Sino-German workshop on plasma-wall interaction
26 Nov 2012
Shaohua DONG, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Scientists and students from China and Germany gathered in Dalian City, China, for the third Sino-German workshop on Plasma-Wall Interactions (PWI). The workshop will be held every other year from 2013.
From November 6-9, scientists and students from China and Germany gathered in Dalian City, China for the third Sino-German workshop on Plasma-Wall Interactions (PWI), co-organized by Luo Guangnan, ASIPP, and Karl Krieger, IPP. Participants introduced their plasma wall interactions research programs, shared research results, and discussed bilateral cooperation projects.
After the welcome warmly extended by Zhao Miaogen, deputy director on the German end of the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion, the Director of China's Institute for Plasma Physics (ASIPP) Li Jiangang gave a talk on recent experimental progress in the EAST Tokamak.
Discussions were then devoted to talks on six topics: sputtering, erosion and deposition; fuel retention and wall conditioning; particle and energy control; PWI and wall surface diagnostics; SOL transport and simulation; and plasma-facing materials and components. On the last day, the participants visited the laboratories of Dalian University.
Although the workshop has been held annually since 2009, rotating between China and Germany, scientists from both sides have decided that the workshop be held every other year from next 2013. "This will not diminish research cooperation and personal exchanges, however," stressed Luo Guangnan. "We will see more intensive exchanges in the next three or four years with financial support from the Sino-German Center."
This past September, the Center approved four joint Sino-German research projects in the field of plasma-wall interactions, providing approximately Yuan 4 million (EUR 495,000) to this three-year bilateral cooperation.
The Sino-German Center for Research Promotion was founded as a joint venture supported by Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Its aim is to promote scientific cooperation between Germany and China in the fields of natural sciences, life sciences, management and engineering. This is the third consecutive PWI workshop sponsored by the Center.