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  • 32nd Energetic Particle Physics TG Meeting
    30 Sept - 03 Oct, 2024
  • 33rd Transport & Confinement TG Meeting​
    30 Sept - 03 Oct, 2024
    Ibaraki, Japan
  • 46th Diagnostics TG Meeting
    30 Sept - 03 Oct, 2024
    IO, St Paul Lez Durance, France
  • 44th Pedestal & Edge Physics TG Meeting
    30 Sept - 03 Oct, 2024
    Naka, Ibaraki, Japan
  • 35th Scrape-Off-Layer & Divertor TG Meeting
    21 Oct - 24 Oct, 2024
    Prague, Czech Republic
  • 33rd Integrated Operation Scenarios TG Meeting
    28 Oct - 31 Oct, 2024
  • ​27th ITPA CC Meeting
    04 Dec - 06 Dec, 2024
    IO, St Paul Lez Durance, France
  • 15th CTP Ex Com Meeting
    06 Dec - 06 Dec, 2024
    IO, St Paul Lez Durance, France
Veuillez nous excuser, mais cette page n'est pas encore disponible en Français.


The Diagnostics Topical Group aims to identify and resolve the key diagnostic issues that might arise both in plasma control and in the analysis of ITER plasmas and in the reactor grade (high fusion gain) plasmas that will follow ITER (e.g. DEMO).


The main tasks undertaken by the Diagnostics Topical Group will be to:

  • Identify, in close contact with the other Topical Groups and the ITER Organization, specific measurement requirements for machine protection,control, evaluation and understanding of burning plasma experiments in ITER
  • Identify research and development needs in ITER diagnostics and in the reactor grade (high fusion gain) plasmas that will follow ITER
  • Support the execution of research aimed at meeting those needs wherever possible
  • Advise the ITER Organization on the selection and design of diagnostic techniques for ITER
  • Participate in the assessment and review of system designs as requested by the ITER Organization
  • Develop and maintain the International Diagnostics Database (IDD)
  • Facilitate good communication within the area of ITER diagnostics and more generally in the development of diagnostics for reactor grade plasmas between scientists in the ITPA Parties
  • Anticipate future diagnostic programmes relevant to ITER and reactor grade plasmas and innovations, and advise what steps could be taken so that the diagnostic designs do not preclude these opportunities
  • Propose design and testing of new concept diagnostic systems and components for possible application on ITER and reactor grade devices that will follow ITER
  • Establish and manage Specialists Working Groups which work mainly in the electronic domain on the topics of the Diagnostics Topical Group
  • Report on all activities to the ITPA Coordinating Committee as required


Howard John
Michael Clive


Chen Jie
Fan Tieshuan
Haiqing Liu (Dep. Chair)
Hu Liqun
Yang Qingwei (Contact)
Zhong Guangwu


Duran Ivan
Ford Oliver (Stell. Rep)
Huber Alexander
Ingesson Christian
Marot Laurent
Mazon Didier
Rebai Marica
Scholz Marek (Contact)
Zoletnik Sandor (Chair)


Pathak Surya K (Contact)
Ramasubramanian Mani
Tahiliani Kumudni
Vyas Gheesa


Ejiri Akira
Ishikawa Masao (Contact)
Isobe Mitsutaka
Peterson Byron Jay
Sano Ryuichi
Tokuzawa Tokihiko
Yatsuka Eiichi


Ghim Young-chul
Lee Hyeon Gon
Lee Kwan chul
Lee Sang-Gon
Nam Yongun (Contact)
Park Hyeon


Kashchuk Yuri
Krasilnikov Anatoli
Petrov Mikhail
Vukolov Konstantin (Contact)
Zvonkov Alexander


Austin Max
Boivin Rejean (Contact)
Brower David
Delgado-aparicio Luis
Klepper Chris


