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ITER International School

ITER International School

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The ITER International School is organized regularly with the goal of giving young scientists and engineers a taste of the stimulating, multi-disciplinary and challenging field that is nuclear fusion.

Organized for five days around a specific theme, the School offers lectures by leading specialists from research organizations within the ITER Members and from the ITER Organization, stimulating discussion sessions, and the opportunity for students to publicize their own research through poster presentations.

The School is jointly hosted and organized by the Aix-Marseille University and the ITER Organization and alternates between Aix-en-Provence, France, and sites within the ITER Members. There have been 12 editions since 2007 dealing with a wide range of physics and technological issues essential to ITER's success.

The 13th ITER International School will be hosted in Nagoya, Japan, from 9 to 13 December 2024 on the topic of "Magnetic Fusion Diagnostics and Data Science." See this page for all information. Download the 2024 School poster below.

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Click on the links below for access to presentations from past editions of the ITER International School.

Introduction to energetic particle physics
W.W. Heidbrink, UC Irvine
Sources of energetic particles in fusion plasmas
Lars-Göran Eriksson, Chalmers University of Technology
Energetic-particle-driven instabilities: Linear physics near the threshold
S.E. Sharapov, UKAEA
Energetic particle diagnostics
Mirko Salewski, Technical University of Denmark
Control of energetic-particle-related instabilities in burning plasma
S.E. Sharapov, UKAEA
Introduction to ITER
Alberto Loarte, ITER Organization
Modelling ITER heating and current drive systems
Mireille Schneider, ITER Organization
Overview of ITER's energetic particle diagnostics
Evgeny Veshchev, ITER Organization
Diagnostics associated with redistribution of confined energetic particles and the causes
M.A. Van Zeeland, General Atomics
Kinetic-MHD hybrid simulations of energetic-particle-driven instabilities
Yasushi Todo, National Institute for Fusion Science
Experimental observations of MHD-induced energetic particle transport and loss
Eric Fredrickson, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Diagnosing the loss of energetic particles and causes
M. Garcia-Munoz, University of Seville
Energetic particle instabilities: Non-linear wave-particle interactions and consequences
M. Lesur, Institut Jean Lamour
Reduced models of energetic particle transport for scenario modelling
M. Podestà, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Modelling of transport and loss of energetic particles due to (low-frequency modes and) 3D fields
A. Snicker, FinnFusion
Physics of observations of runaway electrons
R. Granetz, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Modelling runaway electrons
Tünde Fülöp, Chalmers University of Technology
IIS 2022 organizers (U.S. Burning Plasma Organization, the ITER Organization, UC San Diego, General Atomics)
Welcome to IIS2022, the 11th ITER International School on ITER Plasma Scenarios and Control
Charles Greenfield, General Atomics
Introduction to UC San Diego
Dmitri Orlov, UC San Diego
DIII-D Scenario Development and Control Research
Chris Holcomb, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Introduction to the ITER Project (and its Scenario Development and Plasma Control)
Peter de Vries, ITER Organization
Introduction to Tokamak Operation Scenarios and Development Considerations
Hartmut Zohm, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
Introduction to the Science of Control
Michael Walker, General Atomics
Control Simulation
Wolfgang Treutterer, Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics
Magnetic Equilibrium and Instability Control
Gianmaria de Tommasi, University of Naples
First Wall Heat Load Control, ELM and Divertor, Detachment Control
David Eldon, General Atomics
High Reliability Operation and Disruption Control in Tokamaks
David Humphreys, General Atomics
Database Control
Egemen Koleman, Princeton University
Core Kinetic & Magnetic Control in Tokamak Reactors: Burn Control, Profile Control, Core-Edge Integration
