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  • Fusion world | Innovative approaches and how ITER can help

    More than 30 private fusion companies from around the world attended ITER's inaugural Private Sector Fusion Workshop in May 2024. Four of them participated in a [...]

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  • Robert Aymar (1936-2024) | A vision turned into reality

    Robert Aymar, who played a key role in the development of fusion research in France and worldwide, and who headed the ITER project for 10 years (1993-2003) befo [...]

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  • The ITER community | United in a common goal

    Gathered on the ITER platform for a group photo (the first one since 2019, in pre-Covid times) the crowd looks impressive. Although several hundred strong, it r [...]

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  • Vacuum vessel | Europe completes first of five sectors

    The ITER assembly teams are gearing up to receive a 440-tonne machine component shipped from Italy—sector #5, the first of five vacuum vessel sectors expected f [...]

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  • SOFT 2024 | Dublin conference highlights progress and outstanding challenges

    Nestled in the residential suburb of Glasnevin, Dublin City University is a fairly young academic institution. When it opened its doors in 1980 it had just 200 [...]

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Of Interest

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A safety policy and management system for the years to come

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Every working community must concern itself with safety, quality, security, occupational health and—more and more so—with environmental issues. The specific nature of nuclear activities makes this demand even more imperative: errors and approximations are not allowed in our trade.

With respect to these issues, Article 14 of the ITER Agreement states that the ITER Organization "shall observe applicable national laws and regulations of the Host state in the fields of public and occupational health and safety, nuclear safety, radiation protection, licensing, nuclear substances, environmental protection and protection from acts of malevolence."

Last October, the Director-General approved a top-level Integrated Safety, Quality and Security Management Policy summarizing the ITER Organization's commitment to the observance of this very important Article.

This policy will be our guideline for the years to come. To that end, we have devised and formalized an integrated management system to make sure that the policy is applied at every level of our Organization's activities, and that performance, in regard to these objectives, keeps improving over time.

The policy is the starting point for every part of the integrated management system: it is the reference document for the definition of individual accountability as well as for the definition of procedures that all employees shall take into account in their daily activities for consistent prevention of all work-related injuries, accidents and pollution.
That said, the challenge of safety, quality, security, occupational health and environmental protection reaches far beyond the mere observance of a set of laws and regulations, however detailed and stringent. It must become a matter of personal commitment and duty for each and every one of us.
Whether we belong to ITER or to a Domestic Agency; whether we are a supplier or a contractor, we are all active members of the ITER nuclear installation. It is our common duty, hence, to make sure that this policy cascades down to all levels of our supplier chain.

As of 1 July 2013, the new version of the French government's Quality Order (Arrêté du 7 février 2012 fixant les règles générales relatives aux installations nucléaires de base) will be applicable: this includes a clear requirement to implement an integrated safety policy and management system that, beyond nuclear safety, encompasses fields that were not previously included in its scope, such as occupational safety and health, environment and security.

By integrating all these aspects this is precisely what the new ITER policy does, well ahead of the French government's deadline.

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