Tieulent Raphael
Vayakis George (ITER Dep. Chair)
  • Abhangi Mitul R (IN)
  • Afanasyev Valery (RF)
  • Alekseev Andrey (RF)
  • Arikawa Yasunobu (JA)
  • Ashikawa Naoko (JA)
  • Babinov Nikita (RF)
  • Behn Roland (EU)
  • Biewer Ted M (US)
  • Bilkova Petra (EU)
  • Boboc Alexandru (EU)
  • Cai Laizhong (CN)
  • Cavalier Jordan (EU)
  • Chattopadhyay Prabal Kumar (IN)
  • Conway Garrard David (EU)
  • Daniel Raju (IN)
  • Denk Severin (US)
  • Devynck Pascal (EU)
  • Dinklage Andreas (EU)
  • Dunai Daniel (EU)
  • Dunai Daniel (EU)
  • Esposito Basilio (EU)
  • Figueiredo Joao (EU)
  • Fujii Keisuke (US)
  • García-Muñoz Manuel (EU)
  • Gorshkov Alexey (RF)
  • Hawkes Nick (EU)
  • Hodgson Eric (EU)
  • Huang Yuan (CN)
  • Irby James (US)
  • Johnson David (US)
  • Khirwadkar Samir (IN)
  • Klyuchnikov Leonid (RF)
  • Kobayashi Shinji (JA)
  • Kochergin Mikhail (RF)
  • Kubo Shin (JA)
  • Kulkarni Sanjay (IN)
  • Kusama Yoshinori (JA)
  • Lee Heon-ju (KO)
  • Ling Bili (CN)
  • Lyu Bo (CN)
  • Maingi Rajesh (US)
  • Manchanda Ranjana (IN)
  • Medvedeva Anna (IO)
  • Meister Hans (EU)
  • Mertens Philippe (EU)
  • Minami Takashi (JA)
  • Nakano Tomohide (JA)
  • Nemtsev Grigory (RF)
  • Nikolaeva Valentina (IO)
  • Nocente Massimo (EU)
  • Ogawa Hiroaki (JA)
  • Okamoto Atsushi (JA)
  • Pandya Shwetang (IN)
  • Paulo Tribolet De Abreu (IO)
  • Petrov Vladimir G (RF)
  • Pokol Gergő (EU)
  • Prokopowicz Rafal (EU)
  • Rudakov Dmitry (US)
  • Savrukhin Petr (RF)
  • Scannell Rory (EU)
  • Schlossberg David (US)
  • Schmuck Stefan (EU)
  • Schneider Mireille (IO)
  • Seo Seong-Heon (KO)
  • Serov Vadim (RF)
  • Shi Yuejiang (CN)
  • Shigin Pavel (IO)
  • Snipes Joseph (US)
  • Sudhirsinh Vala (IN)
  • Suzuki Satoshi (JA)
  • Tobias Benjamin (US)
  • Tojo Hiroshi (JA)
  • Tomashuk Alexander (RF)
  • Tomita Hideki (JA)
  • Valisa Marco (EU)
  • Von Hellermann Manfred (IO)
  • Walsh Michael (IO)
  • Xie Jinlin (CN)
  • Yamamoto Tsuyoshi (JA)
  • Yan Rong (CN)
  • Zhong Guoqiang (CN)
  • Akiyama Tsuyoshi (US)
  • Atrey Praveen Kumar (IN)
  • Bertalot Luciano (IO)
  • Bianchetti Morales Rennan (EU)
  • Biel Wolfgang (EU)
  • Bock Alexander (EU)
  • Bonofiglo Phil (US)
  • Bykov Igor (US)
  • Carlstrom Tom (US)
  • Chen Junlin (CN)
  • Conway Neil (EU)
  • Danani Suman (IN)
  • Di Maio Gianni (EU)
  • Domier Calvin (US)
  • Duan Yanmin (CN)
  • Estrada Teresa (EU)
  • Fiore Salvatore (EU)
  • Gauthier Eric (EU)
  • Ghani Zamir (EU)
  • Giannone Louis (EU)
  • Gott Yuri (RF)
  • Goussarov Andrei (EU)
  • Haskey Shaun (US)
  • Hatae Takaki (JA)
