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Of six ring-shaped coils required for the ITER Tokamak, poloidal field coil #6 (PF6) is the heaviest (400 tonnes) and the second smallest, with a diameter of 10 metres.

Manufactured in China under Europe's responsibility, the coil was delivered to ITER in June 2020 and cold tested on site during the summer. (Click to view larger version...)
Manufactured in China under Europe's responsibility, the coil was delivered to ITER in June 2020 and cold tested on site during the summer.
On Friday 26 March, the massive component was moved into the Assembly Hall where it will remain for a few weeks, before being lowered into the assembly pit. The coil will be placed on temporary supports at the bottom of the pit until completion of the vacuum vessel assembly, and then moved to its permanent position at the bottom of the machine.

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