larger version...)
The competition brought together 620 attendees, including children from four primary schools and remote participants from the Lycée Français of Los Angeles.
The 13th ITER Robots competition took place on 4 June 2024 in Vitrolles, France. The annual event—which challenges students up to the age of 18 with designing miniature robots to execute ITER-like remote handling tasks—brought together 620 attendees, including students, teachers, organizers, and companies. For first time, the event welcomed four primary schools as well as a team from the Lycée français of Los Angeles participating virtually from California. The teams competed in events designed around robotics, communication, and general cultural knowledge. They also took part in various games and activities at the 32 stands present throughout the day.

Organized by Agence Iter France in partnership with Académie d'Aix-Marseille, ITER Organization and the French CEA, the ITER Robots competition has been held annually since 2012. © CEA-AIF (Click to view larger version...)
Organized by Agence Iter France in partnership with Académie d'Aix-Marseille, ITER Organization and the French CEA, the ITER Robots competition has been held annually since 2012. © CEA-AIF
The ITER Robots competition, held annually since 2012, is organized by Agence Iter France in partnership with Académie d'Aix-Marseille, ITER Organization and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

See some scenes from the day in this video published by Agence Iter France.

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