Eugenio Schuster, Lehigh University
Actuators and Sensors for Tokamak Control
George Sips, General Atomics
Control Integration
Federico Felici, Swiss Plasma Center
Scenario Development Constraints (Operation Limits, Control Constraints)
Indranil Bandyopadhyay, ITER India
Integrated Operation Scenarios
Francesca Poli, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
ITER Pre-Fusion Power Operation (PFPO) Phase Scenarios
Sun-Hee Kim, ITER Organization
ITER Baseline Scenario — Q=10 Operation
Francesca Turco, Columbia University
Preparation and Execution of Deuterium-Tritium Experiments in JET with the ITER-Like Wall
Joelle Mailloux, UKAEA
Alternate Tokamak Operation Scenarios
Yong-Su Na, Seoul National University
Long-Pulse Tokamak Operations
Sang-Hee Hahn, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy
IIS 2019 organizers (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Introduction to ITER
Alberto Loarte and Richard Pitts, ITER Organization
KSTAR to resolve critical issues for ITER and DEMO
Si-Woo Yoon, NFRI Korea
Korean contributions to ITER
Hyeon Gon Lee, ITER Korea and NFRI
Overview of the K-DEMO program
Y.S. Hwang, Seoul National University (Korea)
Basic fusion boundary plasma physics
D. Reiter, Jülich Forschungszentrum (Germany)
Introduction to H-mode plasmas: L-H transition, pedestal, ELMs
Ahmed Diallo, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Power exhaust in ITER I: First wall
Richard Pitts, ITER Organization
Power exhaust in ITER II: Divertor
Richard Pitts, ITER Organization
Physics of divertor power exhaust beyond ITER
Hartmut Zohm, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
ELM-crash suppression using 3D magnetic fields
Yongkyoon In, UNIST and NFRI (Korea)
Active control of ELMs and small ELM/ELM-less regimes
M.E. Fenstermacher, LLNL @ DIII-D (US)
Power (and particle) fluxes during ELM-controlled scenarios and extrapolation towards ITER
Oliver Schmitz, University of Wisconsin-Madison (US)
ITER plasma-facing components
Mario Merola, ITER Organization
Shape design of plasma-facing components for stationary and transient power fluxes
J.P. Gunn, CEA IRFM (France)
Technology and manufacturing of plasma-facing components
K. Ezato, Japan Domestic Agency QST
Plasma-facing components beyond ITER - solid materials
F. Maviglia, EUROfusion
Plasma-facing components: Beyond ITER - liquid materials
Daniel Andruczyk, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (US)
IIS 2017 organizers (Aix-Marseille University, France)
Introduction to disruptions
Eric Nardon, CEA Cadarache (France)
Disruption research on Alcator C-Mod
Robert Granetz, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center (US)
Ideal MHD stability theory and tokamak operational limits
Peter Beyer, Aix-Marseille University (France)
Resistive MHD stability theory
Olivier Agullo, Aix-Marseille University (France)
Simulation of runaway electrons with MHD modes
Masatoshi Yagi, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Sciences, QST (Japan)
Tokamak disruptions from an experimental and theoretical perspective
Roberto Paccagnella, Consorzio RFX and CNR (Italy)
Disruption physics studies at JET
Stefan Jachmich, EUROfusion (UK)
Locked mode disruptions: stability, dynamics, control
Francesco Volpe, Columbia University (US)
Development and application of disruption predictors for real-time detection
Jesus Vega, EUROfusion (UK)
Disruption Mitigation Studies on DIII-D
Daisuke Shiraki, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US)
IIS 2015 organizers (School of Nuclear Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of China, SNST-USTC)
Status of the ITER Project
Alberto Loarte, ITER Organization
China's magnetic confinement fusion program and CFETR
Jiangang Li, ASIPP (China)
ITER and pedestal physics
Alberto Loarte, ITER Organization
Scrape-off-layer (SOL) and pedestal physics
V. Naulin, DTU Technical University (Denmark)
Pulsed heat load effects on plasma-facing materials
Y. Ueda, Osaka University (Japan)
Instabilities, turbulence and transport
Jiaqi Dong, Southwestern Institute of Physics (China)
Physics of the H-mode pedestal and the EPED model
Philip B. Snyder, General Atomics (US)
Progress towards a predictive model of the L-H transition
Gary M. Staebler, General Atomics (US)
