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  • Safety Day 2024 | "We are all accountable"

    In 2023, 1,000 workdays were lost to accidents and injuries on the ITER site. This is considerably less than the average in European countries but approxim [...]

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  • Fusion world | Ride 4 Fusion arrives at ITER

    It was a photo finish last Thursday 19 September. After 900 km and 10,000 metres of climbing, the Ride 4 Fusion team that had started in Padua ten days earlier [...]

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  • Thermal shields panels | All that glitters is not silver

    The ITER superconducting magnets, which operate at the ultra-cold temperature of 4 K (minus 269 °C), must be protected from any type of heat transfer. Several c [...]

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  • Divertor manufacturing | Japan qualifies outer vertical target

    A four-year program to manufacture and test a full-scale prototype of the divertor outer vertical target has successfully come to an end in Japan, as manufactur [...]

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  • SOFT 2024 conference | "100,000 welcomes" for participants

    The 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024) opened on Monday 23 September in Gaelic. Dublin City University Vice President for Academic Affairs, Lisa Lo [...]

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Of Interest

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As big (and heavy) as a whale

It was pouring when the two 35-metre-long quench tanks were delivered to the ITER site at 2:12 a.m. on Thursday 24 November. And it was still raining heavily on the following afternoon when the huge components were lifted from their trailers and placed in storage on "elephant legs."

But rain or shine, components must be delivered. Despite the adverse climatic conditions—with strong winds and a storm brewing—the two-tank convoy travelled the last leg of its journey without incident.

Manufactured by the Czech subcontractor (Chart Ferox) of Air Liquide, under contract with the European Domestic Agency for the procurement of the ITER liquid nitrogen plant and auxiliary systems, the quench tanks are an essential part of the ITER cryoplant.  In case of a "quench"—the sudden loss of coil superconductivity—they will collect and store the helium that is expelled from the tokamak's magnetic system.

More information on the European Domestic Agency Energy website.

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