Live webcam installed on site
25 Feb 2011
Krista Dulon
This week, Topher White, ITER webmaster, installed the first of a series of live webcams planned for the worksite.
Since the beginning of construction works last August, the ITER platform has undergone significant transformation. The 120x90 Tokamak Pit has been excavated down to 17 metres; the foundations for the wing-shaped Headquarters Building are clearly demarcated; and at the Poloidal Field Coils Winding facility—following the pouring of the 12,000 square-metre concrete floor slab—pillars as well as part of the roofing beams have been put into place.
Now, there is a way to follow the exciting developments on the ITER site from the comfort of your own living room.
This week, Topher White, ITER webmaster, installed the first of a series of live webcams planned for the worksite.
The webcam sits atop the Visitors' Centre and focuses across the ITER platform on activity at the impressive 252-metre-long Poloidal Field Coils Winding Facility, the first structure to go up out of 30.
"A lot of exciting developments will be happening here in Cadarache over the months to come," says Topher. "The webcam will make ITER site progress accessible to viewers all around the world, as well as the hundreds of people in the ITER offices."
A permanent link to the webcam will be incorporated into the Home page of the website in the coming days.
_Po_all-stream-b08live*640*hard_PoX_Click here to see the live ITER broadcast of the PF Coil Winding Facility (accessible during daylight hours only)._Px_