Experimental studies of low-intermediate-high confinement transition
J. Cheng, Southwestern Institute of Physics (China)
Effect of low-Z impurities on H-mode pedestal structure, performance and ELMs
Rajesh Maingi, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
The challenge of edge-localized-mode control in tokamaks with helical magnetic fields
R. Nazikian, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak edge plasma
C.S. Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Physical processes in the tokamak edge/pedestal
B. Scott, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Edge radial electric field formation after the L-H transition
K. Kamiya, JAEA (Japan)
Microtearing modes in core and edge of tokamaks and their possible role in plasma transport
R. Ganesh, Institute for Plasma Research (India)
Collisional transport in tokamak geometry
Michele Romanelli, EUROfusion
Gyrofluid and gyrokinetic approaches for multi-scale turbulence simulation in tokamak plasmas
Jiquan Li, Kyoto University (Japan)
Introduction to gyrokinetic variational principles
Joshua W. Burby
IIS 2014 organizers (Aix-Marseille University, France)
Nonlinear modelling of fast ion driven instabilities in fusion plasmas
S. Pinches, ITER Organization
Monte Carlo implementation of a guiding center Fokker-Planck kinetic equation
Taina Kurki-Suonio, Aalto University (Finland)
Plasma physics vis Vlasov simulations
Francesco Califano, University of Pisa (Italy)
Introduction to gyrokinetic theory and simulations
Greg Hammett, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Numerical methods used in fusion science numerical modelling
Masatoshi Yagi, Rokkasho Fusion Institute (JAEA Japan)
Plasma simulations in the tokamak scrape-off layer
Paolo Ricci, Center for Research in Plasma Physics, EPFL (Switzerland)
Computational methods for plasma fluid equations
Guillaume Fuhr, Aix-Marseille University (France)
Wavelet transforms and their applications for ITER
Marie Farge, Ecole Normale Supériere (France)
Numerical methods for the gyrokinetic (GK) Vlasov equation
Eric Sonnendrücker, Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Introduction to particle-in-cell gyrokinetic simulations
A. Bottino, Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Integrated tokamak modelling: current status and future direction for ITER operation
Xavier Litaudon, CEA-IRFM (France)
Integrated modelling and simulation of toroidal plasmas
Atsushi Fukuyama, Kyoto University (Japan)
Simulation as a tool to improve wave heating in fusion plasmas: reality or dream?
S. Heuraux, University of Lorraine (France)
Immersed boundary methods for numerical simulation of confined fluid and plasma turbulence in complex geometries
Kai Schneider, Aix-Marseille University (France)
Harnessing clusters of hybrid nodes with a sequential task-based programming model
Emmanuel Agullo, INRIA (France)
Task-based linear solvers for modern architectures
P. Ramet, INRIA (France)
Electromagnetic gyrokinetic simulation of turbulence in torus plasmas
A. Ishizawa, National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)
Exascale needs and bottlenecks for semi-lagrangian gyrokinetic simulations of turbulence in tokamak plasmas - GYSELA code
V. Grandgirard, IRFM-CEA (France)
Kinetic simulations of neoclassical transport in tokamak plasmas
E.A. Belli, General Atomics (US)
MHD simulations for ITER
G. Huijsmans, ITER Organization
Seventh ITER International Summer School (2014). Special Issue of Journal of Plasma Physics , vol. 81, no. 2, 2015
IIS 2012 organizers (Institute of Plasma Research India)
Radio-frequency heating and current drive in ITER: challenges and needs
D.J. Campbell, ITER Organization
Methods of redio-frequency current drive
Nathaniel J. Fisch, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Fully non-inductive scenarios: FAST case modelling
Giuseppe Calabrò, ENEA (Italy)
Physics of Landau and cyclotron resonances: current generation and free energy extraction I and II
Jean-Marcel Rax, Ecole Polytechnique (France)
Numerical simulations of the radio-frequency-driven toroidal current in tokamaks
Yves Peysson, CEA-IRFM (France)
Physics and applications of electron cyclotron heating and current drive
R. Prater, General Atomics (US)
Experiments on radio-frequency heating and current drive
Ryuhei Kumazawa, National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)
