Implementing the Project Board
- Assisting the Director-General in his decision-making in the execution of his/her duties as defined in the ITER Agreement;
- Facilitating the implementation of policies and measures decided by the Director-General;
- Contributing to the disclosure of information on the design and construction of ITER.
The Project Board is chaired by me and I decide on its members. Currently six Deputy Director-Generals are the core members. When a member is absent, alternates may be invited, after consultation, to attend the meeting if deemed appropriate by the agenda items. I may also decide to invite specific staff on an ad hoc basis to attend the Project Board meeting if so required by the agenda items. When a restricted session of the Project Board is deemed necessary, the participants will be limited to the Members and the presenter of the agenda item. The Chair of the Staff Committee may be invited to present the Staff Committee's views on specific issues on the agenda of the Project Board when such issues may affect the conditions of staff.
Unless otherwise decided by the Chair, Project Board meetings shall take place preferably on every Tuesday beginning at 10:00 am, and lasting between one and two hours, depending on the agenda items.