  • Hennequin Pascale (EU)
  • Hill Kenneth (US)
  • Hong Suk Ho (KO)
  • Houshmandyar Saeid (US)
  • Hughes Jerry (US)
  • Isayama Akihiko (JA)
  • Jardin Axel (EU)
  • Kajita Shin (JA)
  • Kaur Rajwinder (IN)
  • Kim Junghee (KO)
  • Kiptily Vasili (EU)
  • Koenig Ralf (EU)
  • Kormilitsyn Timofey (RF)
  • Krychowiak Maciej (EU)
  • Kumar Aveg (IN)
  • Kurskiev Gleb (RF)
  • Lasnier Charles (US)
  • Li Yingying (CN)
  • Lisitsa Valeriy (RF)
  • Mase Atsushi (JA)
  • Menon Vinay (IN)
  • Moser Lucas (IO)
  • Mukai Kiyofumi (JA)
  • Mukhin Eugene (RF)
  • Nishitani Takeo (JA)
  • Nojiri Kunpei (JA)
  • Orlovskiy Ilya (RF)
  • Pandya Santosh (IN)
  • Pasqualotto Roberto (EU)
  • Penzel Florian (IO)
  • Pinches Simon (IO)
  • Popov Anotoli (EU)
  • Puthanveetil Subhash (IN)
  • Ramaiya Nilam k. (IN)
  • Rice John (US)
  • Sabot Roland (EU)
  • Salewski Mirko (EU)
  • Semenov Igor (RF)
  • Seo Dongcheol (KO)
  • Shi Zhongbin (CN)
  • Shinohara Kouji (JA)
  • Stutman Dan (US)
  • Suzuki Takahiro (JA)
  • Tardocchi Marco (EU)
  • Tolstyakov Sergey (RF)
  • Varela Paulo (EU)
  • Varshney Sanjeev (IN)
  • Vecsei Miklos (EU)
  • Viezzer Eleonora (EU)
  • Vila Rafael (EU)
  • Vyacheslavov Leonid (RF)
  • Whyte Dennis (US)
  • Yoshikawa Masayuki (JA)
  • Yu Deliang (CN)
  • Zhang Ling (CN)
  • Zhou Yan (CN)
  • Zhou Ruijie (CN)
  • Allen Steve (US)
  • An Young-Hwa (KO)
  • Baldzuhn Juergen (EU)
  • Bertschinger Guenter (EU)
  • Brezinsek Sebastijan (EU)
  • Brooks Jeffrey (EU)
  • Bultel Arnaud (EU)
  • Carr Matthew (EU)
  • Cecconello Marco (EU)
  • Cecil Ed (US)
  • Cheng Zhifeng (IO)
  • Cheon Mun Seong (KO)
  • Chowdhuri Malay Bikas (IN)
  • Costley Alan (IO)
  • De baar Marco (EU)
  • De Bock Maarten (IO)
  • Donne Tony (EU)
  • Fischer Rainer (EU)
  • Fukumoto Masakatsu (JA)
  • Ghosh Joydeep (IN)
  • Gorbunov Alexey (RF)
  • Grashin Sergey (RF)
  • Hanson Gregory (US)
  • Horvath Akos (EU)
  • Houry Michael (EU)
  • Ida Katsumi (JA)
  • Jaspers Roger (EU)
  • Juhn June-woo (KO)
  • Jun Xiao (CN)
  • Kamiya Kensaku (JA)
  • Kim Boseong (KO)
  • Ko Won Ha (KO)
  • Ko Jinseok (KO)
  • Kocan Martin (IO)
  • Kogi Yuichiro (JA)
  • Kornev Alexei (RF)
  • Kubo Hirotaka (JA)
  • Kumar Ajai (IN)
  • Kumar Ravinder (IN)
  • Lee Jong Ha (KO)
  • Litnovsky Andrey (EU)
  • Mahajan Kirti (IN)
  • Masuzaki Suguru (JA)
  • Morales Jorge (EU)
  • Morita Shigeru (JA)
  • Muraro Andrea (EU)
  • Nakanishi Hideya (JA)
  • Nemets Anton (RF)
  • Nishiura Masaki (JA)
  • Orsitto Francesco (EU)
  • Pandya Hitesh (IN)
  • Peebles Tony (US)
  • Pitcher Spencer (IO)
