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US ITER unveils new exhibit at AAAS conference

US ITER proudly presents: the new exhibition display. (Click to view larger version...)
US ITER proudly presents: the new exhibition display.
The US ITER Project Office (USIPO) exhibited a new display at the recent annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Vancouver, Canada. The theme of the annual conference was "Flattening the World, Building a Global Knowledge Society." Thousands of scientists, science advocates, journalists, families, and students participated in the conference and viewed the exhibits.

The USIPO display featured enhanced digital capability, including plasma simulations in "port" windows, an electronic test-your-fusion-knowledge game, a small hands-on tokamak model, a touch screen for scrolling through project information and photos, and a new video highlighting the most recent US ITER progress and industry contributions. The exhibit was very popular with conference visitors, and offered an array of information on fusion energy, ITER progress, and US contributions to the project.

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