Electron cyclotron heating and current drive technology
Keishi Sakamoto, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Self-consistent simulations of ICRH in tokamaks and stellarators
W.A. Cooper, Center for Research in Plasma Physics, EPFL (Switzerland)
Kinetic integrated modelling of heating and current drive in tokamaks
A. Fukuyama, Kyoto University (Japan)
Physics and technology of lower hybrid current drive in tokamaks
Tuong Hoang, CEA-IRFM (France)
Lagrangian and geometrical methods in the fundamental physics of waves and their application to plasma dynamics
I.Y Dodin, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Physics and experimental results of KSTAR electron cyclotron resonance heating
Young-soon Bae, National Fusion Research Institute (Korea)
The physics and technology of radio-frequency heating and current drive in fusion plasmas
J.M. Noterdaeme, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Advances in lower hybrid current drive for the SST1 tokamak
P.K. Sharma, Institute for Plasma Research (India)
Some unsolved challenges in radio-frequency current drive
Nathaniel J. Fisch, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Electron Bernstein waves in magnetic fusion
Martin O'Brien, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (UK)
Ion cyclotron power source system for ITER - Indian in-kind contribution
A. Mukherjee, ITER India
Electron cyclotron power source system for ITER - Indian in-kind contribution
S.L. Rao, ITER India
High-power radio-frequency systems for heating on the Aditya and SST-1 tokamaks
S.V. Kulkarni, Institute for Plasma Research (India)
Electron cyclotron resonance heating systems in SST-1 and Aditya
B.K. Shukla, Institute for Plasma Research (India)
Sixth ITER International Summer School (2012). Special Issue Fusion Science and Technology vol. 65, no. 1, 2014
IIS 2011 organizers (Aix-Marseille University, France)
Toroidal Alfvén eigenmode: existence and implications
James W. Van Dam, University of Texas at Austin (US)
Overview on nonlinear kinetic instability
H.L. Berk, University of Texas at Austin (US)
Excitation of Alfvenic modes: highlights and future directions in theory-experiment comparison
R. Nazikian, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Mode particle resonance in toroidal fusion devices
Roscoe White, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Energetic particle modes: from bump on tail to tokamak
M.K. Lilley, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
Development of diagnostics for fusion alpha particles in deuterium-tritium experiments
V.G. Kiptily, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (UK)
Physics of energetic particles in ITER
S. Putvinski, ITER Organization
Runaway electrons in tokamaks
S. Putvinski, ITER Organization
Energetic-particle-driven global instabilities in helical plasmas and comparison with tokamak plasmas
Kazuo Toi, National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)
Excitation of Alfvén modes by energetic particles in magnetic fusion
N.N. Gorelenkov, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Transport of fast particles in turbulent fields
M.J. Pueschel, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
Extension of conventional MHD equilibrium theory to model the fast particle effects
V.D. Pustovitov, Kurchatov Institute (Russia)
Computational kinetic MHD in 2D and 3D systems
Axel Könies, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Fast particle effects and microturbulence: stability, transport and size scaling
R. Ganesh, Institute for Plasma Research (India)
Characterization of energetic-particle-driven MHD modes by spectral analysis in Tore Supra and FTU tokamaks
Zwinglio Guimarães Filho, IIFS Université de Provence (France)
Nonlinear simulations of Alfvén eigenmodes destabilized by energetic particles
Y. Todo, National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)
Fifth ITER International Summer School (2011). Eds. Sadruddin Benkadda, Nicolas Dubuit, Zwinglio Guimaraes-Filho, AIP Conference Proceedings no. 1478, 2012. ISBN : 978-0-7354-1087-9
IIS 2010 organizers (Institute for Fusion Studies, The University of Texas at Austin)
Progress of the ITER Project
Gary Johnson, Deputy Director-General - Tokamak, ITER Organization
