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Site lay-out

Jean Pavageau, Responsible Officer for the site layout and infrastructures.

The plans indicate what the ITER site is ultimately going to look like. But for the moment it is still barren land with only a couple of mud trails and plenty of trucks and tractors.

Difficult to imagine what is going to emerge out of the ground and where, how many kilometres of roads are going to be needed, where the fences are going to be and so on... To get an idea of the infrastructure that is going to be required one needs a fairly detailed plan of the buildings and systems, which is why a pre-design architectural and engineering tender has been launched. Four companies have been asked to submit proposals, the contract will be signed in April.

Jean Pavageau will be in interface between the contractor and the different ITER departments. He joined ITER at the beginning of January this year as Responsible Officer for the site lay-out and infrastructures, within the Civil Construction and Site Support Office. Before joining ITER he had worked for the CEA for 11 year. His role within the ITER project will be to work with the technical departments to understand their needs, constraints and prerequisites and to coordinate this with the contractor. "Building a project this vast and complex from scratch will be a real challenge, says Jean, and collaboration and coordination between all the players is going to be the key if we want to get it right."

In the meantime, formalities for the building permit are well on their way. At the end of January, another 10 kilos worth of additional documentation to support the building permit request, which had initially been submitted at the end of September 2007, have been delivered to the Mayor of St Paul-les-Durance. During the three months instruction period that will now follow, the different technical services of the French Administration will review thoroughly the documents. If all goes as planned, the building permit will be delivered at the end of April. but that is not the end of the story...During the next two months, any third party can file an appeal against the permit. A court will then decide whether or not this is well-founded. But unless that happens, another important milestone will be reached early July when the Building Permit will officially be approved.