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On their way to international citizenship

With the opening of the kindergarten facility and its dedicated playground, the installation of the elementary school is now complete.

There was a "back to school" feeling in the air last Monday at the Manosque International School, as 63 kindergarten children and 15 teachers moved from temporary premises into their brand new classrooms.

"Today is a very important date in our development," said Director Jean-Paul Clément. Construction of the Manosque International School began in the summer of 2008 and the first section of the buildings was inaugurated on 14 September of the following year.

Building "a new concept of international citizenship" begins in kindergarten.

With the opening of the kindergarten facility and its dedicated playground, the installation of the elementary school is now complete. Junior and high school students ("collège" and "lycée")—presently hosted at the nearby Lycée des Iscles—will move this September.

By then, the school's entire campus, including a cultural centre and a sports centre, will be fully operational. While pursuing its educational mission, the Manosque International School will contribute to building, in Director Clément's words, "a new concept of international citizenship."

United Colours of the École Internationale ...