Physics of plasma control towards steady-state operation of ITER
M. Kikuchi, JAEA (Japan)
MHD and plasma control in ITER
Joseph Snipes, ITER Organization
Introduction to the science of control
M.L. Walker, General Atomics (US)
Plasma rotation in tokamaks
Chris Hegna, University of Wisconsin-Madison (US)
Control of non-axisymmetric magnetic fields in tokamaks
Allen Boozer, Columbia University (US)
High reliability operation and disruption control in tokamaks
David Humphreys, General Atomics (US)
Real time control of advanced scenarios for steady-state tokamak operation
Xavier Litaudon, CEA-IRFM (France)
Plasma current, position and shape control
G. de Tommasi, University of Naples (Italy)
Lessons from the RFP on magnetic feedback control of plasma stability
Piero Martin, Consorzio RFX (Italy)
Models for global plasma dynamics
F.L. Waelbroeck, University of Texas at Austin (US)
Fundamentals of magnetic island theory in tokamaks
Richard Fitzpatrick, University of Texas at Austin (US)
Predictive simulation of global instabilities in tokamaks
Stephen C. Jardin, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Introduction to NTMs and role of rotation
Abhijit Sen, Institute for Plasma Research (India)
Sawtooth control
J.P. Graves, Center for Research in Plasma Physics, EPFL (Switzerland)
Nonlinear consequences of energetic particle instabilities
Boris Breizman, University of Texas at Austin (US)
Effects of 3D magnetic field structure to MHD equilibrium and stability
Yasuhiro Suzuki, National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)
ELM control in tokamak plasmas
Yunfeng Liang, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany)
Error field tolerance and error field correction strategies for ITER
H. Reimerdes, Columbia University (US)
Fourth ITER International Summer School (2010). Special Issue Fusion Science and Technology vol. 59, no. 3, 2010
IIS 2009 organizers (Aix-Marseille University, France)
Plasma-wall interactions in tokamaks: when the fourth state of matter meets the other three
E. Tsitrone, CEA-IRFM (France)
Key plasma-wall interaction physics issues for ITER
Richard Pitts, ITER Organization
Design of ITER plasma-facing components
Mario Merola, ITER Organization
Power and particle exhaust in tokamaks
Wojtek Fundamenski, UKAEA/EFDA-JET
Physics of transient power loads on plasma-facing components in ITER
Alberto Loarte, ITER Organization
Fuel retention in ITER
Rion Causey, Sandia National Laboratories (US)
Tritium issues in plasma-wall interactions
T. Tanabe, Kyushu University (Japan)
Key issues relating to erosion, dust production and tritium retention in ITER
Philip Andrew, ITER Organization
General criteria and operation limits of a steady-state fusion reactor with respect to plasma-material interaction
D. Naujoks, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
The effect of neutron irradiation on candidate first wall and divertor materials
Lance L. Snead, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US)
Erosion processes due to energetic particle-surface interaction
Klaus Schmid, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Material transport in the frame of PSI
K. Krieger, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Erosion, contamination, and migration
Jim Strachan, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Benefits and challenges of the use of high-Z plasma-facing materials in fusion devices
Rudolf Neu, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Modeling and simulation on SOL-divertor plasmas
T. Takizuka, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Japan)
Modelling of divertor plasma transport in stochastic magnetic boundary
M. Kobayashi, National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)
Integrated numerical simulations and modelling of erosion and deposition on plasma-facing walls
Kaoru Ohya, University of Tokushima (Japan)
Plasma boundary diagnostics in ITER
C.S. Pitcher, ITER Organization
Liquid metal walls, lithium, and low recycling boundary conditions in tokamaks
Dick Majeski, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Material mixing of tungsten with low Z materials carbon and helium
Yoshio Ueda, Osaka University (Japan)
Mixed material plasma-material interactions for ITER: summary of PISCES group results
G.R. Tynan, University of California, San Diego (US)