  • Purohit Shishir (IN)
  • Razdobarin Alexey (RF)
  • Reichle Roger (IO)
  • Sasao Mamiko (JA)
  • Shailja Tiwari (IN)
  • Shevelev Alexander (RF)
  • Shikama Tatsuo (JA)
  • Shyam Anurag (IN)
  • Sieglin Bernhard (EU)
  • Sirinelli Antoine (IO)
  • Stratton Brentley (US)
  • Szepesi Tamas (EU)
  • Terry Jim (US)
  • Thomas Jinto (IN)
  • Udintsev Victor (IO)
  • Ushiki Tomohiko (JA)
  • Valluvadasan Sivakumaran (IN)
  • Vershkov Vladimir (RF)
  • Vivaldi Franco (EU)
  • Watts Christopher (IO)
  • Wu Zhenwei (CN)
  • Yasuhara Ryo (JA)
  • Yuan Guoliang (CN)
  • Yun Gunsu (KO)
  • Zabeo Luca (IO)
  • Zang Qing (CN)
  • Zerbini Marco (EU)
  • Zou Yaming (CN)
  • Andrew Philip (IO)
  • Aumeunier Marie-Hélène (EU)
  • Banerjee Santanu (US)
  • Barnsley Robin (IO)
  • Bharathi Punyatu (IN)
  • Blacksell Michael (AU)
  • Blanchard Patrick (EU)
  • Brichard Benoit (EU)
  • Cappelli Mauro Mauro (EU)
  • Chang Jiafeng (CN)
  • Chung Jin-Il (KO)
  • Conroy Sean (EU)
  • Coriton Bruno (IO)
  • Delabie Ephrem (EU)
  • Den Hartog Daniel (US)
  • Dmitriev Artem (RF)
  • Eriksson Lars-Goran (EU)
  • Gao Wei (CN)
  • Gierse Niels (EU)
  • Gorini Giuseppe (EU)
  • Grisolia Christian (EU)
  • Gusarov Andrei (EU)
  • Hu Jianshen (CN)
  • Iguchi Tetsuo (JA)
  • Imazawa Ryota (JA)
  • Jachmich Stefan (EU)
  • Joanny Maryline (EU)
  • Kado Shinichiro (JA)
  • Kawano Yasunori (JA)
  • Kempenaars Mark (IO)
  • Klassen Nikolay (RF)
  • Korsholm Soeren (EU)
  • Kukushkin Alexander (RF)
  • Kumar Vinay (IN)
  • Lee Woochang (KO)
  • Lin Shiyao (CN)
  • Liu Yong (IO)
  • Lizunov Andrej (RF)
  • Manso Maria Emilia (EU)
  • Martinov Sven (EU)
  • Mclean Adam (US)
  • Medvedev Alexander (RF)
  • Morono Alejandro (EU)
  • Murari Andrea (EU)
  • Neverov Vladislav (RF)
  • Nornberg Mark (US)
  • Ochiai Kentaro (JA)
  • Ogawa Kunihiro (JA)
  • Oh Soo-ghee (KO)
  • O'Mullane Martin (EU)
  • Palle Prahlad Vatti (IN)
  • Petrov Alexey (RF)
  • Praveenlal E. V. (IN)
  • Prunty Sean (EU)
  • Puglia Paulo (EU)
  • Raole Prakash (IN)
  • Rigamonti Davide (EU)
  • Rogov Alexandre (RF)
  • Rubel Marek (EU)
  • Scime Earl (US)
  • Seon Changrae (KO)
  • Serov Stanislav (IO)
  • Sharma Rajiv (IN)
  • Shelukhin Dmitry (RF)
  • Shen Biao (CN)
  • Shohji Mamoru (JA)
  • Smith Roger (US)
  • Sugie Tatsuo (JA)
  • Takada Eiji (JA)
  • Thomas Dan (US)
  • Tomes Matej (EU)
  • Tugarinov Sergey (RF)
  • Verdoolaege Geert (EU)
  • Veshchev Evgeny (IO)
  • Vorpahl Christian (EU)
  • Wang Tianbo (CN)
  • Winter Axel (EU)
  • Wurden Glen (US)
  • Xu Liqing (CN)
  • Zhao Junyu (CN)