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News & Media

Latest ITER Newsline

  • Image of the Week | Hard work deserves an outdoor buffet

    A start-of-summer event was held on Friday 21 June for the ITER community—an occasion to celebrate the everyday commitment of staff and contractors alike, acros [...]

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  • Poloidal field coils | Reflecting on a unique industrial achievement

    They had worked together for 10 years. And on Thursday 20 June, they gathered one last time to reflect on what they had accomplished. Director-General Pietro Ba [...]

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  • 34th ITER Council | Updated baseline presented

    Nearly 100 people met for two days last week for the 34th Meeting of the ITER Council. The meeting was an important one, as the ITER Organization and the D [...]

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  • Cryopumps | First unit reaches ITER

    The ITER vacuum team, the European Domestic Agency Fusion for Energy, Research Instruments (RI), and the ITER Director-General were all excited to welcome the d [...]

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  • Tritium Plant Summit | A shared vision to prepare for delivery

    A summit organized at ITER Headquarters from 3 to 6 June brought together the international teams that will deliver the sub-systems of the ITER Tritium Plant. I [...]

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Of Interest

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Now you can join the quest

Curiosity is a universal human trait. Scientific advancement is a globally shared endeavour. The race to harness fusion energy is also a global quest, and the success of the ITER Project stands to benefit future generations across human society. To expand the opportunity for people to get involved in ITER Project, we at ITER—like CERN, the World Academy of Sciences, and many other science research organizations before us—have decided to open the door for donations and sponsorships.

Following in the footsteps of other large science research organizations, the ITER Organization has set into place a sponsoring and donations policy that allows members of the public to share in the ITER adventure. (Click to view larger version...)
Following in the footsteps of other large science research organizations, the ITER Organization has set into place a sponsoring and donations policy that allows members of the public to share in the ITER adventure.
The governments of ITER Member countries provide the funding for constructing the ITER machine and fabricating its more than one million components. So we cannot offer you the chance to manufacture a superconductor magnet or colossal vacuum pump or to design a precisely shaped tile of the plasma-facing Tokamak wall.

But there are many other aspects of the ITER mission where your donations will make a meaningful difference. Donating to ITER will enhance our outreach capabilities, to inspire more people with the ITER quest for endless energy. It will support our educational programs, to bring innovative team projects like ITER Robots to more schoolchildren, and to create classroom modules and curricula at all levels to stimulate the next generation of plasma physicists and tokamak engineers from around the world. Or perhaps you have a specific idea about how you would like your donation to be used. Tell us. We'll listen.

Many individuals of all types—Newsline readers, educators, scientists, everyday citizens—have written to us over the years asking whether they could donate. With a new donations and sponsoring policy in place, the answer is now yes. As of today, you can make a donation to the ITER Project on our donations page and become an active partner in our quest to deliver this new clean source of energy to the world.

ITER is an unprecedented endeavour, with high stakes for all of humanity. By its nature, it should be a shared adventure. We invite you to join the ITER team.

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