Third ITER International Summer School (2009). Ed. Sadruddin Benkadda, AIP Conference Proceedings no. 1237, 2009. ISBN : 978-0-7354-0781-7
IIS 2008 organizers (Kyushu University, Japan)
Mission of ITER and challenges for the young
Kaname Ikeda, ITER Organization
The basis of ITER confinement
F. Wagner, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Introduction to the theory of confinement
X. Garbet, CEA (France)
Working for ITER
Sachiko Ishizaka, ITER Organization
Computational knowledge for toroidal confinement physics
C.S. Chang, Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology
Design studies and plasma confinement
T. Tsunematsu, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
ITER construction: plant system integration
Eisuke Tada, ITER Organization; S. Matsuda, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Tritium management in a fusion reactor
T. Tanabe, Kyushu University (Japan)
Tritium retention and removal in tokamaks
C.H. Skinner, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Experimental achievements on plasma confinement and turbulence
Akihide Fujisawa, National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)
Basic research of tritium confinement
D.J. Campbell, ITER Organization
Complementary studies of experiments
H. Yamada, National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)
Integrated modelling of burning plasmas
A. Fukuyama, Kyoto University (Japan)
Kimitaka Itoh, National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)
Second ITER International Summer School (2008). Eds. Sanae Itoh, Shigeru Inagaki, Masatoshi Yagi, AIP Conference Proceedings no. 1095, 2009. ISBN : 978-0-7354-0628-5
IIS 2007 organizers (Aix-Marseille University, France)
Introduction to ITER physics
David Campbell, ITER Organization
Drift-wave turbulence
W. Horton, University of Texas at Austin (US)
Turbulence in magnetised plasmas
B. Scott, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Nonlinear evolution of pressure-gradient-driven modes and anomalous transport in plasmas
Satoshi Hamaguchi, Osaka University (Japan)
Tearing modes and transport
R.B. White, Princeton University (US)
Dynamics of Transport Barriers and Shear Layer Evolution
P.H. Diamond, University of California San Diego (US)
Physics of zonal flows
K.Itoh, National Institute of Fusion Studies (Japan)
Review on MHD turbulence
S. Cowley, University of California San Diego (US)
Physics of and achievements with the H-mode
F. Wagner, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Signal processing techniques for characterizing nonlinear processes in turbulent plasmas
G. Bonhomme, Nancy University (France)
High energy particles in tokamaks
R.B. White, Princeton University (US)
Introduction to tokamak core turbulence
T.S. Hahm, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (US)
Edge localised modes: ELMs
JW Connor, Culham Science Centre (UK)
Nondiffusive turbulent transport in tokamaks
P. Kaw, Institute for Plasma Research (India)
An experimentalist's view of transport of plasma rotation in magnetically confined plasmas
Carlos Hidalgo, CIEMAT (Spain)
Computation of tokamak edge turbulence
B. Scott, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
Turbulent impurity transport in tokamaks
V. Naulin, Risø National Laboratory (Denmark)
Stochastic transport: basic physics for ITER
K. Spatschek, Dusseldorf University (Germany)
Kinetic simulations of turbulent fusion plasmas
Yasuhiro Idomura, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Turbulent transport in fusion plasmas: scaling laws, transport models and barriers
X. Garbet, CEA (France)
Electron thermal transport
W. Horton, University of Texas at Austin (US)
Turbulent transport momentum and spontaneous rotation
P.H. Diamond, University of California San Diego (US)
Non-diffusive transport in fusion plasmas: a fractional diffusion approach
D. Del Castillo Negrete, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US)
Edge turbulence tokamak plasma experiments: diagnostics and scaling laws
P. Hennequin, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS (France)
Physics of neoclassical tearing modes
Abhijit Sen, Institute for Plasma Research (India)
First ITER International Summer School (2007). Ed. Sadruddin Benkadda, AIP Conference Proceedings no. 1013, 2007. ISBN : 978-0-7354-0534-9